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A partial length cDNA coding for the putative PAH-inducible phenol-conjugating UDP-glucururonosyltransferases (UGT) isoform of plaice was used to isolate overlapping clones from a plaice genomic library. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of a complete gene spanning 4.1 kb for a plaice UGT which showed a strong conservation in exon structure, amino acid character and amino acid sequence with mammalian UGT1 family genes, although additional alternative upstream exon 1s were not identified in the present study. Southern blot analysis revealed a low copy number for the gene and some degree of structural polymorphism in gene structure between individuals. This was also reflected in the finding that there were significant variations between the nucleotide sequences of the plaice gene and the cDNA previously isolated from a different individual fish. Future studies will investigate the possibility that there may be phenotypic variations which could lead to alterations in susceptibility to pollutant toxicity.  相似文献   

Species distribution maps are needed for ecosystem-based marine management including the development of marine spatial plans. If such maps are based on predictive models then modelling procedures should aim to maximise validation success, and any uncertainty in the predictions needs to be made explicit. We developed a predictive modelling approach to produce robust maps of the distributions of selected marine species at a regional scale. We used 14 years of survey data to map the distributions of plaice, sole and thornback ray in three hydrographic regions comprising parts of the Irish Sea, Celtic Sea and the English Channel with the help of the hybrid technique regression kriging, which combines regression models with geostatistical tools. For each species–region combination we constructed logistic Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) based on presence–absence data using the environmental variables: depth, bottom temperature, bed shear stress and sediment type, as predictors. We selected GLMs using the mean squared error of prediction (MSEP) estimated by cross-validation then conducted a geostatistical analysis of the residuals to incorporate spatial structure in the predictions. In general, we found that species occurrence was positively related to shallow areas, a bed shear stress of between 0 and 1.5 N/m2, and the presence of sandy sediment. Predicted species occurrence probabilities were in good agreement with survey observations. This modelling framework selects environmental models based on predictive ability and considers the effect of spatial autocorrelation on predictions, together with the simultaneous presentation of observations, associated uncertainties, and predictions. The potential benefit of these distribution maps to marine management and planning is discussed.  相似文献   

Midsummer (1 August) population estimates of about 2 million O-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) were derived for sandy bays around the Firth of Forth in 1979–1980. This is an order of magnitude less than similar estimates made for the Clyde Sea Area in 1973–1974. Autumn population estimates of 0·4–1·0 million fish were comparable to estimates by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the area between the Scottish border and Flamborough Head (2·3 million for 1970 and 1973) which represented 4·8% (1973) to 5·3% (1970) of the total number of O-group fish on the English east coast.Largo Bay was the most important nursery area holding 25% of the total population. It is particularly well situated to receive newly metamorphosed plaice carried in water currents along the north side of the Forth from the spawning ground off Fife Ness. Plaice in the Forth are mainly distributed on fine to medium sandy beaches (186–480 μm), the mean number per haul in midsummer (D) being correlated with the median diameter (m.d. in μm) of the low water sediments by the equation: D=−45·7666+0·2327 m.d. (n=11,r=0·68,P<0·02 but>0·01).The shallow inshore water in sandy bays in the outer Firth was well mixed and more marine than estuarine (27·7–35·0‰). The correlation coefficient between fish density and water temperature was low, while that with salinity (S‰) was: D=6·1618+0·2238S (n=23,r=0·62,P<0·005).Regression analysis demonstrated that the relationship between the instantaneous mortality rate (Z) and the initial population density (Dp) was: Z×100=0·7480+0·0546dp (n=12,r=0·87,P<0·001).The mean mortality rate for the O-group plaice in the Forth nursery areas was 53% month−1.  相似文献   

Previous population estimates of the 0+ plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the Firth of Forth, east central Scotland, did not take account of the Forth estuary west of the Forth bridges. Previous work found plaice in the estuary grew as fast as, or faster than, the outer firth plaice. It was hypothesised that salinity may affect growth rates of early 0+ plaice. This hypothesis was tested in a laboratory experiment, by exposing juvenile plaice to three different, but naturally — experienced by the juveniles, salinities; 25, 30 and 35. Plaice fed a minimum ration did not grow in length. Mean weight decreased at all three salinities, however, the lowest weight loss was found at the lowest salinity (25) and the highest weight loss was found at the highest salinity (35). The minimum feeding ration was halted and plaice were then fed ad libitum. Consumption rates were not significantly different during the ad libitum feeding, while significant differences in mean weight change were found between the highest and lowest salinities.  相似文献   

Following the Amoco Cadiz crude oil spill in March 1978, marine animals in coastal and estuarine environments along the north shore of Brittany, France became heavily contaminated with crude oil. The resident benthic fauna in the oil-impacted area which survived the spill were severely stressed by the pollution. The objectives of our investigation were to document long-term trends in petroleum hydrocarbon contamination and sublethal stress in oysters and plaice from the estuaries, Aber Benoit and Aber Wrac'h. Oysters in the estuaries accumulated aliphatic and aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons to high levels and remained heavily contaminated for the duration of the 27 month investigation. Plaice, on the other hand, retained only low concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in muscle and liver tissue. Nevertheless, the oysters exhibited very few histopathologic and biochemical responses to the oil, whereas the plaice from the estuaries exhibited a variety of sublethal histopathologic and biochemical alterations.  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) was used to generate cDNA libraries representing genes differentially expressed in response to ethynyl oestradiol (EE2) exposure in liver from male plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) previously analysed for vitellogenin (VTG) induction. Characterisation of the cDNA clones identified many as VTG (2 genes) and zona radiata proteins (ZRP) (3 genes), but 40 encoded other proteins, with more than half cryptic. Further analysis identified 85 non-redundant clones suitable for array on nylon membrane. Radiolabelled cDNAs were prepared from hepatic mRNA from EE2 treated plaice (0 and 21 days) and hybridised with the arrayed clones. Analysis of the data showed that 11/17 novel, 21/22 VTG, 13/14 ZRP, 2/2 liver aspartic proteinase (LAP) and 8/10 other mRNAs were up-regulated by EE2 exposure.  相似文献   

研究了实验室条件下原油水溶性组分(WSF)暴露对黑鲷、黄鳍鲷和褐菖鲉肝微粒体EROD活性的剂量-效应,时间-效应和恢复过程。实验结果表明,在剂量诱导实验中,褐菖鲉肝EROD活性在原油WSF浓度为50μg/dm3时呈现生物统计学上的显著差异,而黑鲷和黄鳍鲷肝EROD活性在75μg/dm3时才呈现生物统计学上的显著差异;褐菖鲉肝EROD活性诱导倍数最高,但黑鲷的诱导浓度范围较广。在时间诱导实验中,在40μg/dm3原油WSF暴露下黄鳍鲷肝EROD活性在2 d时首先呈现显著差异;三种鱼肝EROD活性均在第4天达到最高,并呈现显著性变化,此后随着暴露时间的延长而逐渐下降并接近对照组水平。在恢复实验中三种鱼肝EROD活性下降并恢复到对照组水平。研究结果表明:对于石油污染物,黑鲷、黄鳍鲷和褐菖鲉肝EROD活性都可以作为污染生化效应监测指标,然而就三种鱼类比较而言,褐菖鲉最敏感,更适合于作为石油类污染及其生化效应,尤其是低剂量效应的监测生物。  相似文献   

研究了实验室条件下原油水溶性组分(WSF)暴露对黑鲷、黄鳍鲷和褐菖鲉肝微粒体EROD活性的剂量-效应,时间-效应和恢复过程。实验结果表明,在剂量诱导实验中,褐菖鲉肝EROD活性在原油WSF浓度为50 μg/dm3时呈现生物统计学上的显著差异,而黑鲷和黄鳍鲷肝EROD活性在75 μg/dm3时才呈现生物统计学上的显著差异;褐菖鲉肝EROD活性诱导倍数最高,但黑鲷的诱导浓度范围较广。在时间诱导实验中, 在40 μg/dm3原油WSF暴露下黄鳍鲷肝EROD活性在2 d时首先呈现显著差异; 三种鱼肝EROD活性均在第4天达到最高,并呈现显著性变化,此后随着暴露时间的延长而逐渐下降并接近对照组水平。在恢复实验中三种鱼肝EROD活性下降并恢复到对照组水平。研究结果表明:对于石油污染物,黑鲷、黄鳍鲷和褐菖鲉肝EROD活性都可以作为污染生化效应监测指标,然而就三种鱼类比较而言,褐菖鲉最敏感,更适合于作为石油类污染及其生化效应,尤其是低剂量效应的监测生物。  相似文献   

The food consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of a species marine pelagic andsmall size fish, Hyporhamphus sajori, were determined by using in situ stomach content method presented by Eggers. The results showed that: (1) the fish was taken in food all day, so empty-stomach rate was very low, taking up about 4.5% of the total determined fish number. However, the fish still has significant daily feeding rhythm. A feeding peak was found 0:00 o'clock at night, but feeding level was always high in the daytime; (2) relationship between instantaneous food content in stomach and corresponding time could be described as S_t = a ·e ~(-b ·t). There was not significant difference of instantaneous gastric evacuation rate between two determinations, with average value being 0.13 × 10~(-2)g/ (g·d) (wet weight); (3) the daily food consumption tended to change in irregular waving form, with average value being (10.16×l0~(-2)±1.19×l0~(-2) g/ (g·d) (wet weight) or (55.56 × 10~(-2) ±6.51 × 10~(-2) kJ/  相似文献   

We have cloned the proto-oncogene c-fos from a self-fertilizing fish Rivulus marmoratus (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae) after screening of R. marmoratus λGEM-11 genomic DNA library, and sequenced over 12 kb including all exons, introns and the promoter region. The R. marmoratus c-fos gene consisted of one noncoding exon and four exons with high similarity to those of fugu and mammals. We sequenced ≈7 kb of the R. marmoratus c-fos gene promoter region to gain a better understanding of the molecular anatomy of the immediate response of this gene upon cellular damage. In the promoter region, R. marmoratus c-fos gene has seven xenobiotic response elements (XREs) and eight metal response elements (MREs) as well as two estradiol (E2), 4 NFκB, 2 CarG, 2 prolactin (PRL) motifs and one pit1 site, while the 3-UTR of this gene contains the estrogen response element (ERE). The seven XRE and eight MRE motifs raise the possibility of its regulation by exposure to environmental pollutants. In this paper, we discuss the gene structure of R. marmoratus c-fos gene and compare its promoter region with those of other organisms' c-fos genes. We propose its potential use in ecotoxicology.  相似文献   

The metabolism at specific sites on carcinogenic hydrocarbons such as benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is responsible for activation to the ultimate mutagens and carcinogens, and patterns of metabolism can thus influence the biological effect of such compounds. Marine fish are known to efficiently metabolize BP at the benzo-ring, forming high percentages of the 9,10-dihydrodiol (DHD) and 7,8-DHD, the latter including the penultimate carcinogen.1,2 Hydrocarbon-induced cytochrome P-450 in fish is responsible for initiating metabolism on the benzo-ring, but epoxide hydrolase (EH) activity is required for DHD formation.3,4 Both factors could influence formation of the DHD leading to the ultimate carcinogenic diol-epoxide. In the present study, patterns of BP metabolism were evaluated in a number of individual scup Stenotomus chrysops sampled from local Woods Hole waters, and a correlation is described between variation in the DHD formation and EH activity in these feral fish.  相似文献   

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