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Fast transform from geocentric to geodetic coordinates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 A new iterative procedure to transform geocentric rectangular coordinates to geodetic coordinates is derived. The procedure solves a modification of Borkowski's quartic equation by the Newton method from a set of stable starters. The new method runs a little faster than the single application of Bowring's formula, which has been known as the most efficient procedure. The new method is sufficiently precise because the resulting relative error is less than 10−15, and this method is stable in the sense that the iteration converges for all coordinates including the near-geocenter region where Bowring's iterative method diverges and the near-polar axis region where Borkowski's non-iterative method suffers a loss of precision. Received: 13 November 1998 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

S. Bian 《Journal of Geodesy》1997,71(8):443-453
In terms of a change in variable and Newton-Cotes integration formulas, some cubatures for singular integrals in physical geodesy are formulated in detail. Numerical examples are attached to illustrate their feasibility and their accuracy. Received: 10 July 1995 / Accepted: 4 December 1996  相似文献   

On the accurate numerical evaluation of geodetic convolution integrals   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
In the numerical evaluation of geodetic convolution integrals, whether by quadrature or discrete/fast Fourier transform (D/FFT) techniques, the integration kernel is sometimes computed at the centre of the discretised grid cells. For singular kernels—a common case in physical geodesy—this approximation produces significant errors near the computation point, where the kernel changes rapidly across the cell. Rigorously, mean kernels across each whole cell are required. We present one numerical and one analytical method capable of providing estimates of mean kernels for convolution integrals. The numerical method is based on Gauss-Legendre quadrature (GLQ) as efficient integration technique. The analytical approach is based on kernel weighting factors, computed in planar approximation close to the computation point, and used to convert non-planar kernels from point to mean representation. A numerical study exemplifies the benefits of using mean kernels in Stokes’s integral. The method is validated using closed-loop tests based on the EGM2008 global gravity model, revealing that using mean kernels instead of point kernels reduces numerical integration errors by a factor of ~5 (at a grid-resolution of 10 arc min). Analytical mean kernel solutions are then derived for 14 other commonly used geodetic convolution integrals: Hotine, Eötvös, Green-Molodensky, tidal displacement, ocean tide loading, deflection-geoid, Vening-Meinesz, inverse Vening-Meinesz, inverse Stokes, inverse Hotine, terrain correction, primary indirect effect, Molodensky’s G1 term and the Poisson integral. We recommend that mean kernels be used to accurately evaluate geodetic convolution integrals, and the two methods presented here are effective and easy to implement.  相似文献   

Efficient numerical computation of integrals defined on closed surfaces in ℝ3 with non-integrable point singularities that arise in physical geodesy is discussed. The method is based on the use of polar coordinates and the definition of integrals with non-integrable point singularities as Hadamard finite part integrals. First the behavior of singular integrals under smooth parameter transformations is studied, and then it is shown how they can be reduced to absolutely integrable functions over domains in ℝ2. The correction terms that usually arise if the substitution rule is formally applied, in contrast to absolutely integrable functions, are calculated. It is shown how to compute the regularized integrals efficiently, and, numerical efforts for various orders of singularity are compared. Finally, efficient numerical integration methods are discussed for integrals of functions that are defined as singular integrals, a task that typically arises in Galerkin boundary element methods. Received: 15 April 1997 / Accepted: 7 May 1998  相似文献   

Thermal expansion of radio telescopes has long been recognized as an effect which cannot be neglected in geodetic and astrometric VLBI data analysis if millimeter accuracy is desired. In this article, the author documents the conventions which are being set by the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) for a consistent modelling of this effect in its routine product generation. For the largest telescopes, the annual cycle of thermal expansion may change the height of the VLBI reference point by as much as 20 mm. However, for telescopes which are used in present-day IVS operations, the variations rather range from 4 to 6 mm.  相似文献   

European geodetic very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) sessions (also known as EUROPE sessions) have been carried out on a regular basis for the past 15 years to study relative crustal motions within Europe. These sessions are based on observations of extragalactic radio sources, which serve as distant fiducial marks to establish an accurate and stable celestial reference frame for long-term geodetic measurements. The radio sources, however, are not always point-like on milliarcsecond scales, as VLBI imaging has revealed. In this work, we quantify the magnitude of the expected effect of intrinsic source structure on geodetic bandwidth synthesis delay VLBI measurements for a subset of 14 sources regularly observed during the EUROPE sessions. These sources have been imaged at both X-band (8.4 GHz) and S-band (2.3 GHz) based on dedicated observations acquired with the European VLBI Network (EVN) in November 1996. The results of this calculation indicate that the reference source 0457+024 causes significant structural effects in measurements obtained on European VLBI baselines (about 10 picoseconds on average), whereas most of the other sources produce effects that are only occasionally larger than a few picoseconds. Applying the derived source structure models to the data of the EUROPE5-96 session carried out at the same epoch as the EVN experiment shows no noticeable changes in the estimated VLBI station locations.  相似文献   

A review of recent progress and current activities towards an improved formulation and solution of geodetic boundary value problems is given. Improvements stimulated and required by the dramatic changes of the real world of geodetic measurements are focused upon. Altimetry–gravimetry problems taking into account various scenarios of non-homogeneous data coverage are discussed in detail. Other problems are related to free geodetic datum parameters, most of all the vertical datum, overdetermination or additional constraints imposed by satellite geodetic observations or models. Some brief remarks are made on pseudo-boundary value problems for geoid determination and on purely gravitational boundary-value problems. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

The general problem of the optimal design for a geodetic network subject to any extrinsic factors, namely the first-order design problem, can be dealt with as a numeric optimization problem. The classic theory of this problem and the optimization methods are revised. Then the innovative use of the simulated annealing method, which has been successfully applied in other fields, is presented for this classical geodetic problem. This method, belonging to iterative heuristic techniques in operational research, uses a thermodynamical analogy to crystalline networks to offer a solution that converges probabilistically to the global optimum. Basic formulation and some examples are studied.  相似文献   

New solutions for the geodetic coordinate transformation   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
 The Cartesian-to-geodetic-coordinate transformation is approached from a new perspective. Existence and uniqueness of geodetic representation are presented, along with a clear geometric picture of the problem and the role of the ellipse evolute. A new solution is found with a Newton-method iteration in the reduced latitude; this solution is proved to work for all points in space. Care is given to error propagation when calculating the geodetic latitude and height. Received: 9 August 2001 / Accepted: 27 March 2002 Acknowledgments. The author would like to thank the Clifford W.␣Tompson scholarship fund, Dr. Brian DeFacio, the University of Missouri College of Arts &Sciences, and the United States Air Force. He also thanks a reviewer for suggesting and providing a prototype MATLAB code. A MATLAB program for the iterative sequence is presented at the end of the paper (Appendix A).  相似文献   

 A general scheme is given for the solution in a least-squares sense of the geodetic boundary value problem in a spherical, constant-radius approximation, both uniquely and overdetermined, for a large class of observations. The only conditions are that the relation of the observations to the disturbing potential is such that a diagonalization in the spectrum can be found and that the error-covariance function of the observations is isotropic and homogeneous. Most types of observations used in physical geodesy can be adjusted to fit into this approach. Examples are gravity anomalies, deflections of the vertical and the second derivatives of the gravity potential. Received: 3 November 1999 / Accepted: 25 September 2000  相似文献   

One of the principal problems in separating the non-tidal Newtonian gravitational effects from other forces acting on the ocean surface with a resolution approaching the 10 cm level arises as a consequence ofall measurements of a geodetic nature being taken eitherat orto the ocean surface. The latter could be displaced by as much as ±2 m from the equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field corresponding to the mean level of the oceans at the epoch of observation— i.e., the geoid. A secondary problem of no less importance is the likelihood of all datums for geodetic levelling in different parts of the world not coinciding with the geoid as defined above. It is likely that conditions will be favourable for the resolution of this problem in the next decade as part of the activities of NASA’s Earth and Ocean Physics Applications Program (EOPAP). It is planned to launch a series of spacecraft fitted with altimeters for ranging to the ocean surface as part of this program. Possible techniques for overcoming the problems mentioned above are outlined within the framework of a solution of the geodetic boundary value problem to ±5 cm in the height anomaly. The latter is referred to a “higher” reference surface obtained by incorporating the gravity field model used in the orbital analysis with that afforded by the conventional equipotential ellipsoidal model (Mather 1974 b). The input data for the solution outlined are ocean surface heights as estimated from satellite altimetry and gravity anomalies on land and continental shelf areas. The solution calls for a quadratures evaluation in the first instance. The probability of success will be enhanced if care were paid to the elimination of sources of systematic error of long wavelength in both types of data as detailed in (Mather 1973 a; Mather 1974 b) prior to its collection and assembly for quadratures evaluations.  相似文献   

R. Hsu  S. Li 《Journal of Geodesy》2004,78(4-5):251-262
The contribution to each component of the deformation vector due to a marginally undetected blunder in an observation is split into two parts, and so are the deformation measures at a point. The first part, called the local component (or self component), signifies the contribution due to the redundancy-related multiplier belonging to the observation itself, while the second part, called the complementary component, shows the contribution due to the non-redundancy-related multipliers belonging to the observation. A larger redundancy results in a smaller local component for each component of the deformation vector. However, robustness due to an observation at a point is correlated with redundancy to a significant extent. The first-order global positioning system (GPS)-geodetic network of Taiwan was examined for its robustness. The experiments seem to indicate that: (1) large deformations tend to be found at points where the group redundancies are small; (2) the local components monopolize deformation measures at the perimeter stations of the network where very small redundancy numbers are found; (3) the largest deformation at a point may be due to an observation not directly tied to the point of interest; and (4) except for local twisting, deformation measures and mean positional precisions at individual points are highly correlated.Acknowledgement The authors thank Drs. A.A. Simkooei, M. Schmidt, and M.R. Craymer greatly for their constructive comments and suggestions, which improved the quality of the paper. This research was supported by National Science Council of Taiwan (contract number NSC-91-2211- E-002-085).  相似文献   

O. Titov 《Journal of Geodesy》2007,81(6-8):455-468
This paper evaluates the effect of the accuracy of reference radio sources on the daily estimates of station positions, nutation angle offsets, and the estimated site coordinates determined by very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), which are used for the realization of the international terrestrial reference frame (ITRF). Five global VLBI solutions, based on VLBI data collected between 1979 and 2006, are compared. The reference solution comprises all observed radio sources, which are treated as global parameters. Four other solutions, comprising different sub-sets of radio sources, were computed. The daily station positions for all VLBI sites and the corrections to the nutation offset angles were estimated for these five solutions. The solution statistics are mainly affected by the positional instabilities of reference radio sources, whereas the instabilities of geodetic and astrometric time-series are caused by an insufficient number of observed reference radio sources. A mean offset of the three positional components (Up, North, East) between any two solutions was calculated for each VLBI site. From a comparison of the geodetic results, no significant discrepancies between the respective geodetic solutions for all VLBI sites in the Northern Hemisphere were found. In contrast, the Southern Hemisphere sites were more sensitive to the selected set of reference radio sources. The largest estimated mean offset of the vertical component between two solutions for the Australian VLBI site at Hobart was 4 mm. In the worst case (if a weak VLBI network observed a limited number of reference radio sources) the daily offsets of the estimated height component at Hobart exceeded 100 mm. The exclusion of the extended radio sources from the list of reference sources improved the solution statistics and made the geodetic and astrometric time-series more consistent. The problem with the large Hobart height component offset is magnified by a comparatively small number of observations due to the low slewing rate of the VLBI dish (1°/ s). Unless a minimum of 200 scans are performed per 24-h VLBI experiment, the daily vertical positions at Hobart do not achieve 10 mm accuracy. Improving the slew rate at Hobart and/or having an increased number of new sites in the Southern Hemisphere is essential for further improvement of geodetic VLBI results for Southern Hemisphere sites.  相似文献   

By the beginning of 1996 the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) constellation was completely deployed, although several satellites have already been decommissioned since then. With 17 satellites in operation (status as of 21 December 1997, although two of them are unusable and one is a non-operative spare), GLONASS is now an alternative and a complement to GPS. We present an evaluation of the current status of the GLONASS system, paying particular attention to its possible geodetic applications. Data from several receivers were used for this evaluation, including data from GPS receivers in order to allow for a comparison between GLONASS and GPS. We tested the quality of the geodetic observables, the consistency of the broadcast orbits, the single-point positioning results, and we also looked at multipath errors and cycle slips in our GLONASS data. In general the GLONASS performance has been found to be very satisfactory, even better than GPS in aspects such as single-receiver positioning or in the quality of the second-frequency pseudo-ranges due to the degradation of the GPS measurement quality under selective availability and anti-spoofing. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 16 January 1998  相似文献   

An iterative method is presented which performs inversion of integrals defined over the sphere. The method is based on one-dimensional fast Fourier transform (1-D FFT) inversion and is implemented with the projected Landweber technique, which is used to solve constrained least-squares problems reducing the associated 1-D cyclic-convolution error. The results obtained are as precise as the direct matrix inversion approach, but with better computational efficiency. A case study uses the inversion of Hotine’s integral to obtain gravity disturbances from geoid undulations. Numerical convergence is also analyzed and comparisons with respect to the direct matrix inversion method using conjugate gradient (CG) iteration are presented. Like the CG method, the number of iterations needed to get the optimum (i.e., small) error decreases as the measurement noise increases. Nevertheless, for discrete data given over a whole parallel band, the method can be applied directly without implementing the projected Landweber method, since no cyclic convolution error exists.  相似文献   

The Vienna Mapping Functions 1 (VMF1) as provided by the Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics (IGG) at the Vienna University of Technology are the most accurate mapping functions for the troposphere delays that are available globally and for the entire history of space geodetic observations. So far, the VMF1 coefficients have been released with a time delay of almost two days; however, many scientific applications require their availability in near real-time, e.g. the Ultra Rapid solutions of the International GNSS Service (IGS) or the analysis of the Intensive sessions of the International VLBI Service (IVS). Here we present coefficients of the VMF1 as well as the hydrostatic and wet zenith delays that have been determined from forecasting data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and provided on global grids. The comparison with parameters derived from ECMWF analysis data shows that the agreement is at the 1 mm level in terms of station height, and that the differences are larger for the wet mapping functions than for the hydrostatic mapping functions and the hydrostatic zenith delays. These new products (VMF1-FC and hydrostatic zenith delays from forecast data) can be used in real-time analysis of geodetic data without significant loss of accuracy.  相似文献   

Robust estimation of geodetic datum transformation   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
Y. Yang 《Journal of Geodesy》1999,73(5):268-274
The robust estimation of geodetic datum transformation is discussed. The basic principle of robust estimation is introduced. The error influence functions of the robust estimators, together with those of least-squares estimators, are given. Particular attention is given to the robust initial estimates of the transformation parameters, which should have a high breakdown point in order to provide reliable residuals for the following estimation. The median method is applied to solve for robust initial estimates of transformation parameters since it has the highest breakdown point. A smooth weight function is then used to improve the efficiency of the parameter estimates in successive iterative computations. A numerical example is given on a datum transformation between a global positioning system network and the corresponding geodetic network in China. The results show that when the coordinates are contaminated by outliers, the proposed method can still give reasonable results. Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1999  相似文献   

李雪凝  施一民 《测绘工程》2005,14(2):13-14,28
为了在测地坐标系中确定外接大地圆圆心,采用了解非线性方程组的牛顿迭代法,解法简便,易于理解.数据验证表明,由该数值法求解的结果与由解析公式获得的结果完全一致.由此亦表明,一些繁难的大地测量计算也可改用数值法来进行.  相似文献   

经典移动曲面滤波算法由于算法简练,适用范围广泛且滤波效果较好,适用于多种地形。但是传统移动曲面滤波方法存在较多缺陷,如计算阈值参数难以确定、各个格网间阈值参数缺少相关性、分类主要依据高差阈值及水平距离相关性较小等缺点。文中提出层次聚类算法,将三维地形转换为二维平面,利用相邻点水平距离和高差构建数据集,进行聚类判断点云的属性,采用ISPRS提供的15组样本,定性和定量分析本算法的滤波精度。为验证本聚类算法的优越性和科学性,同时与改进型移动曲面和PTD滤波算法进行精度对比,充分说明本算法相较于其他算法的优越性和高效性。  相似文献   

A fast algorithm is proposed to integrate the trajectory of a low obiter perturbed by the earth's non-sphericity. The algorithm uses a separation degree to define the low-degree and the high-degree acceleration components, the former computed rigorously, and the latter interpolated from gridded accelerations. An FFT method is used to grid the accelerations. An optimal grid type for the algorithm depends on the trajectory's permissible error, speed, and memory capacity. Using the non-spherical accelerations computed from EGM96 to harmonic degree 360, orbit integrations were performed for a low orbiter at an altitude of 170 km. For a separation degree of 50, the new algorithm, together with the predict-pseudo correct method, speeds up the integration by 145 times compared to the conventional algorithm while keeping the errors in position and velocity below 10−4 m and 10−7 m/s for a 3-day arc. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted: 1 April 1998  相似文献   

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