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The Upper Permian Bijori Formation of the Satpura Gondwana basin comprising fineto coarse-grained sandstone, carbonaceous shale/mudstone and thin coal bands was previously interpreted as the deposits of meandering rivers. The present study documents abundance of wave ripples, hummocky and swaley cross-stratification and combined flow bedforms in the Bijori Formation, suggesting that a significant part of the formation was deposited in a wave-agitated environment. Evidence of near-emergent depositional conditions provided by repeated occurrence of rootlet beds and hydromorphic paleosols, local flooding surfaces denoting rapid fluctuation of water level, occurrences of temnospondyl vertebrate fossils, and absence of tidal signatures and marine fossils suggest a lacustrine rather than marine depositional regime. Five facies associations recognised within the Bijori Formation are inferred to represent fluvial channels and associated floodplains (FA1), lake shorelines (FA2), subaqueous distributary channels and associated levees (FA3), waveand storm-affected delta front (FA4), and open lacustrine/lower shoreface (FA5) deposits. The planoconcave fluvial channel-fill sandbodies with unidirectional cross-beds are clearly distinguishable from the delta front bars that show a convexo-plan or bi-convex sandbody geometry and dominance of wave and combined flow bedforms. Some of the distributary channels record interaction of fluvial and wave-dominated basinal processes. Major distributary sandbodies show a north to northwest flow direction while wave-affected delta front sandbodies show very complex flow patterns reflecting interaction between fluvial discharge and wave processes. Wave ripple crest trends show that the lake shoreline had an overall east-northeast to west-southwest orientation. The lack of documented contemporaneous lacustrine or marine sediments in the Satpura Gondwana basin posed a major problem of basin-scale palaeogeographic reconstruction. The existence of Bijori lake solves the problem and the lake is inferred to have acted as repository for the contemporaneous alluvial drainage. Development of the large Bijori lake body implies generation of accommodation space exceeding the rate of sediment supplied and thus represents locus of high tectonic subsidence. Transition of fluvial sediments with red mudstone and calcareous soil profile in the lower part of the succession to carbonaceous shale and coal-bearing lacustrine sediments in the upper part, denote a change from a warm semi-arid climate with seasonal rainfall to a more humid one.  相似文献   

Nine different types of cross‐stratified packages from the coal‐bearing, deltaic succession of the Barakar Formation (Permian) of the Satpura Gondwana Basin, central India, are described. The deposits are characterized by periodic mudstone drapes, reactivation surfaces including all other features suggestive of deposition from periodically unsteady, tidally‐influenced flows. The inferred flow patterns varied from purely bidirectional to pulsating unidirectional. The different types of cross‐stratified packages are interpreted to have resulted from superimposition of ebb‐oriented, steady, unidirectional fluvial currents of variable strength on the tidal flow in a deltaic setting. The study helps to distinguish cross‐strata that may develop in settings where fluvial and tidal currents interact. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Permo-Carboniferous Talchir Formation in the southeastern part of the Talchir basin is represented by about 260 m thick clastic succession resting on the Precambrian basement rocks of the Eastern Ghats Group. The succession is tentatively subdivided into four lithostratigraphic units, namely A-I, A-II, B and C from base to top. Unit A-I comprises mud-matrixed, very poorly sorted diamictites and interbedded thin sandstone and mudstone yielding dropstones. They reveal deposition in a proglacial lake environment in which ice rafting and suspension sedimentation, as well as meltwater-underflow processes, produced variety of facies. The succession of unit A-II is dominated by pebble to boulder conglomerates and sandstones. They were deposited mostly from various kinds of high-energy sediment gravity flows, both subaerial and subaqueous, and formed steep-faced fan-delta on the margin of the basin. Unit B demonstrates turbidite sedimentation in lake-margin slope and base-of-slope environments, in which a sublacustrine channel-fan system developed. The lake-margin slope was dissected by channels which were accompanied by overbank and levee deposits. Sediments delivered from the mouth of a channel were deposited at the base-of-slope, forming a fan lobe which prograded onto the lake basin floor. Unit C dominantly consists of mudstone with intercalations of siltstone and sandstone and forms a large-scale coarsening-upward deltaic sequence eventually covered by the fluvial deposits of the Karharbari Formation.Following the glacially influenced sedimentation, the Talchir succession shows a vertical facies progression suggesting gradual deepening of the lake basin and eventual filling up of it due to rapid delta progradation. Such a succession represents deglacial control on basin evolution during the Talchir time. In the initial stage of glacial recession, collapse of a glacier and failure of montane glacial lakes frequently occurred and gave rise to generation of a highly sediment-laden debris flow and a catastrophic flood, which brought abundant coarse clastics into the lake and built a fan-delta on the basin margin. The continued recession and disappearance of glacier resulted in abundant supply of ice-melt water into the graben as well as eustatic sea-level rise, being the cause of the rise in lake-level. Subsequent rapid delta progradation and eventual filling-up of the lake basin suggest rapid lake-level fall after deepening of lake basin. It was possibly caused by the regional uplift due to post-glacial isostatic rebound. Rapid draining of lake water through the graben gave rise to the establishment of an axial drainage system which rapidly filled the lake basin in form of an axially fed delta.  相似文献   

In the Lower Gondwana succession of the Jharia basin of eastern India, the Barren Measures Formation is characterized by the cyclic disposition of fine-grained lacustrine deposits and relatively coarse-grained fluvial deposits. The cyclic variation in the rate of coarse clastic input is attributed to the sedimentary response to basin tectonics. The sandstone-shale alternations of the Barren Measures succession can be correlated with the tectonic cyclothems developed on the hangingwall dip-slope and adjoining trough in a continental half-graben setting. Enhancement of the gradient of the hangingwall dip-slope during reactivation of the basin margin faults led to progradation of the existing fluvial system towards the half-graben trough and deposition of the coarser clastics on the fine-grained lacustrine deposits of the trough. Peneplanation of the hangingwall slope and slow increase in the lake level caused lacustrine transgression and retrogration of the fluvial system on the hangingwall block. The fluvial sediments were onlapped by the fine-grained lacustrine deposits. Episodic rejuvenation of the basin margin faults thus caused development of tectonic cyclothem on the hangingwall block. The paleocurrent pattern indicates that a persistent northward paleoslope was maintained during Barren Measures sedimentation. The inferred depositional settings were much more extensive than the present limit of the outcrop. The faults, presently defining the northern limit of the Barren Measures Formation, were possibly emplaced after Barren Measures sedimentation. The final movement along these fault planes caused preservation of the downthrown hangingwall block and the Barren Measures sediments on the footwall block were eroded during subsequent denudation. The Southern Boundary Fault came into existence after the deposition of the Barren Measures sediments.  相似文献   

Many tholeiitic dyke-sill intrusions of the Late Cretaceous Deccan Traps continental flood basalt province are exposed in the Satpura Gondwana Basin around Pachmarhi, central India. We present field, petrographic, major and trace element, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data on these intrusions and identify individual dykes and sills that chemically closely match several stratigraphically defined formations in the southwestern Deccan (Western Ghats). Some of these formations have also been identified more recently in the northern and northeastern Deccan. However, the Pachmarhi intrusions are significantly more evolved (lower Mg numbers and higher TiO2 contents) than many Deccan basalts, with isotopic signatures generally different from those of the chemically similar lava formations, indicating that most are not feeders to previously characterized flows. They appear to be products of mixing between Deccan basalt magmas and partial melts of Precambrian Indian amphibolites, as proposed previously for several Deccan basalt lavas of the lower Western Ghats stratigraphy. Broad chemical and isotopic similarities of several Pachmarhi intrusions to the northern and northeastern Deccan lavas indicate petrogenetic relationships. Distances these lava flows would have had to cover, if they originated in the Pachmarhi area, range from 150 to 350 km. The Pachmarhi data enlarge the hitherto known chemical and isotopic range of the Deccan flood basalt magmas. This study highlights the problems and ambiguities in dyke-sill-flow correlations even with extensive geochemical fingerprinting.  相似文献   

A triangular outlier of coal-bearing lower Gondwana rocks comprises a tectonic window within the Precambrian metamorphic terrain of the Rangit Valley, in the eastern Himalays of India. Due to a series of tectonic events which took place during the Mesozoic and Tertiary the succession has become reversed and the coal has undergone severe physical, chemical, microstructural and optical changes. Studies reveal that (1) the rank of the coal prior to tectonism was low, (2) the coal underwent oxidation in the peat forming stage and during subsequent orogenic stages but effect of oxidation on the properties of coal was insignificant, (3) the coal reached its present abnormally high rank mainly due to heating under tectonic pressure and (4) the heat which was generated due to tectonic pressure, affected all the coal seams of this belt.  相似文献   

广西合山晚二叠世碳酸盐岩型煤系层序地层分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
广西合山煤田晚二叠世合山组是在浅水碳酸盐台地背景下形成的典型的碳酸盐岩型含煤岩系 ,其沉积环境有滨外陆棚、生物礁、开阔台地、潮坪和泥炭沼泽等。在包括合山组和大隆组在内的整个晚二叠世地层中 ,可以识别出5个层序界面 ,并可根据这些层序界面将区内上二叠统划分为 4个层序。层序 从合山组底面到合山组下段顶部的四 下 煤层底板硅质岩层之底面 ;层序 包括从四 下 煤底板到四 上 煤底板的一套地层 ;层序 为从四 上 煤层底板到二煤层之下铝土质泥岩底板的序列 ;层序 包括从合山组二煤层之下铝土质泥岩底板到大隆组之顶。其中层序 、层序 和层序 厚度在合山煤田范围内变化较大 ,说明受盆地基底沉降作用控制强烈 ,层序 则表现为多次的煤层-石灰岩旋回性 ,并且在合山煤田甚至桂中地区稳定分布 ,说明可能主要受全球海平面变化控制。与滨海平原靠陆一侧的冲积体系的陆源碎屑岩含煤岩系不同 ,陆表海碳酸盐岩型煤系三级层序中的最大海泛带底部以该层序中向上变薄至最薄的一层煤的底面为代表 ,如研究区三 中 煤层底面即为层序 中的最大海泛带底部 ,其下为三级层序中的海侵体系域 ,其上为高位体系域。三级层序中有包含四 上 、三 下 、三 中 、三 上 等煤层为界的 4个四级层序 ,每个四级层序中发育  相似文献   

The Athgarh Formation is the northernmost extension of the east coast Upper Gondwana sediments of Peninsular India. The formation of the present area is a clastic succession of 700 m thick and was built against an upland scarp along the north and northwestern boundary of the basin marked by an E-W-ENE-WSW boundary fault. A regular variation in the dominant facies types and association of lithofacies from the basin margin to the basin centre reveals deposition of the succession in an alluvial fan environment with the development of proximal, mid and distal fan subenvironments with the distal part of the fan merging into a lake. Several fans coalesced along the basin margin, forming a southeasterly sloping, broad and extensive alluvial plain terminating to a lake in the centre of the basin. Aggradation of fans along the subsiding margin of the basin resulted in the Athgarh succession showing remarkable lateral facies change in the down-dip direction. The proximal fan conglomerates pass into the sandstone-dominated mid-fan deposits, which, in turn, grade into the cyclic sequences of sandstone-mudstone of the distal fan origin. Further downslope, thick sequence of lacustrine shales occur. The faulted boundary condition of the basin and a thick pile of lacustrine sediments at the centre of the basin suggest that tectonism both in the source area and depositional site has played an important role throughout the deposition of the Athgarh succession of the present area. The vertical succession fines upward with the coarse proximal deposits at the base and fine distal deposits at the top, suggesting deposition of the succession during progressive reduction of the source area relief after a single rapid uplift related to a boundary fault movement.The NW-SE trending fault defining the Son-Mahanadi basin of Lower Gondwana sediments are shear zones of great antiquity and these were rejuvenated under neo-tensional stress during Lower Gondwana sedimentation. The E-W-ENE-WSW trending fault of the Athgarh basin, on the other hand, define tensional rupture of much younger date. In the Early Cretaceous period, there was a reversal of palaeoslope in the Athgarh basin (southward slope) with respect to the Son-Mahanadi basin (northward slope). During the phase drifting of the Indian continent and with the evolution of Indian Ocean in the Early Cretaceous period, the tectonic events in the plate interior was manifested by formation of new grabens like the Athgarh graben.  相似文献   

川南煤田古叙矿区含煤地层格架及聚煤作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省古叙矿区晚二叠世龙潭组为一套海陆交替相含煤地层,根据勘查地质资料通过层序地层学和聚煤作用研究,根据区域性不整合面、河流下切谷充填砂岩底部冲刷面、石灰岩的旋回性及最大延伸范围等划分为2个三级层序及相应的低位、海侵及高位体系域。成煤的沉积体系主要为潮坪.三角洲体系,层序地层格架对煤层的发育、分布及含煤性具有明显的控制作用,厚度较大、展布范围较广的煤层主要分布在海侵体系域的中下部、高位体系域中下部及低位体系域的上部。层序I的含煤性最好,层序Ⅱ次之。  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子体-光学发射光谱仪(ICP-OES),系统测定了淮南朱集井田二叠纪3个沉积组11个煤层371个煤样品的稀土元素含量.通过对煤中稀土元素地球化学参数分析,得出以下认识:朱集煤中稀土元素总量位于86×10-6~143×10-6范围内,平均值为112×10-6;稀土元素具有指相意义,靠近物源区的上、下石盒子组煤中稀土元素总量比远离物源区受陆表海影响的山西组煤分别高出38%和25%;上、下石盒子组及山西组煤中稀土元素分配模式总体属于轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损型,轻稀土曲线段呈“右倾”趋势,重稀土曲线段则较为“平坦”;样品δEu变化范围为0.52~0.80,平均值为0.59,Eu中度负异常,指示成煤沼泽受陆源碎屑影响较大;样品δCe变化范围为0.93~1.04,平均值为0.99,Ce含量无异常,指示成煤沼泽受海水影响较小;煤中稀土元素总量与煤中灰分呈不太显著的正相关关系(R=0.59),说明成煤过程中陆源碎屑物质所携带的部分稀土元素可能吸附在煤的有机质中.原煤X射线衍射图谱(XRD)和光学煤岩薄片显示煤中矿物以石英和粘土矿物为主,高岭石可能是稀土元素的无机载体.另外,稀土元素与陆源碎屑元素(Si、A1、Ti、Ni、Sc和Se等)相关性较好,而与海相元素(B、Sr和Ca)相关性不明显.  相似文献   

Cyclic characters of Karharbari, Barakar and Barren Measures Formations of the Talchir Gondwana basin have been studied in the subsurface logs statistically using first order Markov chain and entropy analyses. Results strongly suggest that the sediments of these formations were deposited by Markovian mechanism and all the three formations represent cyclic sedimentation. The complete cycles of all the three formations are identical and exhibit fining-upward character. Each complete cycle starts with a thin conglomerate or pebbly to coarse-grained sandstone at the base and successively followed by medium- and fine-grained sandstones, interbedded sandstone-shale, shale and terminates with a coal seam at the top. There are, however, minor variations of facies transition in different formations. Entropy analysis also corroborates these findings. The upward sequence of facies states, which is stationary at individual localities, is non-stationary over the entire area. Broad regional variations in the depositional environment, that are not significant at the local scale, may be the plausible explanation. The Karharbari, Barakar and Barren Measures sediments of the Talchir Gondwana basin fit suitably into the concept of fluvial cycles.  相似文献   

New SHRIMP radiogenic isotope dating on zircons in tuffs (280.8 ± 1.9 Ma) confirms the Early Permian (Artinskian) age of the uppermost section of the Tunas Formation. Tuff-rich levels in the Tunas Formation are exposed in the Ventana foldbelt of central Argentina; they are part of a deltaic to fluvial section corresponding to the late overfilled stage of the Late Paleozoic Sauce Grande foreland basin. Recent SHRIMP dating of zircons from the basal Choiyoi volcanics exposed in western Argentina yielded an age of 281.4 ± 2.5 Ma (Rocha-Campos et al., 2011). The new data for the Tunas tuffs suggest that the volcanism present in the Sauce Grande basin can be considered as the distal equivalent of the earliest episodes of the Choiyoi volcanism of western Argentina. From the palaeoclimatic viewpoint the new Tunas SHRIMP age confirms that by early Artinskian glacial conditions ceased in the Sauce Grande basin and, probably, in adajacent basins in western Gondwana.  相似文献   

The lowest unit of the Talchir Formation of Talchir Basin, Orissa, was described by pioneer workers as the ‘basal boulder bed’. In an attempt to explain the co-existence of gravel and clay, materials of contrasting hydraulic properties, a probable situation resembling the effects of the action of ground-ice enabled boulders to be carried down by sluggish currents resulting in an intermixture of large boulders and fine mud was conceived. Misinterpretation of this conclusion led to a general tendency to describe the ‘basal boulder bed’ as ‘glacial tillite’. However, the unit described as ‘basal boulder bed’ is actually represented by a matrix rich conglomerate with pockets of normally graded silty clay. The present study reveals that the depositional imprints preserved in this part of the sedimentary succession indicate emplacement of successive debris flows generated through remobilization of pre-existing unconsolidated sediments. Small pockets of fine-grained turbidites presumably deposited from the entrained turbidity currents associated with the debris flows suggest the composite character of the debris flow deposit.  相似文献   

The southernmost occurrence of the early Maastrichtian larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) in Tethys is known from the Kallankuruchchi Formation in the Cauvery Basin, SE India, represented by Lepidorbitoides-Siderolites assemblages. The systematics, age and paleobiogeography of Lepidorbitoides here have as yet remained unresolved due to lack of information particularly on the nepionic arrangement, whereas their links with the Western Tethyan and Caribbean biogeographic domains were speculated. Lepidorbitoides, studied from the same level in seven samples in two separate areas, invariably possess quadriserial nepionts and adauxiliary chamberlets, whose mean number ranges from 3.79 to 4.67. The ratio between the sample means of the internal diameter of deuteroconch and protoconch varies between 1.72 and 1.86. The equatorial layer in the early stage consists of arcuate chambers with basal stolons, and ogival-to spatulate chamberlets with annular and oblique stolons in the later stages. These features are consistent with the phylogenetically advanced members of the Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides lineage, such as L. minor (Schlumberger) and L. socialis (Leymerie), and all samples were assigned to the transitional development stages of these species based on the morphometry. The taxonomic status of some Lepidorbitoides species, originally described from the Kallankuruchchi Formation and widely adopted in previous works, such as L. blanfordi (Rao) and L. inornata (Rao), are not justified. We extend the geographic range of Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides to southern India.  相似文献   

四川晚二叠世煤中硫与成煤环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐跃刚  姚光华 《沉积学报》1996,14(4):161-167
本文从沉积学、成煤环境、地球化学等方面研究了煤中硫的分布规律,并详细阐明了煤中硫与成煤环境的关系。研究表明:煤中硫的赋存状况,不仅受成煤环境的影响,而且受其顶板沉积环境的影响。成煤环境奠定了煤中硫的分布基础,而顶板环境则是促使煤富硫、高硫的重要因素。微咸水浑水潮坪的顶板沉积环境,导致了下伏煤高黄铁矿硫,而咸水的清水潮坪顶板环境则导致下伏煤高有机硫。  相似文献   

黔西晴隆矿区晚二叠世煤地球化学变异的地质成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李大华  唐跃刚 《地质论评》2005,51(2):163-168
运用仪器中子活化分析(INAA)、电离耦合等离子体质谱(ICP—MS)、电离耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP—AES)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、冷原子吸收光谱(CVAAS)、离子选择性电极法(ISE)、逐级化学提取试验(SCEE)等,结合带能谱仪的扫描电镜(SEMEDX)和MPV—Ⅲ显微镜下观察的煤岩学特征的分析,对贵州晴隆矿区上二叠统含煤岩系8号煤层中微量元素的含量和赋存特征及其影响因素进行了研究。发现该煤层中Cu(263.4μg/g)、Cr(154.2μg/g)、Hg(0.86/μg/g)、Mo(82.47μg/g)、Ni(63.3μg/g)、Pb(200.4/μg/g)、Se(4.25/μg/g)、U(154.8/μg/g)、Zn(214.6/μg/g)和Zr(754.3μg/g)等元素异常富集;而As和F的含量不高,其含量分别为1.58/μg/g和83.4μg/g。逐级化学提取结果显示,该煤层中Hg、Mo、Ni、Pb、Se和Zn元素主要赋存在低温热液成因的黄铁矿脉中;Cr、U和Zr主要存在于粘土矿物中,其中Cr和Zr可能与康滇古陆陆源碎屑供给有关;Cu不仅与粘土矿物有关,而且也和煤中黄铁矿有关。表明低温热液流体和陆源碎屑供给对该煤中主要微量有害元素的含量和赋存特征起了决定作用。  相似文献   

Helen Lever   《Gondwana Research》2004,7(1):135-142
Climate has an important direct and indirect influence of sedimentation, and especially on the development of cyclic sedimentation. Climate influences both accommodation and supply, the major controls on the architecture of sedimentary sequences. The Permian paleoclimate is the subject of increasing controversy, giving rise to numerous differing models developed and an expanding database of fossil evidence for climatic conditions.Western Australian basins, in particular the Carnarvon Basin, are unique among nearby Gondwanan basins in that they do not have extensive coal measures within their Permian successions. The Kennedy Group, the uppermost unit in the onshore Carnarvon Basin Permian succession, has a detrital composition indicative of arid weathering conditions. Within the Kennedy Group, even lagoonal and very nearshore sediments are devoid of plant debris or indications of the nearby presence of extensive flora. Presumed surfaces of subaerial exposure do not show paleosol development or root-traces. There has been little development of clay and chemical grain degradation is almost entirely related to diagenetic cementation and dissolution phases, rather than transport and source weathering. Nearby basins, at similar latitudes, in India and East Australia contain coal measures, consistent with the humid climates that are predicted for this latitude. It is suggested therefore that the inferred aridity in the climate of the Carnarvon Basin and other Western Australian Basins is due to local climatic effects, probably related to an interruption in atmospheric circulation caused by tectonic rifting and uplift to the west.Cyclicity in the Kennedy Group indicates regular Late Permian, Milankovitch scale eustatic sea-level change, and may signify the presence of some ice at the poles. The development of cycles may have been enhanced by shifting climate belts controlled by Milankovitch cyclicity.  相似文献   

测水组是湘中早石炭世主要的含煤地层。该区早石炭世的海侵主要来自西南侧,物源主要来自东北方向的雪峰古隆起。测水早期沉积物有煤、泥岩、砂质泥岩及细砂岩,沉积环境为潟湖相、泥炭沼泽相、潮坪相及滨海相;晚期主要沉积了细-粗粒石英砂岩、砂质泥岩、泥岩及石灰岩,沉积环境有滨外泥质陆棚、滨外碳酸盐陆棚及滨海相。煤层主要形成于潟湖淤浅而成的泥炭沼泽环境,含煤性与煤系厚度、砂岩含量及砂泥比值等有一定相关性,富煤带只存在于一定厚度的含煤地层分布区。本区于早石炭世时期形成了西部金竹山和东部太平寺二个聚煤中心,其中西部含煤性及煤层稳定程度比东部好,是勘查找煤的重要地区。  相似文献   

Basal part of the Gondwana Supergroup represented by Talchir and Karharbari Formations (Permo-Carboniferous) records an abrupt change-over from glacio-marine to terrestrial fluviolacustrine depositional environment. The contact between the two is an unconformity. Facies analysis of the glacio-marine Talchir Formation reveals that basal glaciogenic and reworked glaciogenic sediments are buried under storm influenced inner and outer shelf sediments. Facies associations of the Karharbari Formation suggest deposition as fluvio-lacustrine deposits in fault-controlled troughs. An attempt has been made in this paper to explain the sedimentation pattern in Talchir and Karharbari basins, and the abrupt change-over from glacio-marine to terrestrial fluviolacustrine depositional environment in terms of glacio-isostacy.  相似文献   

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