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1984年,在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,在国家海洋局的领导下,中国人吹响了进军南极的号角。伴随着极地事业的发展,中国极地研究中心(所)于1989年10月10日诞生在上海黄浦江东畔——浦东新区。十五年来,中国极地研究所走过了“建所,考察、科研并举,发展特色学科研究”的三个重要阶段。2003年,经中央编委同意,中国极地研究所更名为中国极地研究中心,中国极地研究中心踏上了跨越式发展的征程。  相似文献   

胡楠 《海洋世界》2005,(3):8-13
此时此刻,中山站微风习习,彩旗招展,大厨已经为冰盖队的英雄们准备了热汤面,让凯旋的弟兄们吃上第一顿可口的热饭菜,工程组的同志们早早接通了管道,要让英雄们痛痛快快洗个热水澡。北京时间13点45分,四辆雪地车一路高歌,浩浩荡荡,相别又相逢,终于安全回到基地,至此,中国第21次南极考察队举世瞩目的南极大陆冰盖冲顶行动划上圆满的句号。  相似文献   

“雪龙”船全体同志以我国极地科学考察事业为使命,以邓小平同志“为人类和平利用南极做出贡献”题词为指针,以“建设国际一流的极地科学研究中心”为目标,发扬“爱国、爱船、团结、奉献”的“雪龙精神”,在极其恶劣的自然环境和险象环生的工作条件下,团结奋斗,努力拼搏,先后执行了8次南极考察任务和2次北极考察任务,总航程14万海里,浮冰区航行2万海里,破坚冰200余海里,创下了我国极地科学考察史上单船一年走航南、北两极3个航次的先例;开辟了上海至北冰洋航线;2003年第二次北极科学考察,纵深北极破冰达80°15'N,突破了我国破冰最高纬度纪…  相似文献   

6月21,国家海洋局在北京召开极地考察工作会议。这是自1984年我国组织开展极地考察以来召开的首次极地考察工作会议。  相似文献   

刚刚过去的2011年,是我国全面实施囤民经济与社会发展“十二五”规划的开局之年,也是我国极地考察事业发展进程中承前肩后、继往开来的一年。  相似文献   

刚刚过去的2011年,是我国全面实施囤民经济与社会发展“十二五”规划的开局之年,也是我国极地考察事业发展进程中承前肩后、继往开来的一年。  相似文献   

第四次南极考察长城站越冬队极地海洋气象考察报告   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张文义 《海洋预报》1993,10(2):24-32
本文介绍了中国第四次南极考察队,在长城站进行气象考察期间,从获得的每日四次现场气象观测资料经统计分析,得出了1988年长城站地区气象要素分布特点。 利用长城站现场气象观测资料及接收到的地面天气图和卫星云图,开展了对长城站地区天气预报工作。并总结了影响长城站地区天气系统和出现的天气及影响长城站地区的气旋路径。对今后有关人员作好站区天气预报和科学考察工作顺利进行十分重要。  相似文献   

在全国海洋科技大会上,本刊记者就中国极地考察现状与未来发展采访了国家海洋局极地考察办公室主任曲探宙。记者:神秘的南极和北极,天寒地冻,白)皑皑,深深地影响着人类居住的蓝色星球。自古以来,地球两极就吸引着无数人探索好奇的目光。请您谈谈目前国际极地考察的现状。曲探宙  相似文献   

十年成绩 过去的10年,是我国极地考察事业实现跨越式发展的十年,通过制定和实施极地考察“十五”能力建设总体方案和“十一五”极地考察发展总体方案,我国极地考察事业取得了迅猛发展,成绩斐然。  相似文献   

党的十八大胜利召开之际,笔者正随第29次南极考察队在前往南极的海上航行之中。按照国家海洋局党组的要求,考察队及时组织开展党的十八大精神的传达学习,认真学习、深刻领会党的十八大精神的丰富内涵,以此指导我们在风雪南极科考一线的工作,用我们的实际行动为推进我国极地事业发展和建设海  相似文献   

一、南、北极冰冻圈雪冰是研究全球变化的关键地区。南、北两极是地球系统的重要组成部分,而极地冰冻圈的雪冰又是影响大气与海洋运动的关键环节。极地冰冻圈雪冰作为地球的最大冷源,与赤道共同作用,形成了地球大气环流的主要驱动力;南极冰盖融水形成的底层水又是驱动全球大洋环流运动的关键因素。因此,极地冰冻圈雪冰状态的变化,会对地球大气和海洋环流产生重要影响,从而影响整个地球气候系统。  相似文献   

船舶概况。“雪龙”船是我国目前惟一专门从事极地考察和后勤物资补给、人员运输的极地考察破冰船,它是乌克兰赫尔松船厂于1993年建造的一艘具有B1*级(CCS规范)破冰能力的北极运输补给船。我国购进后对其进行了改装,于1994年替代“极地”号考察船承担极地考察任务,成为我国第三代极地科学考察运输船舶。该船总长167m,型宽22.6m,满载排水量21250t,满载吃水9m,配有1台主机(13200kW),最大航速17.9节,设计破冰能力能在厚度为1.1m(加20cm厚的雪)的连续海冰中以1.5节的航速航行,船上原配有能容纳2架直升机的飞行平台、直升机机库和附属配套设备。国家海洋局于1994年、1995年进行了两次初步改装,加装了部分科考实验室、实验仪器、考察人员住舱以及站、船用油舱和淡水舱。最大乘员由原来的55人增加到了128人(含40名船员),拥有200m^2的物理海洋学、海洋化学、海洋生物、气象等科学调查实验室,增添了部分科研设备,使“雪龙”船具有了一定的海洋科学调查能力。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1998,22(3):255-267
Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. The 3.1 million km2 seas cover about two-thirds of its territory. The 200 miles exclusive economic zone adds another 2.7 million km2. Marine related programmes are given a high priority by the Indonesian government. During the last two decades a concerted effort in marine capacity building has been carried out through bilateral, regional and international co-operation. This effort included, among others, increasing manpower development, expanding and improving research facilities, establishing a national marine data centre, and improving communications and co-operation throughout the marine science community. The bilateral agreement with the Netherlands in the mid-1980s for the implementation of the Snellius II Programme, laid the intellectual basis for the Indonesian marine science capability. The necessary research vessels were obtained through bilateral co-operation with France. At present Indonesia operates: a network of tide gauges and current meter stations; two satellite ground stations; tropical radar wind profiling stations; a network of marine pollution stations; a number of ocean going, coastal and fisheries research vessels; and six SEAWATCH monitoring buoys. It is expected that Indonesia will play a major role in the western Pacific region in the near future. This paper gives a brief review of the Indonesian experience in developing a national marine capability.  相似文献   

一、北极站之梦。遥远而神秘的极地,引发人们的无限遐思。晶莹洁白却危机四伏,寒冷刺骨但生机勃勃。独特的自然环境、特有的生物类群和极光等迷人的自然奇观,每年吸引了无数游人长途跋涉,只为一睹芳容。此外,极地蕴涵了丰富的油气、矿产和生物等资源,完整地保存着地球环境变迁的‘密码”,极地生物对环境具有特殊适应性,极地更是一个对日观测的理想窗口。尤其是南极地区,广袤的大地和资源丰富的海域尚无归属,更使之成为各国政府和科学家关注的焦点。  相似文献   

In 2008 the US Government listed the polar bear as “threatened” under the US Endangered Species Act, largely due to scientific analyses of climate change data and polar bear distribution conducted by the US Geological Survey (USGS), which projected a 2/3 reduction in the polar bear population within the next 40 years. In 2009 the US Government announced that it would submit a proposal to the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora to uplist polar bears from CITES Appendix II to Appendix I. A report produced by the IUCN/Traffic stated that this was not warranted. However, the IUCN/Traffic report did not consider the USGS data noted above. Ultimately the proposal for CITES uplisting failed. In this paper we examine the differences in the IUCN/Traffic report and the best available science, and conclude that listing polar bears under CITES Appendix I was scientifically warranted.  相似文献   

The wind circulations in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere at polar latitudes of the Northern and Southern hemispheres are compared on the basis of long-term monthly-mean data on the prevailing zonal and meridional winds and on the parameters of diurnal and semidiurnal migrating tides obtained from the international network of radar stations. Comparison of the seasonal cycles and vertical profiles of the prevailing winds and tide parameters points to the existence of significant distinctions between the hemispheres. These distinctions are most clearly pronounced, first, in the prevailing meridional winds (for example, the annual mean winds in the polar regions have opposite directions in different hemispheres) and, second, the annual cycles of semidiurnal-tide amplitudes, as well as the character of changes in the tide phase with height, are fundamentally different for the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Along with these, significant distinctions are revealed in the prevailing zonal winds and in the diurnal-tide parameters.  相似文献   

Polar bears bioaccumulate lipophilic pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), into their bodies from their exclusive diet of marine organisms. Hydroxylated PCB metabolites (OH-PCBs) have been found in plasma, presumably due to CYP-dependent biotransformation of PCBs in liver. Little is known about the phase 2 metabolism of hydroxylated xenobiotics in polar bears. The objective of this study was to examine UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) activity with OH-PCBs and a hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, 3-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene (3-OH-BaP), in polar bear liver. Samples of frozen polar bear liver were used to prepare microsomes. UGT activity with 3-OH-BaP in Brij-treated microsomes, measured by a fluorescence assay, was readily measurable with protein concentrations in assay tubes of up to 10 g/ml, but dropped off very sharply at higher protein concentrations. The apparent Km for 3-OH-BaP was 1.71 +/- 0.04 microM, and Vmax 1.26 +/- 0.16 nmol/min/mg protein (mean +/- SD, n=3). UGT activities with a model tetrachloro-OH-PCB (4'-OH-CB72) and a model hexachloro-OH-PCB (4'-OH-CB159) were assayed with [14-C]-UDPGA and separation of the [14-C]-glucuronide by ion-pair extraction and thin-layer chromatography. [14-C]-glucuronide conjugates were readily formed by polar bear liver microsomes in the absence of added substrate, apparently from contaminants present in liver. This phenomenon was not observed using hepatic microsomes from laboratory-held catfish. Glucuronidation efficiency was much higher with 4'-OH-CB72 (Km 7.3 microM; Vmax 1.55 nmol/min/mg) than 4'-OH-CB159 (Km 16.1 microM; Vmax 0.46 nmol/min/mg). The identities of the aglycones present in polar bear liver are not known, but could include OH-PCBs or hydroxylated metabolites of other persistent organic pollutants. This study demonstrates that UGT with high activity for 3-OH-BaP and other substrates is present in polar bear liver.  相似文献   

王学昭  沈容  路阳  纪爱玲  孙刚  陆坤权  崔平 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7144-7148
极性分子型电流变液是一种新型的电流变材料.其介电颗粒上吸附极性分子,极性分子在颗粒间强局域电场作用下发生取向是产生巨电流变效应的关键.通过对Ca—Ti—O(CTO)体系极性分子型电流变液电流密度的测量发现,其导电行为遵从Poole-Frenkel效应的规律,这是极性分子型电流变液的重要特征之一.而500 ℃处理过的CTO粉体不含极性分子,所配制的电流变液无巨电流变效应,其电流密度随外电场强度近似地呈线性关系,显示出传统电流变液特性.  相似文献   

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