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本对后发团中心2.63°×2.63°范围内138个盘星系的自转轴方向的分布作了分析,结果表明,后发团中盘星系自转轴方向的分布是非均匀的,相对于假设的均匀分布,有较多的S0星系的自转轴平行于团平面,并且S0星系的自转轴在团平面上的投影倾向于沿着偏离团中心方向约45°的方向;对于S和Irr星纱,自转轴倾向于闰行或垂直于团平面,自转轴在轩秤面上的投影则倾向于平行团中心方向,本证实了后发团中盘星系自转  相似文献   

为研究后发团盘星系自转轴方向的分布,本文对后发团的两个星系表进行交叉证认,给出后发团中心2°.63×2°.63范围内,完整到m_p≤15.7等的138个盘星系的方位角表,其中包括94个S0星系.44个S和Irr星系。  相似文献   

Coma闭是离我们最近的典型富星系闭之一。对此,人们积累了丰富的观测资料,并且进行了广泛深入的研究。在本文中着重介绍了有关Coma闭的成员判定、结构、光度函数、动力学和次结构等方面的研究情况,并简单介绍了目前的最新研究动态。  相似文献   

为进一步研究室女星系团盘星系自转向量的分布,本文编制了该天区有UGC发表的方位角或直径数据的310个盘星系的表(81个S0系,229个S Irr系),其中有UGC发表的方位角的星系为245个(67个S0系,178个S Irr系)。对能证认身份的所有星系的星系云,群归属均已在表中注明。本文还讨论了表列星系的一些基本统计特征,为室女团盘系自转向量分布的研究提供了迄今为止可能是最大的,3组完整的代表性样品。  相似文献   

星系团研究涉及面极广,此处仅简介光学研究的若干方面,全文分为两篇,前一篇中已知介绍了星系团表,星系团有大尺度分布,星系团的一般性质,本篇中则介绍团星系的演化,环境与星系形态,并作简要的展望。  相似文献   

用4km Ooty综合孔径射电望远镜,来研究Abell星系团A514在326.5MHz上的射电结构。该文给出了A514星系团中四个射电星系(射电源)的射电图,并作了初步分析,得出射电星系的某些结构特性及其物理参数。  相似文献   

本文利用Virgo星系团天区572个星系的视向速度观测资料,按最大似然原理确定了434个成员星系。平均日心速度1247±37公里每秒,视向速度弥散度752±27公里·每秒。分析表明,尽管室女团是一个有次团结构的近距星系团,仍然可以合理地用正态分布来作为成员星系观测视向速度分布的一级近似。另外,团内不同类型的星系看来有着不同的分布,而晚型星系可能仍然处于内落阶段。  相似文献   

The investigation of the distributions of number densities and radial velocities in the Coma cluster led us to the conclusion that this cluster possesses substructures. This result is in agreement with corresponding results for the Hydra I cluster and the Perseus cluster and with former conclusions by different authors that substructures are a typical phenomenon for a high percentage of all clusters of galaxies.  相似文献   

在Sloan数字巡天计划第四批释放的数据中选择了40599个面向的盘状星系,统计研究它们的大小分布.结果表明,面向盘状星系的大小分布在绝对星等区间内,遵从对数正态分布函数.星系的大小与绝对星等紧密相关,即星系越亮,其尺度越大.与文[1]的结果相比, 在相同的绝对星等区间,我们得到的r波段半光度半径要稍高于他们的结果,这主要是因为我们的样本只包括了面向晚型星系,而他们的样本则包括了所有空间取向的晚型星系.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the formation of bars and present the bulge and bar properties and their correlations for a sample of lenticular barred(SB0) and lenticular unbarred(S0) galaxies in the central region of the Coma Cluster using HST/ACS data. In our sample, we identified bar features using the luminosity profile decomposition software GALFIT. We classified the bulges based on Sérsic index and Kormendy relation. We found that the average mass of the bulge in SB0 galaxies is 1.48 × 1010...  相似文献   

在Sloan数字巡天计划第二批释放的数据中选择了15257个面向的盘状星系,统计研究它们的颜色星等关系.结果表明3个颜色g-r、r-i、r-z均与r波段的绝对星等有紧密的相关关系,即:越亮的星系,颜色越红,而且色指数弥散越小.并且简单讨论了观测到的颜色星等关系对盘状星系的恒星形成历史的约束.  相似文献   

Analysing the weak lensing distortions of the images of faint background galaxies provides a means to constrain the average mass distribution of cluster galaxies and potentially to test the extent of their dark matter haloes as a function of the density of their environment. The observable image distortions are a consequence of the interplay between the effects of a global cluster mass distribution and the perturbations resulting from individual cluster galaxies. Starting from a reconstruction of the cluster mass distribution with conventional techniques, we apply a maximum likelihood method to infer the average properties of an ensemble of cluster galaxies. From simulations this approach is found to be reliable as long as the galaxies including their dark matter haloes only contribute a small fraction to the total mass of the system. If their haloes are extended, the galaxies contain a substantial mass fraction. In this case our method is still applicable in the outer regions of clusters, where the surface mass density is low, but yields biased estimates of the parameters describing the mass profiles of the cluster galaxies in the central part of the cluster. In that case it will be necessary to resort to more sophisticated strategies by modelling cluster galaxies and an underlying global mass distribution simultaneously. We conclude that galaxy–galaxy lensing in clusters provides a unique means to probe the presence and extent of dark haloes of cluster galaxies.  相似文献   

In this contribution we review the properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) and discuss the impact that X-ray cluster selection is having on their use as cosmological probes. BCGs form a unique galaxy population. They are located near the gravitational centre of galaxy clusters and are the most massive galaxies in the universe, being some 10 times more luminous than L* systems. Historically, BCGs have been credited with small intrinsic dispersion in their absolute magnitudes (Δ≃0.2–0.3 mag) and used as standard candles to constrain the cosmological parameters. Although indirect signs of mass accretion out to z≃1 have been observed, uncovering their full evolutionary picture has remained an elusive goal. Studies of BCGs based on serendipitiously discovered X-ray cluster samples, particularly from ROSAT, provide large numbers of unbiased clusters at z≤1. Furthermore X-ray emission guarantees the presence of a large gravitationally bound potential well and the X-ray information can be used to locate the centroids of clusters, aiding the identification of the BCG. We show that this has important consequences for studies of distance determination and large-scale streaming flows based on the optical properties of BCGs. Recent results based on X-ray selected clusters show large differences in near-IR BCG properties with their cluster environment; such that those in clusters with L x≥1.9×1044erg s-1 are brighter and more uniform than those in their low-L x counterparts. The BCGs in highL x systems show no evidence of having undergone mass growth, whereas those in low L x systems show a widerrange of evolution, with evidence that some have grown by a factor of 4 ormore since z≃1. These results are a direct indication of howa single homogeneous population of galaxies evolves and are a challenge to simple semi-analytical hierarchical models. If future observations at high redshift are to seriously challenge theory then better predictions of the evolutionary process are required. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionBulgeisoneofthemainbuildingblocksofdiskgalaxies.Classicalviewofbulgeisthatithasfeaturelessstructurelikescale downedellipticalwhoseluminositydistributioniswelldescribedbyr1/4-law .But,recentgroundbasedstudiesshowthatmanybulgesaredisky (Kormend…  相似文献   

The far outer regions of galactic disks allow an important probe of both star formation and galaxy formation. I discuss how observations of HII regions in these low gas density, low metallicity environments can shed light on the physical processes which drive galactic star formation. The history of past star formation at large radii, as traced by observations of old and intermediate-age stars, constrains the epoch at which the highest angular momentum regions of disks were in place; first results for the M31 disk suggest this occured a significant (≳ 8 Gyr) time ago. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys ( HST /ACS) Coma Cluster Treasury Survey is a deep two-passband imaging survey of the nearest very rich cluster of galaxies, covering a range of galaxy density environments. The imaging is complemented by a recent wide field redshift survey of the cluster conducted with Hectospec on the 6.5-m Monolithic Mirror Telescope (MMT). Among the many scientific applications for these data is the search for compact galaxies. In this paper, we present the discovery of seven compact (but quite luminous) stellar systems, ranging from M32-like galaxies down to ultra-compact dwarfs (UCDs)/dwarf to globular transition objects (DGTOs).
We find that all seven compact galaxies require a two-component fit to their light profile and have measured velocity dispersions that exceed those expected for typical early-type galaxies at their luminosity. From our structural parameter analysis, we conclude that three of the samples should be classified as compact ellipticals or M32-like galaxies, and the remaining four being less extreme systems. The three compact ellipticals are all found to have old luminosity weighted ages (≳12 Gyr), intermediate metallicities  (−0.6 < [Fe/H] < −0.1)  and high [Mg/Fe] (≳0.25).
Our findings support a tidal stripping scenario as the formation mode of compact galaxies covering the luminosity range studied here. We speculate that at least two early-type morphologies may serve as the progenitor of compact galaxies in clusters.  相似文献   

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