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The behaviour of the magnetic field of a neutron star with a superconducting quark matter core is investigated in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. We take into account the simultaneous coupling of the diquark condensate field to the usual magnetic and to the gluomagnetic gauge fields. We solve the Ginzburg-Landau equations by properly taking into account the boundary conditions, in particular, the gluon confinement condition. We found the distribution of the magnetic field in both the quark and hadronic phases of the neutron star and show that the magnetic field penetrates into the quark core in the form of quark vortices due to the presence of Meissner currents.  相似文献   

We study the effect of strong magnetic fields on the structure of neutronstar. We find that if the interior field is on the same order as the surface field currently observed, then the influences of the field on the star‘s mass and radius arenegligible; if the field is as large as that estimated from the scalar virial theorem,then considerable effects will be induced. The maximum mass of the star will be increased substantially while the central density is greatly reduced. The radius of a magnetic star can be larger by about 10%~20% than a nonmagnetic star of the same mass.  相似文献   

本文研究了中子星的热演化、自转演化和磁场演化的相互影响.考虑了一个自洽模型:中子星因磁偶极辐射而自转减慢,在内部产生某些加热过程,中子星磁场通过壳层的欧姆耗散来衰减.结果表明,磁场衰减提高了加热过程的重要性;相反,加热效应减慢了磁衰减.因此可以得出,中子星的热、自转和磁场也许不是独立演化的.不仅如此,这些演化与初始条件有关,因此,人们也许可以从射电和X射线观测对脉冲星年龄、初始磁场和周期给出某些限制.  相似文献   

陈次星  张家铝 《天文学报》2004,45(2):141-157
导出在Saa有挠引力模型下慢旋转磁中子星电磁场所满足的方程,并研究其外部解,得出如下结论:其一,选规范.A^0=0,电磁场存在某种形式的特解;其二,选规范A^0≠0,电磁场根本不存在此特解.故可通过观测中子星外部电磁场的形式判断挠率是否存在.  相似文献   

The Ginzburg-Landau equations are derived for the magnetic and gluomagnetic gauge fields in the color superconducting core of a neutron star containing a CFL-condensate of diquarks. The interaction of the diquark CFL-condensate with the magnetic and gluomagnetic gauge fields is taken into account. The behavior of the magnetic field in a neutron star is studied by solving the Ginzburg-Landau equations taking correct account of the boundary conditions, including the gluon confinement conditions. The magnetic field distribution in the quark and hadronic phases of a neutron star is found. It is shown that a magnetic field generated in the hadronic phase by the entrainment effect penetrates into the quark core in the form of quark vortex filaments because of the presence of screening Meissner currents. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 87–98 (February 2007).  相似文献   

本文通过考虑强磁场中电子的量子效应,分析了强磁场下电子气体的Fermi能,讨论了磁场对核的屏蔽势和核反应率的影响,进而计算了强磁场对天体物理中几个较重要的热核反应的影响,结果表明,相对于无磁场而言,在较低密度下,足够强的磁场使原子核的屏蔽势显著增加,但在ρ/μe>10~5molcm~(-3)的密度下,中子星表面存在的强度为10~5~10~9T范围内的磁场对核反应率几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

The effect of a neutron-proton vortex system on the rotation dynamics of neutron stars is examined. The dynamics of the motion of a two component superfluid system in the core of a neutron star yields an equation for the evolution of the pulsar's rotation period. The spin down of the star owing to energy release at the core boundary, which is associated with a contraction of the length of the neutron vortex as it moves radially and magnetic energy of the vortical cluster is released, is taken into account. Evolutionary curves are constructed for pulsars with different magnetic fields and stellar radii. For certain values of the coefficient of friction between the superfluid and normal components in the core of the neutron star, at the end of its evolution a radio pulsar may become an anomalous x-ray pulsar or a source of soft gamma radiation with a period on the order of 10 seconds.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a photometric study of AM Her, a prototype of a class of magnetic CVs. Optical photometry of AM Her was obtained using the Russian–Turkish 1.5 m telescope at TüBİTAK National Observatory (TUG) in August 2003. The R band light curve of the system shows two maxima and two minima during one orbital cycle. In both observing nights the star showed flickering at a significant level. The measured flickering time scale is about 5 min.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a two-dimensional numerical simulation of the collapse of a rotating core with formation of a neutron star that has strong differential rotation in its outer regions. A specially developed numerical method is used which is based on a fully conservative implicit operator difference scheme for gravitational gas dynamics problems in lagrangian coordinates on a variable-structure triangular grid. The recoil shock wave generated by the collapse causes ejection of a small amount of material. This cannot explain the explosion of type II supernovae. The strong differential rotation in the presence of even a weak initial magnetic field obtained in these calculations must lead to a rise in the magnetic pressure, formation of an MHD shock wave, and conversion of rotational energy into the energy of radial expansion (magnetorotational supernova explosion).  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The classical problem of spherical accretion onto a compact object, e.g., a black hole or a neutron star (NS), has been studied by many authors. A hydrodynamical solution was presented by Bondi 1952, who showed that inside a certain capture…  相似文献   

Models of neutron stars with a quark core are calculated on the basis of an extensive set of equations of state for superdense matter. The possible existence of a new branch of stable layered neutron stars is revealed for some realistic equations of state of neutron matter.  相似文献   

There are remarkable similarities between the rapid X-ray variability of low-magnetic field neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries, and that of black holes. In particular at frequencies < 100 Hz, their power spectra can be strikingly similar. The highest frequency phenomena (kilohertz QPOs, black hole high-frequency QPOs and neutron star hectohertz QPOs) are the ones that show most differences, perhaps because they originate closest to the compact object. Most variability components vary in frequency in correlation with one another, and the correlations once again are very similar across neutron stars and black holes – some extend even to white dwarfs. Although this does not strictly require that all phenomena whose frequencies are involved are caused by the same physics in all three source types, this does indicate that basic properties of the accretion flow which are the same in all three source types play an important role in generating at least some of the frequencies.  相似文献   

The evolution of the neutron star magnetic field is correlated to the accretion physical process in the binary X-ray phase. It is assumed that the original strong magnetic field is buried by the accreted materials, which is on account of the ferromagnetic physical property of the accreted matter. The obtained theoretical conclusions of our model are that: (1) the magnetic field decays in the X-ray binary phase, and relates inversely to the accreted mass as M-1, (2) The internal magnetic field strength still remains large although the surface field strength decays.  相似文献   

探讨了认为中心致密天体(CCO)起源于双星的可能性.首先, CCO与正常遗迹脉冲星有着相似的平均自旋周期,但CCO的平均表面磁场强度(B~5.4×10~(10)Gs)低于正常遗迹脉冲星(B~7.7×10~(12)Gs)~2个量级.同时,几乎所有的正常遗迹脉冲星均分布在爱丁顿吸积加速线以上,而CCO全部分布在自旋加速线以下.因此怀疑CCO可能起源于双星吸积加速过程.其次,基于中子星再加速理论,分析了CCO可能的双星演化过程:双星系统中, CCO以M~1017g·s~(-1)的吸积率,经过~106yr的时间共吸积△M~10~(-2)M⊙的物质,其自旋周期将会从P~10 s降低至P~0.1 s,表面磁场强度将会从B~10~(12)Gs降低至B~1010Gs.考虑到~106yr的演化时标远大于CCO遗迹的年龄(~0.3–7 kyr),猜想CCO可能是双星系统中第1颗恒星超新星爆发的产物,而第2颗恒星超新星爆发后双星解体,留下CCO和第2颗恒星的超新星遗迹.该模型预言在CCO附近可能存在一颗年轻的正常脉冲星(P~0.02 s, B~1012Gs),并期望未来的射电望远镜和高能探测器能够进行搜寻.  相似文献   

Methods for estimating the masses of neutron stars in the Vela X-1, 4U 1700-37, and J0751+1807 are analyzed. The possible existence of massive neutron stars, the fraction of such stars among the overall total of neutron stars, and possible channels for their formation are discussed.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 211–222 (May 2005).  相似文献   

In the evolutionary tracks of magnetized compact stars the subsonic propeller state is intermediate between the supersonic propeller and accretor states. The rotation rate of a star in this stage decreases because of the interaction of its magnetosphere with the surrounding hot quasistatic shell. The radius of the magnetosphere is less than the corotation radius, and the boundary of the magnetosphere is stable with respect to inter-change instabilities. The mass flow rate from the inner radius of the shell to the surface of the compact object is limited by the rate at which plasma diffuses into the magnetic field of the star. Because of this, a subsonic propeller will show up as a low (or moderate) luminosity accretion pulsar with a soft x-ray spectrum.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 477–490 (August 2005).  相似文献   

We derive general equations for axisymmetric Newtonian magnetohydrodynamics and use these as the basis of a code for calculating equilibrium configurations of rotating magnetized neutron stars in a stationary state. We investigate the field configurations that result from our formalism, which include purely poloidal, purely toroidal and mixed fields. For the mixed-field formalism, the toroidal component appears to be bounded at less than 7 per cent. We calculate distortions induced both by magnetic fields and by rotation. From our non-linear work, we are able to look at the realm of validity of perturbative work: we find for our results that perturbative-regime formulae for magnetic distortions agree to within 10 per cent of the non-linear results if the ellipticity is less than 0.15 or the average field strength is less than 1017 G. We also consider how magnetized equilibrium structures vary for different polytropic indices.  相似文献   

Neutron stars contain persistent, ordered magnetic fields that are the strongest known in the Universe. However, their magnetic fluxes are similar to those in magnetic A and B stars and white dwarfs, suggesting that flux conservation during gravitational collapse may play an important role in establishing the field, although it might also be modified substantially by early convection, differential rotation, and magnetic instabilities. The equilibrium field configuration, established within hours (at most) of the formation of the star, is likely to be roughly axisymmetric, involving both poloidal and toroidal components. The stable stratification of the neutron star matter (due to its radial composition gradient) probably plays a crucial role in holding this magnetic structure inside the star. The field can evolve on long time scales by processes that overcome the stable stratification, such as weak interactions changing the relative abundances and ambipolar diffusion of charged particles with respect to neutrons. These processes become more effective for stronger magnetic fields, thus naturally explaining the magnetic energy dissipation expected in magnetars, at the same time as the longer-lived, weaker fields in classical and millisecond pulsars. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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