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Flexion is the significant third-order weak gravitational lensing effect responsible for the weakly skewed and arc-like appearance of lensed galaxies. Here we demonstrate how flexion measurements can be used to measure galaxy halo density profiles and large-scale structure on non-linear scales, via galaxy–galaxy lensing, dark matter mapping and cosmic flexion correlation functions. We describe the origin of gravitational flexion, and discuss its four components, two of which are first described here. We also introduce an efficient complex formalism for all orders of lensing distortion. We proceed to examine the flexion predictions for galaxy–galaxy lensing, examining isothermal sphere and Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profiles and both circularly symmetric and elliptical cases. We show that in combination with shear we can precisely measure galaxy masses and NFW halo concentrations. We also show how flexion measurements can be used to reconstruct mass maps in two-dimensional projection on the sky, and in three dimensions in combination with redshift data. Finally, we examine the predictions for cosmic flexion, including convergence–flexion cross-correlations, and we find that the signal is an effective probe of structure on non-linear scales.  相似文献   

We show with analytic models that the assumption of uncorrelated intrinsic ellipticities of target sources that is usually made in searches for weak gravitational lensing arising from large-scale mass inhomogeneities ('field lensing') is unwarranted. If the orientation of the galaxy image is determined either by the angular momentum or by the shape of the halo in which it forms, then the image should be aligned preferentially with the component of the tidal gravitational field perpendicular to the line of sight. Long-range correlations in the tidal field will thus lead to long-range ellipticity–ellipticity correlations that mimic the shear correlations arising from weak gravitational lensing. We calculate the ellipticity–ellipticity correlation expected if halo shapes determine the observed galaxy shape, and we discuss uncertainties (which are still considerable) in the predicted amplitude of this correlation. The ellipticity–ellipticity correlation induced by angular momenta should be smaller. We consider several methods for discriminating between the weak-lensing (extrinsic) and intrinsic correlations, including the use of redshift information. An ellipticity–tidal-field correlation also implies the existence of an alignment of images of galaxies near clusters. Although the intrinsic alignment may complicate the interpretation of field-lensing results, it is inherently interesting as it may shed light on galaxy formation as well as on structure formation.  相似文献   

Gravitational flexion has been introduced as a technique by which one can map out and study substructure in clusters of galaxies. Previous analyses involving flexion have measured the individual galaxy–galaxy flexion signal, or used either parametric techniques or a Kaiser, Squires and Broadhurst (KSB)-type inversion to reconstruct the mass distribution in Abell 1689. In this paper, we present an aperture mass statistic for flexion, and apply it to the lensed images of background galaxies obtained by ray-tracing simulations through a simple analytic mass distribution and through a galaxy cluster from the Millennium Simulation. We show that this method is effective at detecting and accurately tracing structure within clusters of galaxies on subarcminute scales with high signal to noise even using a moderate background source number density and image resolution. In addition, the method provides much more information about both the overall shape and the small-scale structure of a cluster of galaxies than can be achieved through a weak lensing mass reconstruction using gravitational shear data. Lastly, we discuss how the zero-points of the aperture mass might be used to infer the masses of structures identified using this method.  相似文献   

Rich and massive clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshift are capable of magnifying and distorting the images of background galaxies. A comparison of different mass estimators among these clusters can provide useful information about the distribution and composition of cluster matter and its dynamical evolution. Using the hitherto largest sample of lensing clusters drawn from the literature, we compare the gravitating masses of clusters derived from the strong/weak gravitational lensing phenomena, from the X-ray measurements based on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium, and from the conventional isothermal sphere model for the dark matter profile characterized by the velocity dispersion and core radius of galaxy distributions in clusters. While there is excellent agreement between the weak lensing, X-ray and isothermal sphere model-determined cluster masses, these methods are likely to underestimate the gravitating masses enclosed within the central cores of clusters by a factor of 2–4 as compared with the strong lensing results. Such a mass discrepancy has probably arisen from the inappropriate applications of the weak lensing technique and the hydrostatic equilibrium hypothesis to the central regions of clusters, as well as from assuming an unreasonably large core radius for both luminous and dark matter profiles. Nevertheless, it is pointed out that these cluster mass estimators may be safely applied on scales greater than the core sizes. Namely, the overall clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshift can still be regarded as the dynamically relaxed systems, in which the velocity dispersion of galaxies and the temperature of X-ray emitting gas are good indicators of the underlying gravitational potentials of clusters.  相似文献   

Studies of strong gravitational lensing in current and upcoming wide and deep photometric surveys, and of stellar kinematics from (integral-field) spectroscopy at increasing redshifts, promise to provide valuable constraints on galaxy density profiles and shapes. However, both methods are affected by various selection and modelling biases, which we aim to investigate in a consistent way. In this first paper in a series, we develop a flexible but efficient pipeline to simulate lensing by realistic galaxy models. These galaxy models have separate stellar and dark matter components, each with a range of density profiles and shapes representative of early-type, central galaxies without significant contributions from other nearby galaxies. We use Fourier methods to calculate the lensing properties of galaxies with arbitrary surface density distributions, and Monte Carlo methods to compute lensing statistics such as point-source lensing cross-sections. Incorporating a variety of magnification bias modes lets us examine different survey limitations in image resolution and flux. We rigorously test the numerical methods for systematic errors and sensitivity to basic assumptions. We also determine the minimum number of viewing angles that must be sampled in order to recover accurate orientation-averaged lensing quantities. We find that for a range of non-isothermal stellar and dark matter density profiles typical of elliptical galaxies, the combined density profile and corresponding lensing properties are surprisingly close to isothermal around the Einstein radius. The converse implication is that constraints from strong lensing and/or stellar kinematics, which are indeed consistent with isothermal models near the Einstein radius, cannot trivially be extrapolated to smaller and larger radii.  相似文献   

The angular cross-correlation between two galaxy samples separated in redshift is shown to be a useful measure of weak lensing by large-scale structure. Angular correlations in faint galaxies arise as a result of spatial clustering of the galaxies as well as gravitational lensing by dark matter along the line of sight. The lensing contribution to the two-point autocorrelation function is typically small compared with the gravitational clustering. However, the cross-correlation between two galaxy samples is almost unaffected by gravitational clustering provided that their redshift distributions do not overlap. The cross-correlation is then induced by magnification bias resulting from lensing by large-scale structure. We compute the expected amplitude of the cross-correlation for popular theoretical models of structure formation. For two populations with mean redshifts of ≃0.3 and 1, we find a cross-correlation signal of ≃1 per cent on arcmin scales and ≃3 per cent on scales of a few arcsec. The dependence on the cosmological parameters Ω and Λ, the dark matter power spectrum and the bias factor of the foreground galaxy population is explored.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of weak gravitational lensing in the limit of small angular scales where projected galaxy clustering is strongly non-linear. This is the regime likely to be probed by future weak lensing surveys. We use well-motivated hierarchical scaling arguments and the plane-parallel approximation to study multi-point statistical properties of the convergence field. These statistics can be used to compute the vertex amplitudes in tree models of hierarchical clustering; these can be compared with similar measurements from galaxy surveys, leading to a powerful probe of galaxy bias.  相似文献   

Many current and future astronomical surveys will rely on samples of strong gravitational lens systems to draw conclusions about galaxy mass distributions. We use a new strong lensing pipeline (presented in Paper I of this series) to explore selection biases that may cause the population of strong lensing systems to differ from the general galaxy population. Our focus is on point-source lensing by early-type galaxies with two mass components (stellar and dark matter) that have a variety of density profiles and shapes motivated by observational and theoretical studies of galaxy properties. We seek not only to quantify but also to understand the physics behind selection biases related to: galaxy mass, orientation and shape; dark matter profile parameters such as inner slope and concentration; and adiabatic contraction. We study how all of these properties affect the lensing Einstein radius, total cross-section, quad/double ratio and image separation distribution, with a flexible treatment of magnification bias to mimic different survey strategies. We present our results for two families of density profiles: cusped and deprojected Sérsic models. While we use fixed lens and source redshifts for most of the analysis, we show that the results are applicable to other redshift combinations, and we also explore the physics of how our results change for very different redshifts. We find significant (factors of several) selection biases with mass; orientation, for a given galaxy shape at fixed mass; cusped dark matter profile inner slope and concentration; concentration of the stellar and dark matter deprojected Sérsic models. Interestingly, the intrinsic shape of a galaxy does not strongly influence its lensing cross-section when we average over viewing angles. Our results are an important first step towards understanding how strong lens systems relate to the general galaxy population.  相似文献   

Weak gravitational lensing is now established as a powerful method to measure mass fluctuations in the universe. It relies on the measurement of small coherent distortions of the images of background galaxies. Even low-level correlations in the intrinsic shapes of galaxies could however produce a significant spurious lensing signal. These correlations are also interesting in their own right, since their detection would constrain models of galaxy formation. Using     haloes found in N -body simulations, we compute the correlation functions of the intrinsic ellipticity of spiral galaxies assuming that the disc is perpendicular to the angular momentum of the dark matter halo. We also consider a simple model for elliptical galaxies, in which the shape of the dark matter halo is assumed to be the same as that of the light. For deep lensing surveys with median redshifts ∼1, we find that intrinsic correlations of ∼10−4 on angular scales     are generally below the expected lensing signal, and contribute only a small fraction of the excess signals reported on these scales. On larger scales we find limits to the intrinsic correlation function at a level ∼10−5, which gives a (model-dependent) range of separations for which the intrinsic signal is about an order of magnitude below the ellipticity correlation function expected from weak lensing. Intrinsic correlations are thus negligible on these scales for dedicated weak lensing surveys. For wider but shallower surveys such as SuperCOSMOS, APM and SDSS, we cannot exclude the possibility that intrinsic correlations could dominate the lensing signal. We discuss how such surveys could be used to calibrate the importance of this effect, as well as study spin–spin correlations of spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

Statistics of the weak lensing of galaxies can be used to constrain cosmology if the galaxy shear can be estimated accurately. In general, this requires accurate modelling of unlensed galaxy shapes and the point spread function (PSF). I discuss suboptimal but potentially robust methods for estimating galaxy shear by stacking images such that the stacked-image distribution is closely Gaussian by the central limit theorem. The shear can then be determined by radial fitting, requiring only an accurate model of the PSF rather than also needing to model each galaxy accurately. When noise is significant, asymmetric errors in the centroid must be corrected, but the method may ultimately be able to give accurate unbiased results when there is a high galaxy density with constant shear. It provides a useful baseline for more optimal methods, and a test case for estimating biases, though the method is not directly applicable to realistic data. I test stacking methods on the simple toy simulations with constant PSF and shear provided by the GREAT08 project, on which most other existing methods perform significantly more poorly, and briefly discuss generalizations to more realistic cases. In the Appendix , I discuss a simple analytic galaxy population model where stacking gives optimal errors in a perfect ideal case.  相似文献   

The precision study of dark matter using weak lensing by large-scale structure is strongly constrained by the accuracy with which one can measure galaxy shapes. Several methods have been devised but none has demonstrated the ability to reach the level of precision required by future weak lensing surveys. In this paper, we explore new avenues to the existing 'Shapelets' approach, combining a priori knowledge of the galaxy profile with the power of orthogonal basis function decomposition. This paper discusses the new issues raised by this matched filter approach and proposes promising alternatives to shape measurement techniques. In particular, it appears that the use of a matched filter (e.g. Sérsic profile) restricted to elliptical radial fitting functions resolves several well-known Shapelet issues.  相似文献   

The principles of measuring the shapes of galaxies by a model-fitting approach are discussed in the context of shape measurement for surveys of weak gravitational lensing. It is argued that such an approach should be optimal, allowing measurement with maximal signal-to-noise ratio, coupled with estimation of measurement errors. The distinction between likelihood-based and Bayesian methods is discussed. Systematic biases in the Bayesian method may be evaluated as part of the fitting process, and overall such an approach should yield unbiased shear estimation without requiring external calibration from simulations. The principal disadvantage of model fitting for large surveys is the computational time required, but here an algorithm is presented that enables large surveys to be analysed in feasible computation times. The method and algorithm is tested on simulated galaxies from the Shear TEsting Programme (STEP).  相似文献   

We present observations of CLASS B2108+213, the widest separation gravitational lens system discovered by the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey. Radio imaging using the VLA at 8.46 GHz and MERLIN at 5 GHz shows two compact components separated by 4.56 arcsec with a faint third component in between which we believe is emission from a lensing galaxy. 5-GHz VLBA observations reveal milliarcsecond-scale structure in the two lensed images that is consistent with gravitational lensing. Optical emission from the two lensed images and two lensing galaxies within the Einstein radius is detected in Hubble Space Telescope imaging. Furthermore, an optical gravitational arc, associated with the strongest lensed component, has been detected. Surrounding the system is a number of faint galaxies which may help explain the wide image separation. A plausible mass distribution model for CLASS B2108+213 is also presented.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the observed correlation between a galaxy's shape and its surrounding density field on the measurement of third-order weak lensing shear statistics. Using numerical simulations, we estimate the systematic error contribution to a measurement of the third-order moment of the aperture mass statistic (GGG) from three-point intrinsic ellipticity correlations (III), and the three-point coupling between the weak lensing shear experienced by distant galaxies and the shape of foreground galaxies (GGI and GII). We find that third-order weak lensing statistics are typically more strongly contaminated by these physical systematics compared to second-order shear measurements, contaminating the measured three-point signal for moderately deep surveys with a median redshift   z m∼ 0.7  by ∼15 per cent. It has been shown that accurate photometric redshifts will be crucial to correct for this effect, once a model and the redshift dependence of the effect can be accurately constrained. To this end we provide redshift-dependent fitting functions to our results and propose a new tool for the observational study of intrinsic galaxy alignments. For a shallow survey with   z m∼ 0.4  we find III to be an order of magnitude larger than the expected cosmological GGG shear signal. Compared to the two-point intrinsic ellipticity correlation which is similar in amplitude to the two-point shear signal at these survey depths, third-order statistics therefore offer a promising new way to constrain models of intrinsic galaxy alignments. Early shallow data from the next generation of very wide weak lensing surveys will be optimal for this type of study.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that the observed ellipticities of galaxies may be determined at least in part by the primordial tidal gravitational field in which the galaxy formed. Long-range correlations in the tidal field could thus lead to an ellipticity–ellipticity correlation for widely separated galaxies. We present a new model relating ellipticity to angular momentum, which can be calculated in linear theory. We use this model to calculate the angular power spectrum of intrinsic galaxy shape correlations. We show that, for low-redshift galaxy surveys, our model predicts that intrinsic correlations will dominate correlations induced by weak lensing, in good agreement with previous theoretical work and observations. We find that our model produces ' E -mode' correlations enhanced by a factor of 3.5 over B -modes on small scales, making it harder to disentangle intrinsic correlations from those induced by weak gravitational lensing.  相似文献   

引力透镜效应是探测星系团物质分布的有效方法之一.目前,利用引力透镜数据重构星系团质量分布的主流方法可以分为两大类,即参数法和非参数法.在实际研究工作中,受限于质量模型假设和计算分辨率等方面的影响,现有的重构算法仍有诸多亟需解决的问题.基于Shapelets基函数的引力透镜质量重构方法通过基函数来实现引力透镜质量重构,使用Shapelets基函数分解引力透镜势,以引力透镜中多重像的位置和背景星系椭率畸变为限制条件来迭代求解基函数系数从而得到透镜体的质量分布.通过拟合一个模拟的NFW (Navarro,Frenk and White)透镜系统测试了新方法的可行性,结果表明新方法可以在整体上重构出透镜体的质量分布,并拟合出接近真实的源位置,能够为星系团质量测量提供一套灵活且高效的重构算法.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of 4 strong gravitational lensing systems by visual inspections of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey images of galaxy clusters in Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6). Two of the four systems show Einstein rings while the others show tangen-tial giant arcs. These arcs or rings have large angular separations ( 8") from the bright central galaxies and show bluer color compared with the red cluster galaxies. In addition,we found 5 probable and 4 possible lenses by galaxy clusters.  相似文献   

The first cosmic mirage was discovered approximately 20 years ago as the double optical counterpart of a radio source. This phenomenon had been predicted some 70 years earlier as a consequence of General Relativity. We present here a summary of what we have learnt since. The applications are so numerous that we had to concentrate on a few selected aspects of this new field of research. This review is focused on strong gravitational lensing, i.e. the formation of multiple images, in QSO samples. It is intended to give the reader an up-to-date status of the observations and to present an overview of its most interesting potential applications in cosmology and astrophysics, as well as numerous important results achieved so far. The first section follows an intuitive approach to the basics of gravitational lensing and is developed in view of our interest in multiply imaged quasars. The astrophysical and cosmological applications of gravitational lensing are outlined in Sect. 2 and the most important results are presented in Sect. 5. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the observations. Finally, conclusions are summarized in the last section. We have tried to avoid duplication with existing (and excellent) introductions to the field of gravitational lensing. For this reason, we did not concentrate on the individual properties of specific lens models, as these are already well presented in Narayan and Bartelmann (1996) and on a more intuitive ground in Refsdal and Surdej (1994). Wambsganss (1998) proposes a broad view on gravitational lensing in astronomy; the reviews by Fort and Mellier (1994) and Hattori et al. (1999) deal with lensing by galaxy clusters; microlensing in the Galaxy and the local group is reviewed by Paczyński (1996) and a general panorama on weak lensing is given by Bartelmann and Schneider (1999) and Mellier (1999). The monograph on the theory of gravitational lensing by Schneider, Ehlers and Falco (1992) also remains a reference in the field. Received 4 April 2000 / Published online 9 August 2000  相似文献   

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