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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the comparative toxicity of Thiotox (Endosulfan) (an organochlorine), Dichlorvos (DDVP) (an organophosphorus) and Carbofuran (a carbamate) so as to determine the TL 50 values, acute toxicity ranges, relative toxicities, relative susceptibility, safe concentrations, regression equations, heterogeneity factor and 95% confidence limits for the period of 24, 48, 72 and 96 h, taking two fresh water teleosts, Mystus vittatus and Ophiocephalus punctatus as test animals. From the relative toxicity of these pesticides it is evident that thiotox was the most toxic and dichlorvos the least toxic one, while the toxicity of carbofuran was in between these two extremes for both the fishes. On the basis of relative susceptibility, Mystus vittatus was found to be more susceptible than Ophiocephalus punctatus for thiotox, dichlorvos and carbofuran, respectively. The safe concentrations were computed for all the three pesticides taking different application factors, so as to avoid the long term water pollution by these pesticides.  相似文献   

Lebistes reticulatus (Peters) was exposed to various concentrations of phenol, pentachlorophenol and sodium pentachlorophenolate to determine their toxicity, lethal concentrations and slope functions by a static bioassay procedure. Simultaneous controls were also run. The 94h LC50 values were 47.5mg/l (42.04 … 53.68) for phenol, 0.77 mg/l (0.616 … 0.963) for sodium pentachlorophenate and 0.97 mg/l (0.866 … 1.086) for pentachlorophenol. On this basis, the rank order is sodium pentachlorophenolate-pentachlorophenol-phenol. During the treatment, fish showed an abnormal swimming reflex, excessive mucus secretion, haemorrhage near lips, abdomen and basis of fins and loss of equilibrium followed by death.  相似文献   

The toxicity of phenol, pentachlorophenol and Na-pentachlorophenate to Cypris subglobosa is determined in the batch experiment for 96. h. In the sequence mentioned, the LC50,96h of the three substances are 71.8, 6.56 and 4.41 mg/l, respectively. In the range of 6 … 95 h the mean survival time shows a negative regression to the toxicant concentration, which, however, is not significant statistically for Na-pentachlorophenate. In agreement with this, the LC50 for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of exposure shows a significant decrease. Due to the comparatively high LC50,96h for pentachlorophenol and Na-pentachlorophenate for C. subglobosa about in comparison with fish, the species is little suited to the toxicological investigation of wastewater.  相似文献   

There is determined the LC50 for 24 … 96 h of phenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol and pentachlorophenol as sodium salt by static assay at water temperatures of 16, 23 and 36°C. In addition, the combinations of the three substances were tested in the same way. With decreasing temperature, the toxicity of the individual substances decreased by 6.5 … 22%, that of the mixtures by 10 … 87%; with rising temperature, the toxicity increased by 38 … 747% and 75 … 744%, respectively. The safety limits at 23°C lie between 0.3 μg/l for a synergistically acting mixture and 0.9 mg/l for an antagonistically acting one; for the individual substances this range is 3.5 μg/l to 0.5 mg/l.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of nickel sulphate to Colisa fasciatus has been evaluated by static bioassay experiments. The LC 50 values of nickel for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h were computed to be 96.12, 60.18, 24.45 and 16.72 mg/1, respectively. Their 95 % confidence limits have also been investigated.  相似文献   

The exposure of Puntius sophore to different concentrations of crude oil (200… 4000 ppm) revealed that 4000 ppm was acutely lethal to the fish and mortality did not occur at <500 ppm at 21±1 °C for up to 15 days. The increase in the opercular frequency during exposure to crude oil has been recorded almost parallel to toxicant concentrations. The objectionable odour of the crude oil and the formation of coagulated mucous film over the body and gills were the main factors causing mortality among the experimental fish. The 24, 48, 78 and 96-h TL 50 values have been 3275, 1750, 1650 and 1450 ppm. The corresponding regression coefficients b were –1.8056, –1.5849, –1.6037 and –1.6497.  相似文献   

In Germany, wastewater legislation requires all municipal and industrial leachate to be subjected to toxicity tests. However, no phytotoxicity tests using higher plants are currently included among the standard tests. Freshwater microalgae have been used in most phytotoxicity tests and have often been considered as surrogates for higher plants. However, microalgae often do not show the same sensitivity as higher plants and have major disadvantages for the testing of unmodified environmental samples. In the following study, we evaluated the suitability of the giant duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza for assessing the toxicity of a municipal landfill leachate and two leachates of copper mining residue. Duckweed static toxicity tests were performed, and frond number was the endpoint used to calculate EC50 values. Symptoms of stress (chlorosis, necrosis, root destruction, and colony breakup) were also recorded. The landfill leachate was toxic with EC50;96h values ranging from 1.3 to 2.7% leachate (v/v). Toxicity of the copper slag leachate was largely determined by the elution method used. Leachate obtained using conventional German leaching methods (S4-eluate) was not toxic to duckweed, whereas EC50 values for the pHstat4-eluate ranged from 3.2 to 4.2% leachate (v/v). The results demonstrate the suitability of S. polyrhiza for the testing of unmodified wastewater samples and provide further evidence for the addition of a duckweed toxicity test to the standard tests conducted in Germany.  相似文献   

In batch tests with daily exchange of the medium the toxicity of endosulfan, lindane, aldrin, chlordane, rogor and novocron is investigated during times of exposure of 12… 96 h. The mean survival periods and the LC50 are determined. Toxicity increases in the following sequence (LC50,96h) (in mg/1): novocron (22.65), rogor (18.97), chlordane (0.341), aldrin (0.017), lindane (0.0160), endosulfan (0.0027). The following safe concentrations in mg/1 are recommended: 0.0006 endosulfan, 0.0041 lindane, 0.0010 aldrin, 0.1436 chlordane, 5.4086 rogor and 7.2309 novocron.  相似文献   

The reduction in light emission of the marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri used in the standard Microtox® bioassay was measured for the metals copper and mercury. The concentration at which the light emission was reduced by 50% (EC50) was determined to be (3.43 ± 0.83) μmol/L for Cu2+ and (0.66 ± 0.01) μmol/L for Hg2+. The reduction of the toxicity of these metals by humic and fulvic acids were studied using IHSS Standard and Reference Materials. Copper toxicity was reduced 17...20% by the soil and peat fulvic acids and 9...20% by the aquatic fulvic acids. While there appeared to be little difference in the reduction of Cu toxicity by fulvic acids from soils, peats, or aquatic systems, Hg toxicity was reduced 3.6...7.3% by the soils and peats, while aquatic fulvic acids reduced Hg toxicity 14...16%. Soil fulvic acids appear to have significantly less capacity to reduce Hg toxicity than Cu toxicity. Humic acids had much higher reductions of Cu toxicity (44...124%) compared to the fulvic acids, with little difference between aquatic and soil or peat humic acids, 44...124% and 67...100%, respectively. However, humic and fulvic acids, regardless of origin, had approximately the same effect on Hg toxicity with 3.5...16% reduction by fulvic acids and 8...20% reduction by humic acids. Unlike the fulvic acids, no clear trend was observed relative to origin of the humic acids. There was no correlation between percent reduction of Cu or Hg toxicity by the organic compounds and copper binding capacity (CuBC), C/N ratio, or carboxyl content of the materials. Examination of natural organic matter (NOM) isolated by reverse osmosis techniques from three water sources had reductions of both Cu and Hg toxicity that were most similar to the Suwannee River and Nordic fulvic acids.  相似文献   

In batch experiments with exposure for 24 to 96 h Macrobrachium naso and M. dayanum were exposed to solutions of the sodium salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. The LC50,96h are 2.397 g/l for Macrobrachium naso and 2.275 g/l for M. dayanum. No mortality was observed in solutions of 2.1 and 1.85 g/l. The differences in toxicity are not dependent on the size of the organisms, but they are species-specific.  相似文献   

含水量对黄土震陷性定量影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
含水量是影响黄土震陷性非常重要的参数。本文以洮河三级阶地上典型的Q3黄土为研究对象,对其震陷性特征进行了全面、系统的研究。通过在20 m深探井中依次取得4 m、8 m、12 m、16 m、20 m处黄土原状试样进行室内试验,得到以下结果:(1)天然黄土存在震陷性随深度增加而逐渐减弱的规律;(2)通过增湿、减湿获得5%,10%,15%和20%四种不同含水量黄土试样,同一深度黄土随着含水量增加其震陷性增长的规律明显;(3)通过实验数据分析得到了含水量对黄土震陷性定量影响规律,并根据其规律给出了不同动应力作用下的黄土震陷临界含水量。  相似文献   

The effects of chronic exposures to sublethal concentration of two pesticides Carbaryl and Endosulfan on alkaline and acid phosphatase activities in the intestine of a fresh water teleost Channa striatus have been observed by exposing the fish for a period of two to thirty days to 10 ppm and 20 ppm of Carbaryl and 0.00075 and 0.001 ppm of Endosulfan. The inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity has been dependent on the duration of exposure, concentration and the type of pesticide used. The acid phosphatase activity increased with the duration of exposure in higher concentration of Carbaryl and both the concentrations of Endosulfan. Endosulfan produced more pronounced effects than Carbaryl.  相似文献   

  • - In the present paper the toxicity of four biocides, endrin, thiodon, malathion and phosvel, has been measured by performing static bioassay experiments with Channa gachua as test fish to establish the median Tolerance Limits (TLm and TL50).
  • - The results of bioassay experiments indicate that the fish is harmed even at a very low concentration of these biocides. The values of TLm are 0.0076, 0.0073, 0.00695 and 0.0068 for endrin; 0.01120, 0.01088, 0.01069 and 0.01064 for thiodon; 9.20, 8.10, 7.90 and 7.60 for malathion and 32.90, 32.10, 31.65 and 31.15 mg/l for phosvel for the time interval of 24, 48, 76 and 96 hours, respectively.
  • - As indicated by TLm's, endrin is most toxic and phosvel least. Thiodon and malathion came in a descending order between endrin and phosvel.
  • - During bioassay studies, the effect of some variables, like temerature, pH and fish-size, on TLm's has also been observed. They gave the following results.
  • a) An increase in temperature increased the toxicity of all the biocides.
  • b) An increase in pH decreased the TLm as such, making the biocides more toxic to Channa gachua.
  • c) For larger fishes, the biocide solutions were less toxic, but the same solutions were more toxic to fishes of a smaller size.
  • - The safe harmless concentrations of endrin, thiodon, malathion and phosvel are - 0.00289 mg/l, 0.00337 mg/l, 1.88365 mg/l and 9.16736 mg/l, respectively.

The physical conditions at which a model ecosystem in an artificial aquatic ecosystem is still similar to the parent ecosystem are considered. A similarity criterion for the parent and model ecosystems is created based on optical data. An experimental proof is given for the fact that the optical characteristics of a model ecosystem that has not been subjected to anthropogenic load remain similar to those of the parent ecosystem for several weeks. It is shown that the optical characteristics of polluted artificial ecosystems can be assessed from the spectra of the brightness coefficients of the upward irradiance from water.  相似文献   

地下流体动态的观测环境干扰影响距离研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国地震地下流体动态干扰因素及其影响的调研结果,以井区水文地质条件分区,观测含水层性分类与渗透性分级为基础,研究了各类干扰源的影响距离,给出了干扰源与观测井间的最小距离即干扰源的最大影响距离,为地震台站观测环境保护提供了标准。  相似文献   

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