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A 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey is presented in this paper. The objective was to investigate an underground wastewater system at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Apparent resistivity data were collected along ten parallel lines using a Wenner-Schlumberger configuration; electrode cables were oriented in the x-direction with 3 m spacing. Roll-along measurements using a line spacing of 3 m were carried out covering a grid of 20 × 10 electrodes. All data sets were merged into a single data file in order to perform a 3D inversion. Two different 3D least squares algorithms, based on the robust inversion method and the smoothness-constrained technique, were used for the inversion of the apparent resistivity data. Both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones found by inversion are displayed. The results indicate the superiority of the robust inversion method over the smoothness-constrained technique at this site. The results are in sufficient accordance with previously known information about the investigation area. The results show that 3D electrical resistivity imaging surveys, in combination with an appropriate 3D inversion method, can be highly useful for engineering and archaeological investigations as well as for environmental applications.  相似文献   

Conventional artificial neural networks used to solve electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) inversion problem suffer from overfitting and local minima. To solve these problems, we propose to use a pruning Bayesian neural network (PBNN) nonlinear inversion method and a sample design method based on the K-medoids clustering algorithm. In the sample design method, the training samples of the neural network are designed according to the prior information provided by the K-medoids clustering results; thus, the training process of the neural network is well guided. The proposed PBNN, based on Bayesian regularization, is used to select the hidden layer structure by assessing the effect of each hidden neuron to the inversion results. Then, the hyperparameter α k , which is based on the generalized mean, is chosen to guide the pruning process according to the prior distribution of the training samples under the small-sample condition. The proposed algorithm is more efficient than other common adaptive regularization methods in geophysics. The inversion of synthetic data and field data suggests that the proposed method suppresses the noise in the neural network training stage and enhances the generalization. The inversion results with the proposed method are better than those of the BPNN, RBFNN, and RRBFNN inversion methods as well as the conventional least squares inversion.  相似文献   

Accurate detection of damaged concrete zones plays an important role in selecting the proper remedial technique. This study presents results from an application of the electrical imaging method to monitor the development of cracks in fiber concrete beams.The study showed that resistivity measurements on the concrete specimens were able to detect the increase of concrete resistivity with the curing time that reached about 65 Ωm after 28 days of curing. A similar development trend of concrete compressive strength was also found.Two types of cracks were investigated, i.e., artificial cracks made of plastic sheets inserted in concrete and cracks developed during a four-step loading test. A mini-electric imaging survey with Wenner array was conducted on the tension face of the beams. To deal with the effect of the beam size new procedures to correct resistivity measurements before inversion were proposed and successfully applied in this study. The results indicated that both crack direction and depth could be accurately determined in the inverted resistivity sections.  相似文献   

XIE Tao  LU Jun 《地震地质》2015,37(4):1125-1135
We calculate three-dimensional sensitivity coefficients distribution of apparent resistivity observation when Schlumberger array is used by using finite element method. Analysis results suggest that for the situation of one-dimensional positive or minus coefficient of surface medium, three-dimensional sensitivity coefficients distribution at surface shows similar patterns, and sensitivity coefficients distributions of different layered electric structures are also similar. There are two approximate ellipses at the two-dimensional surface plane between current electrodes and potential electrodes, where sensitivity coefficients are minus, and sensitivity coefficients at other areas are positive. Sensitivity coefficients at two approximate ellipses between current electrodes and potential electrodes are minus at the vertical section along monitoring line, while others are positive. From the three-dimensional view, minus sensitivity coefficients are at the two approximate half ellipsoids between current electrodes and potential electrodes when arrays are applied at surface. And coefficients near the electrodes are much greater than other areas. When resistivity of local areas at surface changes, we can qualitatively analyze the disturbing effects caused by the areas using three dimensional sensitivity coefficients distribution, and the analysis result can serve as reference for further experiment and numerical model quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

The dynamic monitoring of landslides in engineering geology has focused on the correlation among landslide stability, rainwater infiltration, and subsurface hydrogeology. However, the understanding of this complicated correlation is still poor and inadequate. Thus, in this study, we investigated a typical landslide in southwestern China via time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (TLERT) in November 2013 and August 2014. We studied landslide mechanisms based on the spatiotemporal characteristics of surface water infiltration and flow within the landslide body. Combined with borehole data, inverted resistivity models accurately defined the interface between Quaternary sediments and bedrock. Preferential flow pathways attributed to fracture zones and fissures were also delineated. In addition, we found that surface water permeates through these pathways into the slipping mass and drains away as fissure water in the fractured bedrock, probably causing the weakly weathered layer to gradually soften and erode, eventually leading to a landslide. Clearly, TLERT dynamic monitoring can provide precursory information of critical sliding and can be used in landslide stability analysis and prediction.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential of using a 24-electrode resistivity imaging apparatus for rapid reconnaissance surveys for natural-aggregate accumulation. The surveys were first calibrated at sites with known geometry of sand and gravel layers, which showed that subsurface accumulation of coarse material was accurately resolved with both 2- and 4-m electrode spacing. The inverted absolute resistivity of economically viable gravel deposits varied in the range of 300–1500 Ω m, depending on variation in ground-moisture levels. The exploration surveys were then conducted at seven sites where geomorphological analyses indicated a potential for gravel. Four of these sites, where subsurface resistivity did not exceed 30–40 Ω m, were found to have very little or no coarse material. The three remaining sites showed significant accumulations of high-resistivity material, two of which were subsequently augered for verification. The results of drilling demonstrated that resistivity images were an effective indicator of the presence of coarse material in the subsurface, allowing accurate determination of subsurface distribution and thickness of sand and gravel strata. The total volume of a deposit could easily be estimated from resistivity images. The absolute quality and economic value of the material, is, however, difficult to ascertain from resistivity images alone without drilling.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the geological setting of pyroclastic covers and their water content distribution represents crucial information for stability analyses of slopes potentially subject to debris-flow phenomena. The study we here present would provide a contribution to this issue by means of an approach based on electrical resistivity measurements. Specifically, we describe the results of high-resolution 2D resistivity surveys carried out in a test area on Sarno Mountains (Campania Region – Southern Italy), where shallow landslides involving pyroclastic soils periodically occur triggered by critical rainfall events. We discuss the results in relation to the geology of the area in order to locate characteristic horizons of pyroclastic soils below the ground surface. Then, on the basis of a laboratory characterization of pyroclastic samples collected from the same test area at representative depths, we provide an estimation of the soil water content distribution in the field. Finally, we analyze temporal variations of the soil water content distribution by comparing the data of two surveys carried out in the autumnal and spring seasons, respectively.  相似文献   

为探讨含水多孔介质被垃圾渗滤液污染后的电阻率模型,实现基于土体电阻率的污染物量化分析,以不同粒径组成、不同初始含水量三种渗滤液污染砂土为样本进行了电阻率测试,基于实验结果对污染砂土电阻率变化机制进行了分析.结果显示污染砂土电阻率普遍随渗滤液侵入量增大呈指数降低;和相同含水程度未污染土相比,污染土电阻率值更低,降低幅度随初始含水量增大而减小.渗滤液污染导致的孔液电阻率变小、孔隙水含量增大是导电性增强的主导因素,与此同时污染过程也存在导致土体导电性降低的因素,降低因子受土的类型和初始含水量控制.涵盖这些因素的Archie型公式可作为渗滤液污染土的电性基本式,进而可利用这个基本式实现土体中污染物含量的量化分析.  相似文献   

Cross-well electrical measurement as known in the oil industry is a method for determining the electrical conductivity distribution between boreholes from the electrostatic field measurements in the boreholes. We discuss the reconstruction of the conductivity distribution of a three-dimensional domain. The measured secondary electric potential field is represented in terms of an integral equation for the vector electric field. This integral equation is taken as the starting point to develop a non-linear inversion method, the so-called contrast source inversion (CSI) method. The CSI method considers the inverse scattering problem as an inverse source problem in which the unknown contrast source (the product of the total electric field and the conductivity contrast) in the object domain is reconstructed by minimizing the object and data error using a conjugate-gradient step, after which the conductivity contrast is updated by minimizing only the error in the object. This method has been tested on a number of numerical examples using the synthetic 'measured' data with and without noise. Numerical tests indicate that the inversion method yields a reasonably good reconstruction result, and is fairly insensitive to added random noise.  相似文献   

The measurement sequence used in DC resistivity data using multi-electrode arrays should be carefully designed so as to minimize the effects of electrode charge-up effects. These effects can be some orders of magnitude larger than the induced signal and remain at significant levels for tens of minutes. Even when using a plus-minus-plus type of measurement cycle, one should avoid making potential measurements with an electrode that has just been used to inject current, as the decay immediately after current turn-off is clearly non-linear.  相似文献   

Continuous magnetotelluric (MT) measurements were conducted from May 2008 to July 2009 at Sakurajima, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. Two observation sites were established at locations 3.3 km east and 3 km west–northwest of the summit crater. At both observation sites, the high-quality component of the impedance tensor (Zyx) showed variations in apparent resistivity of approximately ± 20% and phase change of ± 2°, which continued for 20–180 days in the frequency range between 320 and 4 Hz. The start of the period of changes in apparent resistivity approximately coincided with the start of uplift in the direction of the summit crater, as observed by a tiltmeter, which is one of the most reliable pieces of equipment with which to detect magma intrusion beneath a volcano. A 2D inversion of MT impedance suggests that the resistivity change occurred at a depth around sea level. One of the possible implications of the present finding is that the degassed volatiles migrated not only vertically through the conduit but also laterally through a fracture network, mixing with shallow groundwater beneath sea level and thereby causing the observed resistivity change.  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法具有效率高、信息量大、直观、工作条件宽松等特点.结合舟山市若干隧道的勘查,在工作布置、测量装置和参数选择、数据采集和处理、资料解释等方面进行分析研究,表明高密度电阻率法可以有效的查明隧址区断裂等构造破碎带的位置和产状,为隧址区的工程评价和设计施工提供科学依据;实践证明温纳-á排列更适合地形条件差的地区如隧道勘查的工作,强调野外原始数据采集的准确性和合理性,地形和流水引起的自电干扰是最主要的影响.同时,指出高密度电阻率仪目前存在的缺陷.  相似文献   

Fractures or cracks in rocks and soils are thin planar features of high resistivity, embedded in a more conductive bulk volume. In soils, several processes, particularly swelling and shrinkage of clays, result in cracks and can regenerate macroporosity. Their detection and the assessment of their evolution necessitate the use of non-invasive techniques. Although cracks have a major influence on the electrical resistivity of bulk material their complete geometrical characterisation achieved through the use of electrical resistivity measurements remains difficult due to the lack of appropriate inversion models. An inversion model based on the method of moments (MoM) has been developed, and is presented here. Direct simulations demonstrate the model's ability to reconstruct real experimental data. The influence of various object parameters on the model's accuracy was tested, showing that the model is sensitive to all the geometric characteristics of a crack. The inversion of both simulated and experimental data has demonstrated the model's ability to calculate the initial position, width and depth of several different cracks.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the electrical resistivity data provides useful information for investigating and modeling the fluid transport processes. 3D electrical resistivity distribution provides information about water flow and changes in electrical resistivity of the pore fluid.Therefore, to assist in understanding and modeling of the fluid transport process, 3D spatial distribution of the electrical resistivity data with the corresponded 3D geological section were mapped and interpreted in the test site located in western Germany. A process of deriving electrical resistivity values from the mechanical and radioactive parameters of cone penetration tests (CPT) and geological information of boreholes was presented. A reliable method which gives accurate resistivity values in cases of near surface sediments was introduced. Then a field test was executed where the calculated resistivity values were compared with the measured CPTe resistivity data. The CPTe (cone penetration test with electrical extension) data were also used in correlating to the ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) data. Consequently, obtained dense CPT surveys give us the possibility to determine a high resolution resistivity distribution of the investigated area.  相似文献   

Image processing of 2D resistivity data for imaging faults   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A methodology to locate automatically limits or boundaries between different geological bodies in 2D electrical tomography is proposed, using a crest line extraction process in gradient images. This method is applied on several synthetic models and on field data set acquired on three experimental sites during the European project PALEOSIS where trenches were dug. The results presented in this work are valid for electrical tomographies data collected with a Wenner-alpha array and computed with an l1 norm (blocky inversion) as optimization method. For the synthetic cases, three geometric contexts are modelled: a vertical and a dipping fault juxtaposing two different geological formations and a step-like structure. A superficial layer can cover each geological structure. In these three situations, the method locates the synthetic faults and layer boundaries, and determines fault displacement but with several limitations. The estimated fault positions correlate exactly with the synthetic ones if a conductive (or no superficial) layer overlies the studied structure. When a resistive layer with a thickness of 6 m covers the model, faults are positioned with a maximum error of 1 m. Moreover, when a resistive and/or a thick top layer is present, the resolution significantly decreases for the fault displacement estimation (error up to 150%). The tests with the synthetic models for surveys using the Wenner-alpha array indicate that the proposed methodology is best suited to vertical and horizontal contacts. Application of the methodology to real data sets shows that a lateral resistivity contrast of 1:5–1:10 leads to exact faults location. A fault contact with a resistivity contrast of 1:0.75 and overlaid by a resistive layer with a thickness of 1 m gives an error location ranging from 1 to 3 m. Moreover, no result is obtained for a contact with very low contrasts (1:0.85) overlaid by a resistive soil. The method shows poor results when vertical gradients are greater than horizontal ones. This kind of image processing technique should be systematically used for improving the objectiveness of tomography interpretation when looking for limits between geological objects.  相似文献   

地质体三维可视化BIM(Building Information Model)技术具有直观呈现地质体的三维赋存情况、实现地质体的空间计算与分析等众多功能,为工程设计和施工提供可视化的基础操作平台.目前,地质BIM模型的构建主要依赖大量钻孔资料和地质测绘成果.而由这些点状信息构建的三维地质模型易出现孔间盲区,且大量钻孔费时费力、破坏三维地质体结构,难以满足精细化、快捷、无损的地质建模需求.针对此问题,本文以豫北某拟建水库大坝工程为依托,利用三维高密度电法对坝址区左岸杂填土进行探测,物探解译成果结合少量钻孔资料快速精确构建工区地质模型.在此基础上,将大坝输水洞设计参数引入模型,直观展示沿洞线地质体与输水洞的空间关系.通过该方法计算施工开挖土方量比传统地质断面法多6000 m3,系孔间盲区基岩面下降形成基岩凹槽所致.研究表明,三维高密度电法成果结合少量钻孔资料可快速实现三维地质BIM精细化建模,为工程后期预算、施工地质预报以及构筑物优化设计提供可靠地质依据,也为精细三维地质BIM建模提供了一种新思路.  相似文献   

Hidden mineshafts located in urban areas are a significant problem across much of the industrialized world. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a technique that can detect and characterize hidden mine entries by exploiting resistivity contrasts between the shaft and surrounding materials, resulting from either compositional or structural differences. A case study is presented in which both surface and crosshole 3D ERT surveys are used to image a hidden backfilled mineshaft at a built environment site, situated on Carboniferous Lower Coal Measures strata in the UK.Backfilled shafts generally present the greatest challenge for detection using geophysical methods, as contrasts between the fill and bedrock are typically low compared to air or water-filled conditions. Nevertheless, the shaft in this case was identified by both the surface and crosshole 3D surveys. The shaft appeared as a strongly resistive anomaly relative to background materials, which we interpreted as resulting from the disturbed fabric of the fill materials rather than any significant compositional differences. The study highlighted the respective strengths and weaknesses of the surface and crosshole ERT methodologies for this type of problem. The surface survey, which covered a non-rectangular area to accommodate irregular boundaries and other physical obstructions, provided a relatively rapid means of investigating the study site. However, this method had a limited depth of investigation and was constrained in its coverage by the locations of buildings. By contrast, the 3D crosshole method was able to image the shaft to the level of the deepest borehole electrodes. Although crosshole ERT is too expensive to be used for large-scale mineshaft surveys, this study clearly demonstrates its suitability for targeted investigations where surface methods cannot be deployed, such as scanning beneath surface structures or in situations where it is essential for resolution to be maintained with depth.  相似文献   

Initial results of an electrical resistivity survey of the volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Valsequillo basin in central Mexico are presented. The volcano-sedimentary deposits preserve rich paleontological, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental records, which include extinct megafauna remains associated with human artifacts. The report of possible 38 ka old human footprint tracks in the Xalnene tuff attracted renewed interest in the basin stratigraphy. We examine the shallow stratigraphic sequence in the Xalnene tuff outcrop plain northwest of Cerro Toluquilla volcano using vertical resistivity soundings (VES). Inversion models of VES soundings show a layered structure of high and low resistivity units, which characterize the Xalnene tuff, lacustrine and fluvial sediments and volcanic rocks. 2-D resistivity cross sections document three major units corresponding to the Xalnene tuff and sediments filling a <30 m deep basin lying on volcanic rocks. Resistivity models provide further support for the association of Xalnene tuff with the Toluquilla volcano and emplacement of the pyroclastic deposits on a shallow lacustrine environment. The resistivity cross sections constrain the thickness of the tuff layers and underlying lacustrine sediments. Observations during the data acquisition field work provide insight on the possible origin of the apparent tracks, which seem to develop from erosion processes acting on quarrying marks. Further analysis and experimental evidence is required to understand the morphology and weathered patterns. The tuff layers are being removed by quarrying operations and the outcrops significantly altered. Adequate conservation measurements should be implemented to preserve the deposits for scientific research.  相似文献   

科学家首次绘制地幔电导率全球三维图像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家用电器警示标签中通常会注明,水是很好的导电材料。现在,科学家发现,地幔局部电导率的增大很可能意味着地表下含水量的增大。研究人员首次绘制了地幔电导率全球三维图像,他们的研究结果发表在近期的Nature杂志上。  相似文献   

坑道直流电阻率超前聚焦探测的影响因素及最佳观测方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在简要介绍坑道超前聚焦探测原理的基础上,对坑道直流电阻率超前聚焦探测的影响因素及最佳观测方式进行了研究.通过有限元法对不同尺度的坑道、不同距离的旁侧异常体以及不同观测方式等条件下的地电模型进行了模拟计算.结果表明:旁侧异常体距离坑道越近,对异常曲线影响越大;坑道大小对超前聚焦的影响可忽略.在压制旁侧干扰方面A-M-A0装置要优于A-M装置,实际工作中应尽量增大供电电极距A0A,并使测量极距A0M与供电极距A0A满足A0M/A0A=0.6关系时,可达到最佳探测效果.  相似文献   

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