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In the United Kingdom responsibility for the management of national catch quotas has since 1984 been extensively devolved to producers' organizations, Institutions created by the European Community in order to implement the common organization of the Community market for fish. The paper describes the development of the UK quota management system and the approaches adopted by different producers' organizations to the internal management of their quota allocations. Because of changes in the UK fishing vessel licensing rules as well as developments in the quota allocation system, there is an emerging market in quotas at both individual and collective levels. The implications of these developments are discussed, including the possible evolution, largely through industry-led innovation, of some sort of individual transferable quota (ITQ) system for the UK.  相似文献   

After many years of Common Fisheries Policies in the European Union, 88% of stocks are still being fished beyond their Maximum Sustainable Yield. While several Member States and the European Commission are moving toward Individual Transferable Quotas as a solution, France has declared its opposition to such marketization of fishing access rights and a national law has classified fisheries resources as a collective heritage. This paper discusses the evolution of the French system, principally its distribution of access rights by the Producer Organizations instead of the market. However, the Producer Organizations, which are more linked to the industrial fleet organizations, have not always modified their sharing formulae to include small-scale fisheries, resulting in a demand for more transparency and equity.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the ways in which policies of enclosure, privatization, and deregulation have unfolded in several regions of North America and examines the consequences they have had for small-scale fisheries in practice. This introductory essay provides a brief overview of the history of neoliberal thought, discusses some of the key ways it has influenced fisheries policies in North America and around the world, and presents a thematic overview of the papers included in this special issue.  相似文献   

Vessel buyback programs intended to address overcapacity and excess capitalization in fisheries can lead to dramatically different levels of decapitalization depending on program structure and availability of vessel-specific information. This paper develops a simple theoretical model of self-financing vessel buybacks to examine equilibrium outcomes using sequential versus take-it-or-leave-it auctions, and financing schemes which allocate costs either homogeneously or according to rents captured through the buyback. This model demonstrates that programs which spread costs evenly among remaining vessels limit the possible extent of buybacks, as do programs which buy vessels one at a time in sequence rather than all at once. In addition to the theoretical modeling, a stylized case study inspired by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Fishery is also provided. This analysis suggests that a wide range of auction structures could roughly half the size of the existing fleet, and starkly demonstrates how information poor settings can entirely derail a buyback.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of market information and learning in multiple unit combinatorial markets for fishing quota. Combinatorial auctions allow trading of packages of different types of quotas (for example for different regions or industry) in the same auction market. Bidders can submit package bids which would allow them to enjoy synergy benefits. However, to realize the full benefit bidders require comprehensive understanding of the market. This article focuses on the impact of varying levels of information feedback on performance in multiple unit forward combinatorial auctions using laboratory experiments. In a general context of trade in fishery quota, it was asked whether (a) providing additional market information and (b) learning through time helps in more efficient outcomes. It is found that much of the benefits of information are derived from structural effects, like repeated rounds and package valuations. Providing additional market information does not improve auction performances to a large extent. These results will be useful in designing more efficient combinatorial markets for fisheries quota.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the major themes and contributions of this Special Issue in light of a broader social science literature on how to conceptualize small-scale fisheries, the role of the state in facilitating or limiting neoliberalism, and the failure of neoliberal policies to improve conservation. It concludes with a look at ways in which neoliberalism is being undermined by emerging alternatives.  相似文献   

There are considerable efforts by governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academia to integrate marine conservation initiatives and customary practices, such as taboos that limit resource use. However, these efforts are often pursued without a fundamental understanding of customary institutions. This paper examines the operational rules in use and the presence of institutional design principles in long-enduring and dynamic customary fisheries management institutions in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Mexico. Rather than a “blue print” for devising long-enduring institutions, this study relies on the design principles as a starting point to organize an inquiry into the institutional diversity found in customary governance regimes. Three important trends emerged from this comparative analysis: (1) despite it being notoriously difficult to define boundaries around marine resources, almost 3/4 of the cases in this study had clearly defined boundaries and membership; (2) all of the customary institutions were able to make and change rules, indicating a critical degree of flexibility and autonomy that may be necessary for adaptive management; (3) the customary institutions examined generally lacked key interactions with organizations operating at larger scales, suggesting that they may lack the institutional embeddedness required to confront some common pool resources (CPR) challenges from the broader socioeconomic, institutional and political settings in which they are embedded. Future research will be necessary to better understand how specific institutional designs are related to social and ecological outcomes in commons property institutions.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中还原性无机硫和活性铁的地球化学过程与沉积物环境质量演变密切相关。本研究利用改进的冷扩散法和盐酸萃取法分别对烟台夹河口北部海域深约4 m的柱状沉积物中的酸性可挥发硫(AVS)、黄铁矿硫(CRS)、元素硫(ES)和活性铁(FeⅡ和FeⅢ)进行了测定,并从地球化学机理方面探讨了硫与铁的分布特征及其耦合机制。结果表明,烟台夹河口北部近海深层柱状沉积物中还原性无机硫以CRS为主,其次是AVS和ES,其中AVS含量垂向分布较均匀,而CRS和ES含量在垂向上呈表层和底层高,中间层低的趋势;活性铁以Fe(Ⅱ)为主,其随深度增加而增加,Fe(Ⅲ)随深度逐渐降低,大部分Fe(Ⅲ)被还原为溶解态的Fe(Ⅱ),并且与硫酸盐还原产生的H_2S相结合生成CRS和ES,导致CRS和ES在柱状沉积物底部积累;同时研究表明,较低的硫化度和矿化度,活性铁不是还原性无机硫累积的限制因子。  相似文献   

概述了我国海水养殖业在快速发展过程中由于出现养殖产业规划滞后和养殖生态环境恶化而带来的若干问题。简要介绍"浙江省重点养殖海湾养殖生态和养殖容量研究"的立项背景和研究目的,鱼类、贝类和大型藻类的养殖容量研究方法以及相关的主要研究成果,展示了近海养殖生态和养殖容量的研究思路,为相关研究的进一步展开提供了一个范例。海水养殖的长远发展必须走可持续发展之路,良好的沿岸生态环境、资源与环境的和谐是支撑海水养殖业健康、持续发展的前提。总结了我国海水养殖业管理取得的进步并指出尚存在的问题。针对海水养殖业保持可持续发展的基本途径,提出了海水养殖业的规划管理和海水养殖技术改进等方面的科学建议。  相似文献   

This study investigated the interpretation and level of support of government regulations in Bahía de Kino, Sonora, one of the most important fishing communities in terms of diving extraction of benthic resources in the Northern Gulf of California. Research was conducted from April to August 2007, focusing on the small-scale fisheries sector of commercial divers. Information on fishers’ awareness of current policies, fishers’ attitudes concerning different aspects of fisheries regulation, and fishers' suggestions on how their fisheries should be managed, was gathered through structured interviews (including open and closed-ended questions), informal talks and participant observation. Results provide further evidence supporting the need for formally recognizing the fishers as key stakeholders in local fisheries, and for working cooperatively towards the design of management strategies and regulations that provide better stimulus for resource stewardship and discourage overfishing. Very importantly, this study suggests that there is strong support from resource users for implementing regulatory measures for local fisheries. Results could be used as a preliminary baseline to initiate the discussion among fishery stakeholders towards the development of species-specific management plans for the area, as required by the recently enacted fisheries act in Mexico, the “Ley General de Pesca y Acuacultura Sustentables”.  相似文献   

Due to its rapid growth, the introduced mangrove species Sonneratia apetala from Bangladesh has been widely used in mangrove restoration in southeastern China since 1985. As an indigenous mangrove species in Hainan, China, Sonneratia caseolaris was also planted in Guangdong Province for afforestation purposes. Both species have developed well in their new habitats, but their ecophysiological differences with the native mangrove species have not been studied. In this study, leaf gas exchange, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of two Sonneratia species were compared with those of selected native mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel, and Excoecaria agallocha) in Hainan and Shenzhen. The introduced S. apetala maintained lower carbon assimilation rate (A) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) than the indigenous S. caseolaris. In Shenzhen, the two introduced Sonneratia had comparable photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency (WUE) with the native mangrove species, except that PNUE in S. caseolaris was significantly higher than in the native mangrove species. The two Sonneratia species showed significant overlap in PNUE and long-term WUE. Photosynthetic parameters derived from leaf photosynthetic light–response curves and ACi curves also suggested lower carbon assimilation capacities for the introduced Sonneratia than for the native mangrove species in both study sites. The lower light compensation point (LCP) of two introduced Sonneratia in both study sites also indicated a better adaptation to a low light regime than the native mangrove species. The results of photosynthetic capacities indicated that the introduced mangrove species have little competitive advantage over local native mangrove species in their respective new habitats.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyze a fisheries co-management regime in Brazil. The Forum of the Patos Lagoon, a collaborative partnership among communities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, was established to move fisheries management toward a negotiation-style decision processes. We find that while many successes are evident including the delegation of decision power, greater protection of artisanal fisheries, and greater legitimacy assigned the Forum as a decision-making body, several problems remain. These include conflicting institutional arrangements; minimal recognition of local fishers’ interests as concerns rules established; and less than optimal participation of fishers in the Forum. The paper closes with multiple suggestions for improvements of this co-management regime.  相似文献   

This study investigates the local social and fisheries impact of formal fisheries policies in Bahía de Kino, one of the most important fishing villages in terms of extraction of benthic resources in the Northern Gulf of California, Mexico. The paper focuses on cross-scale institutional interactions, describing how existing formal policies are functioning on the ground, how these policies interact with local arrangements, and how this interaction may affect the incentives of different actors towards sustainable fisheries. Besides providing lessons on how the performance of a local fishery could be improved, this paper addresses the question of whether the formal institutional structure of Mexican fishing regulations is effective in promoting responsible behavior by small-scale fishery stakeholders. It is argued that the design of the most widely used management tool to regulate access to marine resources throughout Mexico -the permit (licensing) system- provides the wrong incentives for sustainable-use. Granting secure rights to resources to those actively involved in the fishery is a necessary step for promoting sustainable fishing practices.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Bordighera Sandstone of NW Italy is a coarse-grained, sand-rich elongated turbidite system (ca. 15 × 45 km in outcrop) up to 250 m thick, interpreted to have been deposited in a trench setting. The siliciclastic succession interfingers with muddy calcareous turbidites, which become more abundant toward the lateral and distal domains. Bed type associations allow the distinction of a proximal channelized domain which transitions to a more distal lobe domain, characterized by abundant mudclast-rich sandstones and by bipartite and tripartite beds with a mud-rich middle or upper division (hybrid event beds). The transition between the proximal and distal domains occurs over a relatively limited spatial extent (ca. 5 km). The presence of lenticular bed-sets made up of coarse grained and mud-poor sandstones throughout the distal domain suggests that distributary channels were present, indicating sediment bypass further down-dip toward the most distal and not preserved parts of the system. Hybrid event beds - commonly associated with distal and marginal fan environments such as fan fringes - are present throughout the lobe domain and extend for up to ca. 30 km in down-dip distance. They are more abundant in the proximal and axial depositional lobe domain and their appearance occurs within a short basin-ward distance from the inferred channel-lobe transition zone. Flow expansion at the termination of the channelized domain and the enhanced availability of cohesive substrate due to the presence of intra-basinal muddy calcareous beds are interpreted as the key controls on the widespread occurrence of mudclast-rich and argillaceous sandstone beds. The abrupt appearance and the persistent occurrence of such beds across an extensive domain have implications for characterizing bed-scale (sub-seismic) heterogeneity of deep-water clastic hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

The Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA), which was enacted in 1998, is the primary legislation addressing South Africa's marine fisheries. In June 2012, another important instrument, the Policy for the Small Scale Fisheries Sector (SSFP) in South Africa, was adopted to rectify the exclusion of many small-scale fishers from access to resources, that had resulted from weaknesses in the MLRA. This paper assesses the MLRA, aspects of the SSFP and selected other subsidiary policies and regulations in relation to current best-practices, especially the extent to which they support an ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). The study concludes that there are some serious gaps and shortcomings in the MLRA that should be addressed. These include, among others, the need to: (i) revise the MLRA so as to incorporate requirements for open and transparent management and governance; (ii) entrench the principles of co-management, emphasised in the SSFP, for all fisheries; and (iii) include a legal requirement for detailed management plans for all fisheries. Despite these shortcomings, there has been considerable progress in implementation of EAF, at least in the country's bigger fisheries. However, this should not be seen as a justification for avoiding or delaying a revision of the MLRA to bring it into line with modern best-practices as encompassed by EAF.  相似文献   

The Moray Firth Seal Management Plan (MFSMP) was introduced in Scotland in 2005 as a pilot for resolving conflict between Atlantic salmon fisheries and conservation imperatives for protected harbour and grey seals. This adaptive co-management model is now being applied nationally through the Marine (Scotland) Act (2010). However, no information exists on salmon fishery stakeholders’ perceptions of seal predation impacts and related costs, which could influence the success of the MFSMP and other similar initiatives. In 2006 a questionnaire survey of the 95 salmon rod fisheries in seven major Moray Firth rivers was undertaken, and all 20 active salmon netting stations in the Firth. Forty-five fishery owners, 39 ghillies, 120 anglers and 11 netsmen (representing 17 netting stations) responded. The majority (81%) believed that seals had a significant or moderate impact on stocks and catches, 77% believed that all seals were responsible and 47% supported seal culling. Seals were sighted by 38% of rod fisheries, and 18% lost angler days from seal interference. Overall, 0.2% of total reported angler days were lost annually. The estimated direct cost of seal interference for responding rod fisheries was £14,960 annum−1, and losses of catches and damage to nets was £16,500 annum−1 for responding netsmen. Stakeholders’ perceptions were largely inconsistent with their low direct costs and the aims of the MFSMP. Possible reasons for this are discussed, and implications for the governance of future adaptive co-management initiatives for seal-fishery conflict.  相似文献   

甲烷是重要的温室气体,近海河口海域是甲烷产生和释放的活跃区域。于2021年对富营养化的九龙江河口(6月)和贫营养化的陆丰近海(8月)表层水进行了受控培养实验。结果显示,在添加碳氮以及甲基膦酸的陆丰近海海水样品中,观测到甲烷浓度增加了两个数量级,说明陆丰近海可能存在依赖甲基膦酸路径的甲烷生产。九龙江河口水体也存在基于甲基膦酸、二甲基巯基丙酸内盐和三甲胺路径生产甲烷的过程,其中以甲基膦酸路径产生的甲烷最多(增长率211.0%)。对比同样条件下的甲基膦酸-甲烷产生实验,陆丰近海水体产生的甲烷约是九龙江河口的22倍,表明贫营养化水体更加有利于基于甲基膦酸路径的甲烷产生。  相似文献   

青岛近海碱度的研究及其测定方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年春季以青岛近海为研究海域,采用pH单点法、自动电位滴定法及溶解无机碳(DIC)计算法测得海水总碱度(Alk),并对这3种方法进行比较;探讨该海域海水Alk的分布特征及影响因素;对过滤前后样品的Alk差值与叶绿素(Chl-a)间的相关性进行分析。结果表明:DIC计算法和pH单点法得出的Alk误差较大,电位滴定法测定的Alk结果精密度较高;青岛近海海域表层水体中Alk范围为2 070~2 364μmol/kg,其平均值2 310μmol/kg;过滤前后样品的Alk差值与Chl-a含量具有一定的相关性,表明浮游植物和颗粒物对Alk有影响。  相似文献   

东南沿海前汛期与后汛期降水的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过对东南沿海前汛期降水与后汛期降水的多年气候变化及500hPa环流场和北太平洋海温场对比分析发现:前汛期降水与后汛期降水在年代际变化上差异明显。前汛期降水逐年变化幅度小,大旱、大涝年少;后汛期降水逐年变化幅度大,大旱、大涝年多。前汛期降水与后汛期降水的大旱、大涝年环流形势场和海温场均存在明显差异。在与北半球500hPa高度场和北太平洋海温场的相关分布上,表现出基本相反的分布类型。计算分析还发现,前期8~9月和冬季1~2月北半球副高,尤其是太平洋副高与前汛期降水相关尚好。前期1月赤道洋流区中部海域的海温,对前汛期降水均有较好的预测指示意义。前期2月北大西洋涛动和黑潮区以东至太平洋中部海域的海温对后汛期降水具有较好的预测指示意义。  相似文献   

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