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Elemental abundances of the early A stars ε Ser, 29 Vul and σ Aqr are derived consistently with previous studies of this series using spectrograms obtained with Reticon and CCD detectors. The derived abundances confirm that ε Ser is a definite Am star. 29 Vul shows evidence for a weakly operating Am star phenomenon. σ Aqr, a hot Am star prototype, has abundances similar to those of o Peg, another class prototype.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances of the moderately rotating B9–A3 stars λ UMa, 59 Her, 14 Cyg and 29 Cyg have been derived in a consistent manner with previous studies of this series from spectrograms obtained with Reticon and CCD detectors. The derived elemental abundances show that λ UMa is a mild Am star, while 59 Her is slightly metal-rich. Although 14 Cyg has values closer to solar than these stars, its subsolar Ca and Sc abundances indicate that it might be the hottest known hot-Am star. 29 Cyg is a metal-poor λ Boo star.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances of 28 And (A7 III) and 99 Her (F7 V), which have modest rotational velocities, are derived in a manner consistent with previous studies in this series of papers. The values for 28 And, a δ Scuti variable, show that it is slightly metal-poor, but not a classical Am star. 99 Her, which is somewhat more metal-poor, has a rather small microturbulence for its spectral type.  相似文献   

Spatially resolved, broad Hα line profiles from both the luminous blue variable star ε Carinae (ε Car) and the surrounding filamentary Car II ('Keyhole') nebula, where they have been scattered and reflected by dust, have been observed periodically from 1985 to 1997. The Hα line profiles from ε Car in this 12-yr period show some, albeit not dramatic, changes. The sharp and deep P Cygni-type absorption feature that was observed first in 1985 in the broad, scattered/reflected profiles from the surrounding Keyhole nebula is not present in any of the direct ε Car profiles. This distinctive feature is now shown to be spatially variable over the Keyhole nebula and most prominent along the direction of the axis of the bipolar Homunculus nebula at PA 132°. No evidence of any temporal variability of this sharp feature has been found in 12 yr of monitoring, even from the most well-defined scattering/reflecting cloud along PA 132°.
It is concluded that a 46°-wide cone of light from ε Car is relatively unobscured along the axis of the Homunculus nebula and that this must be the consequence of a dense torus close to the star.  相似文献   

Equipartition magnetic fields can dramatically affect the polarization of radiation emerging from accretion disc atmospheres in active galactic nuclei. We extend our previous work on this subject by exploring the interaction between Faraday rotation and absorption opacity in local, plane-parallel atmospheres with parameters appropriate for accretion discs. Faraday rotation in pure scattering atmospheres acts to depolarize the radiation field by rotating the polarization planes of photons after last scattering. Absorption opacity in an unmagnetized atmosphere can increase or decrease the polarization compared to the pure scattering case, depending on the thermal source function gradient. Combining both Faraday rotation and absorption opacity, we find the following results. If absorption opacity is much larger than scattering opacity throughout the atmosphere, then Faraday rotation generally has only a small effect on the emerging polarization because of the small electron column density along a photon mean free path. However, if the absorption opacity is not too large and it acts alone to increase the polarization, then the effects of Faraday rotation can be enhanced over those in a pure scattering atmosphere. Finally, while Faraday rotation often depolarizes the radiation field, it can in some cases increase the polarization when the thermal source function does not rise too steeply with optical depth. We confirm the correctness of the analytic calculation by Silant'ev of the high magnetic field limit of the pure scattering atmosphere, which we incorrectly disputed in our previous paper.  相似文献   

This series of high quality elemental abundance analyses of mostly Main Sequence normal and peculiar B, A, and F stars defines their properties and provides data for the comparison with analyses of somewhat similar stars and with theoretical predictions. Most use high dispersion and high S/N (≥ 200) spectrograms obtained with CCD detectors at the long camera of the 1.22‐m Dominion Astrophysical Observatory telescope's coudé spectrograph. Here we expand the range of stars examined to include two relatively quiescent F supergiants. ν Her (F2 II) and 41 Cyg (F5 Ib‐II) are analyzed as consistently as possible with previous studies. These LTE fine analyses use the ATLAS9 and the WIDTH9 programs of R. L. Kurucz. High signal‐to‐noise spectrograms and high quality atomic data were employed. The derived values of these photometrically constant stars are somewhat different with the abundances of ν Her being somewhat metal‐poor and those of 41 Cyg being crudely solar‐like. Our analyses indicate that the basic results of Luck & Wepfer (1995) who also studied ν Her and 41 Cyg are not likely to be significantly changed by new studies of all their stars. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This series of high quality elemental abundance analyses of mostly main‐sequence band normal and peculiar B, A, and F stars defines their properties and provides data for the comparison with the analyses of somewhat similar stars and with theoretical predictions. Most use high dispersion and high S/N (≥ 200) spectrograms obtained with CCD detectors at the long camera of the Coudé spectrograph of the 1.22‐m Dominion Astrophysical Observatory telescope. Here we reanalyze 21 Aql with better quality spectra and increase the number of stars consistently analyzed in the spectral range B5 to A2 by analyzing three new stars for this series. In the early A stars the normal and non‐mCP stars have abundances with overlapping ranges. But more stars are needed especially in the B5 to B9 range. ξ2 Cet on average has a solar composition with a few abundances outside the solar range while both 21 Aql and ι Aql have abundances marginally less than solar. The abundances of ι Del are greater than solar with a few elements such as Ca being less than solar. It is an Am star (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We examine the sharp‐lined stars HR 6455 (A3 III, v sin i = 8.7 km s–1) and η Lep (F2 V, v sin i = 13.5 km s–1) as well as δ Aqr (A3 V, v sin i = 81 km s–1) and 1 Boo (A1 V, v sin i = 59 km s–1) to increase the number consistently analyzed A and F stars using high dispersion and high S/N (≥200) spectrograms obtained with CCD detectors at the long Coudé camera of the 1.22‐m telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. Such studies contribute to understanding systematic abundance differences between normal and non‐magnetic main‐sequence band chemically peculiar A and early F stars. LTE fine analyses of HR 6455, δ Aqr, and 1 Boo using Kurucz's ATLAS suite programs show the same general elemental abundance trends with differences in the metal richness. Light and iron‐peak element abundances are generally solar or overabundant while heavy element and rare earth element abundances are overabundant. HR 6455 is an evolved Am star while δ Aqr and 1 Boo show the phenomenon to different extents. Most derived abundances of η Lep are solar (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper presents extended analyses of β UMa (A0mA1 IV‐V), α Dra (A0 III), π Dra (A2 IIIs), and κ Cep (B9 III) which have previously been studied in this series. α Dra is a metal‐poor star while κ Cep has solar abundances. Both β UMa and π Dra are Am stars. Whenever possible, more accurate and precise gf values replace older values. High S/N (200+) and high dispersion Dominion Astrophysical Observatory spectrograms to the red of previously obtained spectra supplement the observations. The derived rotational velocities are 45, 25, 26, and 23 km s–1, respectively. These LTE fine analyses use the ATLAS9 and the WIDTH9 programs of R. L. Kurucz. The results of the extended and the previous analyses are in good agreement. Thus in the past decade a significant improvement in the system of gf values has not been achieved although for many lines there have been changes. The use of additional regions has increased the quality of some results (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a direct spectroscopic measurement of the wind electron temperatures and a determination of the stellar wind abundances of the WC10 central stars of planetary nebulae CPD−56° 8032 and He 2–113, for which high-resolution (0.15-Å) UCLES echelle spectra have been obtained using the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope.
The intensities of dielectronic recombination lines, originating from autoionizing resonance states situated in the C2++e continuum, are sensitive to the electron temperature through the populations of these states, which are close to their LTE values. The high-resolution spectra allow the intensities of fine-structure components of the dielectronic multiplets to be measured. New atomic data for the autoionization and radiative transition probabilities of the resonance states are presented, and used to derive wind electron temperatures in the two stars of 21 300 K for CPD−56°8032 and 16 400 K for He 2–113. One of the dielectronic lines is shown to have an autoionization width in agreement with the theoretical predictions. Wind abundances of carbon with respect to helium are determined from bound–bound recombination lines, and are found to be C/He=0.44 for CPD−56° 8032 and C/He=0.29 for He 2–113 (by number). The oxygen abundances are determined to be O/He=0.24 for CPD−56° 8032 and 0.26 for He 2–113.
The effect of optical depth on the temperature and abundance determinations is investigated by means of a Sobolev escape-probability model. We conclude that the optically thicker recombination lines can still be used for abundance determinations, provided that their upper levels are far from LTE.  相似文献   

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