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We demonstrate that the chaotic nature of N -body systems can lead to macroscopic variations in the evolution of collisionless simulations containing rotationally supported discs. The unavoidable stochasticity that afflicts all simulations generally causes mild differences between the evolution of similar models but, in order to illustrate that this is not always true, we present a case that shows an extreme bimodal divergence. The divergent behaviour occurs in two different types of code, and is independent of all numerical parameters. We identify and give explicit illustrations of several sources of stochasticity, and also show that macroscopic variations in the evolution can originate from differences at the round-off error level. We obtain somewhat more consistent results from simulations in which the halo is set-up with great care compared with those started from more approximate equilibria, but we have been unable to eliminate diverging behaviour entirely because the main sources of stochasticity are intrinsic to the disc. We show that the divergence is only temporary and that halo friction is merely delayed, for a substantial time in some cases. We argue that the delays are unlikely to arise in real galaxies, and that our results do not affect dynamical friction constraints on halo density. Stochastic variations in the evolution are inevitable in all simulations of disc–halo systems, irrespective of how they were created, although their effect is generally far less extreme than we find here. The possibility of divergent behaviour complicates comparison of results from different workers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the radio properties for the sample of faint radio sources introduced by Magliocchetti et al. in 2000. The sample comprises mainly intrinsically low-power sources, the majority of which (≳70 per cent) are FR I radio galaxies. These objects show some degree (at 1 σ confidence level) of luminosity evolution, which is also needed to reproduce correctly the total number and shape of the counts distribution at 1.4 GHz. Analysis of the de-evolved local radio luminosity function shows a good agreement between data and model predictions for this class of sources. Particular care has been devoted to the issue of 'lined' galaxies (i.e. objects presenting in their spectra a continuum typical of early-type galaxies plus emission lines of different nature), which appear as an intermediate class of sources between AGN-dominated and starburst galaxies. Different evolutionary behaviour is seen in the two subpopulations of lined and non-lined low-power radio galaxies, the first class indicating a tendency for the radio luminosity to decrease with look-back time, the second one showing positive evolution. We note that different evolutionary properties also seem to characterize BL Lacs selected in different bands, so that one might envisage an association between lined FR I and the subclass of BL Lacs selected in the X-ray band. Lastly, we find evidence for a negligible contribution of starburst galaxies at these low flux levels.  相似文献   

We analyse the evolutionary history of galaxies formed in a hierarchical scenario consistent with the concordance Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model focusing on the study of the relation between their chemical and dynamical properties. Our simulations consistently describe the formation of the structure and its chemical enrichment within a cosmological context. Our results indicate that the luminosity–metallicity and the stellar mass–metallicity (LZR and MZR) relations are naturally generated in a hierarchical scenario. Both relations are found to evolve with redshift. In the case of the MZR, the estimated evolution is weaker than that deduced from observational works by approximately 0.10 dex. We also determine a characteristic stellar mass, M c≈ 3 × 1010 M, which segregates the simulated galaxy population into two distinctive groups and which remains unchanged since z ∼ 3, with a very weak evolution of its metallicity content. The value and role played by M c is consistent with the characteristic mass estimated from the SDSS galaxy survey by Kauffmann et al. Our findings suggest that systems with stellar masses smaller than M c are responsible for the evolution of this relation at least from z ≈ 3. Larger systems are stellar dominated and have formed more than 50 per cent of their stars at   z ≥ 2  , showing very weak evolution since this epoch. We also found bimodal metallicity and age distributions from z ∼ 3, which reflects the existence of two different galaxy populations. Although SN feedback may affect the properties of galaxies and help to shape the MZR, it is unlikely that it will significantly modify M c since, from   z = 3  this stellar mass is found in systems with circular velocities larger than 100 km s−1.  相似文献   

We have discussed the evolution of two pulsar types suggested by Huanget al. (1985). Starting from the formulae given by them, we find that these two types of pulsars follow different evolutionary tracks, different structures, different average ages; and they are going to different graveyards. From these differences we may infer that the two pulsar types may have different progenitors.  相似文献   

The caseA evolution of close binary systems with total mass of 20.4M is investigated by following the evolution of both components simultaneously. The evolution is followed up to the stage at which a system overflows the outer critical surface or evolves into the phase of modeBr mass-transfer. It is found that the evolution of the systems can be classified into six types. The ranges of initial parameters which lead systems to each type of evolution are shown on the initial-parameter plane. The evolutionary features of each evolution type are described in detail.  相似文献   

New results are shown for the possible long term evolution of the orbit of Enceladus perturbed by Dione in the 2:1 resonance in the planar elliptic restricted problem. The numerical integrations of the secular variation equations (Ferraz-Mello and Dvorak, 1986) yield different types of chaotic behaviour. We also studied the onset of chaos for this dynamical system. Additionally, some illustrative pictures of the whole phase trajectory show the complex structure of phase space.  相似文献   

We discuss the effects of convective overshooting in the pre-main-sequence (PMS) evolution of intermediate-mass stars, by analysing in detail the early evolution towards the main sequence of a  2 M  stellar model. These effects can be extremely important in the end of the PMS, when the abundances in CNO elements approach the equilibrium in the centre. We provide a possible physical explanation on why a moderate amount of overshooting produces, as the star approaches the zero-age main-sequence, an extra loop in the evolutionary tracks on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram.
An interesting feature is that there is a very well defined amount of overshooting (for a given stellar mass and chemical composition) beyond which a loop is produced. For smaller amounts of overshooting such a loop does not take place and the evolutionary tracks are similar to those found in the literature. The amount of overshooting needed to produce the loop decreases with stellar mass.
We discuss the underlining physical reasons for the behaviour predicted by the evolution models and argue that it provides a crucial observational test for convective overshooting in the core of intermediate-mass stars.  相似文献   

We have investigated the evolutionary behaviour of intermediate mass (2, 3, 4, 5, and 7M ) Population I stars, assuming two different rates of rotation at the threshold of stability.In the first part of the study, stars are assumed to start with a critical rotation (fast rotation model) and to progress to the point of rotational instability. The stars evolve by losing mass and become rotationally unstable before they reach the zero-age Main Sequence. It is argued that multiple star systems might be formed through the evolution of rapidly rotating stars. An expression for the rotational mass loss rate is derived as a function of the physical parameters of stars.In the second part of the study, stars are assumed to rotate at a rate below the critical value (slow rotation model). The evolution of slowly rotating stars is followed as far as zero-age Main Sequence on the theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and compared with that of normal stars. The evolutionary paths are found to be more or less similar to those of normal stars; but their positions on the Main Sequence are characterized by effective temperatures and luminosities lower than those of normal stars. The zero-age Main-Sequence times of these stars are longer than those of normal stars. The rotational rates obtained for the zero-age Main Sequence are in good agreement with observed values.  相似文献   

Non-linear time-dependent calculations are being carried out in order to study the evolution of vertically integrated models of non-self-gravitating, transonic accretion discs around black holes. In this paper we present results from a new calculation for a high-α model similar to one studied previously by Honma, Matsumoto &38; Kato who found evidence for limit-cycle behaviour connected with thermal instability. Our results are in substantial agreement with theirs but, in our calculation, the disc material does not always remain completely optically thick and we include a suitable treatment for this. We followed the evolution for several cycles and determined the period of the cycle as being about 780 s. Advective cooling is dominant in the region just behind the outward-moving peak of surface density. The behaviour of this model is significantly different from what we saw earlier for low-α models (which we discussed in a previous paper) and we contrast and compare the two situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a semi-analytical approach to analyze the global structure of the phase space of the planar planetary 3/1 mean-motion resonance. The case where the outer planet is more massive than its inner companion is considered. We show that the resonant dynamics can be described using two fundamental parameters, the total angular momentum and the spacing parameter. The topology of the Hamiltonian function describing the resonant behaviour is investigated on a large domain of the phase space without time-expensive numerical integrations of the equations of motion, and without any restriction on the magnitude of the planetary eccentricities. The families of the Apsidal Corotation Resonances (ACR) parameterized by the planetary mass ratio are obtained and their stability is analyzed. The main dynamical features in the domains around the ACR are also investigated in detail by means of spectral analysis techniques, which allow us to detect the regions of different regimes of motion of resonant systems. The construction of dynamical maps for various values of the total angular momentum shows the evolution of domains of stable motion with the eccentricities, identifying possible configurations suitable for exoplanetary systems.  相似文献   

星系团研究涉及面极广,此处仅简介光学研究的若干方面。全文分为两篇,本篇中介绍星系团表、星系团的大尺度分布、星系团的一般性质;第二篇中将介绍团星系的演化、环境与星系形态,并作简要的展望。  相似文献   

We use cosmological smooth particle hydrodynamical (SPH) simulations to study the effects of mergers in the star formation history of galactic objects in hierarchical clustering scenarios. We find that during some merger events, gaseous discs can experience two starbursts: the first one during the orbital decay phase, owing to gas inflows driven as the satellite approaches, and the second one when the two baryonic clumps collide. A trend for these first induced starbursts to be more efficient at transforming the gas into stars is also found. We detect that systems that do not experience early gas inflows have well-formed stellar bulges and more concentrated potential wells, which seem to be responsible for preventing further gas inward transport triggered by tidal forces. The potential wells concentrate owing to the accumulation of baryons in the central regions and of dark matter as the result of the pulling in by baryons. The coupled evolution of the dark matter and baryons would lead to an evolutionary sequence during which systems with shallower total potential wells suffer early gas inflows during the orbital decay phase that help to feed their central mass concentration, pulling in dark matter and contributing to build up more stable systems. Within this scenario, starbursts triggered by early gas inflows are more likely to occur at early stages of evolution of the systems and to be an important contributor to the formation of stellar bulges. Our results constitute the first proof that bulges can form as the product of collapse, collisions and secular evolution in a cosmological framework, and they are consistent with a rejuvenation of the stellar population in bulges at intermediate z with, at least, 50 per cent of the stars (in SCDM) being formed at high z .  相似文献   

It is shown that during contact eclipsing binaries evolution under the influence of stellar wind, magnetic stellar wind and with matter transfer by gas flow, in binary stellar systems there may take place a process of star merger (low mass stars) within 105–107 yr and a fast increase of distance between stars of massive binaries. W UMa-type stars are a finite evolutionary stage of very close and low mass binary pairs. As for contact systems of early spectral types (CE-systems), they are more varied in evolution.  相似文献   

The backbone of the analysis in most dynamical systems is the study of periodic motions, since they greatly assist us to understand the structure of all possible motions. In this paper, we deal with the photogravitational version of the rectilinear restricted four-body problem and we investigate the dynamical behaviour of a small particle that is subjected to both the gravitational attraction and the radiation pressure of three bodies much bigger than the particle, the primaries. These bodies are always in syzygy and two of them have equal masses and are located at equal distances from the third primary. We study the effect of radiation on the distribution of the periodic orbits, their stability, as well as the evolution of the families and their main features.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at exploring the effects of diffusion on the structure and evolution of low-mass helium white dwarfs. To this end, we solve the multicomponent flow equations describing gravitational settling and chemical and thermal diffusion. The diffusion calculations are coupled to an evolutionary code in order to follow the cooling of low-mass, helium core white dwarf models having envelopes made up of a mixture of hydrogen and helium, as recently suggested by detailed evolutionary calculations for white dwarf progenitors in binary systems. We find that diffusion causes hydrogen to float and the other elements to sink over time-scales shorter than evolutionary time-scales. This produces a noticeable change in the structure of the outer layers, making the star inflate. Thus, in order to compute accurately the mass–radius relation for low-mass helium white dwarfs we need to account for the diffusion processes during (at least) the white dwarf stages of the evolution of these objects. This should be particularly important when studying the general characteristics of binary systems containing a helium white dwarf and a pulsar.
In addition, we present an analytic, approximate model for the outer layers of the white dwarf aimed at interpreting the physical reasons for the change in the surface gravity for low-mass white dwarfs induced by diffusion.  相似文献   

Stellar dynamos are governed by non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs) which admit solutions with dipole, quadrupole or mixed symmetry (i.e. with different parities). These PDEs possess periodic solutions that describe magnetic cycles, and numerical studies reveal two different types of modulation. For modulations of Type 1 there are parity changes without significant changes of amplitude, while for Type 2 there are amplitude changes without significant changes in parity. In stars like the Sun, cyclic magnetic activity is interrupted by grand minima that correspond to Type 2 modulation. Although the Sun's magnetic field has maintained dipole symmetry for almost 300 yr, there was a significant parity change at the end of the Maunder Minimum. We infer that the solar field may have flipped from dipole to quadrupole polarity (and back) after deep minima in the past and may do so again in the future. Other stars, with different masses or rotation rates, may exhibit cyclic activity with dipole, quadrupole or mixed parity. The origins of such behaviour can be understood by relating the PDE results to solutions of appropriate low-order systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Type 1 modulation is reproduced in a fourth-order system while Type 2 modulation occurs in a third-order system. Here we construct a new sixth-order system that describes both types of modulation and clarifies the interactions between symmetry-breaking and modulation of activity. Solutions of these non-linear ODEs reproduce the qualitative behaviour found for the PDEs, including flipping of polarity after a prolonged grand minimum. Thus we can be confident that these patterns of behaviour are robust, and will apply to stars that are similar to the Sun.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility of probing dynamo action in mass-losing stars, components of Algol-type binaries. Our analysis is based on the calculation of non-conservative evolution of these systems. We model the systems U Sge and β Per where the more massive companion fills its Roche lobe at the main sequence (case AB) and where it has a small helium core (early case B) respectively. We show that to maintain evolution of these systems at the late stages which are presumably driven by stellar 'magnetic braking', an efficient mechanism for producing large-scale surface magnetic fields in the donor star is needed. We discuss the relevance of dynamo operation in the donor star to the accelerated mass transfer during the late stages of evolution of Algol-type binaries. We suggest that the observed X-ray activity in Algol-type systems may be a good indicator of their evolutionary status and internal structure of the mass-losing stellar components.  相似文献   

Cataclysmic variables (CV) and pre-cataclysmic binaries (PCB) are discussed. The main difference between them (accretion or its absence) is shown to be a consequence of the evolutionary process and the properties of their progenitors. Both types of system have a bimodal distribution of their periods, but the extrema are in counterphase. Luminosity-effective temperature diagrams for the primary components are used to show that both systems have approximately the same age, which conflicts with the notion of PCBs as precursors of CVs. Calculations of the maximum distance between components for which the system remains stable show that CVs have passed this limit, while PCBs maintain their stability during this evolution. It is suggested that, after ejecting a common shell, future CVs immediately become semi-detached systems. It this is so, then there must be cataclysmic variables which are the central stars of planetary nebulae. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 427–439 (August 2007).  相似文献   

We consider the general spatial three body problem and study the dynamics of planetary systems consisting of a star and two planets which evolve into 2/1 mean motion resonance and into inclined orbits. Our study is focused on the periodic orbits of the system given in a suitable rotating frame. The stability of periodic orbits characterize the evolution of any planetary system with initial conditions in their vicinity. Stable periodic orbits are associated with long term regular evolution, while unstable periodic orbits are surrounded by regions of chaotic motion. We compute many families of symmetric periodic orbits by applying two schemes of analytical continuation. In the first scheme, we start from the 2/1 (or 1/2) resonant periodic orbits of the restricted problem and in the second scheme, we start from vertical critical periodic orbits of the general planar problem. Most of the periodic orbits are unstable, but many stable periodic orbits have been, also, found with mutual inclination up to 50?–60?, which may be related with the existence of real planetary systems.  相似文献   

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