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We present the discovery of the widest known ultracool dwarf–white dwarf binary. This binary is the first spectroscopically confirmed widely separated system from our target sample. We have used the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and SuperCOSMOS archives in the southern hemisphere, searching for very widely separated ultracool dwarf–white dwarf binaries, and find one common proper motion system, with a separation of 3650–5250 au at an estimated distance of 41–59 pc, making it the widest known system of this type. Spectroscopy reveals 2MASS J0030−3740 is a DA white dwarf with   T eff= 7600 ± 100 K, log( g ) = 7.79–8.09  and   M WD= 0.48–0.65 M  . We spectroscopically type the ultracool dwarf companion (2MASS J0030−3739) as M9 ± 1 and estimate a mass of  0.07–0.08 M,  T eff= 2000–2400 K  and  log( g ) = 5.30–5.35  , placing it near the mass limit for brown dwarfs. We estimate the age of the system to be >1.94 Gyr (from the white dwarf cooling age and the likely length of the main-sequence lifetime of the progenitor) and suggest that this system and other such wide binaries can be used as benchmark ultracool dwarfs.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the eclipsing binary 2MASS 19090585+4911585 with the 25 cm auxiliary telescope of the University Observatory Jena. We show that a nearby brighter star (2MASS 19090783+4912085) was previously misclassified as the eclipsing binary and find 2MASS 19090585+4911585 to be the true source of variation. We present photometric analysis of VRI light curves. The system is an overcontact binary of W UMa type with an orbital period of (0.288374 ± 0.000010) d (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We report the discovery of two binary M dwarf systems in the immediate solar neighbourhood using the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). The first is an M6.5 companion to the nearby G star HD 86728 (Gl 376). The known properties of HD 86728 indicate that the M dwarf (Gl 376B) is old, metal-rich and only 14.9 parsec away. The M dwarf is highly active, with both H α and X-ray emission. Thus, Gl 376B offers the opportunity to study an old, bright, active M dwarf with known metallicity, age and luminosity. We show that it is probable that Gl 376B is itself an unresolved pair. The other system consists of an M6.5 and an M8 dwarf with 14.5 arcsec separation. We estimate a distance of ∼16 parsec for this very low-mass pair. Stronger activity is observed in the M6.5 dwarf, supporting evidence that chromospheric activity is weakening near the hydrogen-burning limit.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of an eclipsing polar, 2XMMi J225036.9+573154, using XMM–Newton . It was discovered by searching the light curves in the 2XMMi catalogue for objects showing X-ray variability. Its X-ray light curve shows a total eclipse of the white dwarf by the secondary star every 174 min. An extended pre-eclipse absorption dip is observed in soft X-rays at  φ= 0.8–0.9  , with evidence for a further dip in the soft X-ray light curve at  φ∼ 0.4  . Further, X-rays are seen from all orbital phases (apart from the eclipse) which make it unusual amongst eclipsing polars. We have identified the optical counterpart, which is faint  ( r = 21)  , and shows a deep eclipse (>3.5 mag in white light). Its X-ray spectrum does not show a distinct soft X-ray component which is seen in many, but not all, polars. Its optical spectrum shows Hα in emission for a fraction of the orbital period.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopy and photometry of GD 448, a detached white dwarf – M dwarf binary with a period of 2.47 h. We find that the Na  I  8200-Å feature is composed of narrow emission lines, owing to irradiation of the M dwarf by the white dwarf, within broad absorption lines that are essentially unaffected by heating. Combined with an improved spectroscopic orbit and gravitational redshift measurement from spectra of the Hα line, we are able to derive masses for the white dwarf and M dwarf directly (0.41 ± 0.01 and 0.096 ± 0.004 M, respectively). We use a simple model of the Ca II emission lines to establish the radius of the M dwarf assuming the emission from its surface to be proportional to the incident flux per unit area from the white dwarf. The radius derived is 0.125 ± 0.020 R. The M dwarf appears to be a normal main-sequence star in terms of its mass and radius, and is less than half the size of its Roche lobe. The thermal time-scale of the M dwarf is much longer than the cooling age of the white dwarf, so we conclude that the M dwarf was unaffected by the common-envelope phase. The anomalous width of the Hα emission from the M dwarf remains to be explained, but the strength of the line may be due to X-ray heating of the M dwarf owing to accretion on to the white dwarf from the M dwarf wind.  相似文献   

We present  0.9–2.5 μm  spectroscopy with   R ∼800  and  1.12–1.22 μm  spectroscopy with   R ∼5800  for the M dwarfs Gl 229A and LHS 102A, and for the L dwarf LHS 102B. We also report IZJHKL ' photometry for both components of the LHS 102 system, and L ' photometry for Gl 229A. The data are combined with previously published spectroscopy and photometry to produce flux distributions for each component of the kinematically old disc M/L dwarf binary system LHS 102 and the kinematically young disc M/T dwarf binary system Gliese 229. The data are analysed using synthetic spectra generated by the latest 'AMES-dusty' and 'AMES-cond' models by Allard & Hauschildt. Although the models are not able to reproduce the overall slope of the infrared flux distribution of the L dwarf, most likely because of the treatment of dust in the photosphere, the data for the M dwarfs and the T dwarf are well matched. We find that the Gl 229 system is metal-poor despite having kinematics of the young disc, and that the LHS 102 system has solar metallicity. The observed luminosities and derived temperatures and gravities are consistent with evolutionary model predictions if the Gl 229 system is very young  (age∼30 Myr)  with masses (A,B) of (0.38,≳0.007) M, and the LHS 102 system is older, aged  1–10 Gyr  with masses (A,B) of (0.19,0.07) M.  相似文献   

The 'All Sky Automated Survey' (ASAS) photometric observations of LS 1135, an O-type single-lined binary (SB1) system with an orbital period of 2.7 d, show that the system is also eclipsing performing a numerical model of this binary based on the Wilson–Devinney method. We obtained an orbital inclination     . With this value of the inclination, we deduced masses   M 1∼ 30 ± 1 M  and   M 2∼ 9 ± 1 M  , and radii   R 1∼ 12 ± 1 R  and   R 2∼ 5 ± 1 R  for primary and secondary components, respectively. Both the components are well inside their respective Roche lobes. Fixing the T eff of the primary to the value corresponding to its spectral type (O6.5V), the T eff obtained for the secondary component corresponds approximately to a spectral type of B1V. The mass ratio   M 2/ M 1∼ 0.3  is among the lowest known values for spectroscopic binaries with O-type components.  相似文献   

Results of the photometric analysis by means of the Wilson‐Devinney method, combined with an empirical massradius relation for LC IV stars support the hypothesis that GX Gem is a well detached evolved system of subgiant stars. The solution is consistent with the known spectroscopic parameters obtained by Popper (1996) and the photometric data of Lacy (2002a). (© 2003 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

New photoelectric UBV observations were obtained for the eclipsing binary TT Her at the Ankara University Observatory (AUO) and three new times of minima were calculated from these observations. The (OC) diagram constructed for all available times of minima of TT Her exhibits a cyclic character superimposed on a quadratic variation. The quadratic character yields an orbital period decrease with a rate of dP /dt = –8.83 × 10–8 day yr–1 which can be attributed to the mass exchange/loss mechanism in the system. By assuming the presence of a gravitationally bound third body in the system, the analysis of the cyclic nature in the (OC) diagram revealed a third body with a mass of 0.21M orbiting around the eclipsing pair. The possibility of magnetic activity cycle effect as a cause for the observed cyclic variation in the (OC) diagram was also discussed. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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