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In order to extend the Tallinn temperature series backward in time, three different climate proxies were used. These were: the first day of ice break-up in Tallinn port, a proxy for the mean winter air temperature (December to March); the first day of ice break-up on the rivers in northern Estonia, a proxy for the beginning of spring; and, the first day of the rye harvest, a proxy for the mean air temperature in spring and summer (April to July). On the basis of these proxies the mean winter temperature could be extended back to the year AD 1500, and the spring and summer temperature back to 1731. The series of winter temperatures was analysed for long-term trends and variations on different timescales. The most striking feature is the warming of the winters from about the mid nineteenth century to the present. The warming is especially noticeable over the latest decades. The climate from the start of the series (AD 1500) to the mid nineteenth century was in general somewhat colder, and should be recognised as a part of the Little Ice Age, though the period was intercepted by warmer winters in the first half of the eighteenth century.  相似文献   

利用树轮资料重建1751-2005年崆峒山地区夏季温度变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用采自崆峒山区的66根油松树轮样芯,建立了采样点的标准年表、差值年表和自回归标准化年表。相关分析表明,标准年表与当年夏季均温有显著的相关性,通过建立回归方程,重建了1751-2005年崆峒山地区夏季温度序列。结果表明,自1751年以来,研究区存在3个高温期(1786-1847年、1894-1937年、1987-2004年)和3个低温期(1764-1785年、1852-1893年、1952-1986年)。与Nino3指数、南方涛动指数(SOI)和太阳黑子数等对比表明,崆峒山地区对全球大尺度气候变化及太阳活动都有较好的响应。  相似文献   

通过对小冰期研究文献进行综述,并对已发表的小冰期温度和降水数据进行综合对比分析,探讨小冰期时期中国气候特征的区域性.结果表明,小冰期在中国地区不同区域代用指标记录中均存在,但是小冰期的起讫及持续时间具有区域差异性,温湿配置也不尽相同.小冰期的起始时间主要呈现出由西向东推移的趋势,即青藏高原最早,华北地区次之而东部地区最晚.温湿配置的差异主要体现在东部季风区小冰期时期总体上是冷干的气候环境,而西部地区气候变化则呈现冷湿的气候特征.  相似文献   

Environmental proxies of soil erosion on Iceland, and oceanographic conditions on the adjacent shelf, were measured on a 50 cm box core taken from the southwest Iceland shelf in 1993 during cruise 93030 of the Canadian ship, CSS Hudson. These data, covering the last several centuries, are compared with the documentary record of sea-ice changes around Iceland since A.D. 1600. The site is under the influence of the Irminger Current, which carries warm, saline, Atlantic water northward along the shelf. Because of the relative warmth of this current, sea ice rarely occurs off southwest Iceland, even during the most severe sea-ice intervals of the historical record. In severe sea-ice years, however, the ice drifts clockwise around Iceland from the northeast and east and, in rare cases, reaches the southern coasts (Ogilvie, 1992). The chronology of the core was established by converting the basal radiocarbon date to calendar years and assuming a linear sedimentation rate from the base of the core to the year of collection, 1993. Organic carbon, stable C and O isotope ratios, planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, and sediment magnetic parameters were measured on samples from the core, plotted against calendar years and compared to the Icelandic sea-ice index. The environmental proxies suggest that increased soil erosion, reduced salinity, and, possibly, decreased marine productivity prevailed during the severe sea-ice interval lasting from the last quarter of the eighteenth century to around 1920. Such a situation could develop with climatic cooling, increased storminess, and loss of vegetation cover to stabilise the soil. Although the core site generally lies outside the sea-ice limits, the evidence clearly shows the influence of sea ice and fresh water, and is sensitive to the overall climatic deterioration manifested by the sea-ice record.  相似文献   

The Earth System Climate Model from the University of Victoria is used to investigate changes in ocean properties such as heat content, temperature, salinity, density and circulation during 1500 to 2000, the time period which includes the Little Ice Age (LIA) (1500–1850) and the industrial era (1850–2000). We force the model with two different wind-stress fields which take into account the North Atlantic Oscillation. Furthermore, temporally varying radiative forcings due to volcanic activity, insolation changes and greenhouse gas changes are also implemented. We find that changes in the upper ocean (0–300 m) heat content are mainly driven by changes in radiative forcing, except in the polar regions where the varying wind-stress induces changes in ocean heat content. In the full ocean (0–3,000 m) the wind-driven effects tend to reduce, prior to 1700, the downward trend in the ocean heat content caused by the radiative forcing. Afterwards no dynamical effect is visible. The colder ocean temperatures in the top 600 m during the LIA are caused by changes in radiative forcing, while the cooling at the bottom is wind-driven. The changes in salinity are small except in the Arctic Ocean. The reduced salinity content in the subsurface Arctic Ocean during the LIA is a result from reduced wind-driven inflow of saline water from the North Atlantic. At the surface of the Arctic Ocean the changes in salinity are caused by changes in sea–ice thickness. The changes in density are a composite picture of the temperature and salinity changes. Furthermore, changes in the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) are caused mainly by a varying wind-stress forcing; the additional buoyancy driven changes due to the radiative forcings are small. The simulated MOC is reduced during the LIA as compared to the industrial era. On the other hand, the ventilation rate in the Southern Ocean is increased during the LIA.  相似文献   

针对研究全国近百年平均气温长期变化的实际需要,利用603个测站1961—2002年气温观测资料,比较分析了最高最低平均气温距平序列和4次观测记录平均气温距平序列的差异,讨论了最高、最低气温变化趋势。结果表明:两种统计方法得到的平均气温距平序列及增温速率的差异均不明显,在一定条件下两者可以互相替换。此外,最高、最低气温变化普遍存在不对称现象,且可分为4种类型,这种不对称性对平均气温变化速率并没有明确一致的影响。  相似文献   

增强型植被指数(EVI)时间序列数据(即植被生长曲线)是整个生育期内植被各种生物学特征的综合反映。由于太阳位置、大气、地表和传感器位置与性能等的影响,根据遥感数据计算的EVI值往往比实际值偏低(存在大量噪声),并不能反映植被生长的真实情况,应用前需进行去噪重建工作。针对目前生长曲线重建研究大多是针对MODIS等国外遥感数据的情况,在综合分析重建方法的基础上,利用风云3号卫星的MERSI中分辨率遥感卫星数据构建鹤壁市夏玉米的EVI生长过程曲线。首先,用最大值合成法(MVC)对原始EVI时间序列数据进行初步的去云处理。接着,利用基于时间域的Savitzky-Golay滤波(简称SG滤波)对该EVI序列进行进一步的平滑去噪处理,结果发现,在噪声点EVI数值提高了,但同时在其他不是噪声点的地方EVI的值降低了。针对这种不合理的情况,利用基于SG迭代滤波取上包络线的改进方法进行处理,很好地克服了上述缺陷,在非噪声点EVI数值适当提高,且曲线平滑,达到了生长曲线重建的目的。然后,采用基于频率域的小波变换方法进行实验对比,结果发现,小波变换存在着与经典SG滤波类似的缺陷,而且在曲线末端存在突变情况。经过比较分析发现,针对研究区的实际情况,改进SG迭代滤波是较优的去噪方法。  相似文献   

The Gulf Stream, one of the strongest currents in the world, transports approximately 31 Sv of water (Kelly and Gille, 1990, Baringer and Larsen, 2001, Leaman et al., 1995) and 1.3 × 1015 W (Larsen, 1992) of heat into the Atlantic Ocean, and warms the vast European continent. Thus any change of the Gulf Stream could lead to the climate change in the European continent, and even worldwide (Bryden et al., 2005). Past studies have revealed a diminished Gulf Stream and oceanic heat transport that was possibly associated with a southward migration of intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and may have contributed to Little Ice Age (AD ∼1200 to 1850) in the North Atlantic (Lund et al., 2006). However, the causations of the Gulf Stream weakening due to the southward migration of the ITCZ remain uncertain. Here we use satellite observation data and employ a model (oceanic general circulation model – OGCM) to demonstrate that the Brazilian promontory in the east coast of South America may have played a crucial role in allocating the equatorial currents, while the mean position of the equatorial currents migrates between northern and southern hemisphere in the Atlantic Ocean. Northward migrations of the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean have little influence on the Gulf Stream. Nevertheless, southward migrations, especially abrupt large southward migrations of the equatorial currents, can lead to the increase of the Brazil Current and the significant decrease of the North Brazil Current, in turn the weakening of the Gulf Stream. The results from the model simulations suggest the mean position of the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean shifted at least 180–260 km southwards of its present-day position during the Little Ice Age based on the calculations of simple linear equations and the OGCM simulations.  相似文献   

Maximum latewood density and δ 13C discrimination of Interior Alaska white spruce were used to reconstruct summer (May through August) temperature at Fairbanks for the period 1800–1996, one of the first high-resolution reconstructions for this region. This combination of latewood density and δ 13C discrimination explains 59.9% of the variance in summer temperature during the period of record 1906–1996. The 200-yr. reconstruction is characterized by 7 decadal-scale regimes. Regime changes are indicated at 1816, 1834, 1879, 1916, 1937, and 1974, are abrupt, and appear to be the result of synoptic scale climate changes. The mean of summer temperature for the period of reconstruction (1800–1996) was 13.49 °C. During the period of instrument record (1903–1996) the mean of summer temperature was 13.31 °C for both the reconstruction and the recorded data. The coldest interval was 1916–1937 (12.62 ° C) and the warmest was 1974–1996 (14.23 °C) for the recorded data. The reconstruction differs from records of northern hemisphere temperatures over this period, especially because of Interior Alaska warm periods reconstructed from 1834 to 1851 (14.24 °C) and from 1862 to 1879 (14.19 °C) and because of the cool period in the early part of the 20th century (1917–1974). We show additional tree ring data that support our reconstruction of these warm periods. Alternate hypotheses involving autogenic effect of tree growth on the site, altered tree sensitivity, or novel combinations of temperature and precipitation were explored and while they cannot be ruled out as contributors to the anomalously warm 19th century reconstruction, they were not supported by available data. White spruce radial growth is highly correlated with reconstructed summer temperature, and temperature appears to be a reliable index of carbon uptake in this system.  相似文献   

城市热岛效应对北京夏季高温的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
应用1998—2002年北京地区自动气象站观测资料,探讨了城市热岛效应对夏季高温的增幅作用。结果表明:北京地区夏季平均热岛指数随着环境温度的升高呈上升趋势,城市热岛效应对高温强度有明显的增幅作用。并应用中尺度MM5模式,对2000年7月一次典型高温天气过程进行了数值模拟。试验表明:模式对于北京地区夏季高温及城市热岛的范围和强度均有较好的模拟能力。  相似文献   

The possible changes in the frequency of extreme temperature events in Hong Kong in the 21st century were investigated by statistically downscaling 26 sets of the daily global climate model projections (a combination of 11 models and 3 greenhouse gas emission scenarios, namely A2, A1B, and B1) of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The models’ performance in simulating the past climate during 1971–2000 has also been verified and discussed. The verification revealed that the models in general have an acceptable skill in reproducing past statistics of extreme temperature events. Moreover, the models are more skillful in simulating the past climate of the hot nights and cold days than that of the very hot days. The projection results suggested that, in the 21st century, the frequency of occurrence of extremely high temperature events in Hong Kong would increase significantly while that of the extremely low temperature events is expected to drop significantly. Based on the multi-model scenario ensemble mean, the average annual numbers of very hot days and hot nights in Hong Kong are expected to increase significantly from 9 days and 16 nights in 1980–1999 to 89 days and 137 nights respectively in 2090–2099. On the other hand, the average annual number of cold days will drop from 17 days in 1980–1999 to about 1 day in 2090–2099. About 65 percent of the model-scenario combinations indicate that there will be on average less than one cold day in 2090–2099. While all the model-emission scenarios in general have projected consistent trends in the change of temperature extremes in the 21st century, there is a large divergence in the projections between difierent model/emission scenarios. This reflects that there are still large uncertainties in the model simulation of the future climate of extreme temperature events.  相似文献   

西安市夏季空气颗粒物污染特征及来源分析   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
大气颗粒物一直是西安市的主要污染物,多年监测的TSP日均浓度值均超过国家二级标准限值150 μg/m3。1996年夏季在西安市南郊陕西省委党校设立监测点,使用步进式时间序列自动采样仪对当地空气颗粒物进行了4天24小时连续采样,使用PIXE对采到的32个样品进行元素分析,每个样品分析出14~16种元素。各种元素浓度随时间变化趋势基本一致,主要受气象条件的影响,降雨对空气颗粒物各元素浓度有明显抑制作用。富集因子分析表明,西安市空气颗粒物不仅受地壳物质的影响,还受到一定程度人为污染的影响。元素浓度的因子分析表明,西安市夏季颗粒物主要有4种来源:地壳物质、有色治炼、燃煤排放源和化工制药业。  相似文献   

我国夏季高温极值的概率分布特征及其演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对夏季高温极值分布存在偏态性,利用Box-Cox变换,得到一种偏态概率分布拟合函数。基于偏态分布函数中的偏态指数和最概然高温极值,揭示了我国夏季高温极值的概率分布特征及其在20世纪80年代前后的变化规律,发现我国夏季高温极值的概率分布主要呈正偏分布型,最概然高温极值变化较好地反映了分布型的改变。研究不同时间尺度内极值对偏态指数和最概然高温极值的影响发现,最概然高温极值较为稳定,10年尺度内受极值影响较小,而偏态指数所受影响随着时间尺度的增大而越发显著。  相似文献   

长沙市夏季百叶箱内外温度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈朝晖  范昱 《气象科技》2014,42(5):742-747
对长沙市2011、2012年夏季(6—9月)百叶箱内外温度同步观测资料进行统计分析,结果表明:百叶箱内外温度呈现白天箱外温度高于箱内,晚上低于箱内的日变化特征,但不同类型天气交替时间存在早晚不一。箱内外夏季平均温度、极端最高温度的变化趋势一致,但箱外温度高于箱内,且不同类型天气百叶箱内外温度存在差异,阴雨天平均相差1.2℃,多云差2.8℃,晴天差3.1℃,极端最高温差达6.4℃。特别是日最高温度大于等于35℃的高温日数,2年箱内共出现61天,而箱外多达125天;箱内极端最高温度为38.9℃,而箱外极端最高温度高达42.0℃。因此,在高温预报和公共气象服务工作中,应当要考虑外界温度(百叶箱外温度)与百叶箱内温度之间存在的差异。  相似文献   

地面气候资料均一性研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
气象台站观测的地面气候资料是气候变化研究的重要基础,气候资料的均一性检验和订正对于提高气候资料的质量和均一性状况具有实用意义和价值.通过回顾近年来国内外地面气候资料均一性研究进展、研究技术及发展趋势,总结了目前国内广泛应用的两种较为成熟的均一化方法(RHtest和MASH)及其对气温、风速资料均一性研究取得的一些成果,...  相似文献   

傅云飞  潘晓  刘国胜  李锐  仲雷 《大气科学》2016,40(1):102-120
本文利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM, Tropical Rain Measuring Mission)第七版逐日逐轨测雨雷达(PR, Precipitation Radar)及可见光和红外扫描仪(VIRS, Visible and Infrared Scanner)的融合数据集,研究了夏季青藏高原上降水类型的特征.统计结果表明第七版PR降水回波强度及降水率廓线资料(2A25)仍旧误判青藏高原上以层云降水为主(比例高达85%);以云顶相态定义的青藏高原降水类型统计表明,冰相云顶和冰水混合相云顶的降水分别占43%和56%;以降水回波顶高度定义的降水类型统计表明,深厚弱对流降水和浅薄降水分别占77%和22%,而深厚强对流降水仅占1%.空间分布的统计表明,冰相云顶降水和冰水混合相云顶降水的频次和强度自高原西部向高原东部和东南部增加,其降水回波顶高度自高原西、中部向东部降低.深厚强对流降水和浅薄降水的频次由西向东增加,而深厚弱对流降水频次分布是西少、北少、南多,高原南部比北部的深厚弱对流降水频次高出近1倍;深厚弱对流降水和浅薄降水的平均强度也表现了自高原西部、中部向东部的增大,而其降水回波顶高度分布则相反.总体上,夏季青藏高原降水频次和强度自西向东增多和增大,而云顶和降水回波顶高度则相反.  相似文献   

风云三号气象卫星C星/D星/E星的掩星接收机接收GPS和北斗导航卫星信号,形成掩星事件,进而反演得到大气温度廓线。利用2016—2022年FY-3C/3D/3E GPS和北斗掩星干大气温度廓线,通过与ERA5再分析资料对比,分析掩星干大气温度的精准度特征。结果表明:掩星干大气温度廓线在200 hPa至20 hPa间精度最高,标准偏差约为1 K,且GPS与北斗掩星的误差特征相近。在稳定度方面,FY-3C GPS掩星干大气温度平均偏差线性变化趋势为-0.0055 K·a-1,与国外同类掩星资料稳定性相当。因2021年初掩星天线多径效应订正,FY-3D GPS掩星干大气温度与ERA5再分析资料的平均偏差出现明显跳变,平均偏差值从-0.154 K降为-0.007 K, 负偏差显著减小。总体上,FY-3C GPS掩星干大气温度廓线长序列稳定度较好,北斗掩星干大气温度廓线精度能够达到或优于GPS,风云极轨卫星序列的GPS和北斗掩星在长序列稳定性上具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于MODIS的广东省植被指数序列构建与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何全军  曹静  张月维 《气象》2008,34(3):37-41
植被指数是衡量植被长势的重要指标,植被指数序列有助于准确地认知植被覆盖、土地利用和土壤水分的时空变化规律,以及进行干旱和植被生长监测.利用2004-2006年的MODIS数据,选择RVI、NDVI和EVI三种植被指数,采用最大值合成法进行广东省植被指数序列构建.按照不同植被覆盖对三种植被指数的年际变化规律进行分析,并通过NDVI进行植被覆盖度计算以及植被覆盖等级分类来分析植被的空间分布.结果表明,建立的植被指数序列能真实地反映植被生长规律,植被覆盖度和广东地区的植被实际分布状况一致.说明建立植被指数序列是动态监测广东省植被长势的及植被环境的变化的有效方法.  相似文献   

华北降水时间序列资料的小波分析   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
利用小波变换时域局部性特点,对华北地区降水时间序列资料作了多时间尺度小波分析.在对华北地区降水100年资料的分析过程中,运用不同的时间尺度分别得到6~7年、21~22年和35~36年的时间周期规律.这些结果为探讨华北地区长期旱涝趋势的可预报性问题提供了重要信息.此外,还对这些特征尺度下的小波分析曲线进行了重构,得到的重构曲线与用原始数据作十年滑动平均所得曲线十分吻合.  相似文献   

利用树轮重建小兴安岭五营1796年以来的温度变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 对黑龙江省小兴安岭五营丰林国家自然保护区建立的红松 (Pinus koraiensis) 树轮宽度年表与五营气象站的气候要素响应分析表明,树轮年表与生长季上一年10月份的平均温度显著相关,由此重建了1796-2004年五营10月份平均温度。此外,4月下旬的温度变化对五营红松树木的径向生长也具有一定的影响。1796-2004年,五营共经历了4个偏冷和4个偏暖期。周期分析表明,重建序列以3.33 a的周期最为显著,对重建序列30 a尺度的突变检验结果表明,1871年和1900年前后,五营地区10月份平均温度出现了显著的均值突变,1851年前后出现了明显的方差突变。  相似文献   

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