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V. K. Anand G. Venkataraman S. Vishwanathan G. S. K. Rao 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1987,15(1):49-54
This paper deals with the processes operating on the beaches of Goa, interpreted from imagery, followed by ground-truth collection and field checks. Studies on Landsat imagery bring out two distinct coastal geomorphological features, one north and the other south of Vasco-da-Gama. The beaches to the south indicate the prograding shoreline with deposition being the dominant phenomenon. The beaches to the north of Vasco-da-Gama reveal a retrograding shoreline where erosion is dominant. The presence of chimneys and stacks to the north of Vasco-da-Gama are characteristic of intensive erosional action while to the south a wide regular beach backed by a palaeo-strand line points to deposition. The pattern of the sediment load (in Band 4) is used as an index of longshore current movement. The action of erosion as against that of deposition in the two regions can be surmised from the diffused pattern vis-a-vis the uniformly wide even tone. Sand samples from the northern portion give a sorting coefficient of 1.100 while the southern portion shows a value of 0.712. It is hypothesised that the promontory on which Vasco-da-Gama lies is responsible for the formation of two different geomorphic zones. 相似文献
Om Prakash Dubey 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1985,13(2):47-52
Piedmont zone is made up of unconsolidated material. They act as a recharge area for Tarai. Population density in this zone is comparatively less, Economical and social conditions of people in this region is very poor. Agriculture is only source of livehood and economy, Modern Agricultural activities are only successfull if assured water supply is available. Remote Sensing Techniques provide data source which can be utilised for evaluating water resources. It has been assumed that the ground water regime of the zone wil not be disturbed and only the amount recharged will be utilised. Rainfall recharge to ground water has been evaluated using Remotely Sensed Data. A major part of the recharged volume is not being utilised. Systems approach has been used to evolve an optimal cropping pattern. 相似文献
A. Bhattacharya 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1983,11(3):57-64
Land use on earth’s landscape primarily indicates the degree of human activity which in turn reflects the man’s life style. Though land use is controlled by several factors like soil, hydrologic, climatic, socio-economic and political yet geology and gecmorphology play an important role. The basic lanscape formation depends mainly on the inherent lithology and sturcture. Certain landforms in the present landscape are such that they are suitable to a particular land use, and the human being from the very beginning without knowing this natural relationship between the landform and landuse, have been using that part of land for that particular use only. Remote sensing techniques are used effectively to map the landforms, to find out the land use pattern and to delineate the lithology and structure. Some examples from east coast deltaic plains and sedimentary terrain of Tripura state have been given here to show the influence of geology and geomorphology on broad land use pattern. 相似文献
R. S. Sinha Ashok Kumar C. S. Agarwal N. Hasan 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1988,16(1):85-94
Ground water prospecting in hard rock areas of Uttar Pradesh is quite difficult, owing to the geological and geomorphic controls of sub-surface strata on the occurrence and movement of ground water resources, and, therefore, it requires systematic investigations, mainly with the aid of remotely sensed and data, which undoubtedly provide realistic information on the hydrogeological conditions, geomorphologic features, drainage patterns etc. of any rocky area. In this paper, an endeavour has been made to locate ground water possibilities in the drought-affected, rocky terrain of the southern Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh, covering part of block Muirpur which is mainly characterised by the varied geological formations, including Archean complex, pre-Vindhyan matasediments and Gondwana formation, through the application of air photointerpretation technique, primarily based on the geologic/geomorphologic approach. The hydro-investigation in the area was carried out using panchromatic aerial photos of 1∶60,000 scale, chiefly to identify the drainage patterns, major geomorphic geo structural and lithological units; as these may control the ground water regime of the area, Further. the present study was also ably supported with limited field survey and hydrogeological data, for achieving reliable results. 相似文献
This paper discusses the historical evolution of imaging spectroscopy in Earth observation as well as directional (or multiangular) research leading to current achievements in spectrodirectional remote sensing. It elaborates on the evolution from two separate research areas into a common approach to quantify the interaction of light with the Earth surface. The contribution of spectrodirectional remote sensing towards an improved understanding of the Earth System is given by discussing the benefits of converging from individual pixel analysis to process models in the land-biosphere domain. The paper concludes with an outlook of research focus and upcoming areas of interest emphasizing towards multidisciplinary approaches using integrated system solutions based on remote and in situ sensing, data assimilation, and state space estimation algorithms. 相似文献
R. K. Trivedi L. P. Chourasia D. K. Singh 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2006,34(3):309-317
This study was conducted on the Rajghat dam project situated in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India, the remote sensing
techniques have been proved to be very efficient in identification of geoenvironmental aspects of the study area. In the present
paper IRS IA LISS II data has been used. The various thematic maps have been generated and integrated on 1,50,000 scale. Geology,
geomorphology, Hydro-geomorphotogy, structure, soils and erosion, landuse / landcover helped in identification of the potential
zones for developmental planning and forecasting limitations to their implementation with seasonal accuracy. Lineaments and
their intersections appear to be potential sites for groundwater. Betwa drainage basin is suitable for surface reserviour
and check dams. The study shows that the integration of all attributes provides more accurate results in identification of
geoenvironmental characteristics. 相似文献
海岸带地区SPOT-5遥感影像无控制点正射校正方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用ENVI遥感软件处理平台,针对海岸带地区影像特点,对传统的SPOT-5遥感影像正射校正流程进行改进,主要有:增加SPOT传感器辐射校正;在影像融合前,使用伪正射校正代替几何校正;利用GDEM数据代替传统的DEM测量数据及野外测点数据;使用Google Earth Bridge功能检验校正结果精度。结果表明:经过改进的无控制点正射校正流程可有效减少人为误操作产生的误差,降低了正射校正的难度,提高了影像处理的效率,拓宽了影像检验的思路。正射校正影像精度符合研究要求,取得较为满意的结果。 相似文献
森林扰动遥感监测研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
作为陆地生态系统的主体,森林的碳循环与碳蓄积对研究陆地生态系统起着重要作用,但目前森林扰动资料的缺乏在很大程度上影响着区域森林碳通量的估算精度。在对森林扰动监测方法和监测指数进行总结的基础上,对几种森林扰动监测指数进行了比较研究。鉴于当前基于长时间序列的森林扰动研究主要集中在北美国家,国内鲜有系统报道,因此,针对我国森林变化特点,结合长时间序列扰动分析方法和适宜的扰动监测指数,研究适用于我国森林的扰动监测模型具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 相似文献
The Mechi-Mahananda interfluve is a transitional area between the hills and the plains and exhibits a wide range of topographical variations. The drainage system of the area has a close relationship with lithology and landforms. The rivers originating in the hills attain a braiding character and have well developed alluvial fans. Piedmont plain covers a large area and has high ground water potential. The river terraces and flood plains also have high potentialities of ground water targeting. Fluctuation of water table is very high in the upper piedmont plain dependent upon the proximity to the drainage lines. 相似文献
浒苔遥感监测方法的研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
综述了目前国内外浒苔遥感监测方法,阐述了单波段阈值分割法、多波段比值法和辐射传输模型法的优缺点,指出多波段比值法是应用最广和有效的方法,主要有双波段比值法、归一化植被指数法、浮游植物指数法和归一化藻类指数法4种.辐射传输模型法主要用于水下悬浮浒苔的监测,目前应用较少,还处于起步阶段.而研究浒苔与其他浮游植物的差异,深入研究水下悬浮浒苔的遥感监测方法,发展解决现有监测能力不足与监测信息使用者需求之间矛盾的手段和方法是未来浒苔遥感监测的主要研究方向. 相似文献
C. P. Vohra N. K. Agarwal G. S. Srivastava 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1981,9(1):49-57
The contribution of snow and ice melt towards the water discharges of most of the Himalayan rivers is highly significant. It is, therefore, necessary to monitor the snow accumulation and depletion, and study the melting processes to help in efficient management of water resources. It is also important to compile a glacier inventory for the purpose. The snow bound areas in the Himalaya lie at high altitudes where the terrain is rugged and inaccessible. This renders the conventional methods of study not only difficult but hazardous as well. Remote sensing techniques, therefore, have a vital role to play in these studies for quick results with much less cost. Visual interpretation of Landsat imagery in Beas river basin and use of aerial photographs for glacier inventory in Baspa river basin have been cited as case studies. To perfect the methodology used in various remote sensing techniques, a pilot project approach has been suggested. 相似文献
The concept of SOM was originated by Colvocoresses, which was mathematically developed and later modified by Snyder. It is most suitable for continuous mapping of satellite imagery, true to scale along ground track. Simplified mathematical formulation without complicated integral equations and constants of SOM projection for Landsat, SPOT and IRS satellites on Clarke and Everest spheroids are presented in this paper for ease of calculations. 相似文献
Suresh Kumar Shriram B Dhaimodkar L M Pande 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2005,33(2):239-244
Short Note
Application of remote sensing and GIS in watershed characterization and management 相似文献14.
遥感技术已成为快速、准确监测土地利用变化的重要手段,国情普查是一项利国利民的大工程,遥感影像解译在整个工程中占有相当大的比例.通过即定时间的影像数据,结合测绘专业知识判读影像内容,总结两种影像解译的特点.结合实际工程情况和影像特点,介绍两种解译方法在地理国情普查中的应用. 相似文献
P. K. Gupta 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1988,16(1):41-46
Coastal zone is associated with several geomorphic features of erosional and depositional nature, be sides the broad geologic information. The area around Coondapur of south Kanara district, Karnataka, possesses all the major characteristics of coastal zone and these are extractable through intergated remotely sensed data namely Landsat-1 MSS imagery, Salyut-7 KATE space photograph and aerial photographs. The visual interpretation is carried out with developing remote sensing keys to decipher major geomorphic-geologic information like: spit, double spit, beach deposit, alluvium, levee deposit, la|terite and other rock types. It is concluded that the major geomorphic-geologic characteristics as well as subdeltaic drainage, soil erosoin are obtained through space borne data. The aerial photographs provide the detailed geomorphic and geologic information. 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(5):449-468
Abstract To investigate geological mining hazards using digital techniques such as high-resolution remote sensing, a semi-automatically geological mining hazards extraction method is proposed based on the case of the Shijiaying coal mine, located in Fangshan District, Beijing, China. In the method, the vegetation is first removed using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) on the GeoEye-1 data. Then, geological mining hazards interpretation features are determined after color enhancement using principal component analysis (PCA) transformation. Bitmaps mainly covered by geological mining hazards are isolated by masking operation in the environment for visualizing images software. Next, each bitmap is classified into a two-valued imagery using support vector machine algorithm. In the two-valued imagery, 1 denotes the geological mining hazards, while 0 denotes none. Afterwards, the two-valued imagery is converted into a vector graph by corresponding functions in the ArcGIS software and no geological mining hazards regions in the vector graph are deleted manually. Finally, the correlation between factors (such as mining activity, lithology, geological structure, and slope) and geological mining hazards is analyzed using a logistic regression and a hazardous-area forecasting model is built. The results of field verification show that the accuracy of the geological mining hazards extraction method is 98.1% and the results of the hazardous-area forecasting indicate that the logistic regression is an effective model in assessing geological hazard risks and that mining activity is the main contributing factor to the hazards, while geological structure, slope, lithology, roughness of the surface, and aspect are the secondary. 相似文献
Monitoring coastal zone land use and land cover changes of Abu Dhabi using remote sensing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Coastal zones are most vulnerable for landuse changes in this rapid industrialization and urbanization epoch. It is necessary
to evaluate land use — land cover (LULC) changes to develop efficient management strategies. The main objective of this paper
is to evaluate and quantity Abu Dhabi coastal zone LULC changes from 1972 to 2000 using multi-temporal LANDSAT satellite data
and digital change detection techniques. Supervised classification coupled with expert visual interpretation techniques were
used to produce LULC classified images with an accuracy of 88%. Change detection process was achieved by applying post-classification
comparison techniques in ENVI software. From this study it has been observed that the important coastal landuse types of Abu
Dhabi coast .i.e. wetlands and woody Vegetation (Mangrove, represented by a single species,Avicennia marina) have been reduced drastically in their extent due to reclamation, dredging, tipping and other anthropogenic activities along
the coastal zone. However, it has been observed that there is rapid increase in the man-made plantation and managed vegetation
from 1990 to 2000 due to the Abu Dhabi government initiation. This study has given good insight into Abu Dhabi coastal zone
changes during last 3 decades. 相似文献