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Terrestrial free-air gravity anomalies form a most essential data source in the framework of gravity field determination. Gravity anomalies depend on the datums of the gravity, vertical, and horizontal networks as well as on the definition of a normal gravity field; thus gravity anomaly data are affected in a systematic way by inconsistencies of the local datums with respect to a global datum, by the use of a simplified free-air reduction procedure and of different kinds of height system. These systematic errors in free-air gravity anomaly data cause systematic effects in gravity field related quantities like e.g. absolute and relative geoidal heights or height anomalies calculated from gravity anomaly data. In detail it is shown that the effects of horizontal datum inconsistencies have been underestimated in the past. The corresponding systematic errors in gravity anomalies are maximum in mid-latitudes and can be as large as the errors induced by gravity and vertical datum and height system inconsistencies. As an example the situation in Australia is evaluated in more detail: The deviations between the national Australian horizontal datum and a global datum produce a systematic error in the free-air gravity anomalies of about −0.10 mgal which value is nearly constant over the continent  相似文献   

The second Baltic Sea Level (BSL) GPS campaign was run for one week in June 1993. Data from 35 tide gauge sites and five fiducial stations were analysed, for three fiducial stations (Onsala, Mets?hovi and Wettzell) fixed at the ITRF93 system. On a time-scale of 5 days, precision was several parts in 109 for the horizontal and vertical components. Accuracies were about 1 cm in comparison with the International GPS Geodynamical Service (IGS) coordinates in three directions. To connect the Swedish and the Finnish height systems, our numerical application utilises three approaches: a rigorous approach, a bias fit and a three-parameter fit. The results between the Swedish RH70 and the Finnish N 60 systems are estimated to −19.3 ± 6.5, −17 ± 6 and −15 ± 6 cm, respectively, by the three approaches. The results of the three indirect methods are in an agreement with those of a direct approach from levelling and gravity measurements. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

海洋要素的变化存在明显的区域性和季节性的变化特性,本文选择海洋要素中最为突出的海表面温度(SST)要素作为主要分析参数,设计时空变异参数的计算指标,分析时空变异对验证误差影响的关系,通过研究及试验的数据精度验证,证明了时空变异是造成误差的直接原因之一。强烈的时空属性变异,在验证过程中会引入很大的验证误差,处于不同变异等级区划的数据,其验证结果相对误差可达13.08%,变异越剧烈的区域,精度验证效果越差,验证误差就越大,这些误差并非完全是遥感产品的误差,验证结果不具有代表性,不能真实的反映遥感产品的误差特征。对于SST等海洋遥感产品验证时,需要考虑时空变异对验证误差的影响和贡献,合理选择验证试验区域、代表性的评价数据集和科学的评价方法。  相似文献   

t Gravity anomalies on a2.5 ×2.5 arc-minute grid in a non-tidal system were derived over the South China and Philippine Seas from multi-satellite altimetry data. North and east components of deflections of the vertical were computed from altimeter-derived sea surface heights at crossover locations, and gridded onto a 2.5 × 2.5 arc-minute resolution grid. EGM96-derived components of deflections of the vertical and gravity anomalies gridded into 2.5 × 2.5 arc-minute resolutions were then used as reference global geopotential model quantities in a remove-restore procedure to implement the Inverse Vening Meinesz formula via the 1D-FFT technique to predict the gravity anomalies over the South China and Philippine Seas from the gridded altimeter-derived components of deflections of the vertical. Statistical comparisons between the altimeter-derived and the shipboard gravity anomalies showed that there is a root-mean-square agreement of 5.7 mgals between them.  相似文献   

强对流天气破坏力强,对海上航行和海洋开发都有着很大的影响,但由于其生命史短,且海上气象测站少,因此难以对其进行快速准确的监测。而静止气象卫星的覆盖范围广、时间分辨率高,因此成为了监测强对流天气的重要手段。本文提出了一种利用Himawari-8卫星影像,基于深度信念网络(DBN)进行强对流云团自动识别的方法。该方法分别提取每张图像的光谱特征TBB13、TBB08-TBB13和TBB13-TBB15,以及基于光谱特征TBB08-TBB13的纹理特征能量Energy和对比度Contrast,再参考CloudSat卫星的云分类产品自动构建样本集,利用此样本集训练DBN模型,以确定模型的参数和结构。使用训练完成的DBN模型进行强对流云团识别,并对识别结果进行后处理。通过典型案例分析和精度评定发现,新方法的临界成功指数CSI为71.28%,检测概率POD为84.83%,虚警率FAR为18.31%。结果表明,该方法可以有效识别处于初生到消散不同阶段的强对流云团,并在一定程度上去除检测结果中多余的卷云。与单波段阈值法、多波段阈值法和支持向量机这3种方法相比,文中提出的方法能够提高强对流云团的识别精度。  相似文献   

A Ka-band backscatter model and an algorithm for measurement of the wind speed and direction over the sea surface by a frequency-modulated continous-wave radar demonstrator system operated in scatterometer mode have been developed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, a simulation of the wind vector retrieval has been performed.  相似文献   

 The topographic and atmospheric effects of gravimetric geoid determination by the modified Stokes formula, which combines terrestrial gravity and a global geopotential model, are presented. Special emphasis is given to the zero- and first-degree effects. The normal potential is defined in the traditional way, such that the disturbing potential in the exterior of the masses contains no zero- and first-degree harmonics. In contrast, it is shown that, as a result of the topographic masses, the gravimetric geoid includes such harmonics of the order of several centimetres. In addition, the atmosphere contributes with a zero-degree harmonic of magnitude within 1 cm. Received: 5 November 1999 / Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

One year (November 1986 to October 1987) of Geosat altimeter data with improved orbits produced at The Ohio State University has been used to define sea surface heights for 22 ERM and one year averaged Geosat track. All sea surface heights were referenced to the single reference track through the application of geoid gradient corrections. The root mean square (RMS) gradient correction was on the order of ±1 cm although it could reach 20 cm with data points in trench areas. 10 values used to form the mean were considered. Although this study was initially driven by a need for a good reference sea surface for geodetic applications the formation of the reference track yields information on the variability of the ocean surface in the first year of the Geosat ERM. The RMS point variability was ± 12.6 cm with only a very small number of values exceeding 50 cm when a depth editing criteria was used. Global plots of the sea surface variability clearly reveal the major ocean currents and their variations in position in the year. Examination of the 1° × 1° averaged sea surface height variations show average and maximum variability values as follows: Gulf Stream (29 and 50 cm); Kurshio Current (24 and 49 cm); Agulhas Current (24 and 52 cm) and the Gulf of Mexico (18 and 31 cm). These magnitudes may be dependent on the radial orbit correction procedure. To investigate this effect sea slope variations were also computed. These results also showed clear current structures but also high frequency gravity field information despite efforts to average out such information. The data described in the paper is available from the authors for numerous other studies, some of which are suggested in the paper.  相似文献   

买佳阳  蒋雪中 《遥感学报》2015,19(5):818-826
通过优化劈窗算法,建立适合长江口水域的海表温度反演模型,利用2000年至2012年的Terra-MODIS LIB晴空数据进行海表温度反演,得到长江口13年海表温度数据集,分析长江流域进入河口的水沙变化后河口水域海表温度的年际变化和季节性变化。结果表明:长江口海表温度主要受太阳辐射影响,温度场的空间分布由口内至外海呈现阶梯性变化。受海域潮流上溯和径流下泄的影响,口内口外的海表温度表现出不同的季节性变化特征:冬季,口外高口内低;夏季,则口外低,口内高。伴随着冬季流域进入河口的径流量增加,长江口口外海域的冬季海表温度也出现下降趋势。  相似文献   

城市规划中的GIS应用分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乔相飞  周宏伟  刘文新 《测绘工程》2005,14(4):69-70,76
分析了GIS技术在城市规划中的应用现状,介绍了GIS技术在城市规划设计与管理各方面的具体应用情况,对GIS技术在城市规划中的应用前景作了展望.  相似文献   

Carrier phase ambiguity resolution is the key to high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning and navigation. It applies to a great variety of current and future models of GPS, modernized GPS and Galileo. The so-called fixed baseline estimator is known to be superior to its float counterpart in the sense that its probability of being close to the unknown but true baseline is larger than that of the float baseline, provided that the ambiguity success rate is sufficiently close to its maximum value of one. Although this is a strong result, the necessary condition on the success rate does not make it hold for all measurement scenarios. It is discussed whether or not it is possible to take advantage of the integer nature of the ambiguities so as to come up with a baseline estimator that is always superior to both its float and its fixed counterparts. It is shown that this is indeed possible, be it that the result comes at the price of having to use a weaker performance criterion. The main result of this work is a Gauss–Markov-like theorem which introduces a new minimum variance unbiased estimator that is always superior to the well-known best linear unbiased (BLU) estimator of the Gauss–Markov theorem. This result is made possible by introducing a new class of estimators. This class of integer equivariant estimators obeys the integer remove–restore principle and is shown to be larger than the class of integer estimators as well as larger than the class of linear unbiased estimators. The minimum variance unbiased estimator within this larger class is referred to as the best integer equivariant (BIE) estimator. The theory presented applies to any model of observation equations having both integer and real-valued parameters, as well as for any probability density function the data might have. AcknowledgementsThis contribution was finalized during the authors stay, as a Tan Chin Tuan Professor, at the Nanyang Technological Universitys GPS Centre (GPSC) in Singapore. The hospitality of the GPSCs director Prof Law Choi Look and his colleagues is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

The application of low-cost L1 GPS receivers integrated with micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) inertial measurement units (IMU) allows the continuous observation of position, velocity and orientation which opens new possibilities for comparison of athletes’ performance throughout a racecourse. In this paper, we compare loosely and closely coupled integration strategies under realistic racing scenarios when GPS is partially or completely masked. The study reveals that both integration approaches have a similar performance when the satellite constellation is completed or the outages are short. However, for less than four satellites, the closely coupled strategy clearly outperforms the loosely coupled approach. The second part of the paper is devoted to the important problem of system initialization, because the conventional GPS/IMU alignment methods are no longer applicable when using MEMS-IMU. We introduce a modified coarse alignment method and a quaternion estimation method for the computation of the initial orientation. Simulations and practical experiments reveal that both methods are numerically stable for any initial orientation of the sensors with the error characteristics of MEMS-IMUs. Throughout the paper, our findings are supported by racing experiments with references provided in both, the measurement and the navigation domains.  相似文献   

将建筑物的变形看做时间和开挖深度的函数,使用泰勒级数建立建筑物变形与时间和开挖深度的函数关系,并将泰勒级数的余项及时间变化的二次方和开挖深度变化的二次方的系数的变化量看做数学期望为0的动态噪声,建立卡尔曼滤波模型,并用于建筑物变形的预测预报。实例计算表明,模型的拟合效果和预测效果较好。  相似文献   

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