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 Chemical analyses were done on cores of bottom sediment from three locations in Lake Livingston, a reservoir on the Trinity River in east Texas to identify trends in water quality in the Trinity River using the chemical record preserved in bottom sediments trapped by the reservoir. Sediment cores spanned the period from 1969, when the reservoir was impounded, to 1992, when the cores were collected. Chemical concentrations in reservoir sediment samples were compared to concentrations for 14 streambed sediment samples from the Trinity River Basin and to reported concentrations for soils in the eastern United States and shale. These comparisons indicate that sediments deposited in Lake Livingston are representative of the environmental setting of Lake Livingston within the Trinity River Basin. Vertical changes in concentrations within sediment cores indicate temporal trends of decreasing concentrations of lead, sodium, barium, and total DDT (DDT plus its metabolites DDD and DDE) in the Trinity River. Possible increasing temporal trends are indicated for chlordane and dieldrin. Each sediment-derived trend is related to trends in water quality in the Trinity River or known changes in environmental factors in its drainage basin or both. Received: 6 October 1995 · Accepted: 13 October 1995  相似文献   

Sediment phosphorus (P) fractions and profile distribution at submerged macrophyte growth zone, emergent macrophyte growth zone and open-water zone were studied in Wuliangsuhai Lake, China, as well as the correlations among water content, grain size, and organic matter and P fractions. Among the three surveyed zones, the highest concentrations of most P forms occurred in the surface sediment and the lowest between a depth of 12 and 22 cm, except HCl-P and NaOH-P. Sediment phosphorus was mainly associated to inorganic forms (>50%) in three surveyed areas, and the highest value of inorganic phosphorus (IP) in the surface sediment was obtained from submerged macrophyte growth zone. Submerged and emergent macrophytes increased the IP content by 107 and 44 μg/g, respectively, in the surface sediment compared with open-water zone. Vertical profiles of IP in the three surveyed zones showed that the concentrations decreased from surface to 12 cm depth and then increased. There was a similar trend in the sediment profiles of organic phosphorus (OP) and total phosphorus (TP), but the highest concentration of OP and TP in surface sediment was obtained from the emergent macrophyte growth zone. Compared with open-water zone, the emergent macrophyte increased TP content in surface sediment by 1.73 times to 1,320 μg/g, while submerged macrophyte enhanced TP content in the surface sediment by 1.13 times to 865 μg/g. It was observed that in macrophyte growth zones, a strong linear correlation existed between organic matter and OP (r > 0.98), and the maximum concentrations of OP were present in the areas with maximum concentrations of organic matter. Results show that, although rooted macrophyte could uptake directly P from sediments, it is responsible for increasing the internal P loading especially OP by reducing current velocities, attenuating wave energy and generating organic residue in Wuliangsuhai Lake.  相似文献   

The copper (Cu) distributions and speciation in the surface sediment collected from Nansi Lake (NL) (China) were investigated by chemical and physical fractionation methods. Sediment was first fractionated into four grain size fractions (< 63, 78–163, 163–280, and > 280 μm) in wet condition. Each fraction was then further divided into two density sub-fractions (low and heavy) by flotation in sodium-polytungstate solution (ρ = 2.0 g/cm3). In addition, a three-stage extraction procedure following the European Communities Bureau of Reference (BCR) protocol was applied to study the speciation distribution of Cu among grain size fractions. It was found that the speciation distributions of Cu among different grain size fractions were quite close to each other, although the total Cu concentrations were different in the individual fractions. Moreover, Cu mainly occurred in the coarser, low density, OC-rich fractions. Extractable Cu, which was dominated by reducible and oxidizable parts, occupied almost 80% of the total Cu concentration. Total Cu concentrations in grain size fractions and density sub-fractions ranged from 29.6 to 72.9 and from 21.4 to 156 mg/kg dw, respectively. It was noted that low-density fractions had 4–7 times higher Cu concentrations and 5–12 times higher organic carbon (OC) content than those in high-density fractions. The results demonstrated that OC was a main factor influencing Cu distributions in either grain size or density fractionated sediment. This study suggests that the role of the Cu-rich fraction should be considered when conducting the remediation of Cu contamination in NL.  相似文献   

Major elements [aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn)] and phosphorus (P) as well as its fractions in the sediment of Longgan Lake, a shallow lake in the middle reach of Yangtze River, China, were investigated to assess the effect of factors such as the grain size, organic matter (OM), and redox conditions on the behavior of P. Meanwhile, the anthropogenic impact on the P accumulation during the last century was distinguished from the natural one. The grain size, redox conditions, and major elements had close relationship with inorganic P, while there was a significant correlation between organic P and OM. Different relationships between Ca-bound P and Ca in the sediment indicated the anthropogenic Ca source besides the natural one. The marked anthropogenic impact on the lake was detected since 1950 ad, while it significantly intensified since 1970 ad. This change corresponded well to the history of the reclamation, constructions of dams, and reservoirs, the utilization of phosphate fertilizers, and the utilization of lime to kill off schistosomes. The P flux was applied to distinguish the anthropogenic versus natural P accumulation. Before 1950 ad, the natural P inputs by soil erosion, runoff, and so on, were the main source of P in the sediment, while thereafter the increasing human activity in the catchment resulted in more extra P or so-called anthropogenic P accumulation.  相似文献   

To assess the contamination trends and potential bio-availability of sediment-bound heavy metals, concentrations of heavy metals in acid-leaching fraction and in bulk sediments from the two typical bays (the Meiliang Bay and Xuhu Bay) of the Taihu Lake, East China, were studied. Pb and Zn showed elevated concentrations in the sediments from both areas, although sedimentation history and degree of pollution are different between the two bays. In the Meiliang Bay, both Pb and Zn pollutions started in the late 1970’s, the same time as the beginning of eutrophication of the lake, while the in the Xuhu Bay the metal contamination started since recent 10 years. The concentrations of acid-leachable Pb in the sediments from the Meiliang Bay are correlated with the historical eutrophication process. Before the eutrophication and heavy metal pollution, the chemical properties of the lake sediments were the same as the source compositions of the Xiashu loess. Both Pb and Zn in the sediments mainly occur in leachable forms by nitric or hydrochloric acid, whilst most of Cu is in residual fraction. The results indicate that both Pb and Zn may have higher mobility and bioavailability in water and biology than Cu.  相似文献   

The BCR sequential extraction procedure is applied to probe into the speciation distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu and Pb) in lake sediments of Core XJ2 in Xijiu Lake, Taihu Lake catchment, China. The results showed that the effective species concentration of this five heavy metal elements increased obviously during the past century, the proportions of organic/sulphide fractions of Zn, Cu and Pb decreased while the Fe–Mn oxide fractions increased, and the proportion of Fe–Mn oxide fractions of Cd decreased while the exchangeable and carbonate fractions increased. The concentrations of exchangeable and carbonate fractions of these five elements were increased in the past century, especially the proportions of these fractions of Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb increased prominently. These changes could be attributed to the anthropogenic pollution. Since the changes of the heavy metal concentrations were corresponding to the history of human activities, especially the industry development, within the catchment.  相似文献   

1IntroductionPhosphorus,an essential nutrient for the primaryproductivity in freshwater systems,is an important fac-tor controlling lacustrine eutrophication.Although ex-ternal input of phosphorus has been assumed as the vi-tal responsibility for the eutrophication of lakes(ZhuJun et al.,2005),the remobilization of phosphorus insediments has a distinct influence on it as well(Bostr m et al.,1982).The concentrations of totalphosphorus(Ptotal)in the sediments are often related tothe trophic st…  相似文献   

To reflect the historical changes, the vertical profiles of concentrations, enrichment factors and burial fluxes of potential harmful elements (PHEs: Ga, Ge, Mo, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Tl, Bi, W and V) were determined in two sediment cores collected from Bohai Bay. Sediment accumulation rates and chronologies were obtained from 210Pb activity-depth profiles. Two sediment accumulation rates in core 2 were observed: a higher rate of 4.78 mm/year before the 1960s and 2.93 mm/year since then. The sediment accumulation rate in core 6 was 2.82 mm/year. The PHE concentrations and burial fluxes exhibited an obvious variation with the depth due to the natural and anthropogenic inputs. Especially, the higher concentrations and burial fluxes of PHEs occurred in the 1960s and 1980s, matching the large runoff and industrial development. Enrichment factors (EFs) of PHEs were computed in order to evaluate their potential sources. Results showed that the EFs of Sb, Te and Bi were higher than 1.5, revealing the anthropogenic inputs; however, the EFs of other PHEs were lower than 1.0, indicating the natural inputs. Moreover, the high EFs of Sb, Te and Bi appeared in the surface or subsurface layers, indicating that the extent of anthropogenic contamination enhanced in recent years. Sequential extraction technique was used to study the ecological risks of PHEs. Results revealed that the ecological risks of Mo, Te and Bi in both cores and Sb and W in core 2 were medium due to their high availability in the exchangeable and carbonate-bound fractions.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(12-13):1413-1427
We present new density records from sediment cores taken along a depth transect in Lake Chichancanab, Mexico. The data reveal in great detail the climatic events that comprised the Terminal Classic Drought (TCD) and coincided with the demise of Classic Maya civilization between ca 750 and 1050 AD. In shallow-water cores, the TCD is marked by a condensed gypsum horizon. In deeper-water sections it is expanded and represented by numerous interbedded gypsum and organic-rich strata. The TCD was not a single, two-century-long megadrought, but rather consisted of a series of dry events separated by intervening periods of relatively moister conditions. We estimate the TCD occurred between ca 770 and 1100 AD and included an early phase (ca 770–870 AD) and late phase (ca 920–1100 AD). The intervening 50-year period (ca 870–920 AD) was relatively moister. Each dry phase is represented by multiple gypsum (density) bands interbedded with organic-rich sediment that indicate alternating dry and wet conditions. Spectral analysis revealed significant periods around 213, 50, and 27 years. Despite uncertainty regarding the ages of these events, their pattern is robust and generally consistent with other proxy records under the same climate regime, such as the marine Cariaco Basin off northern Venezuela (Science 299 (2003) 1731).  相似文献   

Constant-temperature laboratory culture experiments of the planktonic foraminiferal species Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady) suggest that the ratios of Li and Sr to Ca in the shells are a function of these ratios in the culture solutions. MgCa and NaCa in the shells did not vary with changes of these ratios in the culture solution. These are the first direct determinations of the relationship between foraminiferal shell chemistry and solution composition.The possibility of temperature dependence for the minor elemental composition of foraminiferal shells was also investigated in the laboratory and by analysis of several planktonic and one benthic foraminiferal species from sediment trap and sediment core samples. The SrCa, MgCa, and NaCa ratios in the natural samples roughly correlate with calcification temperature, whereas differences in the Li/Ca ratios are small and not systematically related to temperature. However, laboratory culture experiments at 20°C and 30°C showed no variation in the LiCa, SrCa, MgCa, and NaCa ratios with calcification temperature for the planktonic foraminifera G. sacculifer and Orbulina universa. Therefore, observed differences in the SrCa, MgCa, and NaCa ratios for the sediment trap and core foraminiferal samples cannot be ascribed to direct effects of calcification temperature, but may be due to some other environmental factor which is correlated with temperature.  相似文献   

This article reports on the concentration of selected trace elements (Mn, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ba, As, B, V, and Hg) and major elements (Fe and Al) from the intertidal sediment cores from Sundarban wetland, India. This is a typical meso-macrotidal estuarine area affected by domestic and industrial activities located upstream. The overall concentrations range is low to moderate, indicating the environmental conditions in the outfall zone (grain size, hydrodynamic regime, and confinement), which favors the in situ accumulation of pollutants. The extent of contamination from trace elements in Sundarban core sediments is evaluated through a two-pronged approach: (i) by determining the metal enrichment in the sediments through the calculation of Pollution Load Index (PLI), Enrichment Factor (EF) and Index of Geoaccumulation (I geo), and (ii) by defining a potential level of biological risk by the use of quality criteria such as Threshold Effect Level (TEL) and Effects Range-Low (ERL) benchmarks. On the basis of the calculated indices, sediments are particularly enriched with Cr, Cu, B, V, and As. Those enrichments seem to be due to the fine granulometry of the regions with Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides being the main metal carriers. Trace Elements input to the Sundarban wetland need to be kept under strict control in future specially with reference to As since, according to TEL and ERL benchmarks, it already appears to be associated with a potential biological risk.  相似文献   

Dianchi Lake is a eutrophic lake in southwestern China. Sediment and the bottom water samples were taken from six sites in the east, west, south, north and center of the lake, respectively, in December 2002. Total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in sediments were high and reached a maximum value of 6.66 g/kg. There was a soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration gradient at the sediment–water interface. In the present study, sediment P was divided into loosely adsorbed P (NH4Cl-P), redox-sensitive P (BD-P), metal oxides bound P (NaOH-P), calcium bound P (HCl-P), and organic P (Org-P). At three of the six sites selected, the concentrations of different P forms in sediments followed the order: NaOH-P, Org-P>HCl-P>BD-P>NH4Cl-P in the profile, and in the southern lake the order was HCl-P>NaOH-P, Org-P>BD-P>NH4Cl-P in the top 15 cm layers of the sediments. The sediment profiles showed that different forms of P had an increasing trend upward toward the sediment surface. There is a considerable potential for release from the sediment into the overlying water and sediment P could be the dominant factor determining the trophic status of the lake if the external load is reduced. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

There were many differences between rivers and lakes such as flow velocity, hydraulic retention time, water vegetation community and other chemical-physical factors that may lead to different characteristics of sedimentary phosphorus. In our research, sedimentary phosphorus fractions and its phosphorus adsorption differences between the lower Nansi Lake and its main inflow rivers were compared. The results showed that the contents of NaOH-P, Org-P, IP-P, and TP in lake sediments were obviously higher than those in its inflow river sediments while HCl-P had no obvious difference between them. Based on analysis, the unstable NaOH-P would accumulate in lake sediments, while it is difficult for it to retain in sediments of rivers because of a high frequency of flood flows and unstable bed sediments. In addition, water vegetation communities were helpful in the accumulation of Org-P in lake sediments. From phosphorus adsorption experiments results, the Ceqc (equilibrium concentration of phosphorus release/adsorption) of lake sediments was higher than that of river sediments. It was indicated that sedimentary phosphorus would be more easily released from lake sediments than river sediments. So in future more work should be focused on internal P loading from lake sediments release.  相似文献   

Information on the chemical composition of phosphorus (P) fractions in sediments is fundamental to understanding P bioavailability and eutrophication in lake ecosystems. Phosphorus fractions and its bioavailability in sediments cores of Lake Hongfeng, southwest China, were investigated using a chemical sequential extraction scheme. Relationships between P fractions, P bioavailability and particle sizes were discussed. P fractions concentrations were ranked in the order: Residual-P > NaOH–rP > NaOH–NRP > HCl–P > BD–P > NH4Cl–P, and all of them decreased with increasing sediment depth. Statistical analysis showed that concentrations of bioavailable P (BAP) which includes the NH4Cl–P, BD–P, NaOH–rP and NaOH–NRP fractions ranged from 404.68 to 1,591.99 mg/kg and accounted for 26.8–71.8 % of the concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) in the top 5 cm sediments, whereas in the whole sediment cores, their concentrations ranged from 239.70 to 1,591.99 mg/kg and accounted for 26.8–76.0 % of TP. The results suggested that the sediments were a large potential source of P for algae blooms in Lake Hongfeng. Phosphorus fractions and their potential bioavailability were influenced by the sediment particle sizes, especially the bioavailability of the NH4Cl–P fraction, which was strongly affected by the presence of fine particle sizes in the sediments.  相似文献   

High concentrations of arsenic and humic substances in groundwater from the southwestern coastal plain of Taiwan were well known for their probable relationships with black-foot disease. In order to realize the relationships between the concentrations of humic substances and arsenic in this area, 24 well water samples were analyzed. After filtered through 0.45 μm glass fiber membrane in the field, samples were kept in the dark at 4℃ and then separated into six fractions with varying range of molecular weight (〈0.5, 0.5-1, 1-5, 5-10, 10-50 and 〉50 k Da) by ultrafiltration apparatus (Molecular/Por Stirred Cell system) in the lab. Concentrations of humic substances were measured by fluorescence spectrometer (HITACHI F-2000, ex=370, em=445) and arsenic by FIAS-AA (Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 100, FIAS-400). On average, only 6.2% of the total arsenic in water existed in the fraction of 〉0.5 k Da. and the others were complexed with humic substances (including humic acid and fulvic acid). The results demonstrated a distinct positive correlation between the concentrations of humic substances and arsenic.  相似文献   

Dongping Lake is an important regulator for the Eastern Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China, and the water quality assurance of it is of great importance. To investigate the distribution characteristics and burial process of phosphorus (P) in Dongping Lake as well as their relationship with regional economic development and human activities, 33 spatially distributed surface sediment samples and one lake sediment core were extracted from Dongping Lake. A harmonized procedure for the P forms in freshwater sediments developed by the European Programme, Standards, Measurements, and Testing was used in this paper. The results show that NaOH–P (P bound to Al, Fe, Mn oxides or hydroxides), HCl–P (Ca-bound P), inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic phosphorus (OP), and total phosphorus (TP) in the surface sediments show a strong spatial variability. The highest NaOH–P and OP concentrations were observed in the eastern and south-eastern region of the lake and decreased gradually away from the mouth area of Dawen River. We deduced that anthropogenic input via the Dawen River is the main contributor. The higher concentration of HCl–P occurred in the north-west region of the lake and increased in a gradient away from the mouth area of Dawen River, and this pattern of distribution could be related to grain-size effects and higher transport energies close to riverine inlets. Pollution reflected by phosphorus in the core sediments of Dongping Lake is well consistent with the economic development history of Dongping County. From the beginning of the 20th century to the middle 1970s, the concentrations of each P speciation did not vary largely and runoff of the Yellow River mainly contributed to the P accumulation in the sediment, which might reflect the background values of them in the lake in pre-industrial period. The stable Mz (mean grain size), low loss-on-ignition (LOI), and high sedimentary flux also support this. The rapid increase of NaOH–P and OP at 10–0 cm (especially 5–0 cm) indicates the enhancing anthropogenic eutrophication since the middle 1970s. The LOI peak period and a coarsening of particle size also support this interpretation. However, the decreasing of TP and HCl–P was attributed to the change in sediment supply. As due to construction of dams around the lake, runoff of the Dawen River mainly contributed to the P accumulation in the sediment during this period.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of arsenic and other trace and major elements has been studied in four sediment cores from Masuda City, Nagashima and Okite in the Shimane Prefecture of southwestern Japan. The sediment cores were also subjected to leaching techniques and 14C dating. The stratigraphic sequences in the cores consist of silt and sandy silt at top, passing downward into gray to black clays. Elevated values of As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and V are present in several horizons while abundances of these elements tend to be higher in the black and gray clays, probably due to adsorption onto clay sediments. Higher concentrations of Fe and total sulfur (TS) occur in black clays. The correlations of the trace metals with iron suggest their adsorption onto Fe (oxy)hydroxides, whereas correlations with sulfur in some cores indicate that they were precipitated as Fe-sulfides. Age determinations suggest that clay horizons at ∼5 m depth were deposited at around 5,000 and 6,000 years BP (14C ages) during the transgressive phase of sea level change. The results of the leaching techniques in the core samples show that higher amounts of As were extracted with deionized water. Even at neutral pH, As can be released from sediments to groundwater, and therefore groundwater pollution is a concern in Masuda City and the surrounding area.  相似文献   

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