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A detailed dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves generated by local earthquakes and occasionally by blasts that occurred in southern Spain, was undertaken to obtain the shear-wave velocity structure of the region at shallow depth. Our database includes seismograms generated by 35 seismic events that were recorded by 15 single-component short-period stations from 1990 to 1995. All these events have focal depths less than 10 km and body-wave magnitudes between 3.0 and 4.0, and they were all recorded at distances between 40 and 300 km from the epicentre. We analysed a total of 90 source-station Rayleigh-wave paths. The collected data were processed by standard digital filtering techniques to obtain Rayleigh-wave group-velocity dispersion measurements. The path-averaged group velocities vary from 1.12 to 2.25 km/s within the 1.0-6.0 s period interval. Then, using a stochastic inversion approach we obtained 1-D shear-wave velocity–depth models across the study area, which were resolved to a depth of circa 5 km. The inverted shear-wave velocities range approximately between 1.0 and 3.8 km/s with a standard deviation range of 0.05–0.16 km/s, and show significant variations from region to region. These results were combined to produce 3-D images via volumetric modelling and data visualization. We present images that show different shear velocity patterns for the Betic Cordillera. Looking at the velocity distribution at various depths and at vertical sections, we discuss of the study area in terms of subsurface structure and S-wave velocity distribution (low velocity channels, basement depth, etc.) at very shallow depths (0–5 km). Our results characterize the region sufficiently and lead to a correlation of shear-wave velocity with the different geological units features.  相似文献   

Group velocities of Rayleigh and Love waves along the paths across the Black Sea and partly Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula are used to estimate lateral variations of the crustal structure in the region. As a first step, lateral variations of group velocities for periods in the range 10–20 s are determined using a 2D tomography method. Since the paths are oriented predominantly in NE–SW or N–S direction, the resolution is estimated as a function of azimuth. The local dispersion curves are actually averaged over the extended areas stretched in the predominant direction of the paths. The size of the averaging area in the direction of the best resolution is approximately 200 km. As a second step, the local averaged dispersion curves are inverted to vertical sections of S-wave velocities. Since the dispersion curves in the 10–20 s period range are mostly affected by the upper crustal structure, the velocities are estimated to a depth of approximately 25 km. Velocity sections along 43° N latitude are determined separately from Rayleigh and Love wave data. It is shown that the crust under the sea contains a low-velocity sedimentary layer of 2–3 km thickness, localized in the eastern and western deeps, as found earlier from DSS data. Beneath the sedimentary layer, two layers are present with velocity values lying between those of granite and consolidated sediments. Velocities in these layers are slightly lower in the deeps, and the boundaries of the layers are lowered. S-wave velocities obtained from Love wave data are found to be larger than those from Rayleigh wave data, the difference being most pronounced in the basaltic layer. If this difference is attributed to anisotropy, the anisotropy coefficient = (SH - SV)/Smean is reasonable (2–3%) in the upper layers, and exceeds 9% in the basaltic layer.  相似文献   

Using short-period (1–18 s) surface wave data recorded by 23 stations of the Yunnan Digital Seismic Network of China we determined phase velocities of the fundamental Rayleigh wave along 209 paths by the two-station narrowband filtering and cross-correlation method, followed by an inversion for phase velocity distributions at various periods using the Ditmar-Yanovskaya method. We then obtained a 3-D S-wave velocity structure of the middle and upper crust in the Yunnan region using the genetic algorithm. The results show strong lateral variation of phase velocity in the region. The short-period phase velocity variation is closely related to thickness variation of sedimentary layer in the shallow crust. Within the depth range of 26–30 km, the S-wave velocity in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block is lower than in the surrounding areas. Most large earthquakes of M > 6.0 in Yunnan occurred in the transition zones between low and high velocities.  相似文献   

—Observed velocities and attenuation of fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves in the period range 7–82 sec were inverted for shear-wave velocity and shear-wave Q structure in the Middle East using a two-station method. Additional information on Q structure variation within each region was obtained by studying amplitude spectra of fundamental-mode and higher-mode Rayleigh waves. We obtained models for the Turkish and Iranian Plateaus (Region 1), areas surrounding and including the Black and Caspian Seas (Region 2), and the Arabian Peninsula (Region 3). The effect of continent-ocean boundaries and mixed paths in Region 2 may lead to unrealistic features in the models obtained there. At lower crustal and upper-mantle depths, shear velocities are similar in all three regions. Shear velocities vary significantly in the uppermost 10 km of the crust, being 3.21, 2.85, and 3.39 km/s for Regions 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Q models obtained from an inversion of interstation attenuation data show that crustal shear-wave Q is highest in Region 3 and lowest in Region 1. Q’s for the upper 10 km of the crust are 63, 71, and 201 for Regions 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Crustal Q’s at 30 km depth for the three regions are about 51, 71, and 134. The lower crustal Q values contrast sharply with results from stable continental regions where shear-wave Q may reach one thousand or more. These low values may indicate that fluids reside in faults, cracks, and permeable rock at lower crustal, as well as upper crustal depths due to convergence and intense deformation at all depths in the Middle Eastern crust.  相似文献   

A set of two hundred shear-wave velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle in southeast Europe is determined by application of a sequence of methods for surface-waves analysis. Group velocities for about 350 paths have been obtained after analysis of more than 600 broadband waveform records. Two-dimensional surface-wave tomography is applied to the group-velocity measurements at selected periods and after regionalisation, two sets of local dispersion curves (for Rayleigh and Love waves) are constructed in the period range 8–40 s. The shear-wave velocity models are derived by applying non-linear iterative inversion of local dispersion curves for grid cells predetermined by the resolving power of data. The period range of observations limits the velocity models to depths of 70 km in accordance to the penetration of the surface waves with a maximum period of 40 s. Maps of the Moho boundary depth, velocity distribution above and below Moho boundary, as well as velocity distribution at different depths are constructed. Well-known geomorphologic units (e.g. the Pannonian basin, southeastern Carpathians, Dinarides, Hellenides, Rodophean massif, Aegean Sea, western Turkey) are delineated in the obtained models. Specific patterns in the velocity models characterise the southeast Carpathians and adjacent areas, coast of Albania, Adriatic coast of southern Italy and the southern coast of the Black Sea. The models obtained in this study for the western Black Sea basin shows the presence of layers with shear-wave velocities of 3.5 km/s–3.7 km/s in the crust and thus do not support the hypothesis of existence of oceanic structure in this region.  相似文献   

利用新疆地震台网52个固定台站和天山地区新布设的11个流动台为期1年的观测数据,采用背景噪声层析成像方法获得了天山及邻区(41°~48°N,79°~91°E)10~50s的瑞利面波相速度分布图像,使用基于贝叶斯的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)方法反演得到研究区地壳上地幔S波速度结构.研究结果表明,准噶尔盆地沉积盖层南深...  相似文献   

39473 Pn travel times are inverted to tomographically image both lateral variation and anisotropy of uppermost mantle velocities beneath China continent. The result indicates that the overall average Pn velocity of uppermost mantle in the studied region is 8.0 km/s and the regional velocity fluctuation varies from ?0.30 km/s to +0.35 km/s. Pn velocities higher than 8.2 km/s are found in the regions surrounding Qingzang Plateau, such as Junggar Basin, Tarim Basin, Qaidam Basin and Sichun Basin. Pn velocities slightly lower than the average are found in western Sichuan and Yunnan, Shanxi Graben and Bohai Bay region. A Pn velocity as low as 7.8 km/s may exist in the region striding the boundary between Guangxi and Guangdong provinces. In general, Pn velocity in tectonically stable region like cratonic platform tends to be high, while that in tectonically active region tends to be low. The regions in compressive setting usually show higher Pn velocity, while extensional basins or grabens generally display lower one. Anisotropy of Pn velocity is seen in some regions. In the southeastern region of Qingzang Plateau the directions of fastest Pn velocity show a rotation pattern, which may be related to southeastward escape of the plateau material due to the collision and compression of Indian Plate to Asia along Himalaya arc. Notable anisotropy also exists around Bohai Bay region, likely indicating crustal extending and possible magma activity therein.  相似文献   

An overview of the crust and upper mantle structure of Central America and the Caribbean region is presented as a result of the processing of more than 200 seismograms recorded by digital broadband stations from SSSN and GSN seismic networks. Group velocity dispersion curves are obtained in the period range from 10s to 40s by FTAN analysis of the fundamental mode of the Rayleigh waves; the error of these measurements varies from 0.06 and 0.09 km/s. From the dispersion curve, seven tomographic maps at different periods and with average spatial resolution of 500 km are obtained. Using the logical combinatorial classification techniques, eight main groups of dispersion curves are determined from the tomographic maps and eleven main regions, each one characterized by one kind of dispersion curves, are identified. The average dispersion curves obtained for each region are extended to 150s by adding data from a larger-scale tomographic study (Vdovin et al., 1999) and inverted using a nonlinear procedure. A set of models of the S-wave velocity vs. depth in the crust and upper mantle is found as a result of the inversion process. In six regions we identify a typically oceanic crust and upper mantle structure, while in the other two the models are consistent with the presence of a continental structure. Two regions, located over the major geological zones of the accretionary crust of the Caribbean region, are characterized by a peculiar crust and upper mantle structure, indicating the presence of lithospheric roots reaching, at least, about 200 km of depth.  相似文献   

In the present study the long period surface wave records of 238 wave-paths from 79 earthquakes within China and its adjacent regions received by 30 seismic network stations are measured by using the improved match-filtering frequency-time analysis technique and the grid dispersion inversion method to obtain the rayleigh pure-path dispersion values for 147 slant grids of 4° × 4° in this area, then a three-dimensional shear wave velocity model of the crust and upper mantle beneath south China area to a depth of 170 km is inversed. It is found that there are obvious differences among the main structural units, and there are also certain differences among the subordinate elements even in the individual unit. The crustal thickness of this area is ranging from 30 to 43 km, and is getting thicker gradually from the east to the west. The average shear velocity of crust is ranging form 3.48 to 3.68 km/s with the lowest in the northeast part and highest in the west part. No obvious crustal low velocity layer of large scale is detected. There exist upper mantle low velocity zones in the most of south China area with the starting depth ranging from 75 to 106 km. The lowest shear velocity within the low velocity zones is about 4.28–4.38 km/s. Despite of the existing of upper mantle low velocity zones beneath the most of south China area, the interfaces between the important layers are quite clear, the variation of the bedding surfaces is very gentle, and the lateral changes measured in a larger scale of the underground structure are rather small. It may indicate that the crustal and upper mantle structure of the main part of south China area belongs to the relatively stable structure of the continental blocks except for the fringe areas such as the fold-faulted region in the west part and the fault system along the southeastern coast which may belong to the tectonically active area. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 159–167, 1993. This subject is supported by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

利用中国数字化地震台网(CDSN)的长周期面波资料,用适配滤波频时分析技术(MF-FTAN)计算穿过中国大陆多路径的勒夫波群速度混合路径频散,选出其中的50条路径,利用Talantora and Valette的广义反演理论,获得10~150秒周期的中国大陆勒夫波群速度分布,初步得到对应中国大陆地质构造块体的群速度频散特性,为进一步分析中国大陆地壳、上地幔结构提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

—?Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion measurements from 10?s to 160?s periods have been made for paths traversing Northern Africa. Data were accumulated from the IRIS DMC, GEOSCOPE, and MEDNET seismic networks covering the years 1991–1997. The group velocity measurements are made including the effects of debiasing for instantaneous period and a single-iteration, mode-isolation (phase match) filter. The curves are grouped by tectonic province and compared to tomographic model-based curves in an effort to test and validate the tomographic models. Within each tectonic category (rift, orogenic zone, or craton) group velocity curves from various provinces are similar. Between tectonic categories, however, there are marked differences. The rift related paths exhibit the lowest group velocities observed, and cratonic paths the fastest. One-dimensional shear velocity inversions are performed, and while highly nonunique, the ranges of models show significant differences in upper mantle velocities between the tectonic provinces.¶This work is part of a larger project to determine group velocity maps for North Africa and the Middle East. The work presented here provides important tools for the validation of tomographic group velocity models. This is accomplished by comparing group velocity curves calculated from the tomographic models with carefully selected high-quality group velocity measurements. The final group velocity models will be used in M s measurements, which will contribute to the m b :M s discriminant important to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). The improved shear wave velocity models provided by this study also contribute to the detection, location, and identification of seismic sources.  相似文献   

We consider several examples demonstrating that the formal modal representation of surface wavefields often does not describe adequately observable wave parameters, such as the phase and group velocity dispersion of higher modes. The main reason for this is the existence in the medium of several waveguides or weakly coupled wavefields in the same waveguide. In such cases the separation of neighboring higher modes may be impossible, and observed dispersion curves may significantly differ from the ones predicted by the theory. From the example related to the studies of the crustal and upper mantle structure we found that the difficulty in the separation of first and second crustal higher modes can be overcome by applying a special inversion procedure. This procedure ignores the existence of a low velocity layer in the upper mantle when fitting the observable higher-mode dispersion curve to the one predicted by the model.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths brought up by Cenozoic volcanic rocks onto the earth‘s surface may provide direct information about the upper mantle beneath the volcanic region. This paper presents the study on mantle xenoliths collected from Haoti village, Dangchang County, Gansu Province, western China. The main purpose of the study is to gain an insight into the thermal structure and rbeology of the upper mantle beneath the region. The results show that the upper mantle of the region is composed mainly of spinel lherzolite at shallower depth (52-75km), and garnet iberzolite at greater depth (greater than 75km), instead of harzburgite and dunite as proposed by some previous studies. The upper mantle geotherm derived from the equilibrium temperatures and pressures of xenoliths from the region is lower than that of North China, and is somewhat closer to the Oceanic geotherm. The crust-mantle boundary is determined from the geotherm to be at about 52km, and the Moho seems to be the transition zone of lower crust material with spinel iberzolite. If we take 1280℃ as the temperature of the top of asthenosphere, then the fithospbere-asthenosphere boundary should be at about 120km depth. The differential stress of the upper mantle is determined by using recrystallized grain size piezometry, while the strain rate and equivalent viscosity are determined by using the high temperature flow law of peridotite. The differential stress, strain rate and viscosity profiles constructed on the basis of the obtained values indicate that asthenospberic diapir occurred in this region during the Cenozoic time, resulting in the corresponding thinning of the lithosphere. However, the scale and intensity of the diapir was significantly less than that occurring in the North China region. Moreover, numerous small-scale shear zones with localized deformation might occur in the iithospberic mantle, as evidenced by the extensive occurrence of xenoliths with tabular equigranular texture.  相似文献   

华北及邻区地壳上地幔三维速度结构的地震走时层析成像   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用华北及邻区475个地震台站的区域地震走时资料,反演了该地区的地壳上地幔三维P波和S波速度结构。地震走时的计算用近似弯曲射线追踪方法,三维速度模型的反演用LSQR算法。用检测板方法对走时数据进行成像分辨率分析,结果表明反演模型在水平方向上以0.5°×0.5°的节点分布,垂直方向上以1km、10km、25km、42km、60km为节点作网格划分是合理的。研究区域内,秦岭—大别造山带两侧的华北块体与扬子块体有不同的速度异常特征:华北块体地壳速度结构复杂,而扬子块体则相对简单。华北块体地壳内存在较明显的低速异常,而扬子块体则正常或高速异常。自中新生代以来华北块体地壳经历挤压到伸展的强烈变形,而扬子块体相对稳定。华北块体的构造活动依然强烈,表现为频繁的地震活动。华北地块地壳速度结构的主要特征是:①主要构造带(如燕山构造带、太行山山前构造带、汾渭构造带、郯庐断裂带以及秦岭-大别构造带)位于地壳上地幔的低速或高低速过渡区内;②在唐山及附近地区25 km、42 km和60 km深处连续的低速异常,可能意味着上地幔热的物质上涌,到达上地壳的下部后停止上升过程。  相似文献   

采用震源位置和速度结构联合反演的方法对大同震区1989年6.1级、1991年5.8级、1999年5.6级3次地震地震序列进行了震源位置和震源区速度结构反演,以确定3次地震序列的分布和震源区的速度结构。结果表明:3次地震序列的发震断裂为NNE向的大王村断裂和NWW向的团堡断裂,两条断裂表现为交替发震;3次地震序列的震源深度平均为10.06 km,其中以6~15 km为发震优势层;研究区速度结构与大的地貌特征相符,沿大同盆地第四纪沉积层表现的不间断低速带,从大同县一直延伸到阳高、天镇等地。在中部山自皂台附近出现了一高速区位置与大同火山群分布区相近。大同—阳高3次地震序列分布在相对高速区上,表明这一区域为应力集中地区。  相似文献   

Group velocities estimated from fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh waves are used in a tomography process in central-southern Africa. The waves were generated by eighteen earthquakes, which occurred along the East African Rift and recorded at BOSA, LBTB and SLR seismic stations in southern Africa. The group velocities from Love and Rayleigh waves were isolated using the Multiple Filter Technique (MFT) at the period range of 10 to 50 seconds. The tomography method developed by Ditmar and Yanovskaya (1987) and Yanovskaya and Ditmar (1990), was applied to calculate the lateral distribution of surface wave group velocities in central-southern Africa. The results of the tomographic inversion were plotted as distribution maps. In addition to the maps, I also produced two velocity cross-sections across the area of study. The velocity distribution maps show the regional tectonic units, though with poor resolution. The azimuthal bias of the surface wave paths is reflected in the distribution of the group velocities. The Moho depth appears to correlate with velocities at a period of about 30 s. A low velocity feature observed beneath the Zimbabwe craton implies a thickening upper asthenosphere and lithospheric thinning beneath the Zimbabwe craton. Also estimated was a shear wave velocity model beneath the Zimbabwe craton.  相似文献   

根据江苏华电句容发电一期2×1000 MW发电机组场地情况,布设了三角形嵌套和同心圆台阵进行微振动观测,采用空间自相关法计算频散曲线,并用剥层法反演得到该工程场地浅部的S波速度结构。反演结果与钻孔探测结果吻合较好,表明用微振动台阵记录反演浅部地壳S波速度结构在工程上是可行的。该方法具有不需要人工源,对避开噪声要求不苛刻、成本低且精度可满足工程要求等优点,故有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

赵伯明 《华南地震》2008,28(4):45-52
利用广州地区详尽的深、浅部地震勘探资料,大深度钻孔和测速等资料,运用自主开发的建模程序和多功能商业软件的二次开发功能高速处理海量数据进行建模,采用开发的二元三次B—Spline函数建模方法解决大城市圈建模数据空间分布不均匀的问题并进行模型优化,建立了广州地区符合地质学和地形学理论三维不均匀地下速度结构模型,为基于活断层探测和地震动危险性评价基础上的强地震动预测(模拟)奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Rayleigh wave dispersion data usually appear in the form of multimodal spectra for a layered model structure. The number of dispersion modal curves depends on the number of layers in the model. The measured dispersion velocities from the frequency–wavenumber (F–K) space, however, may not represent the true phase velocities of the fundamental-mode dispersion curve, but apparent phase velocities. The present study discusses how multimode curves are generated in the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method and the cause of the apparent velocity produced by the F–K method. Results from a field trial demonstrate that apparent phase velocities fail to reveal thin layers with low velocities. A better agreement of the inverted model with the geotechnical record is obtained by using the data points extracted from the fundamental-mode curve of the MASW spectral image.  相似文献   

Deformation analysis and simulation of volcanic edifices require the construction of models of elastic properties of those structures. In this paper we present an analysis of microtremor measurements recorded during the performance tests of two temporary seismic arrays installed in the eastern portion of the Teide caldera in 1994. We take advantage of recent developments of the SPAC method and use spatial cross-correlation computations to estimate phase velocity dispersion of Rayleigh waves at the location of the arrays. We show that the extension of the standard SPAC method is valid in the case of our data, justifying its use and supporting the generalization of the SPAC method to single station pairs. The phase velocity dispersion curve obtained was inverted to recover the shear-wave profile at the site of the arrays. Our results indicate that the subsoil structure of the caldera is laterally homogeneous at the scale of a few km about the location of the arrays. We obtained about 315 m of volcanic sediments overlying rocks with a shear-wave velocity of 2 km/s. These results are robust and are a starting point to further modelling of deformation, permanent or transient, at this volcanic edifice, which can be useful in the interpretation of different observed fields. In fact, the computation of deformations and gravity changes due to possible volcanic intrusions in two models; one considering the volcanic sediments and the other without considering them, provided different results in the near field.  相似文献   

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