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The multi-stage intrusions of intermediate-acid magma occur in the Bangpu mining district, the petrogenic ages of which have been identified. The times and sequences of their emplacement have been collated and stipulated in detail in this paper by using the laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U-Pb dating method. The ages of biotite monzogranite that were formed before mineralization in the southwest of this mining district are 70±1?Ma (mean square of weighted deviates (MSWD) =9.5, n=8) and 60.60±0.31?Ma (MSWD=3.8, n=16), which belong to the late Cretaceous–early Paleocene in age. That means, they are products of an early tectonic-magmatic event of the collision between the Indian and Asian continentals. The ages of ore-bearing monzogranite porphyry and ore-bearing diorite porphyrite are 16.23±0.19?Ma (MSWD=2.0, n=26) and 15.16±0.09?Ma (MSWD=3.9, n=5) separately, which belong to the middle Miocene in age; namely, they are products of the Gangdese post-collision extensional stage when crust-mantle materials melted and mixed as well as magmatic intrusion simultaneously occurred. Some zircons with ages of 203.6±2.2?Ma (MSWD=1.18, n=7) were captured in the ore-bearing diorite porphyrite, which shows that there had been tectono-magmatic events in the late Triassic–early Jurassic. Molybdenum (copper) ore-bodies produced in the monzogranite porphyry and copper (molybdenum) ore-bodies produced in the diorite porphyrite are the main ore types in this ore deposit. The model ages of Re-Os isotopic dating for the 11 molybdenite are 13.97–15.84?Ma, while isochron ages are 14.09±0.49?Ma (MSWD=26). The isochron ages of seven molybdenite from molybdenum (copper) ore with monzogranite porphyry type are 14.11±0.31?Ma (MSWD=5.2). There is great error in the isochron ages of four molybdenite from copper (molybdenum) ore with diorite porphyrite type, and their weighted average model ages of 14.6±1.2?Ma (MSWD=41), which generally represent the mineralization age. The results about the Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite in the ore of different types have limited exactly that, the minerlazation age of this ore deposits is about 14.09?Ma, which belongs to the middle Miocene mineralization. The Bangpu deposit has a uniform metallogenic dynamics background with the porphyry type and skarn-type deposits such as Jiama, Qulong and others.  相似文献   

This paper focused on the zircon sensitive high resolution ion micro-probeU-Pb geochronology of the tourmalinites from boron-bearing series of borate deposits in Eastern Liaoning. The zircons commonly have core-rim structures, most cores show oscillatory zoning in cathodoluminescence and plane polarized light images, suggesting a magmatic detrital origin. Ages of the magmatic detrital zircons from the hyalotourmalite samples (N13) and (N14) are 2175?±?5??Ma and 2171?±?9??Ma, respectively. Moreover, metamorphic zircon from the sample (N13) shows an age of 1906?±?4??Ma. Zircon core and rim from the hyalotourmalite sample (N02) record ages of 2171?±?6??Ma and 1889?±?62??Ma, which are explained as indicating the formation and metamorphic ages. Combined with the geological and geochemical studies, it can be concluded that the tourmalinites are formed during sedimentary exhalative mineralizations in the mid-Paleoproterozoic (~2170?Ma) and underwent the metamorphism in the late-Paleoproterozoic (~1900?Ma). The tourmalinites are the products of submarine acid volcanism in the extension rifting phase of the Liaoji Paleoproterozoic Rift, the rock-forming materials of which are derived from the mantle sources with recycling crustal contamination. The emergence of tourmalinites not only indicates the mid-Paleoproterozoic tectonic-magmatic processes, but also provides impetus, heat and material sources for the mineralization of borate deposits in Eastern Liaoning.  相似文献   

山东五莲中生代岩浆岩的锆石U-Pb年龄   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
苏鲁造山带产出一系列中生代岩浆岩 ,但是对它们的确切侵位年龄至今尚无正式报道。对其西北部五莲断裂附近四个花岗质侵入岩体进行了锆石U Pb年龄测定 ,结果得到大店复式岩体中角闪二长岩的谐和年龄为 12 3± 4Ma ,七宝山复式火山 -侵入杂岩体中辉石二长岩的谐和年龄为 12 6± 3Ma。五莲山岩体中晶洞花岗岩的谐和年龄为 116± 4Ma,马耳山岩体中不等粒二长花岗岩的谐和年龄为 115± 1Ma。这些锆石U Pb年龄结果说明 ,苏鲁造山带同样存在侵位时间分别为 115Ma和 12 5Ma左右的早白垩纪侵入体 ,与大别造山带内大面积出露的燕山期岩浆岩年龄基本一致 ,代表了扬子板块与华北板块在三叠纪碰撞折返后的岩浆活动 ,其物质来源可能与俯冲陆壳的部分熔融有关  相似文献   

南沙微地块花岗质岩石LA ICP MS锆石U Pb定年及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南沙微地块一直被作为华南大陆的一部分,但缺乏基底岩石学证据的支持。本文首次报道了南沙微地块花岗质岩石岩浆锆石年龄。测年方法为激光剥蚀等离子体质谱(LAICPMS)测年技术。在站位S0818获得2个斜长花岗岩样品年龄: 分别为159.1±1.6 Ma和157.8±1.0 Ma,在站位S0832获得两个二长花岗岩样品年龄: 分别为153.6±0.3 Ma和127.2±0.2 Ma, 表明它们为燕山期晚侏罗世—早白垩世岩浆事件的产物。其中153~159 Ma年龄值可与南岭燕山期花岗岩年龄比较,而127 Ma年龄值可与浙闽沿海燕山期花岗岩年龄对比。一个样品中存在一个年龄为656.7 Ma的残余锆石核,结合中西沙发现的前寒武纪基底岩石资料,表明南海内散落的微地块可能广泛存在前寒武纪结晶基底,本区中生代花岗岩为古老陆壳重熔形成的。这一新的资料,对研究燕山期岩浆作用在中国南部的影响范围、南海微陆块前寒武纪地质及微陆块的裂离动力学都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

As a window of insight into the lower crust, high pressure granulite has received much attention since last decade. Yushugou high pressure granulite-peridotite Complex was located in the northeast margin of Southern Tianshan, NW China. Previous ideas agreed that the peridotite unit in Yushugou, combined with the ultramafic rocks in Tonghuashan and Liuhuangshan, represent an ophiolite belt. However, the metamorphic evolution and tectonic mechanism of the Yushugou high pressure(HP) granulite remain controversial. Petrological investigations and phase equilibrium modelling for two representative felsic granulite samples suggest two stages metamorphism of the rocks in Yushugou Complex. Granulite facies metamorphism(Stage Ⅰ) with P-T conditions of 9.8–10.4 kbar at 895–920°C was recorded by the porphyroblastic garnet core; HP granulite facies metamorphism(Stage Ⅱ) shows P-T conditions of 13.2–13.5 kbar at 845–860°C, based on the increasing grossular and decreasing pyrope contents of garnet rims. The Yushugou HP felsic granulites have recorded an anticlockwise P-T path, characterized by the temperature decreasing and pressure increasing simultaneously. The LA-ⅠCP-MS isotopic investigations on zircons from the felsic granulite show that the protolith ages of the granlulites are ~430 Ma, with two age groups of ~390 Ma and 340–350 Ma from the metamorphic rims of zircon, indicating the Stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ metamorphic events, respectively. A tectonic model was proposed to interpret the processes. The investigated felsic granulite was derived from deep rooted hanging wall, with Stage Ⅰ granulite facies metamorphism of ~390 Ma, which may be related to the Devonian arc magmatic intrusion; Stage Ⅱ HP granulite facies metamorphism(340–350 Ma) may due to the involvement of being captured into the subducting slab and experienced the high pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

喀腊大湾位于北阿尔金中东段,为北东向阿尔金断裂与东西向阿尔金北缘断裂所夹持,区内遍布中酸性侵入岩。笔者选取喀腊大湾地区4337高地北花岗闪长岩岩体为研究对象来反演喀腊大湾地区构造演化。岩石地球化学数据表明,岩体为高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩,可能是下地壳中钾和高钾变质玄武岩在高压条件下部分熔融形成的。4337高地北花岗闪长岩岩体锆石 SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为(494.4 ± 5.5)Ma,表明其为晚寒武世岩浆活动的产物。结合岩体的地球化学、微量元素构造环境判别图解、年代学和区域地质背景的特征,判定其形成于与俯冲有关的活动陆缘(大陆弧)构造环境。同时,结合前人对喀腊大湾地区岩浆岩的研究,认为该区在早古生代发育一条活动陆缘(大陆弧)岩浆岩带,指示北阿尔金局限洋盆在晚寒武世早中奥陶世向南俯冲在中阿尔金地块之下。通过对比北阿尔金东西段报道的中酸性侵入岩年龄数据,认为北阿尔金局限洋盆西段经历了更长时间的俯冲,整体呈东早西晚的剪刀状闭合。  相似文献   

The Shihu gold deposit, situated in the Taihang Mesozoic orogen of the North China Craton (NCC), is hosted by ductile-brittle faults within Archean metamorphic core complex. The deposit is characterized by gold-bearing quartz-polymetallic sulfides veins. The Mapeng granitoids stock and intermediate-basic dikes intruded the metamorphic basement rocks, and are spatially related to gold mineralization. Detailed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon ages of the granitic rocks, dykes and mineralized quartz veins in the studied area reveal its magmatic and mineralized history. The mineralized quartz veins contain inherited zircons with ages of about 2.55 Ga and 1.84 Ga, probably coming from the basement. These two Precambrian events are coeval with those in other parts of the NCC. The Mapeng granitoid stock, the largest intrusion in the area, was emplaced at ca. 130 Ma, and is coeval with magmatic zircon populations from diorites and quartz diorite pophyrites in the same region. The ca. 130 Ma magmatism and gold mineralization were most likely related to an underplating event that took place in the Taihang orogen at Late Mesozoic. The timing of gold mineralization with respect to felsic magmatism in the area is similar to those observed in other major gold-producing provinces in the NCC. This episode is simultaneous with those in the eastern margin of NCC, indicative of a widespread late Yanshanian metallogenic event that was a response to the Early Cretaceous lithosphere in the eastern NCC, in which the mesothermal gold deposits were formed from similar tectono-magmatic environments.  相似文献   

The Beizhan large iron deposit located in the east part of the Awulale metallogenic belt in the western Tianshan Mountains is hosted in the Unit 2 of the Dahalajunshan Formation as lens, veinlets and stratoid, and both of the hanging wall and footwall are quartz-monzonite; the dip is to the north with thick and high-grade ore bodies downwards. Ore minerals are mainly magnetite with minor sulfides, such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Skarnization is widespread around the ore bodies, and garnet, diopside, wollastonite, actinolite, epidote, uralite, tourmaline sericite and calcite are ubiquitous as gangues. Radiating outwards from the center of the ore body the deposit can be classified into skarn, calcite, serpentinite and marble zones. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the rhyolite and dacite from the Dahalajunshan Formation indicates that they were formed at 301.3±0.8 Ma and 303.7±0.9 Ma, respectively, which might have been related to the continental arc magmatism during the late stage of subduction in the western Tianshan Mountains. Iron formation is genetically related with volcanic eruption during this interval. The Dahalajunshan Formation and the quartz-monzonite intrusion jointly control the distribution of ore bodies. Both ore textures and wall rock alteration indicate that the Beizhan iron deposit is probably skarn type.  相似文献   

The Yangla copper deposit (Cu reserves: 1.2 Mt) in the Jinshajiang–Lancangjiang–Nujiang region in China is spatially associated with the Linong granitoid. Zircon U–Pb dating shows the granitoid formed at 234.1 ± 1.2 to 235.6 ± 1.2 Ma, and the KT2 ore body of the deposit yields a molybdenite Re–Os model age of 230.9 ± 3.2 Ma. The ages of mineralization and crystallization of the granitoid are identical within the measurement uncertainties, suggesting the Yangla deposit is genitically related to the Indosinian Linong granitoid.  相似文献   

Abstract Widely distributed in Gyangzê‐Chigu area, southern Tibet, NW‐ and nearly E‐W‐trending diabase(gabbro)‐gabbro diorite dykes are regarded as the product of the large‐scale spreading of the late Neo‐Tethys Ocean. In order to constrain the emplacement age of these dykes, zircons of two samples from diabases in Nagarzê were dated by using the U‐Pb SHRIMP method. Two nearly the same weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages were obtained in this paper, which are 134.9±1.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.65) and 135.5 ± 2.1 Ma (MSWD=1.40), respectively. They not only represent the crystallization age of the diabase, but also documented an important spreading event of the Neo‐Tethys Ocean during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. This dating result is of great significance to reconstruct the temporal framework of the late Neo‐Tethys Ocean in the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The Penglaitan section, as the Global Stratotype Section for the Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary (GLB), displays continuous deposition with a complete succession of pelagic conodont zones across the GLB. However, there is no reliable radiometric age from the Penglaitan section itself to constrain the GLB. Here, we report SIMS zircon U‐Pb ages from two bentonite layers (Bed 7c) in the Penglaitan Global Stratotype Section near the GLB. The sample PL‐62‐1 yields a weighted mean 238U/206Pb age of 257.1 ± 2.2 Ma, and the sample PL‐62‐2 yields a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 257.0 ± 4.2 Ma. Therefore, we consider 257.0–257.1 Ma as the age of deposition of Bed 7c (the end of the C. postbitteri postbitteri conodont Zone, ca. 86 cm above the GLB), and, considering the depositional rate of chert, we suggest 258.6 Ma as the age of the GLB. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吴才来  雷敏  吴迪  张昕  陈红杰  李天啸 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2276-2315
南阿尔金花岗岩锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,西部的且末县南依干村花岗岩体年龄分别为352’4Ma、349’2Ma、343’3Ma,东部的白干湖村北花岗岩体的年龄分别为447’4Ma、444’5Ma、448’2Ma,茫崖镇西花岗岩为444’6Ma、435’4Ma,阿克提山花岗岩为265’2M,柴水沟花岗岩为406’5Ma,常春沟石英闪长岩为469’3Ma,茫崖镇北花岗岩为462’8Ma。根据花岗岩的定年结果,结合岩石地球化学研究,本文将南阿尔金花岗岩类划分出为五期:第1期岩石组合为石英闪长岩+花岗闪长岩+二长花岗岩,具有Ⅰ型花岗岩的属性,时代460Ma;第2期岩石组合为石英二长岩+正长花岗岩+碱长花岗岩,具有S型号花岗岩的特征,时代为435~450Ma;第3期岩石组合为花岗闪长岩+二长花岗岩+正长花岗岩,具有A型花岗岩的属性,时代为404~411Ma;第4期花岗岩组合为花岗闪长岩+二长花岗岩,时代为343~352Ma,具有S型花岗岩的地球化学属性;第5期花岗岩组合为石英闪长岩+花岗闪长岩+花岗岩,具有Ⅰ型花岗岩的地球化学特征,时代为265Ma。根据年代学和岩石地球化学研究结果,结合区域地质特征,我们认为第1期(465~469Ma)花岗岩浆活动可能与洋壳的俯冲作用有关;第2期(435~450Ma)岩浆活动可能属碰撞后岩浆活动;第3期(404~411Ma)岩浆活动可能与板块碰撞后造山带块体均衡调整有关,第4期(343~352Ma)岩浆活动可能与特提斯构造活动有关,第5期(265Ma)岩浆活动可能与阿尔金断裂的活动有关。  相似文献   

The eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin lies in the key tectonic location connecting the Qinling, Qilian and East Kunlun orogens. The paper presents an investigation and analysis of the geologic structures of the area and LA-ICP MS zircon U-Pb dating of Paleozoic and Mesozoic magmatisms of granitoids in the basement of the eastern Qaidam Basin on the basis of 16 granitoid samples collected from the South Qilian Mountains, the Qaidam Basin basement and the East Kunlun Mountains. According to the results in this paper, the basement of the basin, from the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin to the East Kunlun Mountains, has experienced at least three periods of intrusive activities of granitoids since the Early Paleozoic, i.e. the magmatisms occurring in the Late Cambrian (493.1±4.9 Ma), the Silurian (422.9±8.0 Ma-420.4±4.6 Ma) and the Late Permian-Middle Triassic (257.8±4.0 Ma-228.8±1.5 Ma), respectively. Among them, the Late Permian - Middle Triassic granitoids form the main components of the basement of the basin. The statistics of dated zircons in this paper shows the intrusive magmatic activities in the basement of the basin have three peak ages of 244 Ma (main), 418 Ma, and 493 Ma respectively. The dating results reveal that the Early Paleozoic magmatism of granitoids mainly occurred on the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin and the southern margin of the Qilian Mountains, with only weak indications in the East Kunlun Mountains. However, the distribution of Permo-Triassic (P-T) granitoids occupied across the whole basement of the eastern Qaidam Basin from the southern margin of the Qilian Mountains to the East Kunlun Mountains. An integrated analysis of the age distribution of P-T granitoids in the Qaidam Basin and its surrounding mountains shows that the earliest P-T magmatism (293.6-270 Ma) occurred in the northwestern part of the basin and expanded eastwards and southwards, resulting in the P-T intrusive magmatism that ran through the whole basin basement. As the Cenozoic basement thrust system developed in the eastern Qaidam Basin, the nearly N-S-trending shortening and deformation in the basement of the basin tended to intensify from west to east, which went contrary to the distribution trend of N-S-trending shortening and deformation in the Cenozoic cover of the basin, reflecting that there was a transformation of shortening and thickening of Cenozoic crust between the eastern and western parts of the Qaidam Basin, i.e., the crustal shortening of eastern Qaidam was dominated by the basement deformation (triggered at the middle and lower crust), whereas that of western Qaidam was mainly by folding and thrusting of the sedimentary cover (the upper crust).  相似文献   

A measurement procedure for the rapid acquisition of U‐Pb dates for detrital zircons by quadrupole LA‐ICP‐MS was developed. The procedure achieves a threefold increase in measurement efficiency compared with the most commonly used methods. Utilising reduced background counting times and a shortened ablation period, a throughput of ~ 130 measurements/h can be achieved. The measurement procedure was characterised and validated using data from thirty‐nine sessions acquired over a twelve‐month period. Systematic measurement error in 206Pb/238U dates for reference materials used for quality control with ages between 28.2 and 2672 Ma was < 1.5%. Average measurement uncertainty, including both random and systematic components, was 1–4% (2s). Interrogation of time‐resolved calculated dates and signal intensities for each measurement allows for the detection and elimination of portions of measurements exhibiting age heterogeneities, zoning, lead loss and contamination by common lead. The measurement procedure diminishes the need to acquire cathodoluminescence imagery for routine detrital zircon applications further increasing throughput and reducing cost. The utility of the measurement procedure is demonstrated by the measurement of samples previously characterised by LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS.  相似文献   

Zircon megacrysts from the Mud Tank carbonatite, Australia, are being used in many laboratories as a reference material for LA‐ICP‐MS U‐Pb dating and trace element measurement, and LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS determination of Hf isotopes. We summarise a database of > 10000 analyses of Mud Tank zircon (MTZ), collected from 2000 to 2018 during its use as a secondary reference material for simultaneous U‐Pb and trace element analysis, and for Hf‐isotope analysis. Trace element mass fractions are highest in dark red‐brown stones and lowest in colourless and gem‐quality ones. Individual unzoned grains can be chemically homogeneous, while significant variations in trace element mass fraction are associated with oscillatory zoning. Chondrite‐normalised trace element patterns are essentially parallel over large mass fraction ranges. A Concordia age of 731.0 ± 0.2 Ma (2s,= 2272) is taken as the age of crystallisation. Some grains show lower concordant to mildly discordant ages, probably reflecting minor Pb loss associated with cooling and the Alice Springs Orogeny (450–300 Ma). Our weighted mean 176Hf/177Hf is 0.282523 ± 10 (2s, n = 9350); the uncertainties on this ratio reflect some heterogeneity, mainly between grains. A few analyses suggest that colourless grains have generally lower 176Hf/177Hf. MTZ is a useful secondary reference material for U‐Pb and Hf‐isotope analysis, but individual grains need to be carefully selected using CL imaging and tested for homogeneity, and ideally should be standardised by solution analysis.  相似文献   

A suite of the fossil-rich marine-land interbedded strata(Nanshuangyashan Formation) is distributed at the eastern margin of the Jiamusi massif in the eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China. The authors had recently discovered a suite of arkose beneath the marine-land interbedded strata, which overlays unconformably on the Permain granite in the eastern margin of the Jiamusi massif. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating indicate that all detrital zircons from the analysed four arkose samples show the four population ages of 800 Ma, 538–481 Ma, 269–250 Ma and 223–215 Ma. The former three population ages are widely recorded in the Jiamusi-Khanka massif and the Songnen massif. The later group is the minimal age population in the analyzed samples, limiting the sedimentation time of the arkoses occurred after the Late Triassic. At present, the minimal age population is not recorded in the Jiamusi massif, but the granites with the ages of 228–210 Ma are widely distributed in the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range massif and the Khanka massif. The predominantly Permian zircons are characterized by oscillatory zoning and euhedral shapes, with variable zircon ε_(Hf)(t) values(-5.5 to +11.2), indicating that they were derived from mixture sources, possibly mixed with components of the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range massif and the Jiamusi-Khanka massif. These results, combined with regional analyses, indicate that the closing of Mudanjiang ocean and Panthalassa ocean possibly existed from Early Permian to Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The Zhou’an PGE-Cu-Ni deposit was recently discovered in the Qinling orogenic belt bound by the Yangtze and the North China Cratons. It is a blind deposit thoroughly covered by the Cenozoic alluvial sediments in the Nanyang Basin. As the first large PGE-Cu-Ni deposit discovered in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt, its geological and geochemical characteristic, isotope age, genesis and tectonic setting are of wide concern in both scientific studies and ore exploration. In this contribution, we report the results obtained from a pioneering study. The Zhou’an ultramafic complex is ferruginous, with m/f?=?4.79–5.08, and shows the nature of tholeiite series. It is rich in light rare earth elements, Rb, Th, U, La, Sm, Zr and Hf, and poor in heavy rare earth elements, Nd and Ta, suggesting an intraplate setting. It has high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd ratios. The ratios of Zr/Nb, La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Rb/Nb, Th/Nb, Th/La and Ba/La, suggest the magma originated from lithosphere mantle. The Fo values of olivine and Pd/Ir-Ni/Cu diagram suggest primary magma was High Mg basalt. The laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy zircon U-Pb age is 641.5?±?3.7 Ma.  相似文献   

A combined geochronological and geochemical investigation for the same domain of zircon provides valuable information on timing and genesis, particularly in the case of multi‐growth metamorphic zircon. A high spatial resolution concurrent analytical method for zircon U‐Pb age and rare earth element content was successfully achieved in this study, using a multi‐collector secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) at a ~ 8 μm diameter scale. Special instrument parameters were employed, including a high mass resolution of approximately 15000 applied to replace the previous energy filter method, and a dynamic multi‐collector mode used to reduce the measurement time to 18 min per analysis. Six zircon reference materials yielded precise and accurate 206Pb/238U ages, which are comparable to those obtained by the ordinary mono‐collector method, but with 2–3 times higher spatial resolution. All zircon grains measured in this study showed enriched heavy‐REE (HREE) contents consistent with previously reported values determined by LA and solution ICP‐MS methods. The light‐REE (LREE) mass fractions measured using both SIMS and LA‐ICP‐MS methods in this study, although with quite different volume, show consistent results within uncertainties.  相似文献   

The Yunmengshan Geopark in northern Beijing is located within the Yanshan range. It contains the Yunmengshan batholith, which is dominated by two plutons: the Yunmengshan gneissic granite and the Shicheng gneissic diorite. Four samples of the Yunmengshan gneissic granite give SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from 145 to 141 Ma, whereas four samples of the Shicheng gneissic diorite have ages from 159 Ma to 151 Ma. Dikes that cut the Yunmengshan diorite record SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 162±2 and 156±4 Ma. The cumulative plots of zircons from the diorites show a peak age of 155 Ma, without inherited zircon cores, and the peak age of 142 Ma for granite is interpreted as the emplacement age of the Yunmengshan granitic pluton, whose igneous zircons contain inherited zircon cores. The data presented here show that there were two pulses of magmatism: early diorites, followed c13 Ma later by true granites, which incorporated material from an older continental crust.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Paodaoling porphyry Au deposit from the Guichi region, Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt(LYRB), contains 35 tons of Au at an average grade of ~1.7 g/t. It is a porphyry ‘Au-only' deposit, as revealed by current exploration in the depths, mostly above-400 m, which is quite uncommon among coeval porphyry mineralization along the LYRB. Additionally, there are also Cu-Au bearing porphyries and barren alkaline granitoids in the Paodaoling district. Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of the Cu-Au-bearing porphyries yield an age of 141–140 Ma, falling within the main magmatic stage of the LYRB, whereas the barren granites give an age of 125–120 Ma, coeval with the regional Atype granites. The Cu-Au-bearing porphyries are LILE-, LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted, typical of arc magmatic affinities. The barren granites are HFSE-enriched, with lower LREE/HREE ratios and pronounced negative Eu anomalies. The Cu-Au-bearing porphyries in the Paodaoling district have high oxygen fugacities and high water content. Pyrite sulfur isotopes of the Paodaoling gold deposit indicate a magmatic-sedimentary mixed source for the ore-forming fluids. Based on the alteration and poly-metal zonation of the deepest exploration drill hole from the Paodaoling Au deposit, we propose that Cu ore bodies could lie at depth beneath the current Au ore bodies. The magmatism and associated Cu-Au mineralization of the Paodaoling district are likely to have formed in a subduction setting, during slab rollback of the paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

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