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The Holocene diatom and pollen records from Kelly’s Lough have been analysed to determine the timing and extent of the acidification in this upland lake. The pollen data during the early Holocene reflect the typical vegetation changes that occur in sediments throughout Ireland during this period. The diatom record begins by being dominated by circumneutral and acidophilous benthic forms. Later tychoplanktonic Aulacoseira species begin to expand and dominate indicating increased water transparency following the stabilization of catchment soils. Peatland development in the catchment is evident from approximately 6,450 cal year BP. The main change in the diatom assemblages at this time is the decline of Aulacoseira species and expansion of periphytic species. At around 1,450 cal year BP, loss-on-ignition (LOI) values, Calluna pollen and microscopic charcoal all increase suggesting the initiation of a major phase of peat erosion and an increased inwash of organic matter to the lake. Lake acidity changed significantly although the initial acidification is very subtle as indicated by the diatom-inferred pH record. Changes in the diatom assemblages might be largely the result of increasing erosion and inwash of organic matter from the catchment to the lake leading to reduced water transparency and more acidic conditions. The diatom flora remains relatively stable until the mid-twentieth century when more acidibiontic species increase. These diatom changes result in the reconstructed pH curve showing a moderate recent acidification from pH 5.7 to 5.1. About half of the total change in pH took place by around the late 1960s. The lowest diatom-inferred pH value occurs in the late 1970s, and parallels the peak in SO2 emissions in Ireland. Acidic conditions seem to have prevailed in Kelly’s Lough throughout its entire history and alkalinity has been low or absent for much of the time. However, soil acidification and inwash of organic acids from peatlands are not a sufficiently effective mechanism to explain the low pH levels found today in Kelly’s Lough. The effect of acid deposition on the waters of Kelly’s Lough is clear and it has probably caused these already naturally acid waters to acidify further.  相似文献   

This study used palaeolimnological approaches to determine how Holocene climatic and environmental changes affected aquatic assemblages in a subarctic lake. Sediments of the small Lake Njargajavri, in northern Finnish Lapland above the present treeline, were studied using multi-proxy methods. The palaeolimnological development of the lake was assessed by analyses of chironomids, Cladocera and diatoms. The lake was formed in the early Holocene and was characterized by prominent erosion and leaching from poorly developed soils before the establishment of birch forests, resulting in a high pH and trophic state. The lake level started to lower as early as ca. 10,200 cal. BP. In the resulting shallow basin, rich in aquatic mosses, pH decreased and a diverse cladoceran and chironomid assemblage developed. It is likely that there was a slight rise in the water level ca. 8000 cal. BP. Later, during the mid-Holocene characterized by low effective moisture detected elsewhere in Fennoscandia, the lake probably completely dried out; this is manifest as a hiatus in the stratigraphy. The sediment record continues from ca. 5000 cal. BP onwards as the lake formed again due to increased effective moisture. The new lake was characterized by very low pH. The possible spread of pine to the catchment and the development of heath community may have contributed to the unusually steep (for northern Fennoscandia) decline in pH via change in soils, together with the natural decrease in leaching of base cations. Furthermore, the change in pH may have been driven by cooling climate, affecting the balance of dissolved inorganic carbon in the lake.  相似文献   

The Holocence paleolimnology of Lake Sämbosjön is described using geochemical and diatom analyses. The objective of this study is the reconstruction of major changes in trophic state and productivity, and to interpret the major causative processes. The accumulation of organic matter indicates a relatively high productivity in early Holocene, and the diatom analysis indicates a relatively high trophic state and pH. A succeeding decrease in productivity and trophic state and lowering in pH is recorded from about 8000 BP. If lake development had been primarily edaphically conditioned, viz. determined by nutrient supply from catchment soils, such a progressive oligotrophication would represent the common development of temperate lakes. Between about 6000 BP and 4000 BP Lake Sämbosjön was characterized by relatively stable productivity and pH. From about 4000 BP the analyses reveal an increase again in trophic state, productivity, and in pH. This eutrophication, which continued throughout the late Holocene, was caused by an exceptionally strong human influence on the catchment of Lake Sämbosjön. The increased supply of nutrients from cleared and deforested catchment soils changed the trophic state and provided the basis for increased lake productivity.  相似文献   

Permafrost in peatlands of subarctic Sweden is presently thawing at accelerated rates, which raises questions about the destiny of stored carbon and nutrients and impacts on adjacent freshwater ecosystems. In this study we use peat and lake sediment records from the Stordalen palsa mire in northern Sweden to address the late Holocene (5,000 cal BP-present) development of the mire as well as related changes in carbon and nutrient cycling. Formation, sediment accumulation and biogeochemistry of two studied lakes are suggested to be largely controlled by the development of the mire and its permafrost dynamics. Peat inception took place at ca. 4,700 cal BP as a result of terrestrialisation. Onset of organic sedimentation in the adjacent lakes occurred at ca. 3,400 and 2,650 cal BP in response to mire expansion and permafrost aggradation, respectively. Mire erosion, possibly due to permafrost decay, led to re-deposition of peat into one of the lakes after ca. 2,100 cal BP, and stimulated primary productivity in the other lake at ca. 1,900–1,800 cal BP. Carbonate precipitation appears to have been suppressed when acidic poor fen and bog (palsa) communities dominated the catchment mire, and permafrost-induced changes in hydrology may further have affected the inflow of alkaline water from the catchment. Elevated contents of biogenic silica and diatom pigments in lake sediments during periods of poor fen and bog expansion further indicate that terrestrial vegetation influenced the amount of nutrients entering the lake. Increased productivity in the lake likely caused bottom-water anoxia in the downstream lake and led to recycling of sediment phosphorous, bringing the lake into a state of self-sustained eutrophication during two centuries preceding the onset of twentieth century permafrost thaw. Our results give insight into nutrient and permafrost dynamics in a subarctic wetland and imply that continued permafrost decay and related vegetation changes towards minerotrophy may increase carbon and nutrient storage of mire deposits and reduce nutrient fluxes in runoff. Rapid permafrost degradation may on the other hand lead to widespread mire erosion and to relatively short periods of significantly increased nutrient loading in adjacent lakes.  相似文献   

Changes in lake-water pH, alkalinity and colour were inferred from diatoms in surface sediment samples and sediment samples from pre-industrial times from 118 northern Swedish lakes. This palaeolimnological study does not support the hypothesis that there is a large-scale modern acidification in the two northernmost counties of Sweden; pH had decreased significantly in eight lakes, while five had a significant increase. Partial least-squares regression of changes in water chemistry in relation to catchment characteristics was performed to evaluate the causes of the acidity status. Furthermore, temporal trends were assessed from long sediment cores from five acidic lakes. The results suggest that the presently acid lakes have faced a long-term acidification trend over several thousand years due to soil-forming processes and vegetation development. However, due to the acid sensitivity of the region, future acidification trends in northern Swedish lakes should be carefully observed and assessed.  相似文献   

A stratigraphic diatom sequence is presented for the period from 13,870-9,170 cal BP from Kråkenes Lake, western Norway. Changes in species assemblages are discussed with reference to the changing environmental conditions in the Allerød, Younger Dryas, and the early Holocene and to the development of the aquatic ecosystem. The site is sensitive to acidification, and diatom-based transfer functions are applied to estimate the past pH status. The combination of rapid sediment accumulation together with an excellent calibrated radiocarbon chronology means that the rate of inferred pH change and associated increase in [H+] can be assessed and compared with recent, anthropogenically acidified situations.The Allerød diatom assemblages are dominated by benthic taxa particularly Fragilaria species, indicating an unproductive, alkaline, turbid, and immature system. Diatoms are absent in the early part of the Younger Dryas, but subsequently a sparse planktonic flora develops reflecting decreased turbidity and/or increased nutrient supply. A clear sequence of diatom assemblages is seen in the early Holocene. A short-lived peak of Stephanodiscus species indicating a period of increased nutrient availability occurred at ca. 11,500 cal BP. Throughout the early Holocene, acid-tolerant species increasingly replaced less acidophilous, circumneutral taxa.The lake became slightly more acid during the Allerød, but this was statistically insignificant in a trend test involving regression of pH or [H+] in relation to age. Diatom-inferred pH declined rapidly during the early Holocene period investigated (9,175-11,525 cal BP) with a statistically significant overall rate of 0.024 pH units per 100 yrs. This consisted of an older (ca. 11,525-10,255 cal BP) phase, where pH fell more rapidly at up to 0.095 pH units per 100 yrs; and a younger phase after ca. 10,500 cal BP where the pH fall was extremely slow (0.008 pH units per 100 yrs) and was not statistically significant.In the Allerød a combination of low catchment productivity together with disturbance, weathering, and minerogenic inwash ensured that the base-cation status remained relatively high. In the Holocene the catchment soils stabilised and base cations were sequestered by terrestrial vegetation and soil. This resulted in reduced base-cation leaching and this, together with the production of organic acids caused the lake to acidify, reaching an equilibrium by ca. 10,000 cal BP.  相似文献   

We studied multiple variables in a sediment core from Lake Kipojärvi, northern Finland, to investigate Holocene ecosystem changes in relation to catchment characteristics and known climate variations. We focused on a forested catchment because previous paleolimnological studies conducted in Fennoscandia focused mainly on subarctic lakes within a range of shifting treeline(s). Data on aquatic macrophytes, diatoms, Cladocera, C:N ratio, organic matter (LOI) and regional vegetation (pollen), revealed a three-phase limnological development. The early Holocene, species-rich, mesotrophic lake was transformed into an oligotrophic, species-poor aquatic ecosystem by the early middle Holocene, ca. 7,500 cal years BP, earlier than has generally been reported. The transition involved considerable changes in aquatic macrophytes. Changes in the Cladocera and diatom communities appear to have been linked to aquatic macrophyte development, which in turn, was probably regulated by catchment development and hydrology, and a consequent decrease in nutrient input from the catchment. During the more humid late Holocene, surface flow from the catchment probably increased, but the lake??s nutrient status remained oligotrophic. Possible reasons for low nutrient concentration in the late Holocene include: 1) slower biogeochemical cycling due to cooler climate, 2) a new hydrologic outlet and associated shorter water-retention times, and 3) accelerated peatland development in the catchment that affected water flow patterns and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Diatom analyses from the longest continuous record of lacustrine sedimentation in the eastern Canadian Arctic indicate four phases of lake development during the past 20000 years. PlanktonicAulacoseira taxa are dominant between 20 and 10 ka and during the Neoglacial. The earliest Holocene is characterized byFragilaria, whereas benthic acidophils (e.g.Frustulia, Brachysira & Eunotia spp.) dominate sediments of early to mid Holocene age. Ordination by correspondence analysis illustrates stratigraphic changes in diatom life form and pH tolerances, and these are related to both regional paleoclimatic conditions and local edaphic factors. The occurrences of planktonic floras during the cold Late Foxe and Neoglacial periods suggests that, even at these times, the lake became ice free during summer. The interplay of increased runoff as a mechanism of ice disintegration and enhanced silicon supply by erosional processes (corroborated by the more clastic nature of the sediments during these periods) likely enabledAulacoseira to flourish. Early and mid Holocene limnological regimes were more strongly controlled by lake authigenic processes.This paper was presented at the VI Palaeolimnology Symposium, held at Canberra in April 1993. Dr. Mark Brenner guest edited this contribution.  相似文献   

This study uses the Holocene lake sediment of Lake ?ū?i (Latvia, Vidzeme Heights) for environmental reconstruction with multi-proxy records including lithology, computerised axial tomography scan, grain-size analysis, geochemistry, diatoms and macrofossils, supported by AMS radiocarbon dating. Numerical analyses (PCA; CONISS) reveal three main phases in the development of the lake. Response to the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in Lake ?ū?i took place around 11,300 cal. BP. Organogenic sedimentation started with distinctive 5-cm-thick peat layer and was followed by lacustrine sedimentation of carbonaceous gyttja. Several findings of the peat layer with similar dated age and position at different absolute altitudes indicate that lake basin was formed by glaciokarstic processes. In the Early Holocene (until around 8,500 cal. BP), the lake was shallow and holomictic, surrounded by unstable catchment with erosion and inflow events. Predominance of diatom species of Cyclotella and Tabellaria, large numbers of respiratory horns of phantom midge pupae (Chaoboridae), high Fe/Mn ratio, as well as the presence of laminated sediments indicates the transition to a dimictic and oligo-mesotrophic lake conditions with high water level, anoxia in the near-bottom and stable catchment in the Middle Holocene (8,500–2,000 cal. BP). This contrasts with many hydrologically sensitive lakes in Northern and Eastern Europe in which the water level fell several meters during this period. During the Late Holocene (from 2,000 cal. BP to the present), the lithological and biotic variables reveal major changes, such as the increase in erosion (coarser grain-size fraction) and eutrophication [diatoms Aulacoseira ambigua (Grun.) Sim., Stephanodiscus spp., Cyclostephanos dubius (Fricke) Round]. Characteristics of lake-catchment system during the Late Holocene reflect anthropogenic signal superimposed on the natural forcing factors. To date, the Late Quaternary palaeolimnological reconstructions using lake sediment has been limited in the Baltic region. Therefore, findings from Lake ?ū?i provide important information about environmental and climatic changes that took place in this part of Eastern Europe. This study shows that the relative importance of climate and local factors has varied over the time and it is essential to consider the lake basin topography, catchment size and land cover as potential dominant forcing factors for changes in sedimentary signal.  相似文献   

Three sediment cores from two lakes, Fish Lake and Phalarope Lake, in Truelove Lowland, Devon Island, N.W.T. were analyzed for diatoms and chemical composition. Multivariate statistical techniques using a range of chemical variables successfully isolated three sediment groupings in the cores. Allochthonous and autochthonous chemical components in the sediments have been used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. The two lakes began approximately 10600 years ago as shallow marine lagoons that were isolated from the sea as a result of glacio-isostatic rebound. Based on the presence of distinctive diatom assemblages, the three stratigraphic zones are identified as a basal marine zone, an intermediate and transitional brackish/marine zone and an upper freshwater zone. Following isolation from the sea, the lakes were flushed with freshwater produced by snow and ice melt. In Fish Lake, the period of transition from marine to freshwater, which began approximately 7000 years ago, lasted approximately 800 years. In Phalarope Lake, which was isolated from the sea approximately 5000 years ago, flushing by fresh water was completed only within the last 300 years. Fe, Cr, and Mo in the sediments are associated with the isolation phase when lake sedimentation is sensitive to the presence of brackish water and erosion within the lake catchments. In particular, the precipitation of Mo as MoS2 reflects the presence of hypolimnetic anoxia associated with lake isolation. During the early post-isolation phase the response of lake biota to an influx of nutrients is reflected in an increase in biological silica and organic carbon in the lake sediments. On the other hand, the generally low organic content of the sediments indicates that sedimentation in these lakes has been largely determined by variations in non-biogenic factors through time. During the mid Holocene the progressive stabilization of surface materials within the lake catchments is marked by decreasing Cr, As and Na in the sediments. At the same time, an increase in allochthonous Mn and Fe is attributed to progressive soil development. During the last 2500 years the catchments have experienced decreased erosion resulting in a decrease in both allochthonous clastic input and lake productivity.  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study of an oligotrophic alpine lake, Paione Superiore (Italy), provided a record of historical changes in water quality. Historical trends in lake acidification were reconstructed by means of calibration and regression equations from diatoms, chrysophycean scales and pigment ratios. The historical pH was inferred by using two different diatom calibration data sets, one specific to the alpine region. These pH trends, together with the record of sedimentary carbonaceous particles and chironomid remains, indicate a recent acidification of this low alkalinity lake.Concentration of total organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, biogenic silica (BSiO2), chlorophyll derivatives (CD), fucoxanthin, diatom cell concentration and number of chironomid head capsules increased during the last 2–3 decades. When expressed as accumulation rates, most of these parameters tended to decrease from the past century to c. 1950, then all except P increased to the present day. A marked increase in sedimentary nitrogen may be related to atmospheric pollution and to the general increases in output of N in Europe. High C/N ratios indicate a prevailing allochthonous source of organic matter.Finally, the increase in measured air temperature from the mid-1800's appeared to be related to lake water pH before industrialization: cold periods generally led to lower pH and vice-versa. The more recent phenomenon of anthropogenic acidification has apparently decoupled this climatic-water chemistry relationship.  相似文献   

Diatom responses to 20th century climate-related environmental change were assessed from three high-elevation lakes in the northern Canadian Cordillera. Dominance of small benthic Fragilaria diatoms reflect the generally cold conditions with long periods of ice cover that have characterized these mountain lakes over at least the last ~300 years until the period of recent warming. At the turn of the 20th century, salient shifts in the diatom assemblages reveal individualistic limnological responses with the onset of climate warming trends in northwest Canada. At YK3 Lake, an oligotrophic, chemically dilute, alpine lake, increased representation of the planktonic Cyclotella pseudostelligera may reflect longer ice-free conditions and/or more stable thermal stratification. By contrast, in the more productive, alkaline lakes (BC2 and Deadspruce lakes), changes to more diverse assemblages of periphytic diatoms suggest greater benthic habitat availability, most likely associated with the enhanced growth of aquatic plants with lengthening of the growing seasons. In addition, diatom assemblages from these lakes suggest less alkaline conditions following the onset of 20th century climate warming. Continued alkalinity reduction throughout the 20th century is qualitatively inferred at the lower elevation, treeline lake (Deadspruce Lake), while greater representation of alkaliphilous Fragilaria diatoms after ~1950 suggested increased alkalinity at the alpine BC2 Lake. Our results confirm the sensitivity of diatoms from high-elevation mountain lakes to regional climate change in northwest Canada. Individualistic limnological responses to 20th century warming are potentially attributed to differences in their physical setting (e.g., bedrock geology, elevation, catchment vegetation) in this complex mountain environment.  相似文献   

This study contrasts the effects of human disturbances on two very different lake/catchment systems: Hatch Pond and Beaver Lake, New Hampshire. Hatch is in a steep mountain catchment remote from urban/industrial centers, and is a small, relatively deep, primarily seepage lake with moderate flushing rate. The catchment has been continuously forested, but disturbed by partial loggings and a forest fire. Beaver’s more extensive and gently sloping catchment is much closer to urban/industrial centers, and has been agricultural and recently suburban. Beaver is a larger but shallower drainage lake with much more rapid flushing than Hatch. We compared the sedimentary records and inferred limnological responses to catchment land uses and air pollution inputs of these mesotrophic lakes, and interpreted differing responses as a function of basic differences between the lakes and their catchments. Some chemical and biological variables in the sediment of both lakes respond sensitively to the first disturbances of the catchments by Euro-American settlers. Diatom-inferred Cl at both lakes indicates a modest increase of salinity at this time. Hatch sediment contains a record of soil erosion starting 1810 with first logging and fire. For ~125 years, erosion was largely of upper eluviated soil, but by 1935 it reached deeper into the illuviated (enriched) horizon. Maximal lake trophic state based on diatom-inferred limnological variables occurred in the mid-1900’s period of maximum sedimentation of illuviated soil. The sediment record since 1964 reflects forest maturation, and soil stabilization and acidification, but not lake acidification. At Beaver, the limnological effects of forest clearance and agriculture starting ~1700 were relatively mild due to gentleness of slopes and soil characteristics favoring stability. A near doubling of earth elements, and major increases in trace metal pollutants and coal combustion particles (CCP) occurred in sediment dating around 1900. Landscape analysis as well as historical and sedimentary records preclude the catchment as the major source of these increases. The most likely source is atmospheric fallout of CCP with its metal load. Despite controls on CCP and other emissions starting 1960, concentrations of earth elements and trace metals in Beaver sediment remain high due to soil mobilization by residential development of the catchment. The trophic state of Beaver Lake has increased, but the relative increase has been smaller than at Hatch, despite more intensive land uses and greater aerial inputs at Beaver. We propose that this lesser eutrophication is due to rapid flushing of Beaver Lake with stream water from relatively undeveloped parts of the extensive catchment, and lower sensitivity to nutrient inputs of this naturally more eutrophic lake. A major shift from unicellular to colonial chrysophytes at Hatch starts in the late-1800’s, and at Beaver in the early 1900’s. Colonial taxa in lesser quantities appear at the time of first settlement of the Beaver catchment. At both lakes the shifts are correlated with increasing metal fluxes from the opening of catchment biogeochemical cycles, as with the aforementioned erosional sequence at Hatch. But at Hatch aerial inputs of trace metals, and at Beaver aerial inputs major and trace metals associated with CCP are also correlated with the major chrysophyte shift. It appears that the chrysophytes have responded to stressors associated with both catchment disturbance and regional atmospheric inputs.  相似文献   

Lake Simcoe is a large lake 45 km across and in places over 30 m deep, located between Lake Huron and Lake Ontario, in the glaciated terrain of southern Ontario, Canada. Seismostratigraphic analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles, together with lakebed sediment sampling and pollen study, revealed distinctive sequences in the sediments beneath Lake Simcoe, Ontario. A surface unit (Blue Sequence) of soft Holocene mud (low-amplitude surface reflection, discontinuous parallel internal reflections) lies in the deeper basins of the lake. The underlying unit (Green Sequence) is characterized by high-amplitude parallel internal reflections; basal sediments of this sequence consist of clay rhythmites with dropstones. The Green Sequence was deposited by lacustrine sedimentation in proglacial Lake Algonquin; sedimentation persisted until the basin was isolated from other glacial lakes at about 10 14C ka at the Penetang post-Algonquin phase. Subsequent erosion of the uppermost portion of the Green Sequence is attributed to wave action in a low-level early Holocene lake, possibly closed hydrologically and coeval with closed lowstands in the Huron and Georgian Bay basins. Two sequences with high-amplitude surface reflections and chaotic internal reflections (Purple and Red Sequences) lie below the Green Sequence. Northeast-southwest trending ridges, tens of metres in height, on the Red Sequence (the lowermost of these two units) are interpreted to be drumlins. An erosion surface descends into narrow valleys 50–80 m deep beneath the lake in bays to the west and south of the main lake basin. These depressions are interpreted as subglacial tunnel channels cut by rapid flows of meltwater. The sediments of Purple Sequence are interpreted as channel-fill sediments rapidly deposited during waning stages of the meltwater drainage. The Red Sequence is correlated with the Newmarket Till of the last glacial maximum identified beneath the Oak Ridges Moraine to the south.  相似文献   

重建黄旗海水位、水化学和湖泊生物学变化历史可为研究我国夏季风边缘区冰后期气候变化提供重要环境记录。对该湖中央HQH4岩芯研究结果显示,末次冰期晚期沉积物中湖泊自生有机质烧失量和自生碳酸盐烧失量的平均值分别仅为全新世沉积物的1/13和1/5,造成这种结果的主导因素是夏季气温在全新世初显著升高和黄旗海从此进入稳定的湖泊环境。晚全新世自生碳酸盐烧失量平均值比早、中全新世低14%,其最大值也明显低于早、中全新世,这种情况很可能是因为晚全新世夏季温度略低于早、中全新世所致。自生有机质和碳酸盐烧失量是快速、经济地获取闭流型半咸水湖泊冰后期环境变化的有效代用指标。  相似文献   

A study of acid-labile (A-L) aluminium in modern surface sediments and cores from lakes in Norway, shows surface depletions indicating sharply reduced retention of aluminium where lake pH is below 4.8–5.0. This result complements previous palaeolimnological studies of acid-labile sediment aluminium (A-L aluminium) in acidified lakes, which have focused on up-core concentration increases attributed to enhanced supply of catchment derived aluminium.The surface sediments, while showing great inter-site variation, have on average lower concentrations of A-L aluminium at acidic sites. Further, for lakes with pH<5.0, there is a significant positive correlation of A-L aluminium with pH. The palaeolimnological data show reduced A-L aluminium concentration where diatom inferred pH is below about 4.8–5.0.Because there are both positive and negative effects of acidification, variation in A-L aluminium concentration in cores reveals more information about acidification than was previously supposed. In addition to indicating the time of enhancement of catchment aluminium supply, evidence of whether (and if so when) the water pH fell below 4.9 is also indicated.  相似文献   

Two seismic facies were recognized in the sedimentary sequence overlying acoustic basement in Lake Winnipeg. The upper facies, which overlies a regional unconformity, is termed the Lake Winnipeg Sequence. Based on the seismostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy, and radiocarbon dates of approximately 4000 and 7000 yr BP from material collected directly over the unconformity in the southern and northern parts of the lake, respectively, this facies has been interpreted as representing Holocene sedimentation. Results of compositional and textural analyses of the Holocene sediment (Winnipeg sediment) from thirteen long (>2 m) cores indicate a transgressional sequence throughout the basin. In the South Basin, the generally fining upward sequence is characterized at the base by silt-sized detrital carbonate minerals, quartz and feldspar which decrease in concentration upward. In this basin, the high carbonate content and V/Al and Zn/Al ratios are indicative of a Paleozoic and Cretaceous provenance for sediment derived from glacial deposits through shoreline erosion and fluvial transport, via the Red River. Sedimentation in the central part of the lake and the North Basin is attributed to shoreline erosion of sand and gravel beaches. Consequently, the texture of these sediments is generally coarser than in the South Basin, and the composition primarily reflects a Paleozoic and Precambrian provenance. The basin-wide decrease in Ca, total carbonate minerals, dolomite and calcite concentrations upward in the cores is reflected by a decrease in the detrital carbonate component in all but the most northern cores. Other basin-wide trends show an upward increase in organic content in all cores. An increase in grain size near the top of most cores suggests a major, basin-wide change in sedimentation within the last, approximately 900 years in the South Basin.  相似文献   

The sediments of Lake Kilpisjärvi were described and analysed for element chemistry and pollen to study the effects of treeline fluctuations in the catchment. Lake Kilpisjärvi is one of the largest lakes in Finnish Lapland, with its catchment partly above the treeline and partly covered with mountain birch woodland. Although the presence of subfossil pine shows that the catchment was previously covered with mountain birch woodland during the Holocene, the present pine treeline has receded 70 km from the lake. Pollen analysis results show that pine immigrated to the area during the Atlantic chrone and that 7000 BP pine forests occupied much of the catchment. Pine started to decline around 3500 BP and vegetation in the catchment became more open. Alkaline and alkaline earth metals and some transition metals document the change from glaciolacustrine clay to more organic sediment. However, these geochemical trends give no indication of changes in erosion rate resulting from changes in catchment vegetation. These changes were detected by plotting suitable element ratios. In addition to the conventional Si/Al and Na/K ratios, the Ca labile /Si ratio and especially the ratio of labile Ca to K were found to be useful. Of all the elements analysed, potassium showed the strongest reaction to changes in the balance between weathering and erosion. During the phase of denser forests, chemical weathering was dominant, whereas during phases of open catchment, physical erosion prevailed. The effects of changing climate and catchment vegetation were distinguished from other signals. For instance, iron and manganese were enriched at the top of the core due to diffusion and, at the same time, old precipitate layers persisted after burial to deeper levels in the sediment. These iron and manganese rich layers had an effect on the distributions of cobalt, zinc, and vanadium, showing increased concentrations of these elements. Other effects that made the interpretation of chemical records difficult were the effect of ongoing mineralization of organic matter in the top layers of sediment and the effect of biogenic silicon. Owing to the stable conditions of the lake, the desired chemical signals were detected, despite the masking trends.  相似文献   

Freshwater Lake Ulubat (z mean = 1.5–2.0 m and Area = ~138 km2), NW Anatolia, Turkey was filled in by fine-to-medium-grain silts during the late Holocene. Deposition in Lake Ulubat has been 1.6 cm year−1 for the last 50 years, but the sedimentation rate over the last ~1,600 years was lower (0.37 mm year−1). The organic matter and carbonate contents of the infill show cyclic changes that reflect environmental fluctuations. The silt-dominated lithology and the vertically uniform heavy metal distributions are probably due to wind-controlled sedimentation in the lake. Heterogeneous mud, derived from a large, mountainous drainage basin, is deposited in the lake mostly during summer, June to October, when conditions are hot and calm. Winter months are stormier and sediments are re-suspended due to the shallow water depth and the effect of waves on the lake bottom. It is likely that re-suspended sediments, particularly fine-grained particles, together with the heavy metals, are transported out of the lake via the outlet, especially during periods of high lake level. This resuspension and removal process probably caused the lake sediments to become silt-dominated and depleted in heavy metals. The role of broad shallow lakes in sequestering sediments and heavy metals can be described more accurately when wind data are considered. Such information may also be helpful for land-use planning in downstream areas.  相似文献   

Three cores from two connected lakes in Central Ireland (Lough Kinale and Derragh Lough) were investigated using diatom analysis to establish the Holocene development of the lacustrine system, any local variations within the lakes and any anthropogenic influences. The study area was situated in a lowland location and the lakes were shallow, unstratified and interconnected. Litho-and bio-stratigraphical analyses of the lake cores and deposits beneath a mire separating the two lakes showed the changing spatial configuration of the lake system in the early Holocene and the separation of the initial lake into three basins (cf. lacustrine cells) and finally into two interlinked lakes. The evolution of the lake system is conceptualised as the development of distinct lacustrine cells, and its sediments have recorded changes in the physical (geography, depth and sedimentation) and chemical (water chemistry) properties of the lakes inferred through diatom analyses. The longest sequence, from the early Holocene, records fluctuating lake levels and these are correlated with geomorphological mapping and surveying of palaeoshorelines. The diatom assemblages of the upper 2 m of the three cores, covering approximately the last 2000–3000 radiocarbon years show considerable difference in trophic status and life-form categories. This is related to the location of the cores in the lake and also the distance from human settlement with particular reference to proximity to crannog (artificial island) construction and use. The most central core from the deepest part of Lough Kinale has the least representation of the human settlement and agricultural activity in the catchment and on the fringes of the lake, whereas the core taken from the edge of a crannog is able to identify when construction and use of the crannog occurred. The local nature of the palaeoecological response to human activity due to incomplete water mixing has the advantage of allowing the lake sediment cores to be used to determine spatially discrete settlement patterns.  相似文献   

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