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走向地球系统科学的必由之路   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
2003年9月30日,大洋钻探计划将宣告结束。在这历史性的时刻,我们一方面赞颂这项空前规模的国际合作,19年来不断创新的辉煌历程;另一方面也为我国地学界感到庆幸,我们赶在世纪帷幕落下之前,进入了深海研究的科学前沿。国际深海科学钻探至今35年(DSDP,1968—1983;ODP,1985—2003),如果要用一句话来概括其科学贡献,那就是推动地球科学进入了“地球系统科学”,或者说“地球系统演化”的新阶段。确实,地球表面60%是超过2000m的深海,缺了深海不可能得到全球概念。深海沉积中堆积的海洋浮游生物,集四大圈层的信息于一身,也为研究过去的全球…  相似文献   

The Earth system is characterized by the contradiction between increasing disorderness of the nature and increasing orderness of life evolution. The second law of thermodynamics shows that the irreversible process of heat dissipation of the Earth takes place naturally in only one direction, while paleontology shows that life on the Earth proceeds toward a state of increasing order. Why the life could be flourishing on the Earth in some periods or rapid extinction in some other times while the…  相似文献   

无干扰地下换热井是利用中深部地层自然地温对循环介质预加热,实现冬季供暖辅助加热,达到节能减排效果。该循环系统为闭式循环,利用密闭的金属换热器,只取热不取水,是一种绿色的供暖方式。由于环保、清洁低碳、无污染等特点,将是北方地区清洁供暖的重要技术手段之一。介绍了该型换热系统及完井工艺。  相似文献   

为解决深部地质岩心钻探钻参仪检测过程中产生的数据的存储、管理以及如何利用钻进参数的问题,结合自主研发的钻参仪建立了钻进参数数据库,并利用LabSQL工具包实现对钻参数据的录入查询等功能。并利用深钻现场实际采集的数据,在LabVIEW平台上调取钻进参数生成五组钻参曲线,并通过曲线回放分析判断钻进的工作情况,对实际钻探工作有一定的指导意义,最后提出对钻进参数深入挖掘利用的展望。  相似文献   

大地热流测量数据子库   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金旭  韩湘君 《地球学报》2001,22(6):521-525
大地热流数据子库是建立在Microsoft Access 97基础上,以Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0开发、基于Windows平台上的集数据储存、编辑、报表打印输出及基本数据解释处理于一体的数据库管理软件.具有运行速度快、操作简单、易学及可靠性强等优点.特别编制了强大的数据查询系统,提供了各种查询方式,大大方便了用户.  相似文献   

金伯利岩是一种偏碱性的超基性岩,来源于地幔深部,富含挥发份和钾质,属于火成岩类,金伯利岩中主要含有镁铝榴石、金刚石、橄榄石、铬铁矿、铬透辉石、镁钛铁矿,锆石、碳硅石等造岩矿物.同时金伯利岩也被认为是含金刚石最主要的岩石.本文通过文献调研方法,野外现场表明金伯利岩中含有深源包裹体;全球金伯利岩主要分布在俄罗斯、博茨瓦纳、加拿大、安哥拉、南非、刚果民主和纳米比亚;中国金伯利岩主要分布在华北地台,在山东、辽宁、吉林、山西、河南和新疆等地.这些金伯利岩常常与深大断裂甚至地幔深部地质作用关系密切,常出现标志性矿物橄榄石、石榴石、高铬磁铁矿,伴有烃类或氢气.但含金刚石金伯利岩主要沿郯庐断裂带分布,如辽宁瓦房店、山东蒙阴等地.从时代上看,以往认为的早古生代的金伯利岩,更可能都是在早期形成于华北地台之岩石圈底部,而在中生代白垩纪时期才在大规模岩石圈拆沉的地质背景下的以快速上升的,尤其是那些含金刚石的金伯利岩岩管更是快速上升的典型代表,其标型矿物是镁铝榴石、高铬磁铁矿、钙钛矿等.国内辽宁瓦房店含金刚石金伯利岩产于郯庐断裂带东侧,有着与同期金伯利岩相同的岩石矿物学特征,其中的以50号岩管为代表的金刚石矿床是我国重要的战略矿产.金伯利岩及其中的金刚石带来众多直接的深部地幔信息,中国瓦房店、蒙阴一带的金刚石来自上地幔,而一些含硼蓝色金刚石则来自下地幔,不同层圈的金刚石携带不同的标志矿物,以橄榄石为例:来自上地幔金刚石携带的橄榄石为橄榄石;过渡带金刚石携带的主要为瓦兹利石和林伍德石;下地幔的金刚石则为布里奇曼石,它们是深部探测的重要探针.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The observed heat flux from the Earth is created mainly by the heat released due to radioactive decay, secular cooling of the Earth, and solidification of the growing inner...  相似文献   

针对苏州中心项目基坑临近地铁侧、隔断承压水的特点,采用超深地连墙进行基坑围护。根据工程重点、难点以及质量控制要求,对地下连续墙成槽过程中的护壁泥浆问题进行了分析研究,提出了泥浆配制、参数控制、泥浆处理的成套方案。现场实际应用表明,所研究的优质护壁泥浆在本工程地连墙的施工中是行之有效的。  相似文献   

The NaCl-H_2O binary system is a major component of solutions coexisting with ores. Observation ofsaturated solutions of NaCl-H_2O by using the method of hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) is a new approach tothe study of ore-forming fluids. The salinities of NaCl-H_2O solutions in experimental observation are in a range of 32-55%. The observed temperature range is 25℃-850℃, and the pressure range 1 atm-10 kb. In this temperature-pressure range, the supercritical single phase, two phases (L,V) close to the critical state and two-phased (L+V) immis-cible region were observed. And for the salinity of 35% the two phase L+V immiscible region of NaCl-H_2O solutionwas observed in a range of 253-720℃. Another temperature range, 400-817℃, was observed for the immiscible two-phased region of 50% salinity solution. In the high-temperature part of the two-phased immiscible region, the phase na-ture is very unstable. A "critical phenomenon" was observed when the heating path was very close to the critical state.It is possible to observe a 'critical phenomenon': an "explosion" occurred almost constantly at the interface between theliquid and vapour and the interface is rather obscure. A continuous transition between phases L and V could be foundin the immiscible L+V phase while heating continuously. Moreover, as the NaCl-H_2O solution was separated into liq-uid and vapour phases, static charges surrounding each vapour bubble could be seen, and these bubbles were attractedtogether by the static charges to form a special solution structure. Besides, critical states of different salinities of NaCl-H_2O were observed in order to study the properties of the fluids occurring in the rocks in the earth interior, the origin ofore-bearing fluids and the significance of supercritical fluid with respect to the ore formation. The comparison of the sa-linity data of the fluid inclusions in the minerals of ore deposits with observations of NaCl-H_2O under HDAC in theconditions of high temperatures and pressures, combined with further thermodynamic analysis of ore-formation condi-tions would explain in depth the factors determining the ore formation.  相似文献   

正During October 24~(th)-26~(th) of 2018, the International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Application was held in Beijing, China (Fig. 1). More than 300 experts from more than 20 countries and regions participated in the symposium. Well-known experts were invited to discuss important topics such as the evolution of the continents, the rheology of the lower crust, the deep carbon cycle, plate tectonics, deep seismic exploration,  相似文献   

地幔矿物中微量的水影响着地幔的物理和化学性质,从而深刻影响着板块构造和地表宜居性.长久以来,对岩石圈以下地幔的水含量估计,主要来自大洋中脊玄武岩和洋岛玄武岩的水含量分析结果表明,其源区水含量分别为50× 10-6~200×10-6和300× 10-6~900× 10-6.近十年来,通过对超深金刚石中的林伍德石、冰Ⅶ等矿物包裹体的研究,揭示了深部地幔的很有可能存在更富水的区域.而对超慢速扩张洋中脊玄武岩、科马提岩、苦橄岩等幔源岩浆含水性的分析,则从更宏观尺度上证实地球深部存在着与俯冲带释放流体无关的富水区域,同时揭示了古老地幔楔残余在浅部软流圈的滞留也是大洋板块内部富水的重要途径.尽管如此,对地幔深部富水储库形成机制、水来源及储库所在圈层位置等还没有清晰的认识,在将来的研究中这些问题应受到关注.  相似文献   

汤昌福  罗万静  黄骏玮 《现代地质》2022,36(5):1440-1446
从地下传热基本原理出发,考虑地温梯度影响,建立了中深层套管换热器进出口流体平均温度解析解和长时间近似解,推导了中深层套管换热器短期无干扰名义取热量计算解析公式,并通过与文献中结果对比进行了验证。研究结果表明,中深层套管换热器短期无干扰名义取热量是地温梯度的线性函数。短期无干扰名义取热量计算解析公式简单实用,可以实现中深层套管换热器短期换热性能快速评价。  相似文献   

In the last decade, major advances in both observational and theoretical fields have taken place in our understanding of the rotation of the Earth. With the adoption of Atomic Time, the rotation rate can now be measured with unprecedented precision and independently of planetary or lunar motions. Information from earlier observations is also being recovered more accurately: independent analyses and new data from ancient eclipse observations have increased confidence in the controversial results obtained earlier. Perhaps the most outstanding development is the tentative measurement of the mean rotation rate in the remote geological past, made possible by the study of periodicities in the skeletal growth of fossil organisms.The improved data have exposed new geophysical problems and accentuated earlier ones. An unexplained acceleration of the Earth's rotation is confirmed by the re-examination of ancient eclipse records. In addition, Darwin's theory of tidal friction now has the arbitrariness of its time-scale replaced by data from modern astronomical observations so that, in spite of various theoretical refinements, it leads to the unacceptable prediction of a catastrophic period in the history of the Earth-Moon system in the mid-Precambrian. Information from the study of fossil growth increments can make a vital contribution in both these problems.The palaeontological data have been gathered mainly from corals and bivalves, although several other groups with accretionary skeletons provide a few figures and are potentially useful. The unexpected cosmogonic applications of these data have stimulated research into the physiological and particularly the ecological factors controlling incremental growth in these organisms, especially the bivalves. The main problems centre on the recording accuracy and the definition of the growth increments. The difficulty of eliminating irregular interference and of recovering geophysically useful measurements from the fossil record is discussed and we have tried to assess the reliability of the information already derived from this source.  相似文献   

建立卫星对地观测数据集成系统是遥感卫星数据信息资源有效管理与应用的重要手段。从我国对地观测重大需求以及前沿科学问题入手,提出大数据环境下卫星对地观测数据集成系统建立中亟待解决的关键技术,包括大容量异构对地观测数据集成的语义技术、基于网格的遥感图像快速处理技术、遥感大数据深度分析技术、多数据中心协同处理及云平台技术,为实现集成卫星图像、地面观测数据和模拟模型的元数据管理、几何精度纠正和卫星数据质量评价、海量卫星图像数据的空间分析与知识发现、分布式高性能卫星图像数据管理和归档等基本功能,为解决海量卫星数据分布式存储与计算、数据集成与互操作、空间数据分析与地学知识发现提供新思路、新技术与新方法。  相似文献   

中国地球深部结构和深层动力过程与主体发展方向   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
滕吉文 《地质论评》2002,48(2):125-139
地球深部结构、构造与大陆动力学研究在地球科学领域中占有重要地位。地球深既是资源、能源形成和演化的场所,又是地震灾害的策源地。它涉及了当今众多相邻学科的发展与成就,故对地球本体的认识在不断深化,特别是地球深部物质与能量的交换的深层动力过程。本文在阐述我国20世纪,主要是20世纪下半叶以来地球深部结构与构造研究主体成就的基础上,依据当今该领域在全球范围内的发展趋势,探讨了21世纪初、中吉的发展导向,并提出了某些战略重点。基于这样的前提,文中着重讨论了以下6个问题:①地球深部结构与大型动力学研究的意义、主题与目标;②地球物理深部地震探测揭示的地壳和上地幔的复杂性;③岩石圈内的大型滑脱构造和地震“孕育”的深部环境;④地球内部地震波传播速度分布与各向异性;⑤地球深部结构、构造与大陆动力学;⑥21世纪初,中叶地球深部与大陆动力学研究的发展战略重点。  相似文献   

徐纪人  赵志新 《地球科学》2006,31(4):557-563
地球科学是以观测为基础的科学.当前, 如何克服城市化、工业化、现代化发展带来的噪音干扰, 提高观测的信噪比, 成为地球科学发展的重要课题之一.开展深井观测是解决地面噪音干扰的主要途径.近年来, 随着地球系统科学研究的深入以及解决环境、资源、防灾等科学问题的需求, 世界大陆、大洋科学钻探工程研究以及在钻孔深井内进行的地球物理长期观测得到飞速发展, 并取得了初步的观测研究成果.本文介绍了世界各国在深井长期观测方面的最新进展, 展示了中国大陆科学钻探工程在江苏东海现场开展深井地球物理综合观测的方案及其观测研究前景.东海深井长期观测站将成为中国第一个无地面干扰的综合性深井地震、地球物理实验观测站, 它是实现我国“入地”科学计划的重要基础, 将开创我国21世纪地球科学观测研究的崭新局面.   相似文献   

汶川、玉树大地震造成了重大人员伤亡和财产损失。地震发生后,对地观测技术成为地震灾害监测与灾情评估的重 要手段。本文将从三个方面论述对地观测技术在上述地震灾害评估和研究中所发挥的作用:一是利用高分辨率光学对地观 测技术,建立堰塞湖、道路损毁、崩塌/滑坡/碎屑流等次生地质灾害的遥感分析方法和模型,系统监测汶川地震次生地质 灾害的空间分布、损毁范围、风险程度;二是利用宽幅和干涉两种模式SAR数据,分析玉树地震的区域地质构造和岩性分 布特征,获得玉树地震同震形变场大小及其空间分布信息,证明了多模式SAR在地震灾情协同分析与评价中的有效性和重 要潜力;三是建立了地震灾害三维模拟评估系统,提高了对地震灾害三维模拟的精确性,为地震灾情的精确三维评估提供 了系统平台。  相似文献   

最近中科院涂光炽、谢学锦,工程院赵文津、刘广志四位院士接受了《中国黄金报》记者的采访,他们分别对当前国家的矿产勘探政策及方向提出了宝贵的意见,对勘探工程和物化探以及向深部寻找矿源提出了中肯的建议,现摘编如下,供参考。  相似文献   

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