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L.I. Gurvits   《New Astronomy Reviews》2004,48(11-12):1211
Several recent global and Space VLBI surveys of quasars, Active Galactic Nuclei of other types and star-burst galaxies provide a wealth of material on milli- and sub-milliarcsecond radio structures in hundreds of sources. Results of these projects are presented with an emphasis on the statistics of redshift- and angular-scale-dependent properties of the milli- and sub-milliarcsecond radio structures. These studies make possible disentanglement of intrinsic (possibly, evolutionary) phenomena of parsec-scale radio structures and the imprints of the cosmological model. The studies indicate a very promising potential of high-resolution applications of the Square Kilometer Array. Based on our pilot projects we estimate that a sample containing of the order of 104 faint radio sources in the luminosity range 1022–1026 W/Hz can be surveyed by a high-resolution SKA with the milliarcsecond resolution at cm wavelengths. Such the high resolution radio survey, including those conducted jointly by SKA and Space VLBI missions, in conjunction with data from other domains, will provide a new ground for extragalactic studies.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of radio variability of a quasar on short time-scales (hours) prompts us to examine what is expected in respect of the interstellar scintillation of very compact, extragalactic radio sources. We find that large-amplitude, rapid, variability is predicted at commonly observed radio frequencies (1–20 GHz) over the vast majority of the extragalactic sky. As a guide to assist observers in understanding their data, we demonstrate simple techniques for predicting the effects of interstellar scintillation on any extragalactic source.  相似文献   

The problem of phaseless aperture synthesis is of current interest in phase-unstable VLBI with a small number of elements when either the use of closure phases is not possible (a two-element interferometer) or their quality and number are not enough for acceptable image reconstruction by standard adaptive calibration methods. Therefore, we discuss the problem of unique image reconstruction only from the spectrum magnitude of a source. We suggest an efficient method for phaseless VLBI mapping of compact extragalactic radio sources. This method is based on the reconstruction of the spectrum magnitude for a source on the entire UV plane from the measured visibility magnitude on a limited set of points and the reconstruction of the sought-for image of the source by Fienup's method from the spectrum magnitude reconstructed at the first stage. We present the results of our mapping of the extragalactic radio source 2200+420 using astrometric and geodetic observations on a global VLBI array. Particular attention is given to studying the capabilities of a two-element interferometer in connection with the putting into operation of a Russian-made radio interferometer based on Quasar RT-32 radio telescopes.  相似文献   

The origin of the circularly polarized (CP) component of the synchrotron radiation in compact extragalactic radio sources is investigated. A convenient quantity, the CP excess, is defined as the ratio of the observed to the expected degree of CP in a source, with the latter calculated from synchrotron theory for transparent sources, using magnetic field strengths from VLBI measurements, and the degree of inhomogeneity estimated from the observed degree of linear polarization. For almost all sources, the CP excess is much larger than unity, and in addition appears to depend on the absolute luminosity of the source for both the radio galaxy and the quasar populations. Explanations for the amount and the luminosity dependence of the CP excess are considered, and the origin of the excess is suggested to lie in a special magnetic field geometry of the compact sources. A simple model with helical magnetic field and relativistic beaming, consistent with the quasar data, is presented. The importance of considering the CP component of radiation in the context of different physical source models is emphasized.  相似文献   

We study the collimation of radio jets in the high-luminosity Fanaroff–Riley class II sources by examining the dependence of the sizes of hotspots and knots in the radio jets on the overall size of the objects for a sample of compact steep-spectrum (CSS) and larger-sized objects. The objects span a wide range in overall size from about 50 pc to nearly 1 Mpc. The mean size of the hotspots increases with the source size during the CSS phase, which is typically taken to be about 20 kpc, and the relationship flattens for the larger sources. The sizes of the knots in the compact as well as the larger sources are consistent with this trend. We discuss possible implications of these trends. We find that the hotspot closer to the nucleus or core component tends to be more compact for the most asymmetric objects where the ratio of separations of the hotspots from the nucleus r d>2. These highly asymmetric sources are invariably CSS objects, and their location in the hotspot size ratio–separation ratio diagram is possibly the result of their evolution in an asymmetric environment. We also suggest that some sources, especially of lower luminosity, exhibit an asymmetry in the collimation of the oppositely directed radio jets.  相似文献   

The angular dimensions of compact components of extragalactic radio sources are calculated theoretically on three hypotheses: (a) magnetic field and relativistic particles energy equipartition; (b) equilibrium between synchrotron and Compton losses; (c) radiative lifetime of the same order as the source's light-travel time. Using angular measurements of 73 radio components, divided into two groups (multicomponent and single-component sources), a correcting formulae is derived to reduce the theoretical values to the observed values.This work was partially supported by the Brasilian research agency CNPq.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of searching for groups of radio sources from the FIRST catalog on angular scales 1′–5′. We developed an efficient method of searching for such groups that takes into account the need for combining the components of extended sources represented in the catalog by separate objects. We found 31 groups of radio sources with angular sizes <5′ that contain no fewer than five sources with flux densities ≥3 mJy. This number is at least triple the expected number of such groups for a random Poisson distribution of radio sources in the sky. The prospects for using groups of radio sources to detect and study distant systems of galaxies are discussed.  相似文献   

A combined catalogue is constructed from the observations of extragalactic radio sources compiled in independent catalogues providing precise positions determined by radio interferometric techniques. Positions and catalogue differences are derived and discussed. The average precision of the combined catalogue is at the level of 0.7 mas in right ascension and 1.3 mas in declination. For the more recent catalogues the systematic differences amount to a fraction of a millisecond of arc.  相似文献   

We propose an explanation of the origin of the central radio gaps which are usually observed in extragalactic radio sources that exhibit jet structures.An estimate was made of neutron Lorentz factors of neutrons responsible for energy transport from the central engine of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to the jet turn-on point of typical AGNs.The probable explanations of the existence of different belts in the radio gap morphology was attempted.  相似文献   

It is shown that inelastic proton collisions in extragalactic radio sources can account for their radio and -ray emissions. The proton Lorentz-factor p responsible for -ray emission is estimated to lie between 1.4 and 86. But for the radio emission (with e ~ 103-104) the estimated p values lie between 7 to 300. The estimates of total particle and magnetic energy for a typical radio source is in agreement with equipartition theory.  相似文献   

The distribution of the main axes of double radio sources is used to test isotropy of that part of the universe which is accessible to radio investigations. Data for 274 double and/or extended sources have been taken from the literature to compute the fit to several simple models of global orientation by means of a 2-test. The best fit has been found on a 3%-significance level for the preferred orientation along a right-handed helix with pitch angle 82° in the direction =95°, =–38° (165°,b=20°). This preferential alignment of radio sources is assumed to be caused by a largescale magnetic field.  相似文献   

The observations of 34 extragalactic radio sources with the 22-m Crimean Astrophysical Observatory radio telescope at 36 GHz in 1985–1994 are presented. Intensity variations were detected in 27 objects, which may result from the appearance of new components in their cores.  相似文献   

We present the results of an Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) survey for intraday variability (IDV) of the total and polarized flux densities of 118 compact, flat-spectrum, extragalactic radio sources from the Parkes 2.7-GHz Survey. A total of 22 total flux density IDV sources were discovered and 15 sources were found to show IDV of their polarized flux density. We discuss the statistical properties of the IDV sources, including the distribution of source modulation indices, and the dependence of the variability amplitude on source spectral index and on Galactic position. We suggest interstellar scintillation (ISS) in the Galactic interstellar medium as the most likely mechanism for IDV. Even so, the inferred high brightness temperatures cannot be easily explained.  相似文献   

The sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays (UHECRs, E >1018 eV) are still unknown, mainly due to the loss of the direction to the source after the deflection of cosmic rays’ (CRs) trajectories in the galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields. With the increase in CR energy (rigidity), the influence of the magnetic field weakens; therefore, the most promising approach is to search for the sources of events with the highest energy. In our work, we expand the existing UHECR (E > 1020 eV) sample from 33 to 42 events by calibrating the AUGER events. The sample is characterized by the presence of an event triplet in a circle of radius 3°. The highest-energy event is still the shower (E = 3.2 × 1020 eV) detected with the Fly’s Eye fluorescent detector (FE-event) in 1993. The possible sources of the triplet and the FE-event are analyzed. Taking into account the deflection of CR trajectories in the extragalactic and galactic magnetic fields, it is shown that transient sources of the FE-event and the triplet may be galaxies with active star formation, where CRs are accelerated by newborn millisecond pulsars. Among the galactic sources, the potential candidates are young pulsars that might have had millisecond periods at birth and giant magnetar flares.  相似文献   

This paper describes a 5 GHz VLBI survey in the southern hemisphere. The first observation of 23 extragalactic radio sources was conducted in November 1992. Twenty VLBI images were obtained, of which 15 sources show core-jet structure, one has a two-sided jet, and three sources are unresolved. No compact double source was found. Eleven of the 16 sources with core-jet (including a two-aided jet) show evidence of jet bending. In addition, four sources appear to be superluminal, of which three sources are new.  相似文献   

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