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A sample of 100 Sbc galaxies has been observed at different wavelengths and resolutions. The ultimate aim of the project is to probe the origin of their nuclear activity, e.g., blackhole, starbust, etc.The results from radio observations with the VLA (New Mexico) at 20 and 6 cm, with a resolution of 1–2 arc sec, for the inner kpc of nineteen sources are presented. Six of the galaxies show extended emission consistent with starburst activity. The remaining thirteen are unresolved or marginally resolved compact sources. Their steep spectra indicate synchrotron emission. They show total nuclear energies similar to those found for a sample of Seyfert galaxies.Optical spectroscopic observations with a similar resolution to the radio data have been made for approximately 90 galaxies. A sample of the derived rotation curves is included.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution (1.2), narrow band (/=0.1) images of the nucleus of NGC253 at three wavelengths in the mid-IR (8.5, 10.0, and 12.5 m). We find that most of the mid-IR flux in the nucleus of NGC253 derives from a very small region 120 pc in diameter. Within this small region there are three spatially and spectrally distinct IR components: two bright compact sources, and a surrounding envelope of low level, diffuse emission. The mid-IR and 6cm radio are loosely correlated in position but not in brightness. The implication is that the mid-IR - radio correlation may begin to break down on small spatial scales relevant to individual star forming regions and large individual sources. These variations in the mid-IR spectra and in the radio-IR correlation imply that the nuclear emission is excited by more than one mechanism and source type.  相似文献   

As described by Colin Lonsdale in this Workshop, VLBI observations reveal thepresence of both AGN and Starburst activity in Luminous Infrared Galaxies.We highlight new results on two classical LIGs which span the range of LIGradio activity: Arp 220, which reveals luminous radio supernovae (RSN)produced in an intense starburst, and Mrk231, which has a powerful compact,AGN radio core. Second epoch observations of the compact radio sources inArp 220 confirm their nature as luminous Radio Supernovae, but indicate alower luminous RSN frequency (LRSN 0.3 yr-1) andconsequent slower decay rate than previously suggested. We interpret thisas due to the dense starburst medium into which the supernovaedetonate. The compact radio morphology of Mrk231 places it among theCompact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) which are suggested to be young radio sources in which asymmetric lobes or hotspots reveal theworking surface of a relativistic jet upon the ambient medium. Assumingthat the lobes in Mrk 231 are confined by ram pressure, we estimate an agefor the jet/compact source, 106yr. We interpret Mrk 231as a newly formed QSO emerging from a starburst.  相似文献   

Jan Kuijpers 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):163-185
An overview is given of the observations of stellar radio flares, defined as radio emission which is both variable in time and created by explosive releases of magnetic energy. The main sources of such flares are late-type Main-Sequence stars, classic close binaries, X-ray binaries, and pre-Main-Sequence stars.We summarize the interpretations of these observations in terms of the various incoherent and coherent emission mechanisms. The possible importance of a coherent emission process in electrostatic double layers is pointed out.We briefly indicate the diagnostic importance of radio emission for the flare process in classic and compact stars. In particular we discuss the possible production of radio flares from interactions between an accretion disk and the magnetic field of the central object.  相似文献   

A giant radio telescope for observing galactic and extragalactic radio sources at metre wavelengths is proposed. By locating a parabolic cylindrical antenna at a site close to the Equator such that its axis lies parallel to earth's axis, it is possible to construct a large collecting area economically. The proposed instrument will be very powerful for studying compact and diffuse features of radio sources, monitoring their variability, recombination and deuterium line work, studies of interplanetary medium and pulsar search.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

Mid-infrared imaging photometry of the Orion BN/KL infrared cluster at eight wavelengths between 5 and 20µm using a 58 × 62 pixel imaging array camera has revealed new compact sources and the large-scale structure of the region in diffraction-limited (1 arcsec) detail. Several new objects have been detected within a few arcsec of IRc2, widely thought to be the principal luminosity source for the entire BN/KL complex. Detailed color temperature and emission opacity images are derived from the 7.8, 12.4 and 20.0µm observations, and the 9.8µm image is used to derive an image of silicate dust extinction for the region. The color temperature, opacity, and extinction images show that IRc2 may not be the single dominant luminosity source for the BN/KL region; substantial contributions to the luminosity could be made by IRc7, BN, KL, and five new compact 10µm sources detected within a few arcseconds of IRc2. We suggest that a luminous, early-type star near IRc2, which is associated with the compact radio source I and the Orion SiO maser, is the dominant luminosity source in the BN/KL region, hidden from view by cool dust material with at least Av 60 mag of visible extinction.  相似文献   

We present 10-μm ISO -SWS and Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the region in the cluster Wd1 in Ara centred on the B[e] star Ara C. An ISO -SWS spectrum reveals emission from highly ionized species in the vicinity of the star, suggesting a secondary source of excitation in the region. We find strong radio emission at both 3.5 and 6.3 cm, with a total spatial extent of over 20 arcsec. The emission is found to be concentrated in two discrete structures, separated by ∼ 14 arcsec. The westerly source is resolved, with a spectral index indicative of thermal emission. The easterly source is clearly extended and non-thermal (synchrotron) in nature. Positionally, the B[e] star is found to coincide with the more compact radio source, while the southerly lobe of the extended source is coincident with Ara A, an M2 I star. Observation of the region at 10 μm reveals strong emission with an almost identical spatial distribution to the radio emission. Ara C is found to have an extreme radio luminosity in comparison with prior radio observations of hot stars such as O and B supergiants and Wolf–Rayet stars, given the estimated distance to the cluster. An origin in a detatched shell of material around the central star is therefore suggested; however given the spatial extent of the emission, such a shell must be relatively young (τ ∼ 103 yr). The extended non-thermal emission associated with the M star Ara A is unexpected; to the best of our knowledge this is a unique phenomenon. SAX (2–10 keV) observations show no evidence of X-ray emission, which might be expected if a compact companion were present.  相似文献   

Takeo Kosugi 《Solar physics》1976,48(2):339-356
The radio observations of type II–IV bursts on December 14, 1971 are analyzed. These radio events were associated with a H-spray or eruptive prominence, and later followed by several compact moving clouds observed with the NRL white-light coronagraph aboard OSO-7. There was also observed a diffuse expanding cloud behind the compact moving clouds.From the comparison of the interferometer observation of the bursts with the optical observation, it is strongly suggested that the compact moving clouds were likely to be the optical counterparts of the sources of moving type IV radio emission. This fact suggests that the magnetic bubbles were really produced in the flare process. The frequency-drift of the first group of type II bursts was so rapid, that we could neither identify the type II shock with the leading edge of the diffuse expanding cloud nor interpret it as the piston-driven shock of the latter. Because of the uncertainty of the velocities of the compact clouds due to the projection effect, the possibility that the type II shock was the piston-driven shock of the compact clouds cannot be excluded. Nevertheless we suggest that the type II shock was a blast type MHD shock and had no direct physical relation to the flare-associated mass-ejection processes. The relation between the type II–IV bursts and the interplanetary shock is also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent submm observations of dust emission from star forming regions are presented and combined with NIR and IRAS data. The spectra cover the range 0.3 to 1300 m and origin from ZAMS stars, compact Hii regions, low-luminosity objects in dark clouds and external galaxies. The dust emission spectra are interpreted in terms of density and temperature distributions around central heating sources. In addition, general properties like IR luminosity, optical depth, wavelength dependence of dust opacity and, in the case of galaxies, star formation efficiency are discussed.Paper presented at a Workshop on The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, held at Georgenthal, G.D.R., in March 1986.  相似文献   

Observations of interplanetary scintillation of radio sources are used to estimate the size of plasma irregularities down to a distance of about 6 R from the Sun. This is compared with the values of the ion gyro-radius estimated for a range of distance from 1 AU to about 6 R from the Sun. The results of the calculations are discussed in the context of the hypothesis of plasma instability which is invoked to interpret the observations of the scattering of radio waves in the solar corona and of interplanetary scintillations.  相似文献   

The properties of OH megamaser galaxies in the radio continuum are discussed. Many radio sources in OH megamaser galaxies exhibit relatively flat (α ≥ −0.5) radio spectra between frequencies of 1.49 and 8.44 GHz along with high brightness temperatures (Tb ≥ 104 K). In these galaxies the line and radio continuum fluxes are not correlated. The continuum radio emission of OH megamasers is predominantly nonthermal and is associated either with an active nucleus or with compact star formation. The thermal component of the radio emission from these galaxies can be neglected. The observed flat radio spectra and high brightness temperatures imply the existence of an active galactic nucleus, although some megamasers may be associated with compact star formation.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 281–290 (May 2005).  相似文献   

NGC 1365     
Summary. The aim of the present review is to give a global picture of the supergiant barred galaxy NGC 1365. This galaxy with its strong bar and prominent spiral structure displays a variety of nuclear activity and ongoing star formation. The kinematics of the galaxy has been mapped in detail by optical long slit and Fabry–Perot observations as well as radio observations of Hi and CO interstellar lines. From these observations a combined velocity field has been derived, describing the circulation of interstellar gas in the symmetry plane of the galaxy. With a gravitational potential based on near infrared photometry of the bar and the shape of the apparent rotation curve, computer simulations of the dynamics of the interstellar gas have been made with the aim to reproduce both the morphology of the interstellar matter as well as the observed velocity field. The simulations demonstrate the role of the bar and the importance of resonances between the bar rotation and the rotation of the galaxy for the formation of the spiral structure. Polarization of radio radiation reveals magnetic fields concentrated to the dust lanes along and across the bar, where they are aligned with the flow pattern of the gas, and along the spiral arms. The kinematics of the outer region of the galaxy with a fairly unique decline of the rotation curve leads to the conclusion that NGC 1365 lacks a very massive dark matter halo, which may permit the formation of a very strong bar. The galaxy contains an active nucleus with both broad and narrow components of the permitted spectral emission lines. The nucleus is surrounded by a molecular torus, numerous star forming regions and continuum radio sources. The star forming regions are, as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), resolved into a large number of super star clusters suggested to be young globular clusters. A very compact radio source, seen at high spatial resolution with the Very Large Array (VLA), has been claimed to coincide with one of the super star clusters. This compact source has a radio brightness of the order of 100 times that of the bright galactic supernova remnant Cas A and is suggested to be a so called ‘radio supernova’. Two other such compact radio sources, positioned in the prominent dark dust lane penetrating the nuclear region, are identified as strong infrared sources by observations with the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The cause of this infrared radiation may be dust heated by the objects that drive the radio sources. The X-ray radiation from the nucleus is interpreted to consist of hard continuum radiation from the active nucleus itself, Fe-K line emission from a rotating disk, and thermal emission from the surrounding star burst activity. A secondary, highly variable source has been discovered close to the nuclear region. It seems to be one of the most luminous and most highly variable off-nuclear X-ray sources known. The higher excitation optical emission lines in the nuclear region, primarily from [Oiii], reveal a velocity field quite different from that described by the galactic rotation. The deviating [Oiii] morphology and velocity field in the nuclear region is interpreted in terms of a high excitation outflow double-cone with its apex at the nucleus and symmetry axis perpendicular to the symmetry plane of the galaxy. One of the circumnuclear radio sources seems to be a one-sided jet emerging from the nucleus aligned with the cone axis. According to the model, the outward flow within the cone is accelerated and the flow velocity highest at the cone axis. Received 15 January 1999  相似文献   

Observations of the circumstellar maser emission from the long-period variable star Y Cas in the 1.35-cm water-vapor line are presented. The observations were performed with the RT-22 radio telescope at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (Astrospace Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences) in the period 1982–2005. The variations in the integrated flux Fint in the H2O line correlate with the visual light curve of the star. The phase delay Δ? between the Fint variations and the light curve is 0.2–0.4P (P is the period of the star). The H2O maser Y Cas belongs to transient sources: peaks of high maser activity alternate with intervals of a low emission level when the H2O-line flux does not exceed (0.1–0.5) × 10?20 W m?2. A “superperiod” of ~5.7 yr was found in the occurrence of activity peaks. A particularly strong maximum of maser radio emission took place at the end of 1997, when the flux Fint reached 15.6 × 10?20 W m?2. A model for the H2O maser variability in Y Cas is discussed. The variability is caused by a periodic action of shock waves driven by stellar pulsations. The H2O maser flares may be associated with short-lived episodes of enhanced mass loss by the star or with the propagation of a particularly strong shock wave when a planet orbiting the star passes through its periastron.  相似文献   

We have produced radio maps, using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, of the central regions of six southern type 2 Seyfert galaxies (NGC 1365, 4945, 6221, 6810, 7582 and Circinus) with circumnuclear star formation, to estimate the relative contribution of star formation activity compared to activity from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The radio morphologies range from extended diffuse structures to compact nuclear emission, with no evidence, even in the relatively compact sources, for synchrotron self-absorption. In each case the radio to far-infrared (FIR) ratio has a value consistent with star formation, and in all but one case the radio to [Fe  II ] ratio is also consistent with star formation. We derive supernova rates and conclude that, despite the presence of a Seyfert nucleus in these galaxies, the radio, FIR and [Fe  II ] line emissions are dominated by processes associated with the circumnuclear star formation (i.e. supernova remnants and H  II regions) rather than with the AGN.  相似文献   

To locate two-dimensional positions of the solar decametric radio bursts a heliograph was developed on the basis of the UTR-2 radiotelescope (Khar'kov) operated in the range 10–26 MHz. The beamwidth of the heliograph rapid-scanning pencil-beam is 25 arc min at 25 MHz, and its field of view is about 3.5° (E-W) × 2.0° (N-S). The instrument yields rapidly forty records of the radio brightness of all (8 × 5) elementary parts (each 25 arc min in diameter) of the investigated sky area during every period of 1/4 s. Both coordinates of a burst center are measured with an accuracy 5 arc min. The bandwidth of the receiving system is 10 kHz. The heliograph operates in conjunction with a radiospectrograph connected to the output of a N-S arm of the UTR-2 array. The data observations with the UTR-2 correspond only to one linear polarized component.The ionospheric distortion of the test records of the radio source Cassiopeia-A that occurred sometimes is illustrated.First results of 25 MHz observations of the solar radio storm in August, 1976 with the heliograph are presented here. This storm is accompanied by the compact sunspot group travelling all over the optical disk. The type III and stria bursts were predominant during the storm. On the given day the scattering regions of their apparent centers were overlapped and the sizes of these regions were usually not more than 5 arc min. On some days there occurred additional burst sources displaced in position from the persistent storm region. It was found out that, as a rule, 25 MHz stria-bursts from the type IIIb chain coincided in position with the following type III burst at the same frequency. The difference of the daily averaged coordinates of both stria and type III bursts was considerably smaller than the mean diameter of their sources.The radial distance of the 25 MHz storm region from the solar center was calculated by using the three methods. The storm height was estimated as 1.8R from the rotation rate close to the central meridian of the storm center. Definite association of the spots with the storm near the limb allowed to determine the average value 2.1R for the height. The limb measurements give the mean height of 2.3R .The center-to-limb variation of the storm source height is a known fact in the meter-wavelength range. This is the evidence of the propagation effects in the solar corona being essential to interpret the results of the radio source location.  相似文献   

At present, it is widely believed that anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs), rotational radio transients (RRATs), compact central objects (CCOs) in supernova remnants, and X-ray dim isolated neutron stars (XDINSs) belong to different classes of anomalous objects in which the central bodies are isolated neutron stars. Previously, we have shown that AXPs and SGRs can be described in terms of the drift model for parameters of the central neutron star typical of radio pulsars (rotation periods P ~ 0.1–1 s and surface magnetic fields B ~ 1011–1013 G). Here, we show that some of the peculiarities of the sources under consideration can be explained by their geometry (in particular, by the angle β between the rotation axis and the magnetic moment). If β ? 10° (an aligned rotator), the drift waves in the outer layers of the neutron star magnetosphere can account for the observed periodicity in the radiation. For large β (a nearly orthogonal rotator), the observed modulation of the radiation and its short bursts can be explained by mass accretion from the ambient medium (e.g., a relic disk).  相似文献   

Observational results are presented concerning the structure of the quasar 3C 196 and the radio galaxy 3C 280 at 20 and 25 MHz, obtained by the scintillation method with the URAN-1 interferometer. Angular dimensions of the scintillating components and extended regions of the sources have been evaluated. In the case of the quasar 3C 196, the effective angular size of the scintillating component equals 2±1 . 5 and that of the extended region 18×25.The contribution of the compact component into the total radiation flux is 0.46±0.20. Spectra of the structural formations in 3C 196 have been obtained in the range 20–5000 MHz.For the radio galaxy 3C 280 the effective angular size of the scintillating component equals 1 . 5±1 . 2. and that of the extended region exceeds 10 . The contribution into the total flux due to the scintillating part is 0.35±0.20.The data obtained are analyzed together with the results measured at higher frequencies. It is pointed out that in a wide frequency range, the effect of wave scattering in the interstellar medium does not exceed measurement errors,hence bringing about no increase in the compact component sizes of the sources observed.  相似文献   

We present observations of the corona at 169 MHz with the Nançay Radioheliograph during the summer of 1984. We compare synoptic maps of the metric radio emission on the solar disk with synoptic charts of the K-corona as well as of the green and the red lines. Local sources of radio emission are not located near regions of enhanced green or red line emission which, in turn, are in general above chromospheric faculae. Thus the radio emissions located in the surroundings of faculae are apparently related to different loop systems, with lower density. The comparison of the radio data with the K-corona showed one radio source associated with enhanced emission both at 1.3 and at 1.7 R , apparently a streamer. Other radio sources did not show any clear associations, but were nevertheless located within the coronal plasma sheet, delineated by the large-scale K-corona emission. Moreover the large-scale structure of the corona at 169 MHz was quite similar to the coronal plasma sheet observed at 1.3 R above the limb. The extent of the radio emission in latitude is very similar to that of the K-corona, while the coronal line emission is more concentrated near the solar equator.  相似文献   

A gas cocoon surrounding a neutron star can be heated to a high temperature by the low frequency radiation emitted by the neutron star whose rotation axis is inclined to its magnetic axis. This heated gas can emit X-rays and may be identified with thermal X-ray sources. If the neutron star emission shows periodicities larger than the cooling time of the gas, these will be reflected in the emission of X-ray; the recently observed X-ray sources which show oscillations and quasiperiodicities (Oscillars) may be such sources.  相似文献   

The coronal hole observed on May 31, 1973 is studied using extreme ultraviolet and radio observations. The EUV line is the Fe xv at = 284 Å and the radio frequencies are 169 and 408 MHz. An unsuccessful attempt to deduce an homogeneous model of the hole from these observations, shows that EUV and radio observations are inconsistent if interpreted in such a frame and if the EUV line intensity measurements in the hole are reliable.Inhomogeneities are therefore required to account for both observations. An inhomogeneous model consisting of hot (T2×106K) elements covering 10% of the hole surface surrounded by regions of colder gas (T8×105K) is able to explain both observations.  相似文献   

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