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Aerial photographs taken in 1978 and 1987, Landsat TM images in 1998 as well as soil, hydrology and socio-economic data for the oases in Sangong River Watershed were processed by Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). There are two typical agricultural land uses in oases, Farm-based Land Use with large-scale intensified agricultural activities (FLU) and Household Responsibility-based Land Use with small-scale activities (HRLU). The Index Model of Land Use/Land Cover Change (LUCC), Weighted Index Sum (WIS) and logistic stepwise regression model were established to contrast the two typical LUCC processes and their driving forces. The land use patterns were dominated by cropland and grassland for the entire region, and cropland, residential and industrial land were increasing stably. In the HRLU areas, woodland and grassland declined dramatically, but in the FLU areas, grassland decreased only by 12.0%, whereas woodland increased by 13.7%. LUCC was stronger in the earlier stage (1978–1987) than in the later stage (1987–1998) for the entire region. LUCC was more intense in the HRLU areas than in the FLU areas during the entire period (1978–1998). Policy was a key factor in the land use change, and water resources were a precondition in land use. Under the control of policy and water resources, the main human driving factors included population and economy, and the main natural restrictions were soil fertility and groundwater depth. Human driving factors controlled the land change in the HRLU areas, but natural restriction factors dominated in the FLU areas. In the mean time, intensification of LUCC in the region had some spatiotemporal implications with a fluctuation of impact factors.  相似文献   

Shallow groundwater is an important source of water for the maintenance and restoration of ecosystems in arid environments, which necessitates a deeper understanding of its complex spatial and temporal dynamics driven by hydrological processes. This study explores the dominant hydrological processes that control the shallow groundwater dynamics in the Gobi Desert‐riparian‐oasis system of the lower Heihe River, a typical arid inland river basin located in northwestern China. The groundwater level and temperature were monitored in 14 shallow wells at 30‐min intervals during the 2010–2012 period. After combining this information with meteorological and hydrological data, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to understand the dynamic behaviour of the shallow groundwater system and to determine the dominant factors that control the groundwater flow processes. The results of the study indicate notably large temporal and spatial variations in both the groundwater level and temperature. Noticeable fluctuations in the groundwater level (0.5–1 m) and temperature (4–8 °C) were observed in the riparian zone, evidencing a clear river influence. In comparison, the groundwater fluctuations in the Gobi Desert were more stable (the annual variations of the water table were less than 0.5 m, and the water temperature varied by no more than 2 °C). Strong variations in the groundwater table (1.5–5.0 m/year) and temperature (1.5–6.5 °C), mainly caused by surface flood irrigation and groundwater pumping, were observed in the oasis area. The investigated sites were categorized into three types that reflect the dominant hydrological processes: (1) the riparian zone, dominated by riverbank filtration and groundwater evapotranspiration; (2) the Gobi Desert area, controlled by groundwater evaporation and lateral recharge; and (3) the oasis area, dominated by groundwater evapotranspiration as well as surface–groundwater interactions caused by human activities. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A case study on the responses of streamflow to climate change in the Toutun River basin was carried out based on data analysis of streamflow, precipitation, and temperatures during the past 50 years.Temporal series of the streamflow change in the Toutun River basin was analyzed and tested using the Mann-Kendall nonparametric test. Results revealed that the annual runoff of the Toutun River had been in a monotonic decreasing trend for the past 50 years. Compared with the 1950s and 1960s, the annual runoff in the 1990s decreased by 4.0×105 m3 and 7.2×105 m3. The precipitation did not show monotonic trend during the past 50 years, but the annual temperature increased by 1.12℃ since the 1950s. Further data analysis indicated that the monthly runoff of the Toutun River decreased significantly from August to October, with precipitation displaying the similar pattern of seasonal change. Analysis suggests that the reduction of streamflow in the Toutun River basin is possibly caused by the seasonal change of precipitation, especially the precipitation reduction in summer, and temperature increases.  相似文献   

以三峡库区重要支流汝溪河为研究区域,分析汝溪河中底栖硅藻功能群季节演替特征,并探讨影响其季节演替的驱动因子.结果表明,3个水情期(平水期、枯水期及丰水期)共鉴定出底栖硅藻168种,隶属8科27属,共划分为B、C、D、L_O、MP、P、X3和T_B8个功能群,其中MP在3个水情期中均占主导地位.通过冗余分析(RDA)发现,汝溪河中底栖硅藻功能群季节演替的主要驱动环境因子为亚硝酸盐浓度、电导率、溶解性磷酸盐浓度、高锰酸钾指数和温度.  相似文献   

庞琰瑾  袁增伟 《湖泊科学》2021,33(2):439-448
如何精细量化降雨径流污染负荷是流域尺度实现面源精准治污全过程控制的重要前提.本研究以水污染较为严重的望虞河西岸综合示范区为例,通过开展不同土地利用类型的降雨观测实验,修正SCS-CN模型中的初损率,并基于土地利用类型遥感解译和降雨径流污染物浓度测定,精细刻画降雨径流中总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、化学...  相似文献   


珠江三角洲位于华夏板块南部, 虽然已发现多个水热型地热田, 但地热研究仍然较为薄弱.岩石热物性研究是地热研究中最为基础和重要的工作之一.本研究采集并测量了珠江三角洲与周边典型地区100块地表岩石的密度、热导率、热扩散率, 以及50块岩浆岩的U、Th、K2O含量, 并分别计算了体积热容和放射性生热率.实测结果表明, 碎屑岩中细砂岩的热导率最高(3.94±0.92 W·(m·K)-1), 页岩的热导率最低(2.68±0.55 W·(m·K)-1).岩石热导率和热扩散率具有明显的正相关性.结合地层厚度建立了地层热物性柱, 其中古近系的热导率最低, 地层热物性与沉积环境有关.岩浆岩中玄武岩的热导率最低(2.17±0.13 W·(m·K)-1), 花岗岩平均热导率为3.87±0.59 W·(m·K)-1.花岗岩放射性生热率在0.36~14.23 μW·m-3之间, 平均值为5.23±3.03 μW·m-3, 属于高产热花岗岩.结合前人对研究区岩石放射性元素含量的测试结果, 我们发现, 相对于K2O, U、Th与生热率具有更强的相关性, 并对产热的贡献更高.相对于花岗岩, 玄武岩的生热率较低, K2O对产热的贡献较高.新的资料为区域热流的确定和地热资源评价提供了新的视角.模拟和计算结果表明, 三水盆地沉积层能对深部热量起到聚集和保存的作用, 并在基底附近形成高温区(>150 ℃); 上地壳中花岗岩体产生的热流超过45 mW·m-2, 占地表热流的一半以上.盆地和花岗岩体均具有形成高温地热资源的地质条件.此外, 酸性岩浆岩放射性生热率随时间逐渐降低的特征与幔源基性岩浆的混合作用有关.



This study contributes to the comprehensive assessment of flood hazard and risk for the Phrae flood plain of the Yom River basin in northern Thailand. The study was carried out using a hydrologic–hydrodynamic model in conjunction with a geographic information system (GIS). The model was calibrated and verified using the observed rainfall and river flood data during flood seasons in 1994 and 2001, respectively. Flooding scenarios were evaluated in terms of flooding depth for events of 25-, 50-, 100- and 200-year return periods. An impact-based hazard estimation technique was applied to assess the degree of hazard across the flood plain. The results showed that 78% of the Phrae flood-plain area of 476 km2 in the upper Yom River basin lies in the hazard zone of the 100-year return-period flood. Risk analyses were performed by incorporating flood hazard and the vulnerability of elements at risk. Based on relative magnitude of risk, flood-prone areas were divided into low-, moderate-, high- and severe-risk zones. For the 100-year return-period flood, the risk-free area was found to be 22% of the total flood plain, while areas under low, medium, high and severe risk were 33, 11, 28 and 6%, respectively. The outcomes are consistent with overall property damage recorded in the past. The study identifies risk areas for priority-based flood management, which is crucial when there is a limited budget to protect the entire risk zone simultaneously.

Citation Tingsanchali, T. & Karim, F. (2010) Flood-hazard assessment and risk-based zoning of a tropical flood plain: case study of the Yom River, Thailand. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(2), 145–161.  相似文献   

Downscaling methods assist decision makers in coping with the uncertainty regarding sustainable local area developments. In particular, they allow investigating local heterogeneities regarding water, food, energy, and environment consistently with global, national, and sub-national drivers and trends. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework that integrates a partial equilibrium Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM) with a dynamic cross-entropy downscaling model to derive spatially explicit projections of land uses at 1-km spatial resolution from 2010 to 2050 relying on aggregate land demand projections. The fusion of the two models is applied in a case study in Heihe River Basin to analyze the extent of potential cropland, grassland, and unused land transformations, which may exacerbate already extensive water consumption caused by rapid expansion of irrigated agriculture in the case study region. The outcomes are illustrated for two Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios. The kappa coefficients show that the downscaling results are in agreement with the land use and land cover map of the Heihe River Basin, which indicates that the proposed approach produces realistic local land use projections. The downscaling results show that under both SSP scenarios the cropland area is expected to increase from 2010 to 2050, while the grassland area is projected to increase sharply from 2010 to 2030 and then gradually come to a standstill after 2030. The results can be used as an input for planning sustainable land and water management in the study area, and the conceptual framework provides a general approach to creating high-resolution land-use datasets.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services evaluation aims at understanding the status of ecosystem services on different spatial and temporal scale. In this paper, we selected the middle reach of the Heihe River Basin (HRB), which is the second largest inland river basin in China, as one of the typical area to estimate the ecosystem services values (ESVs) corresponding to the land use changes. Based on the land use data and ecosystem service value coefficients, the total ecosystem services values (TESVs) of the middle reach of the HBR are quantitatively calculated, which were 9.244 × 108, 9.099 × 108, 9.131 × 108 and 9.146 × 108 USD in 1988, 2000, 2005 and 2008 respectively. During 1988–2008, the decrease of grassland, forest land, water area and unused land contributed 148.94%, 57.85%, 87.87% and 16.42% respectively to the net loss of TESVs, while the dramatic increase of cultivated land improved the TESVs with contribution of −211.08% to the net loss of TESVs. Expansion of cultivated land, which especially caused the loss of grassland and forest land, directly exerted negative impacts on the provision of ecosystem services in the study area. The findings of this research indicated that land use change was an important form of human activities, which had a strong impact on ecosystem services.  相似文献   

岸滩侧蚀崩塌现象普遍存在于江河湖泊中,是一种危害较大的自然灾害。季节性冰冻河流受水动力、冻融耦合作用,岸滩崩塌机理复杂,开展其岸坡稳定性研究对河势控制和河流综合治理具有重要意义。以松花江干流大顶子山航电枢纽下游近坝段为例,采用BSTEM断面尺度模型,对河岸崩塌过程进行了模拟,定量分析了冻融作用对河岸稳定性的影响。研究结果表明:涨水期河岸稳定性相对较高,洪水期和退水期稳定性相对较低,为崩岸多发时期;冻融作用会使河岸稳定安全系数Fs提前达到不稳定临界值,即与不考虑冻融作用相比,河岸提前崩塌,且考虑冻融作用的崩塌宽度更接近实测值,累计冲刷崩塌总量增幅约为7%~41%。研究结果可为季节性冰冻河流岸滩崩塌及河道演变研究提供一定借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

刘晓帆  任立良  徐静  袁飞 《湖泊科学》2011,23(2):174-182
以北方半干旱地区的辽河老哈河流域为研究对象,采用网格离散化方法进行水文模拟单元划分,利用具有物理基础的双源蒸散发能力估算模型,计算每个栅格单元的截留蒸发、植被蒸腾能力和土壤蒸发能力,并取代蒸发皿资料作为混合产流模型的蒸散发能力输入,从而构建摹于双源蒸散与混合产流的分布式水文模型,并对老哈河流域1970-1979年的日径...  相似文献   

杨洁  许有鹏  高斌  王跃峰  徐羽  马倩 《湖泊科学》2017,29(4):827-835
以河流近域景观格局与水环境质量间的关系为研究对象,基于2001年及2010年两期土地利用类型以及7条典型河流的溶解氧、氨氮、高锰酸盐指数、总磷、总氮5项水质指标,分析城镇化下苏州市河流水质与景观格局之间的关系及其变化规律.结果表明:(1)苏州市河流水质状况总体较差,但呈现一定的好转趋势.(2)河流水质受到城镇用地、旱地及水田的综合影响,并表现出尺度效应.其中城镇用地与旱地对河流水质恶化具有明显的作用,水田则反之.2001-2010年城镇用地及水田对水质的影响程度有所减弱,旱地则增强.(3)蔓延度指数、最大面积斑块比例对河流水质呈现负相关,斑块数量、斑块密度、香农均匀度指数、香农多样性指数则与水质呈现正相关.景观格局对于水质的影响在大范围缓冲区更为显著.研究结果可为苏州水环境管理及太湖流域城市空间开发提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化对明晰气候变化和人类活动对湖泊水环境的影响有重要作用.以北方典型农牧交错的岱海流域为研究对象,基于遥感解译技术、马尔可夫转移矩阵、综合污染指数法等方法,对2000-2018年岱海流域土地利用/覆被和湖泊水质的变化进行分析,并结合冗余分析法和计量分析模型探究长时间序列尺度下土地利用/覆被变化对湖泊水质的...  相似文献   

建立了考虑淹没频率和淹没水深等生境因子的水动力-生境适宜度数学模型,基于三峡水库蓄水前后的长序列水文观测数据和不同时期的河道地形资料,研究了近20年来武汉河段汉口边滩南荻(Miscanthus lutarioriparius)-芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落的适宜生境变化情况,量化了不同因素的影响.结果表明:所建立的生境数值模型能较好地模拟还原南荻-芦苇群落实际空间分布情况.与2001年前的情况相比,若维持地形不变,三峡水库蓄水后的径流过程调平、年内水位变幅减小将导致群落适宜分布带向河道方向转移,且面积减小33.24%;若保持水文条件不变,岸线利用引起的地形坡度坦化将导致群落扩张,其分布面积增加69.11%;由于后者影响占主导地位,在2种因素综合影响下,南荻-芦苇群落向低滩地蔓延的同时呈现了扩张的趋势,面积增加42.53%.进一步发现,若滩地地形变化或人工建筑位于淹没频率在5%~25%区间带内,则水文变化、地形变化2种因素会对南荻-芦苇群落生境产生迭加影响,这种迭加影响甚至会大于单因素影响之和.研究表明岸滩开发等人为干扰导致滨岸滩地改变时,可能会影响滩上植被生长条件,这值得有关部门进行岸线规划、利用和进行生态保护时重点关注.  相似文献   

修建在河流支流入汇口处的水利工程,同时受干、支流洪水共同作用,其防洪水位不但与洪水组合特性有关,还与洪水、水利工程行洪的耦合关系有关.已有采用设计洪水重现期对应的特征洪水组合,或者直接采用经验洪水组合进行调洪计算得到防洪设计水位的方法无法有效反映洪水与水利工程的相互作用.本文结合防洪标准的本质,利用Copula-蒙特卡罗模拟方法对修建在支流入汇口处的水利工程的防洪设计水位进行计算,并以珠江流域西江支流郁江广西桂平航运枢纽水闸为例展开研究.结果表明:Copula-蒙特卡罗模拟方法可以有效考虑干、支流洪水组合特性及其与水利工程行洪的耦合关系,以其计算得到的防洪设计水位唯一且可保证达到防洪标准的要求,可有效克服利用洪水重现期确定防洪设计水位存在的不确定性;在干、支流洪水共同作用下,以设计洪水重现期的不同特征组合计算得到的防洪设计水位相差非常大,且与达到防洪标准要求的防洪设计水位相比完全偏离了合理的误差范围,不宜以设计洪水重现期确定防洪设计水位;利用经验洪水组合计算难以合理反映不同工程的洪水及工程特性.研究成果可为修建在支流入汇口处受干、支流洪水共同影响的水利工程防洪设计提供更合理的理论依据和...  相似文献   

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