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Cretaceous dinosaur tracks from Hunan Province are historically significant as the basis for three ichnotaxa: Xiangxipus chenxiensis, Xiangxipus youngi, and Hunanpus jiuquwanensis all representing theropodan tracks, described from a single site in 1982. Although the type locality has since been destroyed, the type specimen and replicas remained available for restudy in 2006, when paratype Hunanpus tracks and sauropod footprints were described from a second, nearby locality. Material from both localities is here re-described in detail. It is proposed that while Xiangxipus chenxiensis can be regarded as a distinct ichnospecies, probably representing an ornithomimid trackmaker, Xiangxipus youngi cannot be accommodated in the same ichnogenus. We consider it similar to the ichnogenus Wupus from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province, and therefore of possible avian affinity. We also find no justification for regarding Hunanpus jiuquwanensis as generically distinct from the widespread ichnogenus Grallator, and therefore rename it Grallator jiuquwanensis comb. nov. The Hunan track record is generally consistent with the sparse record of theropod skeletal remains in the province, but adds evidence of sauropods that was previously lacking. 相似文献
The Triassic represents a critical period that attests to the diversification of marine ecosystems. This paper analyses the stratigraphy of the easternmost Mesozoic series of the Algarve Basin in the Ayamonte sector (SW Spain). Two sets forming this series are described. The first, mainly siliciclastic, was deposited in continental contexts represented by fluvial and lacustrine environments with bioturbation associated with swamp-like environments ( Taenidium) or with plain alluvial sediments ( Labyrintichnus terrerensis, Planolites). This ichnoassemblage corresponds to the ichnofacies of Scoyenia. The second set, is carbonate-dominated and shows a remarkable palaeontological content comprising bivalves and gastropods, which made it possible to review our current knowledge of the regional stratigraphy of the Triassic in this area. Trigonodus- Isocyprina form this association for bivalves and Coeslostylina and Coeslostylina- Spirostylus- Mathilda for gastropods allowing to infer a Late Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) age for the Ayamonte area. The characteristic trace fossils of the carbonate sections are represented by Thalassinoides Treptichnus pollardi and Helminthoidichnites tenuis, which belong to the proximal expression of the Cruziana ichnofacies. Shallow marginal, low energy, and brackish and locally lacustrine conditions are inferred for this carbonate-dominated set, alternating with episodes of normal salinity, and towards the top, with punctuated episodes of higher energy. This palaeoenvironmental context is congruent with the palaeogeographical scenario conditioned by the existence of a threshold of major order that would indicate the initial breaking of Pangea and the opening of the Tethys in the eastern Mediterranean. 相似文献
The trace fossil assemblages of the ice-marginal shallow marine sediments of the Talchir Formation (Permo-Carboniferous), Raniganj Basin, India, record the adverse effect of extreme climatic conditions on biota. The glaciomarine Talchir succession starts with glacial sediments near the base and gradually passes to storm-laid shallow marine sediments up-section. The fine-grained storm sediments host abundant trace fossils. Although the studied ichnites characteristically show marginal marine affinity, the ichnodiversity and bioturbation intensity suggest a lower than normal shallow marine trace fossil population. Further, endobenthic annelids, worms and crustaceans are identified as dominant trace-makers. Sediment reworking near the ice-grounding line, extremely cold climate, high-energy storm sedimentation and anomalous water chemistry hindered organic colonization during the early phases of Talchir sedimentation. Later, climatic amelioration ushered in a favourable ambience for the benthic community to colonize within or beyond the storm weather wave-base in the outer shoreface–shelf environment. Fluctuating storm energy dominantly controlled the availability and influence of other environmental stimuli in the environment, and thus, governed the distribution, abundance and association of the studied ichnites. However, impoverished ichnodiversity, sporadic distribution of the traces, overall smaller burrow dimensions, absence of body fossils, dominance of worms and annelids as trace-makers all indicate a stressed environmental condition, induced by cold climate and lowered marine salinity due to influx of glacier melt-out freshwater during climatic amelioration, in the Permo-Carboniferous ice-marginal sea. 相似文献
本文是对榆社盆地(36° 49′~37° 26′ N,112° 42′~113° 07′ E)乃至中国骆驼化石的首次系统修订。20世纪30年代,德日进(Teilhard de Chardin)等报道了榆社盆地12个地点的17件骆驼化石,是渑池仰韶村不完整骨架之外中国最经典的骆驼材料。这些材料过去被错误归在榆社Ⅲ带(维拉方期真马层),误作为“巨副驼Paracamelus gigas”广为引用。本文根据榆社盆地的地层学研究成果,系统比较东半球其他地点性质比较明确的骆驼化石,对这批材料进行了重新研究,厘定了其分类位置,探讨了其产出层位。这批材料应分属邱氏副驼新种Paracamelus qiui sp. nov.、邱氏副驼(相似种)Paracamelus cf. qiui、阿氏副驼P. alexejevi、巨副驼P. gigas以及诺氏驼Camelus knoblochi等5种。邱氏副驼Paracamelus qiui是本次研究描述的新种,产于榆社马会组和高庄组桃阳段,属晚中新世,距今约6.1~5.2 Ma,相当于MN13。邱氏副驼P. qiui是非常原始的高大型骆驼,下颌长且低矮,下颌联合部长,p3未退化,前臼齿列发达,牙齿低冠或弱中冠,胫骨与距骨宽大扁薄,跖骨愈合程度低,显著有别于早更新世的P. gigas。黑海和亚速海沿岸早蓬蒂期的骆驼材料也被我们归入邱氏副驼P. qiui。除性质和时代不明的“赫尔松副驼P. khersonensis”外,邱氏副驼P. qiui是目前所见旧大陆最原始的骆驼。邱氏副驼(相似种)Paracamelus cf. qiui发现于榆社高庄组南庄沟段,距今4.9~4.2 Ma,其形态与邱氏副驼P. qiui相似,但前齿列已有所退化,可能代表一新种,但目前材料过少,有待将来更多材料证实。阿氏副驼P.alexejevi发现于榆社麻则沟组,距今3.6~3.0 Ma。阿氏副驼P. alexejevi是中等体型的副驼,体型较邱氏副驼P. qiui和巨副驼P. gigas小,但大于现生双峰驼Camelus bactrianus;其与邱氏副驼Paracamelus qiui和邱氏副驼(相似种)Paracamelus cf. qiui关系较近,下颌瘦长低矮,但p3已进一步退化,前臼齿列更加缩短,头后骨骼纤细瘦长,面貌与乌克兰敖德萨地穴的阿氏副驼P. alexejevi相同。真正的P. gigas在榆社盆地主要见于海眼组,少量标本或属麻则沟组顶部,时代为3/2.6~2.15 Ma。巨副驼P. gigas与晚中新世的大型骆驼,如邱氏副驼P. qiui和阿吉雷副驼P. aguirrei之间,存在着长时间缺环。诺氏驼Camelus knoblochi应产于盆地内上覆的马兰黄土中,时代为晚更新世0.12~0.01 Ma。此外,我们还深入探讨了旧大陆化石骆驼的其他命名和分类学问题,提出了若干新认识,有助于深入推进骆驼族的起源演化研究。 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地周缘和内部在中、新生代都受到后期改造作用,周缘存在挤压逆冲推覆和拉张断陷等不同性质的构造改造作用。在盆地内部,后期改造过程中发育在盖层中的断裂具有很强的规律性,受到了基底断裂的控制。盆地中部东西向断裂带对盆地的构造特征具有分区性,南北构造特征有别,北部地区北东、北西、近东西向断裂均有发育,正断裂、逆断裂和由断裂控制的挠曲构造等有规律发育,在不同方向基底断裂交汇部位的盖层内断裂最发育。南部则主要发育北东方向断层。 相似文献
The Late Cenozoic basins in the Weihe–Shanxi Graben, North China Craton are delineated by northeast-striking faults. The faults have, since a long time, been related to the progressive uplift and northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau. To show the relation between the basins and faults, two Pliocene–Pleistocene stratigraphic sections(Chengqiang and Hongyanangou) in the southern part of the Nihewan Basin at the northernmost parts of the graben are studied herein. Based on the sedimentary sequences and facies, the sections are divided into three evolutionary stages, such as alluvial fan-eolian red clay, fan delta, and fluvial, with boundaries at ~2.8 and ~1.8 Ma. Paleocurrent indicators, the composition of coarse clastics, heavy minerals, and the geochemistry of moderate–fine clastics are used to establish the temporal and spatial variations in the source areas. Based on features from the middlenorthern basin, we infer that the Nihewan Basin comprises an old NE–SW elongate geotectogene and a young NW–SE elongate subgeotectogene. The main geotectogene in the mid-north is a half-graben bounded by northeast-striking and northwest-dipping normal faults(e.g., Liulengshan Fault). This group of faults was mainly affected by the Pliocene(before ~2.8–2.6 Ma) NW–SE extension and controlled the deposition of sediments. In contrast, the subgeotectogene in the south was affected by northwest-striking normal faults(e.g., Huliuhe Fault) that were controlled by the subsequent weak NE–SW extension in the Pleistocene. The remarkable change in the sedimentary facies and provenance since ~1.8 Ma is possibly a signal of either weak or strong NE–SW extension. This result implies that the main tectonic transition ages of ~2.8–2.6 Ma and ~1.8 Ma in the Weihe–Shanxi Graben are affected by the Tibetan Plateau in Pliocene–Pleistocene. 相似文献
运用层序地层学的理论和方法,进行小型陆相湖盆地层研究时,发现昆明盆地存在三个超层序(二级旋回):盆地断陷沉积超层序,盆地扩张超层序及盆地萎缩超层序。各超层序内部还可以划分2-3个层序(三级旋回)。实践证明:层序地层理论不仅可以在小型陆相湖盆中得到很好 的运用,还可以根据层序内部的体系域组成的不同区分构造层和气候层序。而且,小型湖盆的层序地层研究取得的成果,可以广泛运用于天然气勘探,构造研究等领域。 相似文献
位于青藏高原东北缘的临夏盆地是一个挤压挠曲型的前陆盆地,褶皱和逆冲断裂带自7.8Ma开始由西向东向盆地内部扩展,形成生长地层和生长不整合,代表高原东北部持续的构造变形过程。这种同沉积的构造变形一直持续到大约1.8Ma左右东山组沉积结束,临夏盆地内部强烈褶皱变形,致使东山组及其以下的新生代地层均被卷入褶皱之中(与其上的最老黄河阶地——井沟砾石层为角度不整合接触),拉脊山断裂继续向北东方向扩展,银川背斜最终形成。随后黄河、大夏河出现,开始了发育河流阶地和堆积风成黄土的新阶段。由平衡地质剖面法得到临夏盆地西缘7.8Ma以来总的地壳缩短量为3.2~3.6km,缩短率为0.41~0.46mm/a。如果取从7.8到1.8Ma之间的大约6.0Ma作为临夏盆地的构造变形时段,其缩短速率则为0.5~0.6mm/a。从临夏盆地形成和演化过程来看,青藏高原东北缘的构造变形以沿北西西向断裂的逆冲和地壳缩短为主要特征,导致挤压挠曲型前陆盆地的逐渐隆升和消亡,最终使新生代前陆盆地的大部分并入青藏高原东北缘,成为青藏高原的最新组成部分。 相似文献
新生代早期印度与欧亚板块的俯冲碰撞造就了巍峨高耸的青藏高原.然而,在其相邻的四川盆地,伴随青藏高原强烈隆升所堆积的碎屑沉积物,最老仅能追索到晚新生代的大邑砾岩.因此,解读广泛发育于四川盆地西缘的大邑砾岩成因对获取青藏高原及其周缘古环境信息及理解相关的构造演化过程具有重要意义.本文报告了对三个典型大邑砾岩剖面样品的重矿物和孢粉组合研究结果,试图从大邑砾岩的物源区和沉积环境来解读大邑砾岩的成因.大邑砾岩中重矿物种类繁多,表明相应物源区具有多种岩石类型.除极不稳定矿物外,大邑砾岩新鲜剖面样品的重矿物组合与现代岷江沉积极其相似,表明大邑砾岩是经由岷江通道输送到四川盆地的;富含石榴子石等远源矿物表明当时的古岷江已切穿龙门山,深入到松潘-甘孜褶皱带内.孢粉分析显示孢粉含量极低,为0.2粒/克,孢粉类型以高山黯针叶林成分为主,混有少量落叶阔叶林和草本植物花粉,显示了高寒的环境.结合已有的年代学结果,本文认为大邑砾岩是形成于2.0Ma的冰水沉积物,其形成反映了青藏高原第四纪早期的寒冷环境. 相似文献
亚洲内陆晚新生代干旱化历史及其驱动机制是非常重要的科学问题。选择天山北麓柴窝堡盆地南缘乌鲁木齐河剖面为研究对象,基于磁性地层年代学研究建立的时间标尺,分析了该剖面碎屑沉积物岩石磁学特征及其控制因素,进一步探讨了柴窝堡盆地晚新生代古气候特征。磁性地层年代学研究约束乌鲁木齐河剖面底界年龄为~6.8 Ma,顶界年龄为~3.3 Ma。详细的岩石磁学测量及漫反射光谱分析结果表明,乌鲁木齐河剖面沉积物中磁性矿物主要包括磁铁矿、赤铁矿等,磁学参数χ lf、χ ARM、SIRM、S -100mT、S -300mT、 χ ARM/SIRM等在~6.3 Ma、~5.2 Ma存在明显变化,揭示磁性矿物粒度、含量等存在相应变化,如在~6.3 Ma前后,磁性矿物颗粒逐渐变粗、含量降低;在~5.2 Ma前后,磁性矿物颗粒逐渐变细后趋于稳定、含量逐渐增多。基于稀土元素分析、沉积粒度与磁学参数相关性分析,认为沉积物源与沉积物粒度不是导致乌鲁木齐河剖面磁学性质变化的主要因素,自~6.8 Ma以来逐步干旱化的气候条件可能是导致该剖面磁学特征变化的重要原因。基于漫反射光谱分析得到的红度与亮度数据结果也揭示了同样的古气候特征。 相似文献
对取自沱沱河盆地、通天河盆地、那曲盆地、东温泉盆地、乌郁盆地的新近纪湖相沉积与取自巴斯错、错鄂、纳木错的晚第四纪湖相沉积,进行孢粉分析;结合西宁—民和盆地、伦坡拉盆地、南木林盆地、渭河盆地的孢粉资料,分析青藏及邻区新生代晚期古植被和古环境的演化过程。发现渐新世晚期—中新世早期青藏与周边邻区的古环境发生了显著分异,导致青藏地区热带亚热带植物濒临消亡,与全球温暖气候条件和青藏地区古纬度环境不符,是青藏高原隆升的重要标志。中新世早期—第四纪晚期,青藏高原落叶阔叶林和针叶林呈现总体减少趋势和准周期性波动,与全球气候变化呈良好对应关系。第四纪晚期草本植物含量逐步增高,出现蒿—松—桦为主,针叶林、落叶阔叶林、灌木、草本植物混生的植被景观。 相似文献
塔里木盆地西北部的阿瓦提凹陷周缘发育晚新生代正断层,其中第四纪的正断层活动是塔里木盆地构造地质研究的新发现。这些正断层受先存基底断裂控制,平面上沿沙井子断裂带、阿恰断裂带和吐木休克断裂带右阶式雁列状分布,构成右阶左旋张扭性正断层带。剖面上,向下断达下古生界后不清楚,向上断至第四系上部,构成阶梯状或小型地堑(或负花状构造)构造。生长系数计算结果表明,正断层带形成于新近纪末,第四纪早-中期持续活动,到第四纪晚期停止活动。这些张扭性正断层带的成因是阿瓦提地块相对于周边地质体的顺时针旋转而致,其动力学来源于印度板块与欧亚板块陆-陆碰撞,在晚喜马拉雅山期依然持续作用而导致的远程效应。 相似文献
根据塔里木盆地北缘地质构造几何学和运动学资料、油气勘探地震剖面、人工地震测深、地震层析成像以及地热资料,提出了塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地岩石圈地幔在天山岩石圈之下碰撞并发生拆沉的盆山耦合机制的概念模型。由于印藏碰撞,青藏高原的北部前缘岩石圈地幔与塔里木盆地岩石圈地幔形成V字形碰撞结构,推动塔里木地块的高强度岩石圈向北运动并俯冲到天山岩石圈之下,以水平俯冲作用在中天山北缘岩石圈之下与准噶尔盆地向南俯冲的岩石圈地幔碰撞,并发生后剥拆离。塔里木岩石圈俯冲的过程中,形成库车再生前陆盆地和再生前陆冲断带以及再生天山山脉。冲断量约为塔里木俯冲量的20%。这一盆山耦合模型可以解释盆地构造、盆地沉降、山脉隆升、岩石圈深部构造和热特征。 相似文献
<正>The Tianshui Basin,located inside the western Qinling orogenic belt and northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau(Fig.1),is a NE-trending Late Cenozoic basin,which documents the neotectonic response of the northeastward growth of Tibetan Plateau.This basin was 相似文献
Insect analysis was carried out in deposits from a Late Vistulian site at Zabinko, western Poland. Geomorphological, lithostratigraphical and palaeobotanical investigations have been carried out earlier at the same section and published elsewhere. The analysed samples are dated from c. 12,600 to 12,200 BP. A total of 54 insect taxa were determined, the majority being Coleoptera. No major change in the insect fauna during this 400 years period could be detected from the study. The presence of specific phytophagus beetles suggests the same local vegetational environment as reconstructed from the plant macrofossil record, namely a shallow pool with a well-developed reed vegetation. The pool was situated in an open landscape with scattered trees and herb vegetation. The climatic reconstruction from the insect assemblages suggests a cool temperate climate with an average July temperature of 14–15C, During the same time period arctic/ksubarctic conditionsd, with mean July temperatures of c. 10–12C, prevailed in southernmost Scandinavia. The climatic amelioration in western Poland seems to have started possibl 500 years earlier than in southern Sweden. 相似文献
In the Cenozoic, the Lower Rhine Basin formed as a rift at the southeastern terminus of the Dutch German Central Graben, while the Rhenish Massif was uplifted. The study focusses on the marginal marine and fluvial fill of the Lower Rhine Basin. A basin model is developed. Support for this study was given by extensive industry outcrop and well data, by new stratigraphical and sedimentological observations. The ingression and subsequent regression of the Cenozoic North Sea is analysed using the concept of base level cyclicity. As the geohistory of the basin was complex, a subsidence curve is constructed. Furthermore, an attempt is made to trace the simultaneous uplift of the Rhenish Massif. 相似文献
The Dingshan area located in the northern part of the Junggar Basin of northwestern China is a significant prospect area for sandstone-type uranium deposits in China, where mainly Cenozoic rocks were deposited. The Cenozoic strata can be divided into four units according to the prior data and our own field observation. Sedimentary studies indicate that most Cenozoic strata were deposited under a hot and arid climate in a continental environment. The sedimentary facies are alluvial-fan, meandering-fluvial, and fluvio-lacustrine. Field investigation and interpretation of satellite images suggest that Cenozoic tectonics in the area is characterized by reactivation of early deep-seated thrusts, resulting in extensional fractures and formation of many small depressions in the shallow crustal level. Measurement of joint orientations suggests that regional shortening direction trends in north–south in the middle Pleistocene as indicated by the ESR (Electronic Spin Resonance) age of 0.1–0.4 Ma obtained from fault gouge and gypsum deposits. A four-stage sedimentation-tectonic evolution model of the northern Junggar Basin during the Late Cenozoic can be established based on reconstruction of sedimentary filling processes and Cenozoic tectonic movements. We suggest that landform evolution and groundwater movement are controlled by active tectonics, indicating that Late Cenozoic tectonic activities may also play important roles in the formation of sandstone-type uranium deposits. Therefore, a new metallogenic model for sandstone-type uranium deposits is proposed. 相似文献
晚新生代以来青藏高原南羌塘盆地内发育近南北走向和近东西走向的两组伸展构造。南羌塘盆地多玛地区的遥感影像分析及野外实地研究表明,沿两组断裂均可见线性分布的断层三角面、断层陡坎、断塞塘、热泉和泉华等构造地貌特征,表明断裂的伸展特性;同时,南北走向的断裂错断山脊、中生代地层和研究区内近东西走向的伸展构造,断层错距从几十米到上千米不等。近南北走向的断裂由南部的两条主干断裂向北呈马尾状散开,并在中央隆起带南坡逐渐消失,近东西走向伸展构造发育在近南北走向断裂的北部,不论断层规模还是断层活动性均表明近南北走向断裂为研究区内主控构造单元。光释光年龄表明近东西走向断裂在全新世仍处在活动状态。研究区内两组伸展构造的交切关系表明近东西走向的伸展构造为近南北走向构造的伴生构造或转换构造,两组伸展构造的发育表明高原腹地处于伸展垮塌状态。 相似文献
青藏高原东北临夏盆地发育较完整的晚新生代地层,特别13~4.34 Ma段以稳定低能细粒湖相沉积为主、发育的不同尺度和各种形式沉积韵律旋回记录着古气候变化信息。本文通过对临夏盆地稳定细粒湖相沉积物元素地球化学特征及其变化序列研究,结合其它气候指标,揭示13~4.4 Ma时段气候演化经历了四个阶段:13~12 Ma期间气候湿润、12~7.8Ma期间气候以湿润为主夹短暂干旱事件、7.8~6.2 Ma期间气候以干旱为主、6.2~4.4 Ma期间气候进一步干旱加剧,并认为7. 8 Ma左右的气候转型可能与冬季风加强有关,而6.2 Ma以来的有规律的高频气候波动可能与现代季风形成有关。 相似文献
The early Stephanian Bonar Cyclothem of the Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia, contains an erosional surface cut through coastal plain strata with economic coals and distributary channel bodies. The erosion surface is interpreted as a palaeovalley 20 m deep and at least 7 km wide that marks a sequence boundary formed during relative fall in sea level. The palaeovalley is filled with stacked alluvial channel bodies which become more isolated as the valley fill passes upward into red, alluvial plain deposits, probably laid down in an anastomosed river system. In an adjacent, interfluve area, calcretes and red, vertic palaeosols cap coastal strata. Assemblage analysis of agglutinated foraminifera and thecamoebians indicates that the palaeovalley was filled with freshwater sediments before an initial marine transgression flooded the alluvial surface and adjacent interfluve. Valley incision probably reflects glacioeustatic sea level fall. However, the alluvial nature of the valley deposits suggests that valley filling reflects an abundant sediment supply during lowstand and/or transgressive stages and was not a direct consequence of sea level rise. During the subsequent transgression phase, aggradation was rapid as sediment supply apparently kept pace with rising sea level. Features of both channel and extra-channel facies suggest that seasonality intensified during the transition from coastal plain to palaeovalley and alluvial plain deposition. 相似文献