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Deep Sea Drilling Hole 245 (31°32′S, 52° 18′E) in the southwest Indian Ocean shows pronounced linear concentration-depth gradients in interstitial dissolved Ca, Mg and Sr. Electrical conductivity tests enable us to make the estimate of a constant diffusion coefficient with depth of about 2 × 10?6 cm2/sec. The shapes of the concentration-depth gradients suggest that the major reaction sites in this hole are situated in the basal sediments and/or underlying basalts. It is proposed that observed interstitial water concentration changes in Ca and Mg are related to alteration of basaltic material, whereas those in Sr are due to calcium carbonate recrystallization processes. Support for the basaltic material alteration hypothesis comes from petrochemical and mineralogical data. Geochemical data also indicate that the high contents in Fe and Mn of the basal sediments can be related to low temperature alteration of basaltic glass and not necessarily to ‘hydrothermal’ activity.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1996,11(5):711-720
The organic matter in 9 recent (not more than 250 years old) and ‘organic-rich’ sediments from the southern Black Sea shelf and upper slope have been characterized semi-quantitatively by Pyrolysis/Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (PY/GC/MS) and13C Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CPMAS-NMR) spectrometry. The organic matter of 7 of the studied sediments was found to be ligno-carbohydrate with a proteinaceous component, one sediment appeared to contain oxidized coal dust and one contained thiophenes in association with pyrite. The ligno component is derived from grasses and soft wood lignin. Material entrapped in an anoxic environment contained the highest proportions of carbohydrate and protein. All the samples had suffered diagenesis as is generally shown by the attachment of carboxyl groups and the removal of methoxyl groups. The evidence suggests that diagenesis occurred whilst the particles traversed the oxic water column.  相似文献   

The organic matter in the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments from the southern Black Sea margin is assigned to the terrestrial-marine/terrestrial range of organic facies. Within this range, the stratigraphic section yields different organic facies types in response to different accumulation and preservation controlling processes. During the Late Companian-Maastrichtian, organic material from the shelf and slope was re-deposited in the deeper oxic parts of the basin. Rapid transport and sedimentation resulted in a higher degree of preservation of lipid-rich, terrestrial components (sporinite, cutinite, resinite) in comparison to the autochthonous sediments. The increase in organic carbon with increasing silt/clay content together with low carbon concentrations in the allochthonous sediments suggest that the accumulation of organic matter in the source areas was controlled by terrigenous influx and that the accumulation conditions were not favorable.In the Eocene (fore-arc basin), the higher content of marine organic matter can be explained by progressive shallowing of the environment and by reduced oxygen content in the bottom waters (reduced bioturbation).In the Miocene and Pliocene (back-arc basin), the organic fraction of the sediments from the basin margin is purely terrestrial and consists mostly of inertinite and reworked terrigenous liptinite indicating oxidative conditions. The dominance of inertodetrinite in the Miocene and of semifusinite in the Pliocene point to a change in the source area or to a higher energy transport or deposition conditions for the Miocene marginal sediments. In the basin interior, the higher content of marine organic matter is due to an oxygen deficiency or anoxic conditions in the bottom waters. Mineral associations indicate complete sulfate reduction and consequent methanogenesis. This is also implied in the hydrocarbon distributions. Periodic oxic conditions lead to a decrease in the marine liptinitic component. In the basin interior, however, the terrigenous fraction is still dominant, implying a continuous influx from the basin margins.The Late Cretaceous to Pliocene sediments are thermally immature (Rm<0.5%, Tmax<435 °C).
Zusammenfassung Die organische Substanz in den Sedimenten der Oberkreide und des Tertiärs der südlichen Schwarzmeerregion ist dem terrestrischen bis marin-terrestrischen Bereich organischer Fazies zuzuordnen. Innerhalb dieses Bereiches weisen die stratigraphischen Abschnitte unterschiedliche organische Faziestypen auf, die auf unterschiedliche, die Akkumulation und den Erhaltungsgrad der organischen Substanz kontrollierende Prozesse zurückzuführen sind.Während des Obercampan-Maastrichtiums und des Paläozäns (fore-arc Becken) wurde organisches Material des Schelf/-hanges in den tieferen oxischen Beckenbereichen resedimentiert. Die rasche Zufuhr und Ablagerung führte zu einem gegenüber den autochthonen Sedimenten höheren Erhaltungsgrad an lipidreichen, terrestrischen Komponenten (Sporinit, Cutinit, Resinit). Die Zunahme an organischem Kohlenstoff mit steigendem Silt-/Tonanteil bei insgesamt niedrigen Kohlenstoffkonzentrationen in den Resedimenten läßt vermuten, daß die Akkumulation organischer Substanz in den Liefergebieten durch terrigene Zufuhr bestimmt wurde und die Akkumulationsbedingungen ungünstig waren.Für das Eozän ist ein erhöhter Eintrag an marinem organischem Material zu verzeichnen, der mit der zunehmenden Verflachung des Ablagerungsraumes (fore-arc Becken) und einer Reduzierung im Sauerstoffgehalt des Bodenwassers (abnehmende Bioturbation) erklärt wird.Für das Miozän und Pliozän (back-arc Becken) ist die organische Fraktion der Ablagerungen des Beckenrandes rein terrestrisch und besteht zum größten Teil aus Inertinit und wieder aufgearbeitetem terrigenem Liptinit, die oxidative Verhältnisse anzeigen. Die Dominanz von Inertodetrinit im Miozän und Semifusinit im Pliozän indiziert eine Änderung im Liefergebiet oder ein höheres Energieniveau beim Transport bzw. im Ablagerungsraum der miozänen Randsedimente. Im Beckeninneren ist ein erhöhter Anteil an mariner organischer Substanz festzustellen, der auf Sauerstoffverarmung oder anoxische Verhältnisse im Bodenwasser zurückgeführt wird. Die Mineralassoziationen in den Sedimenten weisen auf vollständige Sulfatreduktion und nachfolgende Methanogenese hin, die sich auch mit den Kohlenwasserstoffverteilungen nachvollziehen läßt. Periodisch oxische Bedingungen führen zu einer Reduzierung der marin-liptinitischen Komponente. Im Beckeninneren dominiert jedoch auch die terrigene Fraktion (Huminit/Vitrinit, Inertinit), was auf kontinuierliche Zufuhr vom Beckenrand schließen läßt.Die Sedimente der Oberkreide bis Pliozän sind thermisch unreif (Rm<0.5%, Tmax<435 °C).

Résumé La matière organique contenue dans les sédiments du Crétacé supérieur et du Tertiaire de la partie sud de la Mer Noire est à rapporter au domaine de facies organique terrestre à marin-terrestre. La série stratigraphique présente, dans les limites de ce domaine, divers types de facies organiques qui traduisent les divers processus qui régissent l'accumulation et la préservation.Au cours du Campanian supérieur-Maastrichtien, des matériaux organiques provenant du shelf et du talus continental ont été redéposés dans les parties oxygénées plus profondes du bassin. La rapidité du transport et de la sédimentation a entraîné la préservation de composants terrestres riches en lipides (sporonite, cutinite, résinite), dans une mesure plus élevée que dans les sédiments autochtones. L'augmentation de la teneur en carbone organique corrélative à celle de la fraction fine (boue et silt), de même que la faible concentration en carbone des sédiments allochtones indique que, dans la région-source, l'accumulation de matières organiques était régie par un afflux terrigène et que les conditions d'accumulation n'étaient pas favorables.A l'Eocène (bassin d'avant-arc) le contenu en matière organique marine est plus élevé, ce qui s'explique par la diminution progressive de la profondeur et par la réduction de la teneur en oxygène des eaux du fond (bioturbation réduite).Au Miocène et au Pliocène (bassin d'arrière-arc), la fraction organique des sédiments de la bordure du bassin est purement terrestre et consiste principalement en inertinite et en liptinite terrigène remaniée, ce qui indique des conditions oxydantes. La prédominance d'inertodétrinite au Miocène et de semifusinite au Pliocène indique soit une source différente, soit un transport ou un dépôt dans les conditions de plus haute énergie des sédiments miocènes marginaux. Vers l'intérieur du bassin, le contenu plus élevé en matière organique marine est dû à une déficience en oxygène ou à des conditions anoxiques dans les eaux de fond. Les associations minérales indiquent une réduction complète des sulfates et en conséquence une méthanogenèse, ce qui ressort également de la distribution des hydrocarbures. Des conditions oxydantes périodiques provoquent une diminution du composant liptinitique marin. Dans l'intérieur du bassin, toutefois, la fraction terrigène reste dominante, ce qui implique un afflux continu depuis les marges du bassin.Les sédiments d'âge crétacé supérieur à pliocène sont thermiquement immatures (Rm<0,5%; Tmax<435 °C).

, , - . , , . - , . , ( , , ), . , , . , (force-arc Basin) ( ). (back-arc Basin) , . , , . , , . , . . ( , ), . : (Rm<0,5 %; Tmax<435° ).

Assuming stability of the Black Sea system and conservative behavior of sulfate in relation to salinity outside the bottom convective layer (BCL), the influence of shelf-modified Mediterranean water (SMMW) on the water column of the Black Sea below the core of the cold intermediate layer (CIL) was estimated on the basis of variations in the sulfur isotope composition of sulfate. As a result of construction of the model of mixing of three water masses, it was shown that the SMMW fraction in the area of hydrogen sulfide onset at a salinity of 20.8–20.9 was 5–7 times higher than the amount of water produced by mixing of the CIL and the BCL. The SMMW fraction decreased with depth rapidly and was only 10% at a depth of 1000 m. Significant supply of SMMW to the pycnocline area provided a high renewal rate of water, which prevented accumulation of 32S-rich sulfate resulted from hydrogen sulfide oxidation.  相似文献   

The Danube Delta-Black Sea region of Romania is an important wetland, and this preliminary study evaluates the significance of this region as a source of atmospheric CH4. Measurements of the mixing ratio and δ13C in CH4 are reported from air and water samples collected at eight sites in the Danube Delta. High mixing ratios of CH4 were found in air (2500–14,000 ppb) and dissolved in water samples (∼1–10 μmol L−1), demonstrating that the Danube Delta is an important natural source of CH4. The intercepts on Keeling plots of about −62‰ show that the main source of CH4 in this region is microbial, probably resulting primarily from acetate fermentation. Atmospheric CH4 and CO data from the NOAA/ESRL (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory) were used to make a preliminary estimate of biogenic CH4 at the Black Sea sampling site at Constanta (BSC). These data were used to calculate ratios of CH4/CO in air samples, and using an assumed CH4/CO anthropogenic emissions ratio of 0.6, fossil fuel emissions at BSC were estimated. Biogenic CH4 emissions were then estimated by a simple mass balance approach. Keeling plots of well-mixed air from the BSC site suggested a stronger wetland source in summer and a stronger fossil fuel source in winter.  相似文献   

Bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) are lipid constituents of many bacterial groups. Geohopanoids, the diagenetic products, are therefore ubiquitous in organic matter of the geosphere. To examine the potential of BHPs as environmental markers in marine sediments, we investigated a Holocene sediment core from the Black Sea. The concentrations of BHPs mirror the environmental shift from a well-mixed lake to a stratified marine environment by a strong and gradual increase from low values (∼30 μg g−1 TOC) in the oldest sediments to ∼170 μg g−1 TOC in sediments representing the onset of a permanently anoxic water body at about 7500 years before present (BP). This increase in BHP concentrations was most likely caused by a strong increase in bacterioplanktonic paleoproductivity brought about by several ingressions of Mediterranean Sea waters at the end of the lacustrine stage (∼9500 years BP). δ15N values coevally decreasing with increasing BHP concentrations may indicate a shift from a phosphorus- to a nitrogen-limited setting supporting growth of N2-fixing, BHP-producing bacteria. In sediments of the last ∼3000 years BHP concentrations have remained relatively stable at about 50 μg g−1 TOC.The distributions of major BHPs did not change significantly during the shift from lacustrine (or oligohaline) to marine conditions. Tetrafunctionalized BHPs prevailed throughout the entire sediment core, with the common bacteriohopanetetrol and 35-aminobacteriohopanetriol and the rare 35-aminobacteriohopenetriol, so far only known from a purple non-sulfur α-proteobacterium, being the main components. Other BHPs specific to cyanobacteria and pelagic methanotrophic bacteria were also found but only in much smaller amounts.Our results demonstrate that BHPs from microorganisms living in deeper biogeochemical zones of marine water columns are underrepresented or even absent in the sediment compared to the BHPs of bacteria present in the euphotic zone. Obviously, the assemblage of molecular fossils in the sediments does not represent an integrated image of the entire community living in the water column. Remnants of organisms living in zones where effective transport mechanisms - such as the fecal pellet express - exist are accumulated while those of others are underrepresented. Our work shows a high stability of BHPs over geological time scales. Largely uniform distributions and only minor changes in structures like an increasing prevalence of saturated over unsaturated BHPs with time were observed. Consequently, sedimentary BHP distributions are less suitable as markers for in situ living bacteria but are useful for paleoreconstructions of bacterioplanktonic communities and productivity changes.  相似文献   

Iron and manganese in bottom sediments studied along the sublatitudinal transect from Kandalaksha to Arkhangelsk are characterized by various contents and forms depending on sedimentation environments, grain size of sediments, and diagenetic processes. The latter include redistribution of reactive forms leading to enrichment in Fe and Mn of the surface sediments, formation of films, incrustations, and ferromanganese nodules. Variations in the total Fe content (2–8%) are accompanied by changes in the concentration of its reactive forms (acid extraction) and the concentration of dissolved Fe in the interstitial water (1–14 μM). Variations in the Mn content in sediments (0.03–3.7%) and the interstitial water (up to 500 μM) correspond to a high diagenetic mobility of this element. Changes in the valence of chemical elements results in the redox stratification of sediment strata with maximum concentrations of Fe, Mn, and sulfides. Organic matter of sediments with a considerable terrestrial constituent is oxidized by bottom water oxygen mainly at the sediment surface or in anaerobic conditions within the sediment strata. The role of inorganic components in organic matter oxidation changes from surface sediments, where manganese oxyhydroxide dominates among oxidants, to deeper layers, where sulfate of interstitial water serves as the main oxidant. Differences in river runoff and hydrodynamics are responsible for geochemical asymmetry of the transect. The deep Kandalaksha Bay serves as a sediment trap for manganese (Mn content in sediments varies within 0.5–0.7%), whereas the sedimentary environment in the Dvina Bay promotes its removal from sediments (Mn 0.05%).  相似文献   

Hydrochemical data for meteoric waters of the uplifted carbonate platform of northern Guam show that, contrary to recent models of lowstand diagenesis, phreatic dissolution is active beneath a 60–180 m thick vadose zone. Overland flow during high intensity rainfall events is focussed into surface detention ponds, which drain very rapidly via the epikarst and vertical fissures to the freshwater lens. We estimate that these waters contribute 13% of dissolved calcium in samples from pumping wells but may also deliver aggressive and/or organic-rich waters to the lens. Fast-flow vadose waters mix with lens-top waters to form fresher cap that discharges rapidly coastwards via cavernous porosity. Slower vadose percolation, sampled as cave drips, equilibrates with bedrock within the upper 30 m of the vadose zone, accounting for some 46% of dissolved calcium in the lens waters. The remaining 41% calcium is generated by net dissolution within the lens.  相似文献   

Through the Deep Sea Drilling Project samples of interstitial solutions of deeply buried marine sediments throughout the World Ocean have been obtained and analyzed. The studies have shown that in all but the most slowly deposited sediments pore fluids exhibit changes in composition upon burial. These changes can be grouped into a few consistent patterns that facilitate identification of the diagenetic reactions occurring in the sediments.Pelagic clays and slowly deposited (<1 cm/103yr) biogenic sediments are the only types that exhibit little evidence of reaction in the pore waters.In most biogenic sediments sea water undergoes considerable alteration. In sediments deposited at rates up to a few cm/103 yr the changes chiefly involve gains of Ca2+ and Sr2+ and losses of Mg2+ which balance the Ca2+ enrichment. The Ca-Mg substitution may often reach 30 mM/kg while Sr2+ may be enriched 15-fold over sea water. These changes reflect recrystallization of biogenic calcite and the substitution of Mg2+ for Ca2+ during this reaction. The Ca-Mg-carbonate formed is most likely a dolomitic phase. A related but more complex pattern is found in carbonate sediments deposited at somewhat greater rates. Ca2+ and Sr2+ enrichment is again characteristic, but Mg2+ losses exceed Ca2+ gains with the excess being balanced by SO4post staggered2? losses. The data indicate that the reactions are similar to those noted above, except that the Ca2+ released is not kept in solution but is precipitated by the HCO3post staggered? produced in SO4post staggered2? reduction. In both these types of pore waters Na+ is usually conservative, but K+ depletions are frequent.In several partly consolidated sediment sections approaching igneous basement contact, very marked interstitial calcium enrichment has been found (to 5.5 g/kg). These phenomena are marked by pronounced depletion in Na+, Si and CO2, and slight enhancement in Cl?. The changes are attributed to exchange of Na+ for Ca2+ in silicate minerals forming from submarine weathering of igneous rocks such as basalts. Water is also consumed in these reactions, accounting for minor increases in total interstitial salinity.Terrigenous, organic-rich sediments deposited rapidly along continental margins also exhibit significant evidences of alteration. Microbial reactions involving organic matter lead to complete removal of SO4post staggered2?, strong HCO3post staggered? enrichment, formation of NH4post staggered+, and methane synthesis from H2 and CO2 once SO4post staggered2? is eliminated. K+ and often Na+ (slightly) are depleted in the interstitial waters. Ca2+ depletion may occur owing to precipitation of CaCO3. In most cases interstitial Cl? remains relatively constant, but increases are noted over evaporitic strata, and decreases in interstitial Cl? are observed in some sediments adjacent to continents.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - In 2016–2017, the yearly long measurements of the current velocities were carried out at 100 m depth below the thermocline and at 1700 m depth for the first time,...  相似文献   

Mantle plumes are the consequence of a focussed transfer of mass from mantle to core and are agents of outgassing from the mantle. The energy of propagation is derived from released energy of their formation, decreases in density, and partial fluidization. This energy is dissipated during distension and rupture of the overlying crust.
Zusammenfassung Mantelplumes haben ihren Ursprung in einer gezielten Massenverfrachtung vom Mantel zum Kern und führen zur Mantelentgasung. Die Fortpflanzungsenergie entsteht aus frei werdender Bildungsenergie, Dichteverminderung und teilweiser Verflüssigung. Die Energie verflüchtigt sich bei Ausdehnung und Rißbildung der überlagernden Kruste.

Résumé Plumes en le manteau sont derivées d'un transfert de masse dès le manteau au noyau. Elles sont agents de la dégassification du manteau. L'énergie de la propagation est derivée de l'énergie de la formation liberée, des décroissements de la densité, et de la fluidification partielle. Cette énergie est dissipée pendant la dilatation et la rupture de la croûte s'étendante là-dessus.

Plumes , . : , . .

The analysis of paleontological remains in many samples from the Lower Quaternary Chauda sediments drilled and cored on the Bulgarian shelf of the Black Sea revealed widespread mollusks of the genera Didacna and Dreissena (Didacna tschaudae guriana, D. tschaudae, D. pleistopleura, D. crassa guriensis, Dreissena rostriformis tschaudae, D. rostriformis abchasica) accompanied by reworked Neogene representatives of the genus Digressodacna. In numerous places of a continental slope and an adjacent deep-sea depressions near Crimea and Caucasus the similar mollusc assemblage is described in the redeposited state for the first time. The composition of palynological spectra and diatom assemblages in shelf sediments indicates climate changes during the Chaudan period. The Chaudan mollusk fauna from the Black Sea sediments, which is lacking Caspian Bakuan species characteristic of the Chauda stratotype, is compositionally close to the mollusk assemblage from basal layers of the Chauda Horizon in the Guriya area of Georgia (“Gurian” Chauda). These data imply repeated changes in the level of the Chaudan basin between present-day isobaths of −30...−50 to −140 m.  相似文献   

Past hydrological interactions between the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea are poorly resolved due to complications in establishing a high‐resolution time frame for the Black Sea. We present a new greigite‐based magnetostratigraphic age model for the Mio‐Pliocene deposits of DSDP Hole 380/380A, drilled in the southwestern Black Sea. This age model is complemented by 40Ar/39Ar dating of a volcanic ash layer, allowing a direct correlation of Black Sea deposits to the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) interval of the Mediterranean Sea. Proxy records divide these DSDP deposits into four intervals: (i) Pre‐MSC marine conditions (6.1–6.0 Ma); (ii) highstand, fresh to brackish water conditions (~6.0–5.6 Ma); (iii) lowstand, fresh‐water environment (5.6–5.4 Ma) and (iv) highstand, fresh‐water conditions (5.4–post 5.0 Ma). Our results indicate the Black Sea was a major fresh‐water source during gypsum precipitation in the Mediterranean Sea. The introduction of Lago Mare fauna during the final stage of the MSC coincides with a sea‐level rise in the Black Sea. Across the Mio‐Pliocene boundary, sea‐level and salinity in the Black Sea did not change significantly.  相似文献   

Sense of place is a widely researched concept that has been used to describe and analyze people–place relationships. However, there is no consensus regarding the forms of place attachment, the relative importance of the sources for such attachments, or the spatial extent of place formation. The purpose of the paper is to contribute case examples of sense of place for significant natural areas, thereby adding to the body of evidence that explicates the diverse sources and forms of place attachment. Using content analysis of qualitative stakeholder interviews, we identify these dimensions of place attachment for two nationally significant Australian natural areas. Our data support a tripartite structure for sense of place comprising affective, functional and cognitive forms of attachment. We also examine the extent to which these place attachments are localized on the study sites and/or spatially generalized across sites possessing the same sources of place formation. Our case studies provide evidence for both localized and generalized senses of place. Localized place attachments had affective and functional components, respectively founded on social and biophysical sources. Generalized senses of place comprised functional and cognitive components, with appreciation of historical values of these places key to the formation of the latter. Our results indicate the spatial diversity of place attachments for protected areas and their social, cultural and biophysical sources.  相似文献   

Absence of granite in the crust under the central part of the Black Sea depression is confirined by the two methods. The sediments are underlain by basalt; granite is detectable only on the depression's periphery. Boundaries of the granite-free zone are clearly defined in the north and east of the sea; so far, no deep seismic sounding has been conducted in the west (fig. 5) where the "wedging-Out" of granite, toward the center of the depression, outside the competence of unaided seismological analysis, has been indicated on geomorphological premises (fig. 1).--V.P.Sokoloff.  相似文献   

We present the updated Holocene section of the Sofular Cave record from the southern Black Sea coast (northern Turkey); an area with considerably different present-day climate compared to that of the neighboring Eastern Mediterranean region. Stalagmite δ13C, growth rates and initial (234U/238U) ratios provide information about hydrological changes above the cave; and prove to be more useful than δ18O for deciphering Holocene climatic variations. Between ~9.6 and 5.4 ka BP (despite a pause from ~8.4 to 7.8 ka BP), the Sofular record indicates a remarkable increase in rainfall amount and intensity, in line with other paleoclimate studies in the Eastern Mediterranean. During that period, enhanced summertime insolation either produced much stronger storms in the following fall and winter through high sea surface temperatures, or it invoked a regional summer monsoon circulation and rainfall. We suggest that one or both of these climatic mechanisms led to a coupling of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean rainfall regimes at that time, which can explain the observed proxy signals. However, there are discrepancies among the Eastern Mediterranean records in terms of the timing of this wet period; implying that changes were probably not always occurring through the same mechanism. Nevertheless, the Sofular Cave record does provide hints and bring about new questions about the connection between regional and large scale climates, highlighting the need for a more extensive network of high quality paleoclimate records to better understand Holocene climate.  相似文献   

Ferruginate shells and tubular worm burrows from the oxygenated zone of the Black Sea (Kalamit Bay and Danube River mouth) are studied using transmission and scanning electron microscopy combined with analyses of elemental composition. Iron and manganese hydroxide nodules considered here are enriched in phosphorus. They contain variable amounts of terrigenous and biogenic material derived from host sediments. The hydroxides are mainly characterized by colloform structure, whereas globular and crystalline structures are less common. The dominating iron phase is represented by ferroxyhite and protoferroxyhite, whereas the manganese phase is composed of Fe-free vernadite. Relative to sediments, concentrations of Mn, As, and Mo increase 12–18 times, while concentrations of Fe, P, Ni, and Co increase 5–7 times during the nodule formation.  相似文献   

The lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, a widespread black shale deposition, is of geological interest because of its polymetallic beds, Cambrian explosion, depositional ages, dramatic environmental changes and so on. Previous study focused mainly on inorganic geochemistry and few studies have investigated the organic fractions of upper Neoproterozoic-lower Cambrian strata in South China. Here we report a study of biomarkers plus organic carbon isotopes for black shales from Ganziping, Hunan Province (China). All the saturated hydrocarbon fractions have a unimodal distribution of n-alkanes, a high content of short-chain alkanes and maximize at C 19 or C 20 (C 23 for sample Gzh00-1). The C 27 /C 29 sterane ratio ranges from 0.77 to 1.20 and 4-methylsteranes are in low abundance. These parameters indicate that algae and bacteria are the important primary producers. Furthermore, biomarker maturity proxies show the samples to be higher maturity. The low Pr/Ph values (<0.7) suggest that the samples were deposited under anoxic conditions and, likely, under stratified water columns. In addition, 25-norhopanes and gammacerane are present as diagnostic indicators of normal marine salinity and dysoxic to anoxic conditions. During the Early Tommotian, known to coincide with a transgression event, small shelly fossils increased in abundance and diversity. Moreover, positive δ 13 C org excursions close to 1.4‰ occur at the base of the Tommotian stage. In summary, the Early Cambrian black shales were deposited under dramatic paleoenvironmental changes, including oceanic anoxia, higher primary productivity and sea-level rise.  相似文献   

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