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Scleractinian corals create three-dimensional reefs that provide sheltered refuges, facilitate sediment accumulation, and enhance colonization of encrusting fauna. While heterogeneous coral habitats can harbor high levels of biodiversity, their effect on the community composition within nearby sediments remains unclear, particularly in the deep sea. Sediment macrofauna from deep-sea coral habitats (Lophelia pertusa) and non-coral, background sediments were examined at three sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (VK826, VK906, MC751, 350–500 m depth) to determine whether macrofaunal abundance, diversity, and community composition near corals differed from background soft-sediments. Macrofaunal densities ranged from 26 to 125 individuals 32 cm−2 and were significantly greater near coral versus background sediments only at VK826. Of the 86 benthic invertebrate taxa identified, 16 were exclusive to near-coral habitats, while 14 were found only in background sediments. Diversity (Fisher’s α) and evenness were significantly higher within near-coral sediments only at MC751 while taxon richness was similar among all habitats. Community composition was significantly different both between near-coral and background sediments and among the three primary sites. Polychaetes numerically dominated all samples, accounting for up to 70% of the total individuals near coral, whereas peracarid crustaceans were proportionally more abundant in background sediments (18%) than in those near coral (10%). The reef effect differed among sites, with community patterns potentially influenced by the size of reef habitat. Taxon turnover occurred with distance from the reef, suggesting that reef extent may represent an important factor in structuring sediment communities near L. pertusa. Polychaete communities in both habitats differed from other Gulf of Mexico (GOM) soft sediments based on data from previous studies, and we hypothesize that local environmental conditions found near L. pertusa may influence the macrofaunal community structure beyond the edges of the reef. This study represents the first assessment of L. pertusa-associated sediment communities in the GOM and provides baseline data that can help define the role of transition zones, from deep reefs to soft sediments, in shaping macrofaunal community structure and maintaining biodiversity; this information can help guide future conservation and management activities.  相似文献   

可能最大风暴潮风险评估中各等级热带气旋设定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可能最大热带气旋的设定是可能最大风暴潮计算的基础,对风暴潮灾害应急疏散具有重要意义。利用1949~2011年中国气象局(CMA)西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国联合台风预警中心(JTWC)以及美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)最大风速半径数据集,基于各等级热带气旋参数之间的定量关系,建立了各等级可能最大热带气旋最大风速、中心气压、最大风速半径、移动速度、移动方向等参数设定及路径合成的方法。以福建省连江县为例,按照台风、强台风及超强台风强度等级,分强度衰减和不衰减2种情况,设定3种移动方向,合成了共216场热带气旋作为可能最大风暴潮的计算输入。另外,对参数敏感性、风场参数设定、参数设定与计算量的关系、叠加天文潮以及溃堤等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The present review addresses the reproductive strategies of marine calanoid copepods, as affected by their physiological preconditioning, and aims to enhance understanding of their adaptations to specific environmental conditions.Knowledge about oocyte development and internal gonad structure, especially in relation to feeding conditions, is essential for a complete understanding of the reproductive strategies of the copepods. Therefore, the foci of the review are to identify general patterns in oocyte and gonad development in calanoid copepod species from marine ecosystems worldwide and to elucidate the significance of gonad structures for reproductive strategies.Oogenesis is similar in all copepod species. During maturation, the morphology of the oocytes changes distinctly and, according to oocyte size and appearance of ooplasm and nucleus, five oocyte developmental stages are distinguished. In contrast, the gonad structure and its changes during the spawning cycle differ considerably among species, and these differences are related to specific reproductive traits.Four gonad morphology types can be distinguished: the Calanus-type, found in species from all over the world with distinctly different life history traits, is apparently most common in calanoid copepods. In this gonad type, most oocyte developmental stages are present simultaneously, and usually many oocytes mature synchronously, all of which are released in one clutch. The gonad structure allows frequent spawning and large clutches, hence, high egg production rates. This may be a preconditioning for exploiting seasonally high food supply. However, the Calanus-type was also found in species producing eggs at lower rates. In the diverticula of Pseudocalanus-type gonads, only two oocyte developmental stages are present and usually fewer oocytes mature synchronously. Accordingly, the egg production rate is generally lower as compared to the Calanus-type, and apparently only this gonad-type is structurally suitable for ovigerity. Species with Pseudocalanus-type gonads are present from polar seas to the tropics, some of them being key species. The Acartia-type was scarce, found in only one species, Acartia clausi. Here all oocyte developmental stages are present, including intermediate stages, but only a few oocytes mature synchronously and are released together. High spawning frequency compensates for the small clutches, and hence egg production rate may be as high as in Calanus-type gonads. In the Aetidius-type gonad, the total number of oocytes in the diverticula is low as is the number of oocytes maturing synchronously. Less is known about the reproductive biology of species with Aetidius-type gonads; however, their distribution and feeding patterns suggest that this type is common in species inhabiting environments of low food availability.The differences in gonad structures also lead to differences in the egg size:female size ratio, as the space available for each mature oocyte depends on the total number of oocytes. Independent from gonad-type, the eggs are relatively large in species in which the gonads contain only few oocytes, whereas small eggs are produced by species with gonads filled with many oocytes. Since all species carrying their eggs in external sacs until hatching (ovigerous species) have Pseudocalanus-type gonads, the scatter in their egg size:female size ratio is low. The broadcast spawning species are of all gonad-types, and consequently the scatter among them is high.A major factor affecting the timing and magnitude of spawning of calanoid copepods is the energy supply for gonad development. Therefore, part of the review elucidates the role of internal and external resources in fuelling egg production. In many species, freshly assimilated food is transferred into egg material within a short period of time, and clutch size and spawning frequency are the two parameters that allow adjustment of egg production to food availability and temperature. However, internal body reserves may also fuel oocyte development. The extent to which oogenesis depends on ambient feeding conditions varies considerably among species and even within species, apparently reflecting their adaptation to specific environmental conditions. All copepod species continue to release eggs for a short period after the onset of starvation, indicating that a short-term nutrient pool fuels final oocyte maturation. Some species, especially from polar and subpolar regions, are capable of reproducing on internal reserves, either solely or in addition to freshly ingested food, hence, decoupling the reproduction to some extent from the spring bloom. The reproductive strategy of Calanus finmarchicus, which responds with extreme flexibility to variations in food supply, is presented here as an example for the complexity of the reproductive processes in a calanoid copepod.In accordance with their physiological pre-conditioning, the calanoid copepod species exhibit distinctly different reproductive patterns. Polar and sub-polar environments are characterized by strong seasonality in light regime, and hence, phytoplankton concentration. The reproductive activity of many dominant (herbivorous) species peaks during the spring bloom. However, species that utilize internal reserves or food resources other than phytoplankton, reproduce before and after the bloom, or even year-round. In the North Atlantic, presented here as an example for a boreal marine ecosystem, maximum reproduction of the dominant copepod species Calanus finmarchicus occurs during the spring bloom. However, the timing of peak spawning varies between areas, as the onset of the bloom varies with hydrography and climate. The subtropical Gulf of Aqaba, in contrast to other subtropical systems, is characterized by seasonal phytoplankton succession driven by thermal winter convection. These changing environmental conditions, however, did not affect the reproduction of two of the dominant species, Clausocalanus farrani and C. furcatus. In contrast, other calanoid species exhibit reproductive cycles, either related to temperature (Ctenocalanus vanus) or to ontogenetic migration (Rhincalanus nasutus).The information gained from studies of morphology and reproductive traits contributes to standardization of methods in reproductive studies. Based on detailed knowledge of gonad morphology and its changes during maturation and due to food supply, classification schemata have been developed allowing the identification of females ready to spawn. In a next step, egg production may be estimated from preserved females by assessing clutch size through the number of maturing oocytes in the gonads. This approach, however, is as yet applicable only to the species best studied, Calanus finmarchicus.The present review shows that morphological studies on gonad maturation processes may provide significant contributions to fundamental ecological questions. Thus, they extend our knowledge of reproductive ecology from simply relating reproductive traits to abiotic and biotic factors toward a mechanistic understanding of how reproduction is regulated in calanoid copepods.  相似文献   

Faunal communities at the deep-sea floor mainly rely on the downward transport of particulate organic material for energy, which can come in many forms, ranging from phytodetritus to whale carcasses. Recently, studies have shown that the deep-sea floor may also be subsidized by fluxes of gelatinous material to the benthos. The deep-sea scyphozoan medusa Periphylla periphylla is common in many deep-sea fjords in Norway and recent investigations in Lurefjorden in western Norway suggest that the biomass of this jellyfish currently exceeds 50000 t here. To quantify the presence of dead P. periphylla jellyfish falls (hereafter termed jelly-falls) at the deep seafloor and the standing stock of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) deposited on the seafloor by this species, we made photographic transects of the seafloor, using a ‘Yo-Yo’ camera system during an opportunistic sampling campaign in March 2011. Of 218 seafloor photographs taken, jelly-falls were present in five, which resulted in a total jelly-fall abundance of 1×10-2 jelly-falls m−2 over the entire area surveyed. Summed over the entire area of seafloor photographed, 1×10-2 jelly-falls m−2 was equivalent to a C- and N-biomass of 13 mg C m−2 and 2 mg N m−2. The contribution of each jelly-fall to the C- and N-amount of the sediment in the immediate vicinity of each fall (i.e. to sediment in each 3.02 m2 image in which jelly-falls were observed) was estimated to be 568±84 mg C m−2 and 88±13 mg N m−2. The only megafaunal taxon observed around or on top of the jelly-falls was caridean shrimp (14±5 individuals jelly-fall−1), and shrimp abundance was significantly greater in photographs in which a jelly-fall was found (14±5 individuals image−1) compared to photographs in which no jelly-falls were observed (1.4±0.7 individuals image−1). These observations indicate that jelly-falls in this fjord can enhance the sedimentary C- and N-amount at the deep-sea floor and may provide nutrition to benthic and demersal faunas in this environment. However, organic enrichment from the jelly-falls found in this single sampling event and associated disturbance was highly localized.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that exposure of Atlantic croaker to a PCB mixture (Aroclor 1254) results in impaired reproductive neuroendocrine function. In addition, we have identified hypothalamic tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), the rate-limiting enzyme in serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) synthesis, as a target of PCB neuroendocrine toxicity. In order to further elucidate the mechanisms of PCB neurotoxicity, the present study investigated whether PCB-induced decrease in hypothalamic TPH activity resulted from degradation of the enzyme protein. Fish were exposed to Aroclor 1254 in the diet (0.1 mg/100 g body weight (BW)/day) for 30 days. The PCB exposure elicited a significant decrease in hypothalamic TPH protein content, which could be at least partially responsible for the reduced TPH activity. To test whether a similar PCB exposure could cause oxidative damage in croaker hypothalamic tissues, we examined the formation of malondialdehyde (MDA) protein adducts as a marker of lipid peroxidation (LPO). The same dose of PCB increased the MDA-protein adduct formation in the hypothalamus. In a separate experiment, the role of vitamin E, an antioxidant, to prevent or decrease the effect of PCB on hypothalamic TPH activity and gonadal growth was examined. The vitamin E co-treatments (1 and 10 mg/100 g BW/day) with PCB significantly reduced the effects of PCB on TPH activity and gonadal growth. These results suggest possible involvement of oxidative processes in PCB neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

于2014年分4个季度对大亚湾4个典型功能区(人工鱼礁区、水产养殖区、核电站温排区和石化排污区)以及湾口区表层海水的温度、盐度、p H、总碱度(TA)等进行了调查,比较分析了不同区域表层水体溶解无机碳(DIC)体系的组成和分布特征,估算了海?气界面CO2的交换通量(FCO2),并对FCO2的主要影响因素进行了分析。结果显示,调查海域表层水体的DIC、HCO3–、CO32–浓度和CO2分压pCO2年变化范围分别为1248.8~1841.9μmol·kg–1(1624.8?143.1μmol·kg–1)、1069.2~1615.7μmol·kg–1(1382.5?126.1μmol·kg–1)、152.7~283.5μmol·kg–1(236.2?35.4μmol·kg–1)、11.4~44.9Pa(21.2?7.4Pa);各区域间的DIC、HCO3–、CO32–和pCO2无显著差异(P0.05)。表层海水FCO2的年变化范围为–37.3~4.5mmol·(m2·d)–1[–22.4?9.8mmol·(m2·d)–1],各区域FCO2(按正负数值大小)的季节变化呈现夏季秋季春季冬季的特征,且夏季显著高于其他季节(P0.05);在全年尺度上,各区域的FCO2均为负值,表现为大气CO2的汇,碳汇强度呈现湾口区鱼礁区排污区温排区养殖区的特征,而各区域间无显著差异(P0.05)。偏回归分析显示,大亚湾湾口区和养殖区的FCO2时空分布主要受盐度影响,在鱼礁区和温排区主要受温度的影响,而在排污区则主要受海水p H的影响。  相似文献   

Understanding variability in reproductive schedules is essential to the management of recruitment limited fisheries such as that of Pecten maximus. Small scale (<5 km) variation in gonad condition and the onset of spawning of P. maximus were found among commercial scallop grounds in Isle of Man waters. Environmental and fishing drivers of these spatial patterns were investigated using a generalised additive model. Rate of change in temperature over the month prior to sampling was identified as the short term driver of gonad weight associated with the autumn spawning event. Long term drivers were average annual chlorophyll a concentration, scallop density, stratification index and shell size. The model explained 42.8% of deviance in gonad weight. Within site variation in gonad condition was high, indicating a “bet hedging” reproductive strategy which may decrease the chance of fertilisation especially at low densities. Therefore, areas protected from fishing, where scallop densities can increase may help buffer against reproductive failure. An increase in shell length from 100 mm to 110 mm equated to an increase of approximately 20% in gonad weight. Protecting scallops from fishing mortality until 110 mm (age four) compared to 100 mm (age three) may lead to an overall increase in lifetime reproductive output by a factor of 3.4.  相似文献   

Cod populations in Newfoundland and Labrador waters have shown differing growth, condition and recruitment since near-universal declines in these properties during the cold period of the late 1980s and early 1990s. To assess the influence of variable prey communities on these parameters, we compared cod energetics and diet in populations off Labrador and the northeast and south coasts of Newfoundland. Many properties were highest in the southern group(s) and lowest in the northern group(s), including growth, somatic condition, liver index and age-at-maturity. Most differences could be explained by variations in diet, as measured by stomach contents and stable carbon isotopes (δ13C). The diet of Labrador cod consisted almost entirely of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis), and these cod displayed the most benthic δ13C signatures. Northeast cod had a more varied diet that included capelin and other fish, but still had mostly benthic δ13C signatures, suggesting the importance of benthic prey like shrimp in this population. South coast cod exhibited the most varied diet, including capelin (Mallotus villosus), zooplankton, crabs and other fish, and had the most pelagic δ13C signatures. Among and within populations, the benefits of a more pelagic diet in medium-sized (30–69 cm) cod included higher somatic condition, higher liver index (lipid stores) and greater spawning potential (decreased incidence of atresia). It is hypothesized that major rebuilding of Newfoundland and Labrador cod stocks will require a return to a system that supports mostly pelagic feeding (i.e. capelin) in cod.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)是世界上最重要的对虾养殖品种之一。为比较凡纳滨对虾不同生长发育时期应答氨氮胁迫的敏感性差异,作者对其不同生长发育时期24 h半数致死浓度(LC_(50))进行测定,并分析其胁迫效应。结果表明,24 h LC_(50)值在虾的不同生长发育时期差异显著(P0.05),不同时期凡纳滨对虾的LC90与LC_(50)变化趋势相同。在溞状幼体Ⅱ期(Z2)LC_(50)值最低,为17.811 mg/L,在仔虾第V期(P5)时,LC_(50)值最高,为44.808 mg/L。根据LC_(50)和LC90的变化趋势可以看出,仔虾比幼体期的耐受性强。本试验结果不仅为凡纳滨对虾不同生长发育时期的苗种培育提供了重要的基础数据,而且为凡纳滨对虾耐氨氮品系选育提供了重要指导。  相似文献   

Understanding heat transport in sedimentary basins requires an assessment of the regional 3D heat distribution and of the main physical mechanisms responsible for the transport of heat. We review results from different 3D numerical simulations of heat transport based on 3D basin models of the Central European Basin System (CEBS). Therefore we compare differently detailed 3D structural models of the area, previously published individually, to assess the influence of (1) different configurations of the deeper lithosphere, (2) the mechanism of heat transport considered and (3) large faults dissecting the sedimentary succession on the resulting thermal field and groundwater flow. Based on this comparison we propose a modelling strategy linking the regional and lithosphere-scale to the sub-basin and basin-fill scale and appropriately considering the effective heat transport processes. We find that conduction as the dominant mechanism of heat transport in sedimentary basins is controlled by the distribution of thermal conductivities, compositional and thickness variations of both the conductive and radiogenic crystalline crust as well as the insulating sediments and by variations in the depth to the thermal lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary. Variations of these factors cause thermal anomalies of specific wavelength and must be accounted for in regional thermal studies. In addition advective heat transport also exerts control on the thermal field on the regional scale. In contrast, convective heat transport and heat transport along faults is only locally important and needs to be considered for exploration on the reservoir scale.The general applicability of the proposed workflow makes it of interest for a broad range of application in geosciences including oil and gas exploration, geothermal utilization or carbon capture and sequestration issues.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, diversity, and composition of bacterial communities within the shallow sub-seafloor at the deep-sea hydrothermal field of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, Western Pacific Ocean, were investigated. Fluids were sampled from four boreholes in this area. Each borehole was located near or away from active vents, the distance ranging 2–40 m from active vents. In addition, fluids discharging from a natural vent and ambient seawater were sampled in this area. We extracted DNA from each sample, amplified bacterial 16S rRNA genes by PCR, cloned the PCR products and sequenced. The total number of clones analyzed was 348. Most of the detected phylotypes were affiliated with the phylum Proteobacteria, of which the detection frequency in each clone library ranged from 84.6% to 100%. The bacterial community diversity and composition were different between hydrothermal fluids and seawater, between fluids from the boreholes and the vent, and even among fluids from each borehole. The relative abundances of the phylotypes related to Thiomicrospira, Methylobacterium and Sphingomonas were significantly different among fluids from each borehole. The phylotypes related to Thiomicrospira and Alcanivorax were detected in all of the boreholes and vent samples. Our findings provide insights into bacterial communities in the shallow sub-seafloor environments at active deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields.  相似文献   

不同虾种间肌肉组织蛋白质的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许玉德  孙晟  朱云 《台湾海峡》2001,20(2):177-181
采用薄层等电聚焦凝胶电泳方法对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)、绿须虾(Aristeus virilis)、长毛对虾(Penaeus penicillatus)、日本对(P.japonicus)、斑节对虾(P.monodon)和周氏新对虾(Metapenaeus joyneri)的肌肉组织蛋白质进行分离,检测各蛋白质组份及其等电点。根据蛋白质区带的共享度计算共相互间的遗传距离指数,然后用聚类方法处理数据,构建系统树,分析其间的差异程度,最后确定6种虾的亲缘关系。结果表明,每种虾可获得6-11条 蛋白质区带,等电点范围在4-6.95之间。虾类肌肉组织蛋白质组份及其电泳行为,可为虾类在分类学上的定位提供生化依据。  相似文献   

本文研究了由2020年12月29日至31日强冷锋引起的影响洋山港海域的温带风暴潮过程。通过气象观测数据分析了其天气过程, 并利用FVCOM-SWAVE波浪-风暴潮耦合模式对该过程进行了高分辨率的数值模拟, 同时结合潮位站及浮标站观测数据对模拟结果进行了验证, 分析模拟了波浪、潮流、风暴增减水特征。结果发现, 该次冷锋型温带风暴潮过程主要表现为先短时风暴增水后出现长时间风暴减水的特征, 最大风暴减水可达65~70cm, 其主要诱因包括研究海域气压的快速升高并维持、长时间持续的偏北大风及波流相互作用。相关敏感试验研究了3种因子对风暴增减水位的贡献大小, 发现风暴增水峰值期间风场贡献占比约为90%, 海平面气压场约为5%; 风暴减水峰值期间, 海平面气压场的贡献度约占55%, 风场约占40%, 而波浪的贡献均不足10%。洋山港航道内风暴期间潮流流速最大可达到2.6~2.8m•s-1, 落潮时为东南向离岸潮流, 涨潮时为西至西北方向的外海潮波传入潮流; 洋山港航道潮流始终是东南或西北向, 此处流速辐合, 是洋山海域流速最高的区域。  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the genetic structure and the historical demography of two populations of the sand smelt Atherina boyeri from the rivers Tagus and Mondego (Portugal) with two groups of samples of the closely related marine Atherina presbyter collected on the shore at comparable latitudes. A. presbyter is a pelagic marine inshore fish, while A. boyeri is typically found in coastal lagoons, estuaries and freshwaters bodies. Analysis of mtDNA control region sequences showed that the marine A. presbyter did not display signs of genetic differentiation between sites some hundreds of kilometers apart. On the contrary, A. boyeri showed clear differences between populations. The populations of A. boyeri showed a much lower genetic diversity and younger coalescence times when compared with A. presbyter. We suggest that these differences reflect the interplay between differences in ecology between the two species and the historical impact of the glaciations. While A. presbyter likely moved to the south evading the cold periods, A. boyeri probably went extinct and its populations in Western Europe are recent recolonizations from western Mediterranean refugia.  相似文献   

硬骨鱼类精子超微结构及其研究前景   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对近几年国内外硬骨鱼类精子超微结构的研究进行了综述。硬骨鱼类精子结构比较原始 ,可明显地分为头部、中段和尾部 ,但各部分结构在不同种属的硬骨鱼体中有一定差异 ,尤其是精子头部顶体有无植入窝及其发达程度 ,精子中段中心粒复合体的组成、“袖套”结构的对称性、线粒体的分布和形态及精子尾部侧鳍的有无及其发达程度等在不同种属的硬骨鱼体中有一定差异。通过分析这些精子结构的差异 ,可以明显看出种间亲缘关系 ,因此 ,精子超微结构研究在生殖进化生物学研究中具有广阔的前景。对不同硬骨鱼类精子表面大分子物质的分布、精子鞭毛的运动机制、侧鳍与受精率的关系及精子各结构的特征和功能的研究将有利于对硬骨鱼类受精生物学的研究。  相似文献   

We have determined the azimuth of bottom-current flow in drift deposit sediments recovered at ODP Sites 1095 and 1101, Antarctic Peninsula, using paleomagnetic reorientation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) ellipsoids. A total of 38 cores from the two ODP sites have been measured, providing spatial and directional information on the physical record of the ACC (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) in the Plio-Pleistocene. Declination and inclination of the paleomagnetic vector of each core segment were used to reorient the AMS principal axes to the geographic coordinates. The cores were reoriented using the measured direction of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) with respect to a common reference line for the core, from which we are able to determine the orientation of the paleocurrent flow for Sites 1095 (Drift 7) and 1101 (Drift 4) relative to the geographic coordinates. Both sites have paleocurrent directions trending ~ NW-SE, which in the former locality are parallel to a sediment wave field. Our study shows that a combination of magnetic fabric analysis and paleomagnetism allows deep-sea sedimentary fabric to be used as a long-term proxy of bottom-current flow history.  相似文献   

小球藻和三角褐指藻中脂肪酸和长链烷烃组成的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以小球藻(Chlorela sp.)和三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)为研究对象,比较了其合成有机物中长链烷烃和脂肪酸的组成和丰度.结果表明,小球藻中的脂肪酸以14:0、16:1、16:0、20:5为主,其中16:0饱和脂肪酸的质量分数为43%,具绝对优势.三角褐指藻中的脂肪酸组成显示16:1、16:0、20:5占优势.其中16:1和16:0两种脂肪酸含量相当.长链烷烃在两种藻中均以低碳链分布,优势组分集中在C16~C21碳链之间.小球藻中C17具有明显丰度,而三角褐指藻中长链烷烃含量差别不大.两种微藻中的长链烷烃组成都没有奇偶优势碳链分布的特征,这与陆源植物中长链烷烃明显的奇偶优势分布特征相比,具有显著的差异.这些结果对判断不同微藻在食物链中的营养级别,以及对以长链烷烃和脂肪酸为生物标志物研究我国近岸海沉积物中有机物的来源均具有实际意义.  相似文献   

The effects of taxonomic resolution on the variance estimates of macrobenthic assemblages were studied at four spatial scales in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. The assemblages exhibited significant differences at all the investigated scales; however, spatial variability was mainly associated with the smallest and the largest scales. The decrease of taxonomic resolution (from species to family) was not related to a decrease of the overall variability and similar estimates of variance components were obtained using species and family resolution levels. The ordination models derived from species and family abundances were very similar both in terms of location and dispersion effect, while further aggregation to the class level began to alter the observed spatial patterns. In future studies aimed at assessing changes in the lagoon, resources derived from the cost reductions achieved using family level could be employed to plan more frequent surveys and/or to adopt complex spatial sampling designs with a high number of replicates.  相似文献   

UASB和ABR在常温下处理生活污水的性能比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沿海城市生活污水的排放,对海洋环境有着重要影响。通过试验,在常温条件下研究了升流式厌氧污泥床反应器(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor,简称UASB)与厌氧折流板反应器(Anaerobic Baffled Reactor,简称ABR)处理生活废水的性能。试验结果表明:UASB与ABR对生活污水都有良好的处理效果,在HRT较长时,ABR反应器对COD和SS的去除效果优于UASB反应器;而当HRT缩短,小于12 h,UASB反应器内上升流速增加,改善了对COD的去除效果。ABR和UASB反应器对COD的去除效果都随温度的降低而降低。  相似文献   

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