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This is the second in a series of papers presenting results from the SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey. In our first paper we provided 850-μm flux densities for 104 galaxies selected from the IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample and we found that the 60-, 100-μm ( IRAS ) and 850-μm (SCUBA) fluxes could be adequately fitted by emission from dust at a single temperature. In this paper we present 450-μm data for the galaxies. With the new data, the spectral energy distributions of the galaxies can no longer be fitted with an isothermal dust model – two temperature components are now required. Using our 450-μm data and fluxes from the literature, we find that the 450/850-μm flux ratio for the galaxies is remarkably constant, and this holds from objects in which the star formation rate is similar to our own Galaxy, to ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) such as Arp 220. The only possible explanation for this is if the dust emissivity index for all of the galaxies is ∼2 and the cold dust component has a similar temperature in all galaxies     . The 60-μm luminosities of the galaxies were found to depend on both the dust mass and the relative amount of energy in the warm component, with a tendency for the temperature effects to dominate at the highest L 60. The dust masses estimated using the new temperatures are higher by a factor of ∼2 than those determined previously using a single temperature. This brings the gas-to-dust ratios of the IRAS galaxies into agreement with those of the Milky Way and other spiral galaxies which have been intensively studied in the submm.  相似文献   

We have cross-matched the 1.4-GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) with the first 210 fields observed in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), covering an effective area of 325 deg2 (about 20 per cent of the final 2dFGRS area). This yields a set of optical spectra of 912 candidate NVSS counterparts, of which we identify 757 as genuine radio identifications – the largest and most homogeneous set of radio source spectra ever obtained. The 2dFGRS radio sources span the redshift range     to 0.438, and are a mixture of active galaxies (60 per cent) and star-forming galaxies (40 per cent). About 25 per cent of the 2dFGRS radio sources are spatially resolved by NVSS, and the sample includes three giant radio galaxies with projected linear size greater than 1 Mpc. The high quality of the 2dF spectra means we can usually distinguish unambiguously between AGN and star-forming galaxies. We make a new determination of the local radio luminosity function at 1.4 GHz for both active and star-forming galaxies, and derive a local star formation density of         .  相似文献   

We use the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey to measure the dependence of the b J-band galaxy luminosity function on large-scale environment, defined by density contrast in spheres of radius  8  h −1 Mpc  , and on spectral type, determined from principal component analysis. We find that the galaxy populations at both extremes of density differ significantly from that at the mean density. The population in voids is dominated by late types and shows, relative to the mean, a deficit of galaxies that becomes increasingly pronounced at magnitudes brighter than   M b J−5log10 h ≲−18.5  . In contrast, cluster regions have a relative excess of very bright early-type galaxies with   M b J−5log10 h ≲−21  . Differences in the mid- to faint-end population between environments are significant: at   M b J−5log10 h =−18  early- and late-type cluster galaxies show comparable abundances, whereas in voids the late types dominate by almost an order of magnitude. We find that the luminosity functions measured in all density environments, from voids to clusters, can be approximated by Schechter functions with parameters that vary smoothly with local density, but in a fashion that differs strikingly for early- and late-type galaxies. These observed variations, combined with our finding that the faint-end slope of the overall luminosity function depends at most weakly on density environment, may prove to be a significant challenge for models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We combine photometric observations of high-redshift     quasars, obtained at submillimetre to millimetre wavelengths, to obtain a mean far-infrared (rest-frame) spectral energy distribution (SED) of the thermal emission from dust, parametrized by a single temperature ( T ) and power-law emissivity index ( β ). The best-fitting values are     and     . Our method exploits the redshift spread of this set of quasars, which allows us to sample the SED at a larger number of rest wavelengths than is possible for a single object: the wavelength range extends down to ∼60 μm, and therefore samples the turnover in the greybody curve for these temperatures. This parametrization is of use to any studies that extrapolate from a flux at a single wavelength, for example to infer dust masses and far-infrared luminosities.
We interpret the cool, submillimetre component as arising from dust heated by star formation in the host galaxy of the quasar, although we do not exclude the presence of dust heated directly by the active galactic nucleus (AGN). Applying the mean SED to the data, we derive consistent star formation rates ∼1000 M yr−1 and dust masses ∼109 M, and investigate a simple scheme of AGN and host galaxy co-evolution to account for these quantities. The time-scale for formation of the host galaxy is     , and the luminous quasar phase occurs towards the end of this period, just before the reservoir of cold gas is depleted. Given the youth of the Universe at     (1.6 Gyr), the coexistence of a massive black hole and a luminous starburst at high redshifts is a powerful constraint on models of quasar host galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Deep surveys in many wavebands have shown that the rate at which stars were forming was at least a factor of 10 higher at redshifts >1 than today. Heavy elements ('metals') are produced by stars, and the star formation history deduced by these surveys implies that a significant fraction of all metals in the Universe today should already exist at   z ∼ 2–3  . However, only 10 per cent of the total metals expected to exist at this redshift have so far been accounted for (in damped Lyman α absorbers and the Lyman forest). In this paper, we use the results of submillimetre surveys of the local and high-redshift Universe to show that there was much more dust in galaxies in the past. We find that a large proportion of the missing metals are traced by this dust, bringing the metals implied from the star formation history and observations into agreement. We also show that the observed distribution of dust masses at high redshift can be reproduced remarkably well by a simple model for the evolution of dust in spheroids, suggesting that the descendants of the dusty galaxies found in deep submillimetre surveys are the relatively dust-free spiral bulges and ellipticals in the Universe today.  相似文献   

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