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Doklady Earth Sciences - In this paper the effects of the influence of a solar eclipse on the condition of a network of shortwave broadcasting lines in the northern hemisphere are probed. The...  相似文献   

We have studied the brightness and color variations of the symbiotic nova HM Sge based on longterm UBVRJHKLM photometry of the star and data on its energy distribution in the middle infrared (7.7–22.7 µm) obtained with the low-resolution spectrometers of the IRAS satellite and ISO orbital observatory. We have also calculated models for the steady-state, spherically symmetrical, extended dust envelope of the star for two extreme heating cases: heating only by radiation from the cool component of the system and by the combined radiation from both components. Model fitting to the IRAS and ISO data indicates that models with a single, central Mira-type source are more appropriate. This indicates that the radiation of the hot component is largely processed by the surrounding gas, and does not substantially affect the infrared spectrum of the symbiotic nova directly. The mean spectral energy distribution based on 1983 IRAS data differs appreciably from the ISO spectrum obtained on October 1, 1996. The observed evolution of the envelope spectrum probably reflects an increase of the density and decrease of the temperature of the dust grains near the inner boundary of the envelope, related to a decrease of the luminosity and increase of the temperature of the hot component. We estimate the total mass-loss rate, velocity of gas expansion at the outer envelope boundary, and upper limit for the mass of the central source of radiation.  相似文献   

We derive the parameters of the hot, massive close binary system UU Cas from earlier and recent photoelectric UBVR observations: M 1 = 34.5M , M 2 = 25.7M , A = 69R , and i=68°; the components' limb darkening coefficients are close to 1. Our fitting of the light curves provides evidence for a high degree of over-contact: the components fill their inner critical surfaces by 132% and 100%. It is possible that the appearance of the light curve is determined not only by the distorted shapes of the components and their eclipses but, to a considerable extent, by screening by a complex envelope and the envelope's contribution to the system's total luminosity.  相似文献   

当透水性较差的饱和软黏土处于施工速度快(加荷速率快)的实际工况时,往往夹杂着应力松弛现象,给工程实践的安全运营带来巨大隐患。以天津滨海吹填软土为研究对象,采用WF应力路径三轴仪,通过不固结不排水(UU)三轴剪切试验,分析了不同初始应变、围压、剪切速率、取样深度和结构性等因素对其应力松弛特性的影响规律。试验结果表明:不同试验条件下,天津滨海吹填软土的应力松弛过程都可分为快速、慢速和稳定3个阶段;应力松弛速率随初始应变和取样深度的增大而增大,而围压和剪切速率对其影响不太显著,土的结构性增强会明显增大应力松弛速率,从而加剧应力松弛现象的产生;通过对比分析,确定幂函数模型更适合描述不同试验条件下吹填软土的应力松弛变化规律。研究结果对天津滨海吹填软土场地安全施工与运营具有重要的现实意义。   相似文献   

Thirty-four Galactic star-forming regions have been observed in the J=4?3 line of cyanoacetylene (HC3N) at 36.4 GHz. Emission was detected toward 17 sources. The HC3N column density was determined in the detected sources, and in eight of them (NGC 2264, L379, W51E1/E2, DR 21 West, DR 21 (OH), DR 21, S140, and Cep A), the relative cyanoacetylene abundance was estimated. The HC3N abundance in these objects is about 1–70×10?10.  相似文献   

The recent recognition that long period (i.e., of the order of hours) electromagnetic induction studies could play a major role in the detection of the asthenosphere has led to much interest amongst the geophysical and geological communities of the geomagnetic response functions derived for differing tectonic environments. Experiments carried out on the ocean bottom have met with considerable success in delineating the “electrical asthenosphere”, i.e., a local maximum in electrical conductivity (minimum in electrical resistivity) in the upper mantle.In this paper, observations of the time-varying magnetic field recorded in three regions of Scandinavia, northern Sweden (Kiruna—KIR), northern Finland/northeastern Norway (Kevo—KEV) and southern Finland (Sauvamaki—SAU), are analysed in order to obtain estimates of the inductive response function, C(ω), for each region. The estimated response functions are compared with one from the centre of the East European Platform (EEP), and it is shown that the induced eddy currents, at periods of the order of 103–104 s, in the three regions flow much closer to the surface than under the platform centre. Specifically, at a period of ~3000 s, these currents are flowing at depths of the order of: KEV—120 km; KIR—180 km; SAU—210 km; EEP—280 km; implying that the transition to a conducting zone, of σ -0.2 S/m, occurs at around these depths. One-dimensional inversion of and shows that there must exist a good conducting zone, of σ = 0.1–1.0 S/m, under each of the two regions, of 40 km minimum thickness, at depths of: KEV 105–115 km; KIR 160–185 km. This is to be contrasted with EEP, where the ρ-d profile displays a monotonically decreasing resistivity with depth, reaching σ~0.1 S/m at > 300 km.Finally, a possible temperature range for the asthenosphere, consistent with the deduced conducvitity, is discussed. It is shown that, at present, there is insufficient knowledge of the conditions (water content, melt fraction, etc.) likely to prevail in the asthenosphere to narrow down the probable range of 900°–1500°C.  相似文献   

This paper presents combined conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), thermistor chain, current meter, and acoustic backscatter observations of a tidal front observed in the Chesapeake Bay. The data were obtained from a moored platform as the front migrated past the platform. The thermistor chain and CTD data show an interface that slopes steeply down from the surface to an asymptotic depth of 6 m, marking the bottom of the light-water pool. The thermistor chain data show much higher activity levels within the light-water pool as compared to the dense-water pool. Current meter data taken at 3 m show a pronounced shear in the currents upon crossing the frontal boundary. The acoustic backscatter from a layer of copepods positioned on the interface shows episodic occurrences of overturning at the interface. This observation is borne out by the concurrent thermistor chain data, which also show the overturning events.  相似文献   

Two years of in situ radon concentration measurements in the atmospheric surface layer have been collected in a central Italy town (L’Aquila), located in the Aterno river valley. These data have been analyzed in order to study the controlling mechanisms of surface radon abundance; observations of coincident meteorological parameters confirmed the role of dynamics on the local removal rate of this tracer. The relatively high negative correlation of hourly data of surface wind speed and radon activity concentration (R = −0.54, on annual scale) suggests that dynamical removal of radon is one of the most important controlling processes of the tracer accumulation in the atmospheric surface layer. An attempt is made to quantify the precipitation impact on radon soil fluxes. No anticorrelation of radon and precipitation comes out from the data (R = −0.15), as in previous studies. However, since the main physical parameter affecting the ground radon release is expected to be the soil accumulation of water, snow or ice, the emission flux has also been correlated with soil moisture; in this way a much clearer anticorrelation is found (R = −0.54).  相似文献   

Laboratory powder XRD patterns of the perovskite-group mineral lueshite from the type locality (Lueshe, Kivu, DRC) and pure NaNbO3 demonstrate that lueshite does not adopt the same space group (Pbma; #57) as the synthetic compound. The crystal structures of lueshite (2 samples) from Lueshe, Mont Saint-Hilaire (Quebec, Canada) and Sallanlatvi (Kola, Russia) have been determined by single-crystal CCD X-ray diffraction. These room temperature X-ray data for all single-crystal samples can be satisfactorily refined in the orthorhombic space group Pbnm (#62). Cell dimensions, atomic coordinates of the atoms, bond lengths and octahedron tilt angles are given for four crystals. Conventional neutron diffraction patterns for Lueshe lueshite recorded over the temperature range 11–1,000 K confirm that lueshite does not adopt space group Pbma within these temperatures. Neutron diffraction indicates no phase changes on cooling from room temperature to 11 K. None of these neutron diffraction data give satisfactorily refinements but suggest that this is the space group Pbnm. Time-of-flight neutron diffraction patterns for Lueshe lueshite recorded from room temperature to 700 °C demonstrate phase transitions above 550 °C from Cmcm through P4/mbm to \(Pm\overline{3} m\) above 650 °C. Cell dimensions and atomic coordinates of the atoms are given for the three high-temperature phases. The room temperature to 400 °C structures cannot be satisfactorily resolved, and it is suggested that the lueshite at room temperature consists of domains of pinned metastable phases with orthorhombic and/or monoclinic structures. However, the sequence of high-temperature phase transitions observed is similar to those determined for synthetic NaTaO3, suggesting that the equilibrated room temperature structure of lueshite is orthorhombic Pbnm.  相似文献   

王晶  杜水生 《第四纪研究》2018,38(6):1438-1448



Mashnich  G. P.  Kiselev  A. V. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(7):608-617

Results of studies of motions in a filament during its slow ascent and eruption based on spectral observations obtained at the Sayan Solar Observatory are presented. SDO/HMI data on the longitudinal magnetic field and SDO/AIA images in the EUV are also considered. Short-period (∼5 min) vertical oscillations of the filament as a whole were detected during its ascent. An acceleration of the rise of the filament was accompanied by the rupture of an orthogonal loop above the filament, which was observed in 193 A EUV images obtained with SDO/AIA over a long time preceding the event. Two hours before the partial eruption of the filament, SDO/HMI data indicate an increase in the magnetic flux by 2 × 1019 Mx at the footpoints of the loop. The emission from the loop rupture piont propagated toward the east and west along a neutral line, and brightenings were observed at the boundaries of the filament channel. Emission loops were visible in all SDO/AIA channels, testifying to strong heating of the filament plasma. During the rapid phase of the eruption, the filament moved with an acceleration ∼21 m/s2. Hα images show the filament splitting into fragments parallel to its axis during the eruption. The results of these studies of the eruption of the filament are in agreement with other results in the literature, and are supplemented by new observational facts. Vertical oscillations (∼5 min) of the filament as a whole are observed before the ascent phase. During the ascent phase, an interaction of the filament with a higher-lying coronal loop is observed.


Astronomy Reports - The aim of this study is to search for close binary gravitationally bound pairs of open star clusters (CBOCs). We divided the observed pairs of clusters into visual binaries...  相似文献   

Demianski  M.  Doroshkevich  A.  Larchenkova  T.  Pilipenko  S. 《Astronomy Reports》2020,64(11):883-893
Astronomy Reports - A comparison of the virial parameters of galaxies and galaxy clusters (radius, density, and entropy function) in a wide range of masses, $${{10}^{6}} \leqslant...  相似文献   

Assessment of uncertainty in the performance of fluvial reservoirs often requires the ability to generate realizations of channel sands that are conditional to well observations. For channels with low sinuosity this problem has been effectively solved. When the sinuosity is large, however, the standard stochastic models for fluvial reservoirs are not valid, because the deviation of the channel from a principal direction line is multivalued. In this paper, I show how the method of randomized maximum likelihood can be used to generate conditional realizations of channels with large sinuosity. In one example, a Gaussian random field model is used to generate an unconditional realization of a channel with large sinuosity, and this realization is then conditioned to well observations. Channels generated in the second approach are less realistic, but may be sufficient for modeling reservoir connectivity in a realistic way. In the second example, an unconditional realization of a channel is generated by a complex geologic model with random forcing. It is then adjusted in a meaningful way to honor well observations. The key feature in the solution is the use of channel direction instead of channel deviation as the characteristic random function describing the geometry of the channel.  相似文献   

The Earth is surrounded by a layer of relatively thin gas, the mass of which is mainly concentrated in the first kilometres. With an exponential decrease of the density of the atmosphere as a function of altitude, 99.9% of this mass is located in the first 50 km. In addition, the composition of major species is homogeneous up to about 85 km, contrarily to what happens beyond. This is the homosphere. This layer of atmosphere, considered in this special issue, is also that which we breathe and which we unfortunately often pollute. All this justifies considering it as of vital importance, in the most basic sense of the word. However, in studying it, it is not possible to ignore what is happening beyond, from where comes, in particular, solar radiation, just as we cannot ignore what happens below the continents and the oceans, where solar radiation is absorbed, diffused and re-emitted to the top by the Earth's surface as infrared radiation. We must therefore keep in mind what are the layers that surround the homosphere, the importance of observing them and also give some examples of possible interactions which may exist with the surrounding layers; these are the objectives of these introductory remarks. Another general consideration must be made here, concerning the problems, which have existed until the middle of the 20th century, of how to observe the atmosphere in situ at all the altitudes. However, since then, the development of engineering involving balloons, rockets, aircrafts and artificial satellites has revolutionized our knowledge of this observational atmosphere; this is the second message of these remarks.  相似文献   

We present the results of photometric observations of the type Ia supernovae SN 1995al, 1996bo, 1996bk, the type Ib/c supernova SN 1997X, and the type II supernova SN 1996an. The photometric characteristics of SN 1995al are close to the average for type Ia supernovae. Our analysis has revealed possible peculiarities in the light-curve shape and deviations from the average photometric parameters for SN 1996bk and 1996bo. Sn 1996an probably belongs to type IIP. The light curve of SN 1997X resembles that of the type Ic supernova SN 1994I. Light-curve parameters and absolute magnitude estimates are presented.  相似文献   

Mikheeva  E. V.  Lukash  V. N.  Repin  S. V.  Malinovskii  A. M. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(4):343-352

The paper presents a catalog of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) sharpened for interferometric observations at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, based on open sources. The catalog includes the object’s name, coordinates, angular size, and mass, the angular size of the gravitational radius of the SMBH, and the integrated radio flux associated with the radiosource concluding the SMBH at 20?900 GHz, planned for the Event Horizon Telescope, the future space mission Millimetron, and others. The catalog is intended for use during planning of interferometric observations of SMBH shadows.


For 15 years since the beginning of China Argo project, China has deployed over 350 profiling floats in Pacific and Indian ocean, and constructed China Argo ocean observing network. Moreover, we have setup the Argo data receiving, processing and distributing system, and developed various Argo data products using Argo observations, which has promoted the progress of ocean data sharing in China. The abundant Argo data have become a main data source in oceanic and atmospheric basic researches and operational applications. A batch of important achievements in basic research and operational application have been brought, e.g. in aspects of tropical cyclone (typhoon), ocean circulation, meso-scale eddy, turbulence, heat/salt storage and transport and water mass, as well as in ocean, atmosphere/climate operational forecasting and predicting. With the extension of the international Argo program from “Core Argo” to “Global Argo”, we are faced with great challenges in the long-term maintaining and sustained developing of our Argo ocean observing network. It is suggested that we should take the opportunity to construct China regional Argo ocean observing network as soon as possible in adjacent northwestern Pacific and Indian ocean using Chinese BeiDou profiling floats, which will make us to take responsibility and obligation of a big country for addressing global climate changes and preventing natural disasters.  相似文献   

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