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德国VDI3784的S/P模式为三维流体动力学积分模式,其方程主要描述了无穷小体积元素的质量、动量、静态污染物质量浓度及能量的守恒。利用德国模式进行了冷却塔烟气排放不同参数、不同大气条件下烟气抬升高度的敏感性试验。结果表明:在影响烟气抬升高度的3个气象要素(风速、气温和湿度)中,风速和气温的变化对结果影响较大,而湿度影响较小。在D类稳定度,当环境风速从0.1 m/s增加到15.0 m/s时,抬升高度从711.7 m变为38.5 m。随着环境温度的升高,抬升高度明显单调变小;当稳定度为A类,环境温度从10升到40时,烟气抬升最大高度从688.9 m降低到45.1 m,降低了14倍多。而环境湿度的变化,对抬升高度的影响不是很明显。对于E类稳定度和F类稳定度,当环境湿度从20%增加到70%,最大抬升高度分别从115.3 m和84.6 m降到112.9 m和81.7 m,分别降低了3.43%和2.08%。在影响烟气抬升高度的其他3个因素(凉水塔直径、烟气出口速度和混合气体温度)中,混合气体温度的变化对结果影响较大,而凉水塔直径和烟气出口速度的影响较小。在各类稳定度条件下,当出口温度从20变到90时,烟气抬升高度增加1.2—13.3倍;在各类稳定度条件下,当凉水塔直径从30 m变到90 m,烟气抬升高度仅增加0.63—1.40倍;在各类稳定度条件下,当出口速度从2.5 m/s变到8.0 m/s,烟气抬升高度增加了0.24—0.74倍。  相似文献   

德国VDI3784的S/P模式为三维流体动力学积分模式,其方程主要描述了无穷小体积元素的质量、动量、静态污染物质量浓度及能量的守恒。利用德国模式进行了冷却塔烟气排放不同参数、不同大气条件下烟气抬升高度的敏感性试验。结果表明:在影响烟气抬升高度的3个气象要素(风速,气温和湿度)中,风速和气温的变化对结果影响较大,而湿度影响较小。在D类稳定度,当环境风速从0.1 m/s增加到15.0 m/s时,抬升高度将从711.7 m变为38.5 m。随着环境温度的升高,抬升高度明显单调变小;当稳定度为A类,环境温度从10℃升到40℃时,烟气抬升最大高度从688.9 m降低到45.1 m,降低了14倍多。而环境湿度的变化,对抬升高度的影响不是很明显。对于E和F类,当环境湿度从20 %增加到70 %,最大抬升高度分别从115.3 m和84.6m降到112.9 m和81.7m,分别降低了3.43 %和2.08 %。在影响烟气抬升高度的其他3个因素(凉水塔直径,烟气出口速度和混合气体温度)中,混合气体温度的变化对结果影响较大,而凉水塔直径和烟气出口速度的影响较小。在各类稳定度条件下,当出口温度从20 ℃变到90 ℃时,烟气抬升高度增加1.2-13.3倍;在各类稳定度条件下,当凉水塔直径从30 m变到90 m,烟气抬升高度仅增加0.63-1.40倍;在各类稳定度条件下,当出口速度从2.5 m/s变到8 m/s,烟气抬升高度增加0.24-0.74倍。  相似文献   

基于CWRF模式(Climate Extension of Weather Research and Forecast Model)结果,探讨了8种云微物理参数化方案对1986—2015年间东亚近海热带气旋的空间分布、频数及强度模拟的影响。结果发现:CWRF模式中各云微物理参数化方案模拟的热带气旋频数普遍较观测偏少,其模拟的强度相比观测也偏弱;热带气旋的空间分布和频数对云微物理参数化方案的选择较为敏感,而云微物理方案的选择对热带气旋强度的模拟影响不大;Morrison方案和Morrison-a方案模拟的热带气旋空间分布更接近于观测,但对热带气旋频数及强度的年际变化趋势模拟得较差,而GSFCGCE方案的TS评分及强度、频数的相关系数均较其他方案偏高。综合来看,采用GSFCGCE方案模拟热带气旋活动总体最优。进一步分析发现,相较于Morrison方案和Thompson方案,考虑气溶胶影响的Thompson-a和Morrison-a方案不仅可以有效提高对热带气旋频数及空间分布的模拟能力,还对热带气旋频数及强度年际变化趋势的模拟能力也有所提升。  相似文献   

The shape parameter of the Gamma size distribution plays a key role in the evolution of the cloud droplet spectrum in the bulk parameterization schemes. However, due to the inaccurate specification of the shape parameter in the commonly used bulk double-moment schemes, the cloud droplet spectra cannot reasonably be described during the condensation process. Therefore, a newly-developed triple-parameter condensation scheme with the shape parameter diagnosed through the number concentration, cloud...  相似文献   

在区域气候化学模式系统(RegCCMS)中,分别采用Hegg、Hansen、Ghan、Jones等4种云滴数浓度参数化方案,模拟研究了2003年10月硝酸盐气溶胶的浓度分布和第一间接气候效应,并对不同方案进行比较。结果表明,不同方案模拟的硝酸盐气溶胶分布大体上一致,主要集中在河南、山东、河北、四川等地,地面浓度最大值达18 μg/m3。Hegg、Hansen、Ghan、Jones等 4种云滴数浓度参数化方案计算得到的由硝酸盐气溶胶所造成的第一间接辐射强迫全国平均值分别为-148、-205、-161和-140 W/m2。4种方案模拟的硝酸盐气溶胶间接效应都表现为近地面气温下降,降水减少,其中Hansen方案的间接效应最强,Ghan、Hegg方案次之,Jones方案最弱。  相似文献   

The cloud processes of a simulated moderate snowfall event in North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The understanding of the cloud processes of snowfall is essential to the artificial enhancement of snow and the numerical simulation of snowfall. The mesoscale model MM5 is used to simulate a moderate snowfall event in North China that occurred during 20–21 December 2002. Thirteen experiments are performed to test the sensitivity of the simulation to the cloud physics with different cumulus parameterization schemes and different options for the Goddard cloud microphysics parameterization schemes. It is shown that the cumulus parameterization scheme has little to do with the simulation result. The results also show that there are only four classes of water substances, namely the cloud water, cloud ice, snow, and vapor, in the simulation of the moderate snowfall event. The analysis of the cloud microphysics budgets in the explicit experiment shows that the condensation of supersaturated vapor, the depositional growth of cloud ice, the initiation of cloud ice, the accretion of cloud ice by snow, the accretion of cloud water by snow, the deposition growth of snow, and the Bergeron process of cloud ice are the dominant cloud microphysical processes in the simulation. The accretion of cloud water by snow and the deposition growth of the snow are equally important in the development of the snow.  相似文献   


基于中尺度数值预报模式WRF V3.5,利用7种积云方案和13种云微物理方案构成的不同组合设计了91组试验,对2014年第10号台风“麦德姆”登陆后影响江西期间的路径进行了模拟和分析。结果发现,台风路径对积云和微物理方案的选择较为敏感,在91组模拟试验中,模拟路径与实况路径的偏差从29.7~76.9 km不等,平均偏差为54.5 km;Grell-Freitas积云方案与WDM5和WDM6微物理方案的组合(N38和N39)模拟的台风路径最为接近实况路径(偏差约30 km),而BMJ积云方案与Kessler、SUB-YLin和Milbrandt微物理方案的组合(N14、N22和N24)的模拟较差,模拟路径与实况路径偏差超过75 km,且明显较实况偏东;对于某一积云(微物理)方案,13种微物理(7种积云)方案的表现也有较大差异,总体上Grell-Freitas和Grell-3方案在7种积云方案中表现最好,而WDM5和WDM6则在13种云微物理方案中表现最好;N38和N39试验成功模拟了台风路径的主要原因是较好地模拟出西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称西太副高)的位置,而N14、N22和N24试验模拟的台风路径偏东则主要是由模拟的西太副高位置偏东造成。


A one-dimensional, time-dependent cloud model with parameterized microphysics is used to investigate the processes which control the rainout and washout of soluble gases from warm, precipitating stratiform clouds. Calculations are presented simulating the distributions of soluble species within and below the cloud layer and in the precipitating raindrops as a function of time and species' solubility. Our calculations indicate that for species with low solubility, wet removal processes are relatively slow and thus do not significantly affect the species' gas-phase abundance. As a result, the removal of low-solubility species by rainout and washout is controlled by thermodynamic processes with the concentration of the species in cloud and rainwater largely determined by the species' solubility. For highly soluble species on the other hand, dissolution into cloud droplets and removal in rain is quite rapid and the abundance of highly soluble species within and below the cloud falls rapidly as soon as the precipitation begins. Because of this rapid decrease in concentration, we find that for highly soluble species: concentrations in cloud droplets near the cloud base can exceed that of raindrops by factors of 2 to 10; washout can dominate over rainout as a removal mechanism; and that, after an extended period of rainfall, the rate of removal becomes independent of the microphysical properties and rainfall rate of the cloud and is controlled by the rate of transport of material into the precipitating column by horizontal advection.  相似文献   

Cores of high radar reflectivity (>50 dBZ) and raindrops larger than 4 mm in diameter were occasionally reported in warm clouds, offshore from Hawaii. A kinematic numerical model with detailed microphysics was used to study the formation of these cores and the development of the giant drops. The role of collisional and spontaneous breakup of drops was evaluated. Our results show that spontaneous breakup of raindrops restricts the formation of giant drops (D>4 mm). This could be a result of the poor parameterization of the fragment size distribution, and the probabilities of the spontaneous breakup. The inclusion of only binary breakup mechanism explained the observed radar echoes and the drop spectra. These results corroborate the hypothesis that the updrafts in the Hawaiian clouds sort out different size drops in such a way that millimeter size drops are allowed to fall in an environment deficient of smaller raindrops. In this way, the large raindrops continue to grow by collection of small cloud droplets, but have a smaller chance for collisional breakup (the efficiency for this type of breakup is small for collisions with cloud droplets). The collisional breakup of big raindrops was also found to play a significant role in the formation of giant drops. Such drops are formed following collision–breakup of large raindrops in which one of the fragments is larger than the original drops.  相似文献   

采用耦合了Saunders和Takahashi两种非感应起电参数化方案的RAMS(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)模式,对重庆地区一次雷暴过程进行模拟,对比分析了两种起电参数化方案下,电荷开始分离时和雷暴云发展到成熟阶段时的水成物粒子的分布、所带电荷密度以及雷暴云的电荷结构分布。模拟结果表明,在Saunders起电参数化方案下,雷暴云的电荷结构从起电到放电都呈现偶极性特征,而在Takahashi参数化方案下,雷暴云的电荷结构则由反偶极性发展成正偶极性。为研究CCN(cloud condensation nuclei)对雷暴云的影响,本文进行了两组敏感性试验,随着云滴初始数浓度增加,雷暴云的电荷结构没有发生极性翻转,但雷暴云中电荷量增加,电荷分布区域变大,有利于闪电发生。在Saunders起电参数化方案下,当云滴初始数浓度大于2 000 cm-3时,电荷量变小。通过分析微物理量场和微物理过程发现,随着云滴初始数浓度增加,冰相粒子质量混合比增加,在Saunders起电参数化方案下,当云滴初始数浓度大于2 000 cm-3时,霰粒子质量混合比减小。验证了CCN的变化能影响云的微物理过程,从而影响雷暴云的电荷分布以及闪电的发生,尤其是冰相物质的变化显著影响了雷暴云的起电过程。  相似文献   

利用WRFv3.9.1中尺度数值模式,采用Lin、WSM6、Thompson、WDM6四种微物理过程参数化方案对2007年3月4日辽宁特大暴雪过程进行了数值模拟研究。使用61个国家级气象站降水观测资料,评估了模式对此次降水过程的模拟能力,对比分析了不同微物理过程参数化方案模拟降雪过程中相态变化和水成物空间分布的差异。结果表明:4种微物理过程参数化方案均能模拟出与CloudSat卫星反演反射率分布相接近的结果,其中Thompson方案模拟的回波顶更高,向北伸展的范围也更大,其他3种方案回波顶高均在8 km附近。4种方案对降水落区的模拟略有差异,整体来看WSM6方案对本次降水的极值中心位置,以及不同降水量级的TS评分整体都优于其他3种参数化方案。降水相态模拟与观测的对比分析发现,WSM6、Lin和WDM6三种方案均能够模拟出雨雪分界线不断南压的过程且雨雪分界线位置准确,而Thompson方案对辽宁南部地区雨转雪时间模拟偏晚。从云微物理特征上看,4种方案均能模拟出大气低层存在的雨水粒子,其中WDM6方案模拟的雨水含量明显较其他3种方案更多,Thompson方案模拟出更多的雪粒子和最少的霰粒子,Lin方案霰粒子南北范围广、伸展高度高,WSM6和WDM6两种方案模拟出较少的霰粒子,这两种方案模拟的云冰高度也更低,正是各种水成物空间分布的差异决定了不同微物理过程参数化方案对降水量和降水相态模拟的差异。   相似文献   

Hydrometeor variables (cloud water and cloud ice mixing ratios) are added into the WRF three-dimensional variational assimilation system as additional control variables to directly analyze hydrometeors by assimilating cloud observations. In addition, the background error covariance matrix of hydrometeors is modeled through a control variable transform, and its characteristics discussed in detail. A suite of experiments using four microphysics schemes (LIN, SBU-YLIN, WDM6 and WSM6) are performed with and without assimilating satellite cloud liquid/ice water path. We find analysis of hydrometeors with cloud assimilation to be significantly improved, and the increment and distribution of hydrometeors are consistent with the characteristics of background error covariance. Diagnostic results suggest that the forecast with cloud assimilation represents a significant improvement, especially the ability to forecast precipitation in the first seven hours. It is also found that the largest improvement occurs in the experiment using the WDM6 scheme, since the assimilated cloud information can sustain for longer in this scheme. The least improvement, meanwhile, appears in the experiment using the SBU-YLIN scheme.  相似文献   

It is thought that satellite infrared (IR) images can aid the recognition of the structure of the cloud and aid the rainfall estimation. In this article, the authors explore the application of a classification method relevant to four texture features, viz. energy, entropy, inertial-quadrature and local calm, to the study of the structure of a cloud cluster displaying a typical meso-scale structure on infrared satellite images. The classification using the IR satellite images taken during 4–5 July 2003, a time when a meso-scale torrential rainstorm was occurring over the Yangtze River basin, illustrates that the detailed structure of the cloud cluster can be obviously seen by means of the neural network classification method relevant to textural features, and the relationship between the textural energy and rainfall indicates that the structural variation of a cloud cluster can be viewed as an exhibition of the convection intensity evolvement. These facts suggest that the scheme of following a classification method relevant to textural features applied to cloud structure studies is helpful for weather analysis and forecasting.  相似文献   

During spring the atmospheric concentration of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate, PAN, in the UK varies over three orders of magnitude due to long range transport and local photochemical production. An experiment at Great Dun Fell was used to determine which of these sources of PAN controlled spring time concentrations and to quantify the contribution of PAN to oxidised nitrogen in cloud water. The gas phase mixing ratio of a wide range of trace gas pollutants, including PAN, along with cloud water chemical composition and aerosol/cloud droplet distributions were measured. A chemical model was developed to determine the contribution of PAN hydrolysis to cloud water nitrification and to quantify the sink strengths of PAN. Chemical reaction following thermal decomposition was found to be the dominant sink mechanism in the model but transport was the most important factor controlling PAN concentration. During cloud episodes PAN concentrations varied from 100 ppt to over 1 ppb but the calculated inorganic oxidised nitrogen loading in the cloud due to PAN dissolution and hydrolysis was an insignificant fraction of the observed total oxidised nitrogen loading of the cloud. Extrapolation of the model to persistent cloud in marine conditions showed that PAN has a negligible effect on cloud nitrification. It was concluded that PAN concentrations were heavily influenced by regional concentrations and that the hydrolysis of PAN in cloud water was an insignificant source of oxidised nitrogen in cloud water.  相似文献   

The interest in the development and improvement of dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs), which have the potential to simulate fluxes of carbon, water and nitrogen, along with changes in the vegetation dynamics, within an integrated system, has been increasing. In this paper, some numerical schemes and a higher resolution soil texture dataset were employed to improve the Sheffield Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (SDGVM). Using eddy covariance-based measurements, we then tested the standard version of the SDGVM and the modified version of the SDGVM. Detailed observations of daily carbon and water fluxes made at the upland oak forest on the Walker Branch Watershed in Tennessee, USA offered a unique opportunity for these comparisons. The results revealed that the modified version of the SDGVM did a reasonable job of simulating the carbon and water flux and the variation of soil water content (SWC). However, at the end of the growing season, it failed to simulate the effect of the limitations on the soil respiration dynamics and as a result underestimated this respiration. It was also noted that the modified version overestimated the increase in the SWC following summer rainfall, which was attributed to an inadequate representation of the ground water and thermal cycle.  相似文献   

The extended-range forecast skill of the ECMWF operational forecast model is evaluated during tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) events in the Indo-West Pacific warm pool. The experiment consists of ensemble extended serial forecasts including winter and summer ISO cases. The forecasts are compared with the ERA-40 analyses. The analysis focuses on understanding the origin of forecast errors by studying the vertical structure of relevant dynamical and moist convective features associated with the ISO. The useful forecast time scale for circulation anomalies is in average 13 days during winter compared to 7–8 days during summer. The forecast skill is not stationary and presents evidence of a flow-dependent nature, with states of the coupled system corresponding to long-lived convective envelopes associated with the ISO for which the skill is always low regardless of the starting date of the forecast. The model is not able to forecast skillfully the generation of specific humidity anomalies and results indicate that the convective processes in the model are associated with the erosion of the ISO forecast skill in the model. Circulation-associated anomalies are forecast better than moist convective associated anomalies. The model tends to generate a more stable atmosphere, limiting the model’s capability to reproduce deep convective events, resulting in smaller humidity and circulation anomalies in the forecasts compared to those in ERA-40.  相似文献   

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