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We studied metal pollution in the sediments of Rijeka harbor, including anthropogenic influence during recent decades and at the present time. Sediment profiles were collected at ten sampling points. The concentrations of 63 elements in bulk sediment were obtained using ICP-MS, and the concentrations of selected elements were evaluated by statistical factor analyses. We also calculated metal-enrichment factors and geoaccumulation indices and constructed spatial-distribution maps.Mercury (Hg) was the heaviest pollutant, with concentrations exceeding 4 mg/kg. Silver (Ag) was the second most important pollutant, with constantly increasing values. The average concentrations of the most toxic elements were comparable to those found in sediments of other ports throughout the world, and their toxicity ranged from threshold values [chromium (Cr), arsenic (As)] and midrange-effect values [cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni)] to extreme-effect values (Hg). Metal pollution has decreased during recent decades, except for Ag and barium (Ba).  相似文献   

Transport of contaminants in Miami River (Florida, USA) sediments with river currents is a concern due to their potential impact in areas that are away from the potential sources. Accumulation profiles of five metals (As, Cd, Hg, Zn, Pb) in the surficial sediments of the Miami River were evaluated in relation to grain size (from less than 0.075 mm to 6.3 mm) and organic content. Surficial sediment samples were collected along the river basin as well as in bay waters. Fine sediments ( o 0.106 mm) contained more than 10 times the levels of Cd and Hg and more than 6 times the levels of arsenic in comparison to the sediments that are larger than 0.850 mm. Zn and Pb levels were more than 10 times in the fine sediments ( o 0.106 mm) in comparison to those that were larger than 4.750 mm. Cd, Hg, and Zn levels had sig-nificant correlation with the total organic carbon content of the sediments. This indicates that Cd, Hg, and Zn in fine sediments have the potential to be metabolized in addition to potential to be mobilized with river currents. Analysis of the Gibbs settling velocities of particles showed that particles smaller than 0.5 mm can be transported with the river currents. The levels of heavy metal in fine sediments ( o 0.425 mm) along the river bed showed that fine particles had tendency to be mobilized and accu-mulate at locations where the rivers currents are low and carried out to the bay.  相似文献   

Bottom sediments have been analysed from Newark Bay, New Jersey, for zinc, lead, cadmium, and mercury. The bottom sediment analyses show that the bay sediments are enriched over background levels up to 65 times for zinc, 128 times for lead, 180 times for cadmium, and 155 times for mercury. Analyses of the metal distribution and of available tidal hydraulic data indicate the metal concentrations are due to a combination of source and tidal hydraulics. Dye tracer experiments gathering Lagrangiantype data appear to yield the best result in the investigation of metal trasport phenomena.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations in sediments off Bintulu, Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An analysis of the climate change signal for seasonal temperature and precipitation over the Northern Adriatic region is presented here. We collected 43 regional climate simulations covering the target area, including experiments produced in the context of the PRUDENCE and ENSEMBLES projects, and additional experiments produced by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The ability of the models to simulate the present climate in terms of mean and interannual variability is discussed and the insufficient reproduction of some features, such as the intensity of summer precipitation, are shown. The contribution to the variance associated with the intermodel spread is computed. The changes of mean and interannual variability are analyzed for the period 2071–2100 in the PRUDENCE runs (A2 scenario) and the periods 2021–2050 and 2071–2100 (A1B scenario) for the other runs. Ensemble results show a major warming at the end of the 21st century. Warming will be larger in the A2 scenario (about 5.5 K in summer and 4 K in winter) than in the A1B. Precipitation is projected to increase in winter and decrease in summer by 20% (+0.5 mm/day and −1 mm/day over the Alps, respectively). The climate change signal for scenario A1B in the period 2021–2050 is significant for temperature, but not yet for precipitation. In summer, interannual variability is projected to increase for temperature and for precipitation. Winter interannual variability change is different among scenarios. A reduction of precipitation is found for A2, while for A1B a reduction of temperature interannual variability is observed.  相似文献   

The composition, distribution and the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the surficial sediments of the Gulf of Trieste were investigated. To document the spatial PAH input, surficial sediment samples from 17 locations throughout the Gulf were analysed. The total PAH load determined in the surficial sediment samples are between 30 and 600 ng g-1, and were the highest in the immediate vicinity of the Port of Trieste. The PAH contents decline rapidly with increasing distance from the shore. The ratios of methylphenanthrenes/phenanthrene and methylpyrene/pyrene are sensitive indicators of the origin of PAH pollution in the Gulf which is mostly pyrolitic. The phenanthrene/anthracene ratio was used to determine the approximate location and distance from the source of PAH pollution, while 1-methy 1-7-isopropylphenanthrene (retene) was used as indicator for forest fires. A sediment depth profile indicates a major increase in the PAH concentrations after the First World War.  相似文献   

The Northern Adriatic is one of the most productive regions of the Mediterranean, primarily due to the eutrophicating influence of Italian rivers, in particular the Po. In June 1977 unusually high phytoplankton standing crops (13 μg Chl a l.?1) occurred, together with extremely low dissolved oxygen concentrations in bottom waters (to 13%) which persisted for 4–6 months. Such conditions were associated with unusual climatic conditions creating increased discharge from the Po.The data indicate long term meteorological changes which may alter the biological characteristics of the region to a degree equal to, or exceeding, those created by anthropomorphic eutrophication.The 1977 data are presented, discussed, and contrasted with a 10 year data series.  相似文献   

The authors studied surface sediments from 102 stations in four areas of the three port entrances to the Lagoon of Venice, examining the relationships between textural character, mineralogical composition, and Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, Co and Fe content. Heavy metal distribution allowed boundaries to be fixed between polluted and nonpolluted zones. While the Cavallino area is not polluted, very high concentrations of Zn, Pb and Hg in the two central areas, facing the Lido and Malamocco port entrances, respectively, suggest that wastes mainly from industrial production of zinc are present. High concentrations of Cr in the southern part of the Chioggia area are probably due to tannery wastes reaching the sea from the Brenta river.  相似文献   

Sediments in the Hayle estuary in a historical mining area of Cornwall have been found to contain exceptionally high concentrations of tin, arsenic, copper, lead, tungsten and zinc. In this study, the distribution of these heavy metals is correlated with pollution from past mining activity through mine waste discharge into streams, and changes which took place at the time of the development of the Upton Towans.  相似文献   

The heavy metal inventory and the ecological risk of the tidal flat sediments in Haizhou Bay were investigated. Results show that the average concentrations of heavy metals in the surface sediments exceeded the environment background values of Jiangsu Province coastal soil, suggesting that the surface sediments were mainly polluted by heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn). In addition, the profiles of heavy metals fluxes can reflect the socio-economic development of Lianyungang City, and heavy metals inputs were attributed to anthropogenic activities. Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn were mainly present in the non-bioavailable residual form in surface sediments, whereas Cd and Mn were predominantly in the highly mobile acid soluble and reducible fractions. The ecological risk of the polluted sediments stemmed mainly from Cd and Pb. According to the Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), however, the adverse biological effects caused by the heavy metals occasionally occurred in tidal flat.  相似文献   

Concentrations of selected heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni and Fe) in surface sediments from nine sites in western Xiamen Bay and its vicinity were studied in order to understand current metal contamination due to urbanization and economic development in Xiamen, China. The sediment samples were collected in December 2004 and July 2005 respectively in order to examine temporal variations. In this study, we found that heavy metal concentrations in surface sediments sampled in the western Xiamen Bay and adjacent Maluan Bay and Yuandang Lagoon varied from 19 to 97mg kg(-1) for Cu, 45 to 60mg kg(-1) for Pb, 65 to 223mg kg(-1) for Zn, 0.11 to 1.01mg kg(-1) for Cd, 37 to 134mg kg(-1) for Cr, 25 to 65mg kg(-1) for Ni and 3.08 to 4.81% for Fe. Although all metal concentrations in sediments meets Chinese National Standard Criteria for Marine Sediment Quality, both metal enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation index (I(geo)) show that Pb contamination exists in the entire study area and contamination of other metals are also present in some locations depending on the sources, of which sewage outlets and commercial ports are the main sources of contaminants to the area. This study shows that using the sediment quality standard criteria only to assess sediments cannot properly reflect sediment contamination. A multiple approaches should be applied for the sediment quality assessment.  相似文献   

The heavy metal inventory and the ecological risk of the estuarine sediments in Hailing Bay, an important maricultural zone along the southern coast of China, were investigated. Results show that the surface sediments were mainly polluted by As (2.17-20.34 mg/kg), Ni (1.37-42.50mg/kg), Cu (1.21-58.84 mg/kg) and Zn (11.69-219.22 mg/kg). Furthermore, the aquafarming zone was significantly more polluted than the non-aquafarming zone, and cluster analysis suggested additional sources of heavy metal input in the aquafarming zone. As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were mainly present in the non-bioavailable residual form in the surface sediments, whereas Cd was predominantly in the highly mobile acid soluble and reducible fractions. The ecological risk of the polluted sediments stemmed mainly from Cd, and from As, Cu and Pb to less degrees. The highest potential risks occurred near the aquaculture base, indicating the need to control heavy metal inputs from aquafarming activities.  相似文献   

The first analyses of PAHs in marine sediments within Rijeka Bay started in 1998 at three sampling sites offshore from the petroleum refinery facilities and were extended in 1999 to three more sampling points in front of the repair shipyard within the same east industrial zone. The small Svezanj cove, lying between the shipyard and the petroleum refinery was chosen as the reference point. The concentrations of PAHs were considerably higher in the shipyard environment (average: 3009-6314 μg kg−1 d.w.) in comparison to the petroleum refinery area (average: 279-919 μg kg−1 d.w.), while the PAHs load at reference point was close to the latter level (average: 717 μg kg−1 d.w.). The Phe/Anth and Flo/Py ratios indicate the dominant pyrogenic sources, except for the results from 1999 to 2000 with dominant petrogenic origin at some sites. A declining trend of total PAHs, and consequently toxicity indices was observed at all sites.  相似文献   

Data concerning grain-size distribution, mineralogy, geochemistry, and chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations, obtained from 246 surface sediment samples collected in the Northern Adriatic sea (Italian area), provide the basis for a multivariate statistical analysis which evaluates the influence of riverine inputs, the differences among various depositional environments and the presence of polluted zones.Cluster analysis applied to grain size has identified nine groups of lithotypes associated with the morphology and the hydrology of the basin.In the Gulf of Venice, principal component analysis on clay minerals and carbonates has permitted recognition of two main areas located north and south of the Brenta river. More subareas correspond to other lithological types.Principal component analysis of nine metal (Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Zn, Fe, Ni, and Co) concentrations reveals that the studied sea area is more complex from the geochemical point of view. Three geochemical zones related to riverine inputs, different lithotypes and specific forms of contamination are identified. High pollution of both halocarbons and heavy metals is associated with fine grain size.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,83(1-2):194-200
Concentrations of heavy metals in river water and sediment were investigated in nine estuaries along the coast of Bohai Bay, Northern China. Multivariate statistical techniques such as principal component analysis and cluster analysis, in combination with metal concentration analysis and correlation analysis, were used to identify the possible sources of the metals and the pollution pattern in nine estuaries along the coast of Bohai Bay. The environmental risks of metals, evaluated by sediment quality guidelines and background values, revealed Hg contamination in the estuaries. However, levels of Cd in estuarine sediments were low, and they were less than those levels in river sediments, partly due to the high mobility and dilution of river or seawater. Cd did not contribute to sediment deposits in estuaries. High organic matter from effluents from large municipal sewage treatment plants was predominantly responsible for restricting Hg mobility from the river to Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(3-4):296-308
This paper focuses on the delivery of water and sediment to the northern Adriatic to better understand the short-term evolution of continental margin sedimentation under natural and human impact. For that reason, the Po and six Apennine rivers (Metauro, Musone, Potenza, Tronto, Chienti and Pescara) are investigated. The climate-driven hydrological model HydroTrend is used to simulate discharge and sediment loads where observational data are limited. The northern Apennine hinterland has a significant impact on the sediment flux leaving the Po River, contributing 56% of the sediment it delivers to the Adriatic Sea. The Po River experienced a strong decrease in its sediment load (17.2–6.4 Mt/yr) across 1933–1987, in contrast to a small increase in its water discharge. The rivers draining the southern Apennine hinterland contribute more than 50% of the sediment load entering the Adriatic Sea, and this is in spite of human modification of their discharge through numerous small reservoirs that invariably reduce a river's sediment load. As a result, hyperpycnal flows, which historically carried 20–40% of the sediment flux from these Apennine rivers, become rare. Sediment load reduction is also reflected by retreat of the Apennine coastline. Based on the ART model (used in HydroTrend), the total sediment load to the northern Adriatic is 43 MT/yr where the northern Alpine rivers contribute 8 MT/yr, the Po River 13 MT/yr and the Apennine rivers contribute 22 MT/yr.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the natural and anthropogenic processes controlling sediment chemistry in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, emphasizing the area affected by the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz (Ferraz). Total and bioavailable concentrations of sixteen elements were determined in 32 sediment and 14 soils samples. Factor analysis allowed us to distinguish three groups of samples: (1) Ferraz sediments, with higher content of total trace metals and organic matter; (2) control sediments, with intermediate characteristics; (3) Ferraz soils, with higher bioavailability of most metals due to its oxidizing condition and low organic matter content. Major elements such as Fe, Al, Ca and Ti presented similar levels in all three groups. Enrichment factor calculations showed that paints, sewage and petroleum contamination enhanced metal concentrations in Ferraz surface sediments as follows: B, Mo, and Pb (>90%); V and Zn (70-80%); Ni, Cu, Mg, and Mn (30-40%). Despite evidence of contamination in these sediments, the low bioavailability, probably caused by iron-sulfide, indicates small environmental risks.  相似文献   

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