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Ocean Dynamics - Allein für den Bereich der deutschen Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszonen von Nord-und Ostsee sind Anfragen zur Genehmigungsfähigkeit von Windparken mit zusammen weit...  相似文献   

Six lysimeters filled with loam and seven lysimeters filled with sand, having an area of 1 m2 and a depth of 1 m, were agriculturally used and in July of 1976, 1977, 1979 they were treated with the following agents (g/m2): Toxaphen (0.73, 0.36), Lindan (0.05), Butonat (0.09), Trichlorphon (0.07), Methylparathion (0.045, 0.03) and Dimethoat (0.17). The percolates having accumulated on the lysimeter bottom were drained off monthly and investigated in the toxicological test with Poecilia and Daphnia. The lasting precipitation in 1978 and 1977 resulted in 1978 in percolates with a toxic effect for several months. The July-applications of 1979 resulted in toxic percolates from December 1979 to May 1980. Compared with sand, loamy soils have shown only a time delay of toxicity, but no decrease of it. To assess the results, the theoretical average maximum concentration = quantity used: annual runoff is compared with the LC50 of the substances, solved in percolates of untreated lysimeters. For the organophosphorus insecticides either other substances contained in the percolates act synergistically or toxicity is increased by degradation products as Paraoxon. In general, a toxipotent penetration of the insecticides into the ground water is possible.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Herrn Prof. Dr. O. Jaag zum 60. Geburtstage gewidmet  相似文献   

Development of an Enzyme Immunoassay for the Detection of Mecoprop in Drinking Water and Groundwater Based on Antibodies Raised in Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies against mecoprop were isolated from egg yolk of immunized hens and were used for the development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We tested assay parameters (pH and concentration of buffer, incubation temperature, kind of enzyme tracer) to optimize the standard curve for mecoprop. By decreasing the pH, the detection limit was reached at a concentration of 0.35 μg/L mecoprop. The concentration for 50% inhibition (50% B/B0) was 2.8 μg/L. Dichlorprop and the methyl esters of both mecoprop and dichlorprop showed high crossreactivity (165%, 400% and 233%). Antibodies against mecoprop separated from egg yolk were compared to antibodies raised in rabbit for both sensitivity and specificity. Chicken immunoglobulins were found to be less sensitive and specific than the mammalian IgG's.  相似文献   

G. Thiel 《Ocean Dynamics》1953,6(3):107-123
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Beziehungen zwischen den Wetterlagen über dem Nord- und Ostseegebiet und den Wasserständen in der Ostsee behandelt und ein Verfahren entwickelt, daß es ermöglicht, die Luftdruckverteilung in einer Wetterlage über dem Ostseegebiet mathematisch zu erfassen, sowie die Abhängigkeit der Schwankungen der Wasserstände gegen Mittelwasser in der Ostsee von der jeweiligen Luftdruckverteilung über dem Nord- und Ostseegebiet nachzuweisen. Die Schwankungen des Wasserstandes gegen Mittelwasser in der Kieler Bucht werden als Funktion der Luftdruckverteilung über dem Nord- und Ostseegebiet dargestellt. Zuletzt wird die Verwendbarkeit des Verfahrens durch eingehende Anwendungen auf die große Ostseesturmflut vom 13. November 1872 und die Sturmflut im Finnischen Meerbusen vom 23. September 1924 gezeigt.
The effects of air-pressure and wind on the water level in the Baltic Sea
Summary The relations between the weather situations over the North-Sea and the Baltic on the one hand and the sea level in the Baltic on the other hand are studied. Moreover, a method is developed allowing to ascertain the pressure distribution in any weather situation over the Baltic by way of mathematical calculation and to verify that the variations in sea level as compared to mean sea level in the Baltic depend on the respective air pressure distribution over the North-Sea and the Baltic. The variations in sea level in the Bay of Kiel as referred to mean sea level are represented as a function of the air-pressure distribution over the North-Sea and the Baltic. In conclusion, the application of the method to the great storm surge of November 13, 1872, in the Baltic and to the storm surge of September 23, 1924, in the Gulf of Finland clearly demonstrates its usefulness.

Les effets de la pression d'air et de vent sur le niveau de la mer Baltique
Résumé L'auteur étudie les rapports qui existent entre les situations du temps sur la mer du Nord et sur la Baltique d'une part et les niveaux de la mer dans la Baltique d'autre part. Il dévelope une méthode qui permet de déterminer au moyen des mathématiques la distribution de la pression atmosphérique d'un état quelconque du temps dans la région de la mer Baltique et de vérifier que les variations des niveaux de la mer par rapport au niveau moyen de la mer (N. M.) dans la mer Baltique dépendent de la distribution particulière de la pression sur la mer du Nord et de celle sur la Baltique. Les variations des niveaux de la mer en comparaison du niveau moyen dans la baie de Kiel sont représentées en fonction de la distribution de la pression sur la mer du Nord et sur la Baltique. Enfin, l'auteur démontre l'utilité pratique de cette méthode en l'appliquant à la très forte tempête du 13 novembre 1872 sur les côtes de la Baltique et à la tempête du 23 septembre 1924 dans le golfe de Finlande.

Nitrification – Fundamentals of the Metabolism and Problems at the Use of Ammonia Oxidizers From an ecological point of view, a great problem results from the release of increasing amounts of inorganic and organic nitrogen compounds. Apart from gaseous nitrogen compounds, such as the greenhouse gas N2O, soluble nitrogen compounds such as ammonium cause difficulties. In recent years, great progress has been made regarding the reduction of the emission of sulfur and phosphorus compounds. Since there are no effective strategies for the decrease of nitrogen releases, the emission of such compounds has even been increasing. Therefore, great efforts are being made to eliminate the soluble nitrogen compounds in particular, for example in wastewater treatment plants. A decisive meaning befits the chemolithoautotrophic ammonia oxidizers. This review focuses on the ecological consequences of the release of ammonia in particular, the metabolism of the ammonia oxidizing microorganisms under consideration of the latest research results, and the problems that arise in the context of using these bacteria for the removal of ammonia.  相似文献   

The northern and the southern basin of Lake Lugano, Switzerland, are separated by an artificial dam. The flow of the water is not only influenced by the outflow of the northern basin but also by gravitational oscillations (seiches) of both basins. A longperiodic peak around 100 minutes can be explained by a mathematical model. The interaction of the internal waves is a coupled oscillation with a period of 74 hours.   相似文献   

After treatment of the anion exchanger resins from several manufacturers with FeCl3 or CuSO4 their capacity to take up thiocyanate ions increases by the factor 2 … 3. By regeneration with diluted sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid after precipitation of the ferric or cupric hydroxide a thiocyanate solution of 10 and 15 g/l, respectively, is obtained, which can be reused. The hydroxides dissolved in acid are used for the treatment of the ion exchanger. The process is proposed for the regenerating of wastewaters containing thiocyanate.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Richtung des Streichens großräumiger Leitfähigkeitsän-derungen entsteht durch die Induktion der zeitlich variablen ionosphärischen Ströme eine Stromdrängung im Untergrund. Dadurch werden orts- und periodenabhängigeZ-Variationen erzeugt. Mit Hilfe einfacher Annahmen kann man demzufolge aus den zeitlichen magnetischen Variationen die Streichrichtung horizontaler Leitfähigkeitssprünge bestimmen. Die Methoden dazu werden auch mit Hilfe derssc undsfe-Auswert-ungen fremder Autoren ausführlich geschildert und die angenäherte statistische Eliminierung der ionosphärischenZ-Variationen in mittleren Breiten dargelegt. Die berechneten Richtungen stehen im Einklang mit dem Streichen großräumiger geologischer Formationen. Die Tiefe der anomalen magnetischen Induktionserscheinungen dürfte zwischen wenigen km bis deka-km liegen.
Summary The anomalous local behaviour of the vertical magnetic time-variations is due to regional abrupt changes of electric specific resistivity in horizontal direction. Such local differences of vertical magnetic variations are very frequent in contrast to previous published papers. Under certain conditions it is possible to determine the direction of the underground structures by the aid of geomagnetic variations. The ratio of the vertical and the horizontal component is a function of the period and of the horizontal resistivity gradient. The ionospheric part of theZ-variations in middle latitudes is small in the case of bays andssc's. It has hardly an influence in a statistical treatment. Examples in northern Germany and south-east Europe show the usefulness of magnetic variations and their local character for the determination of the direction of regional geological structures.

Mitteilung Nr. 122 des Geomagnetischen Instituts Potsdam.  相似文献   

In laboratory investigations with model waters, the behaviour of selected cation-exchange resins (Amberlite 200 C, Duolite C-25, Lewatit S-100, Wofatit KPS and Wofatit KS-10) is tested. The usable volume capacity of the resins in the forms of H, Na and NH4 as well as the water content and the total volume capacity after 25 cycles of loading/regeneration are determined. It is recommended to use Amberlite 200 C and Wofatit KS-10.  相似文献   

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