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Concentrations and calculated fluxes of trace metals into Bermuda nearshore marine and lake sediments are presented. In areas affected by anthropogenic activity, metal profiles show surface sediment enrichments similar to those observed in North American and European lacustrine and estuarine sediments. Atmospheric fluxes of Cu, Zn and Pb into the lake sediments are higher than those of rural areas in North America. These high fluxes are assumed to be due to jet-fuel combustion. Sediment profiles in the Hamilton City area indicate increased anthropogenic input of Cu and Pb compared to other marine locations.  相似文献   

It is important to determine trace metal concentrations in marine sediments because these could be important sources of contamination of marine organisms that reside there. In this study we measured the concentrations of thirteen metals in sediments obtained from Long Island Sound. We found great variations in metal levels for various geographic areas in the Sound; but, generally the highest concentrations found were in the extreme western end of the Sound. Comparison is made between metal levels in sediments from the Sound to seven other areas located in the U.S. and U.K.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Mn and Zn) were determined for summer and winter, under low-flow conditions in Port Jackson, a microtidal, well-mixed estuary in south-east Australia. Mean concentrations of Cd (0.04+/-0.02 microg/l), Ni (0.86+/-0.40 microg/l), Mn (20.0+/-25 microg/l) and Zn (6.47+/-2.0 microg/l) were below water quality guidelines. Concentrations of Cu (1.68+/-0.37 microg/l), however, slightly exceeded recommended values. Dissolved Ni and Mn behaved mostly conservatively, whereas Cd, Cu and Zn showed mid-estuarine maxima. Peaks in Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations were located in the upper estuary, independent of the salinity and suspended particulate matter loading, and were consistent with anthropogenic inputs of metals in the estuary. Concentrations of dissolved Cu were highest in summer, whereas concentrations of Cd, Ni and Mn were significantly lower in summer than winter (P< or =0.05). The increase in temperature and biological activity during summer explained the seasonal variation. The sequence of log K(d) values (20-30 salinity) was Mn>Zn>Cu>Ni. These results give unique information concerning the contemporaneous distribution of dissolved trace metals in the Port Jackson estuary and they provide a data set against which the long-term contamination may be assessed.  相似文献   

Sediments are very important as trace metal ‘sinks’ in coastal areas. In this paper we present data on the concentrations and calculated fluxes of the trace metals, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Ag at nearshore sites in Long Island Sound. In both areas a percentage of the metal accumulation can be ascribed to local human activities with the highest anthropogenic metal fluxes occurring closest to their source.  相似文献   

Metal concentrations (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) were determined in the 0.5 HCl extractable fraction of surface sediments collected in Rhodes Harbour, Rhodes Island, Greece. The metals related to human activities (Cu, Pb and Zn) were found in relatively higher concentrations in the harbour sediments and in some cases showed important enrichment compared to the nonpolluted coastal sediments. The highest metal enhancement was found in the fine sediments of the Mandraki Harbour, which is located in the vicinity of the main sewage outfall of a densely populated area.  相似文献   

A large number and variety of species of actinomycetes were isolated from sediment samples collected in New York Harbour and from the New York Bight in the course of studies on the distribution of these bacteria in coastal regions. Isolates recovered from the New York Bight sediment were similar to those from other inshore areas, although the total counts were lower. Larger numbers of actinomycetes were recovered from harbour sediments, as well as dredging spoil samples collected from a capped dump site in the New York Bight. The capping operation was monitored and effects on the microbial populations were detected. Selected genera associated with the dredge spoil were determined to be allochthonous, providing useful microbial markers for the dredged material. Many of the microbial species survive in the dump area, but some appear to be metabolically active, perhaps altering the chemical nature of the dumped material.  相似文献   

Interstitial water samples from the Guatemala Basin and the coast of Baja California have been analyzed for manganese, iron, copper, nickel and nitrate. The data provide a systematic look at changes in trace metal diagenesis proceeding from red clay to highly reducing nearshore sediments.In red clay sediments, the nitrate concentrations suggest that only aerobic respiration is occurring. Manganese and iron are below detection. Nickel concentrations remain the same as in bottom seawater but copper shows a pronounced maximum just at the sediment/water interface. Proceeding to hemipelagic sediments, denitrification becomes increasingly important and manganese and iron remobilization occur in the sediments.The linear manganese and nitrate profiles suggest regions of production or consumption separated by zones of diffusion. This differs from the conventional picture of a continuous series of reactions within the sediments. Manganese reduction always occurs before iron reduction. The pore water nickel correlates well with manganese in these sediments, suggesting that nickel is associated with MnO2 in the solid phase. The pore water flux ratio of manganese and nickel agrees well with the ratio in solid phase authigenic oxides. Copper still displays a core top concentration maximum as well as a second maximum associated with the remobilized manganese. The calculated ratio of the Cu/C flux ratios support the argument for copper remobilization during organic carbon oxidation. Comparison of the upward and downward diffusive fluxes with the rate of copper buried by sedimentation shows that at least half of the copper buried must be of diagenetic origin and less than 25% of the copper reaching the sediments is buried.  相似文献   

Although the hinterland of the Solway Firth contains deposits of a variety of non-ferrous metals, and coal and steel industries grew there during the industrial revolution, the trace metal content of sediments in the firth is low, and the Solway is the last major unpolluted estuary in Britain.  相似文献   

The toxicity of marine sediments in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When the toxicity of marine sediment in Hong Kong was evaluated, it was found that the seven sediments collected within Victoria Harbour were severely contaminated with heavy metals, at concentrations many times higher than those in sediments collected from outside the harbour. The highest metal content was recorded in site VS14 (located near the airport runway and the industrialized area), with copper, zinc, lead and chromium values of 3789, 610, 138 and 601 mg kg−1 dry wt, respectively. This site also had the greatest alkaline phosphatase activities (15 fluorescent intensity unit g−1 wet wt), the largest number of total coliforms (910 CFU g−1 wet wt) and sulphate-reducing bacteria (8.5 × 104 cells g−1 wet wt), implying that site VS14 was also contaminated with organic matter and nutrients. Sediment bioassays, Microtox and algal tests, demonstrated that sediment elutriates obtained from site VS14 were of greatest toxicity. The EC10 value in Microtox tests was 17% elutriate, and the 96-h IC50 values using Skeletonema costatum and Dunaliella tertiolecta were 40 and 79% elutriate, respectively. No toxic effects were found in sediment samples collected from the control site outside Victoria Harbour. Significant correlations were found between the results of the algal toxicity test (using S. costatum) and the coliform count and metal content of the sediments. The Microtox test was less sensitive than the algal bioassay, and no sediment elutriate, even from the site mostly contaminated by heavy metals, caused more than 50% inhibition of the light-emitting activity of the bacteria. In this study, S. costatum (the diatom) provided a more sensitive and reliable test species than D. tertiolecta (the flagellate) in differentiating the toxicity of marine sediments.  相似文献   

Marine sediments are the ultimate recipient of nearly all trace metals introduced by man into aquatic ecosystems. This study examined the amounts and distribution of six trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in sediments of Raritan Bay, apolluted estuary. The highest levels of these metals found in Raritan Bay were: Cd-15, Cr-260, Cu-1230, Ni-50, Pb-985, Zn-815. Three metals regimes within Raritan Bay are readily apparent. An area of high values extends across the Bay from the mouth of the Raritan Riverand Arthur Killinto Sandy Hook Bay. This is bounded on the south and northeast by areas of somewhat lower concentrations. An area of relatively low concentrations, near background values, occupies the region at the mouth of the Bay between Sandy Hook peninsula and Coney Island, New York. Metals values from Raritan Bay are compared with other areas and with a few exceptions, the Raritan Bay maximum levels were similar in magnitude to those of areas in Corpus Christi Harbour (U.S.A), Severn Estuary (U.K.), Deep Sea and Florida Lakes, River Blyth (U.K.), dump sites off New York City, various basins off South California, and in Long Island Sound.  相似文献   

Persistent organochlorine compound concentrations were determined for 23 surface sediment samples collected from Alexandria Harbor, Egypt. Total PCB concentrations ranged from 0.9 to 1210 ng/g with four to seven Cl-substituted biphenyls being the most prevalent PCBs congeners. Different PCB congener distribution patterns were observed, probably reflecting different inputs and attenuation at various locations. Total DDT concentrations varied from <0.25 ng/g to 885 ng/g. The ratios of DDTs (2,4- and 4,4-DDT)/total DDTs (DDTs plus metabolites) in sediment samples from certain sites were 0.86 or higher, indicating little attenuation or recent input of DDT. Total chlordane (the sum of heptachlor and its epoxide, oxy-, γ- and -chlordane and cis+trans-nonachlor) ranged from <0.25 to 44 ng/g with the highest concentration found in the Arsenal Basin. The geographic distributions of PCBs, total DDTs and total chlordane were similar. Chlorinated benzenes (CBs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, chloropyrifos, endosulfan, mirex and pentachloroanisole were below detection limits or detected at low concentrations in most of the samples. Sites that were contaminated with high concentrations of organochlorine compounds were associated with dense population and low energy environment. The contamination levels of PCBs, total DDTs and total chlordane were in high range compared to other locations worldwide.  相似文献   

A great variety of man's activities on the coast result in metal contamination of the sea. Investigations at three sites, two in Florida and one in Bermuda reveal trace metals in sediments. In all three cases these accumulations can be ascribed to local human activities, though their nature varies widely from one site to another.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc in superficial sediments in New York Bight are ten to a hundred times greater near waste disposal areas than in uncontaminated sediments. Some wastes are transported by currents north-east towards Long Island and south-east along the Hudson Submarine Valley.  相似文献   

Tributyltin (TBT) concentrations in waters of Poole Harbour ranged between 2–139 ng l−1 (as Sn) and increased to 234–646 ng l−1 within marinas. Seasonal trends in contamination coincided with boat usage patterns and peaked during summer months. A combination of poor tidal flushing and removal of TBT to particulates restricts high levels of contamination to areas closest to marinas and moorings; TBT concentrations in benthic sediments decreased from 0.52 μg g−1 near such sites to 0.02 μg g−1 at the harbour mouth. Organotin accumulations in several benthic invertebrates including polychaetes (Nereis diversicolor), snails (Littorina littorea) and clams (Scrobicularia plana, Mya arenaria) reflect the distribution of contamination in the environment, though concentration factors (relative to water) vary considerably between species and were highest in sediment dwelling clams, notably Mya (1.3×105). Compared to organotins, biological availability of inorganic tin is low.

Levels of TBT in parts of Poole Harbour exceed Environmental Quality Targets designed to protect marine life and may be responsible for poor recruitment, particularly in bivalves, at heavily contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Bottom sediments have been analysed from Newark Bay, New Jersey, for zinc, lead, cadmium, and mercury. The bottom sediment analyses show that the bay sediments are enriched over background levels up to 65 times for zinc, 128 times for lead, 180 times for cadmium, and 155 times for mercury. Analyses of the metal distribution and of available tidal hydraulic data indicate the metal concentrations are due to a combination of source and tidal hydraulics. Dye tracer experiments gathering Lagrangiantype data appear to yield the best result in the investigation of metal trasport phenomena.  相似文献   

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