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Flow Simulations To Evaluate Upscaling of Permeability 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We study upscaling of the permeability for porous media flow on a grid with one million blocks. The purpose is to illustrate how flow simulations can be used to evaluate upscaling methods. 相似文献
To physically investigate permeability upscaling, over 13,000 permeability values were measured with four different sample supports (i.e., sample volumes) on a block of Berea Sandstone. At each sample support, spatially exhaustive permeability datasets were measured, subject to consistent flow geometry and boundary conditions, with a specially adapted minipermeameter test system. Here, we present and analyze a subset of the data consisting of 2304 permeability values collected from a single block face oriented normal to stratification. Results reveal a number of distinct and consistent trends (i.e., upscaling) relating changes in key summary statistics to an increasing sample support. Examples include the sample mean and semivariogram range that increase with increasing sample support and the sample variance that decreases. To help interpret the measured mean upscaling, we compared it to theoretical models that are only available for somewhat different flow geometries. The comparison suggests that the nonuniform flow imposed by the minipermeameter coupled with permeability anisotropy at the scale of the local support (i.e., smallest sample support for which data is available) are the primary controls on the measured upscaling. This work demonstrates, experimentally, that it is not always appropriate to treat the local-support permeability as an intrinsic feature of the porous medium, that is, independent of its conditions of measurement. 相似文献
Mortar Upscaling for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In mortar space upscaling methods, a reservoir is decomposed into a series of subdomains (blocks) in which independently constructed numerical grids and possibly different physical models and discretization techniques can be employed in each block. Physically meaningful matching conditions are imposed on block interfaces in a numerically stable and accurate way using mortar finite element spaces. Coarse mortar grids and fine subdomain grids provide two-scale approximations. In the resulting effective solution flow is computed in subdomains on the fine scale while fluxes are matched on the coarse scale. In addition the flexibility to vary adaptively the number of interface degrees of freedom leads to more accurate multiscale approximations. This methodology has been implemented in the Center for Subsurface Modeling's multiphysics multiblock simulator IPARS (Integrated Parallel Accurate reservoir Simulator). Computational experiments demonstrate that this approach is scalable in parallel and it can be applied to non-matching grids across the interface, multinumerics and multiphysics models, and mortar adaptivity. Moreover unlike most upscaling approaches the underlying systems can be treated fully implicitly. 相似文献
JHomogenizer: a computational tool for upscaling permeability for flow in heterogeneous porous media
This paper presents an object-oriented programming approach for the design of numerical homogenization programs, called JHomogenizer. It currently includes five functional modules to compute effective permeability and simple codes for computing solutions for flow in porous media. Examples with graphical output are shown to illustrate some functionalities of the program. A series of numerical examples demonstrates the effectiveness of the methodology for two-phase flow in heterogeneous reservoirs. The software is freely available, and the open architecture of the program facilitates further development and can adapt to suit specific needs easily and quickly. 相似文献
This paper treats the upscaling of the absolute permeability in a heterogeneous reservoir. By replacing the fine scale permeability tensor with an upscaled, or effective permeability tensor, a modelling error is introduced. An a posteriori error estimate on this modelling error is formulated and tested. An implementation of the theory, based on domain decomposition coupled with a hierarchical representation of the absolute permeability field, is given. As hierarchical basis functions we have chosen the Haar system, which leads to a wavelet representation of the permeability. The wavelet representation offers a natural upscaling technique which resembles the highcut filters commonly used in signal analysis. This procedure represents an adaptive upscaling method. The numerical results show that this method conserves both the dissipation and the mean velocity in the problem fairly well. The a posteriori error estimate on the modelling error coupled with domain decomposition methods constitutes a powerful modelling tool. 相似文献
Large scale geomechanical simulations are being increasingly used to model the compaction of stress dependent reservoirs, predict the long term integrity of under‐ground radioactive waste disposals, and analyse the viability of hot‐dry rock geothermal sites. These large scale simulations require the definition of homogenous mechanical properties for each geomechanical cell whereas the rock properties are expected to vary at a smaller scale. Therefore, this paper proposes a new methodology that makes possible to define the equivalent mechanical properties of the geomechanical cells using the fine scale information given in the geological model. This methodology is implemented on a synthetic reservoir case and two upscaling procedures providing the effective elastic properties of the Hooke's law are tested. The first upscaling procedure is an analytical method for perfectly stratified rock mass, whereas the second procedure computes lower and upper bounds of the equivalent properties with no assumption on the small scale heterogeneity distribution. Both procedures are applied to one geomechanical cell extracted from the reservoir structure. The results show that the analytical and numerical upscaling procedures provide accurate estimations of the effective parameters. Furthermore, a large scale simulation using the homogenized properties of each geomechanical cell calculated with the analytical method demonstrates that the overall behaviour of the reservoir structure is well reproduced for two different loading cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Homogenization has proved its effectiveness as a method of upscaling for linear problems, as they occur in single-phase porous media flow for arbitrary heterogeneous rocks. Here we extend the classical homogenization approach to nonlinear problems by considering incompressible, immiscible two-phase porous media flow. The extensions have been based on the principle of preservation of form, stating that the mathematical form of the fine-scale equations should be preserved as much as possible on the coarse scale. This principle leads to the required extensions, while making the physics underlying homogenization transparent. The method is process-independent in a way that coarse-scale results obtained for a particular reservoir can be used in any simulation, irrespective of the scenario that is simulated. Homogenization is based on steady-state flow equations with periodic boundary conditions for the capillary pressure. The resulting equations are solved numerically by two complementary finite element methods. This makes it possible to assess a posteriori error bounds. 相似文献
The problem of calculating equivalent grid block permeability tensors for heterogeneous porous media is addressed. The homogenization method used involves solving Darcy's equation subject to linear boundary conditions with flux conservation in subregions of the reservoir and can be readily applied to unstructured grids. The resulting equivalent permeability tensor is stable as defined relative to G-convergence. It is proposed to use both conforming and mixed finite elements to solve the local problems and compute approximations from above and below of the equivalent permeability, respectively. Comparisons with results obtained using periodic, pressure and no-flux boundary conditions and the renormalization method are presented. A series of numerical examples demonstrates the effectiveness of the methodology for two-phase flow in heterogeneous reservoirs. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a numerical model for simulating two-phase (oil–water and air–water) incompressible and immiscible flow in porous media. The mathematical model which is based on a fractional flow formulation is formed of two nonlinear partial differential equations: a mean pressure equation and a water saturation equation. These two equations can be solved in a sequential manner. Two numerical methods are used to discretize the equations of the two-phase flow model: mixed hybrid finite elements are used to treat the pressure equation, h-based Richards' equation and the diffusion term in the saturation equation, the advection term in the saturation equation is treated with the discontinuous finite elements. We propose a better way to calculate the nonlinear coefficients contained in our equations on each element of the discretized domain. In heterogeneous porous media, the saturation becomes discontinuous at the interface between two porous media. We show in this paper how to use the capillary pressure–saturation relationship in order to handle the saturation jump in the mixed hybrid finite element method. The two-phase flow simulator is verified against analytical solutions for some flow problems treated by other authors. 相似文献
应用独立分量分析(ICA)方法研究气液两相流的辨识问题。根据基于高阶统计量的改进J-H ICA求解算法,利用给定仿真信号及不同流量油、气、水单相流体响应信号,模拟两相、三相混合信源进行分离实验,验证该方法的可靠性,并对生产井实测气液两相流体多路传感器响应信号进行分离。对比及分析分离结果表明,该方法成功地从混合信号中分离出表征气、液特征的源信号,达到了辨识目的。 相似文献
In structural geology, viscous creep is generally recognized as the major deformation mechanism in the folding of rock layers through geological time scales of hundreds of thousands of years. Moreover, since deformation of rock salt by creep takes already place on relatively small time scales—weeks to months, say—creep is a relevant phenomenon when studying salt mining, notably the convergence of mine cavities and the land subsidence caused by it. While creep is the dominant process on relatively long time scales, elasticity plays a dominant role in processes that take place on relatively short time scales. The elastic response to a stress is a displacement; the shape of the rock is deformed instantaneously with respect to its initial shape. However, the viscous response of a rock to a stress is a relatively low velocity in the order of millimeters per months or years, say. In this paper we consider the two deformation phenomena creep and elasticity. In general, elasticity is a compressible phenomenon, while creep is incompressible. Here we approximate creep by the introduction of a negligibly small amount of compressibility, which makes creep velocity calculations similar to conventional elastic displacement calculations. Using this procedure, a standard finite element package for elasticity can be applied to viscous problems, also in combination with elasticity. The method has been demonstrated to upscaling of creep viscosities. 相似文献
青藏铁路多年冻土区热棒的施工技术 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
青藏铁路要穿越550 km长的多年冻土区,其中年平均地温>-1.0℃的高温多年冻土路段275 km,高含冰量冻土类型路段长221 km.为确保路基工程的整体稳定,部分地段采用了热棒处理措施.热棒路基利用自然能源,在温差作用下驱动内部制冷工质的汽液两相对流循环,通过蒸发段蒸发吸热作用降低周围冻土温度,增加冻土本身的冷储量,提高热稳定性,保护多年冻土.热棒技术是一种有着广阔应用前景的新技术,尤其是在全球气温升高大环境下,其作用更为明显.针对热棒的工作原理和施工技术进行了系统的总结分析,实践证明,热棒能够很好的防止多年冻土的融沉、冻胀病害,已在青藏铁路、公路多年冻土区路基试验段取得重要的阶段成果,以后将会在多年冻土区施工中逐步推广应用. 相似文献
中温UBF与UASB两相厌氧系统处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对石碑岭垃圾场渗滤液水质特性,采用以高效生物陶粒为填料的UBF反应器作酸化相,以UASB反应器作甲烷相的两相厌氧系统进行了处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究.实验结果表明:在系统进水CODCr和BOD5质量浓度分别为3 887 mg/L和819 mg/L,UBF与UASB的HRT分别控制在10.3 h和61.7 h时,CODCr和BOD5总去除率分别为85.4%和90.1%,UBF酸化率达42.9%,BOD5/CODCr比值由0.21提高到0.39. 相似文献
LIU Xinfu 《《地质学报》英文版》2013,87(5):1412-1420
A method is proposed to predict the flowing bottomhole pressures(FBHPs)for two-phase coalbed methane(CBM)wells.The mathematical models for both gas column pressure and two-phase fluid column pressure were developed based on the well liquid flow equation.FBHPs during the production were predicted by considering the effect of entrained liquid on gravitational gradients.Comparison of calculated BHPs by Cullender-Smith and proposed method was also studied.The results show that the proposed algorithm gives the desired accuracy of calculating BHPs in the lowproductivity and low-pressure CBM wells.FBHP is resulted from the combined action of wellhead pressure,gas column pressure and fluid column pressure.Variation of kinetic energy term,compressibility and friction factors with depth increments and liquid holdup with velocity should be considered to simulate the real BHPs adequately.BHP is a function of depth of each column segment.The small errors of less than 1.5%between the calculated and measured values are obtained with each segment within 25 m.Adjusting BHPs can effectively increase production pressure drop,which is beneficial to CBM desorption and enhances reservoir productivity.The increment of pressure drop from 5.37 MPa2 to 8.66 MPa2 leads to an increase of CBM production from 3270 m3/d to 6700 m3/d and is attributed to a decrease in BHP from 2.25 MPa to 1.33 MPa. 相似文献
基于块克里金的土壤水分点观测向像元尺度的尺度上推研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
土壤水分是陆面水文过程的一个重要分量,土壤水分的地面点观测与卫星观测的尺度是不匹配的,用点观测数据进行遥感反演结果的验证或者融合这两种观测都需要开展点观测数据向卫星像元尺度的尺度上推研究.土壤水分时空异质性的分析和描述是进行尺度上推的基础,地统计方法是描述连续随机变量空间结构的经典方法.应用块克里金法分别将黑河寒区遥感试验阿柔试验区2008年4月1日与L波段微波辐射计同步的地面液态含水量和含冰量点观测数据经过尺度转换,得到与遥感像元相匹配的像元平均估计值和标准差,可用于该天L波段微波辐射计土壤液态含水量和含冰量反演结果的真实性检验,估计结果充分利用了像元临近位置的观测,得到了比直接的采样平均更合理的块估计结果,对块克里金估计值与采样平均值进行比较,发现两种结果趋势是一致的,块克里金法提供了更为合理的块估计结果,土壤水分空间结构的时间变异、小尺度的土壤特性的变化和测量误差都会对估计结果带来一定的不确定性. 相似文献