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Summary. Seven Schlumberger resistivity soundings with maximum current electrode spacings of 20 km have been conducted south of Lake Frome in South Australia. These experiments were done partly to test new electrical sounding equipment and partly to investigate a large conductivity anomaly previously delineated by other workers using magnetometer array and MT methods (the 'Flinders'anomaly). These previous studies left some doubt as to the depth to the conductive region responsible for the anomaly.
The electrical soundings did not detect a buried conductive zone, which constrains it to lie deeper than 5–7 km. However, the study did show the surface sediments of the region to be very conductive; resistivities of 2–9 μm were measured over thicknesses of 50–400 m, with sediment thickness inferred to be up to 2 km to the north of the studied area. This raises the question of whether current channelling in the surface sediments could have been responsible for the earlier results. Simple modelling and application of the criteria given by Jones suggest this may be so.
The equipment used for this study is a low power (200 W), computer controlled system which employs synchronous stacking and other signal processing to achieve signal to noise improvement ratios of up to 1000.  相似文献   

A deep magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) investigation in the western part of the Gulf of Corinth has revealed a complex electrical image of the crustal structure. The geotectonic structure of the Parnassos unit and the Transition zone in the central Hellenides, overthrusting the Pindos zone both towards the west and towards the south, has been clearly identified by its higher resistivity and its intrinsic anisotropy related to the N–S strike of the Hellenides range. Subsequent N–S extension of the Gulf introduced another heterogeneous anisotropy characteristic that corresponds to E–W-trending normal faults on both sides of the Gulf. The 2-D modelling of the MTS results reveals the existence of a relatively conductive layer about 4 km thick at a depth greater than 10 km in the middle crust. It corresponds to a ductile detachment zone suggested by microseismic and seismic studies ( King et al . 1985 ; Rigo et al . 1996 ; Bernard et al . 1997a ). It may be attributed to the phyllite series lying between the allochthonous Hellenic nappes and the autochthonous Plattenkalk basement. Towards the east, under the Pangalos peninsula, approaching the internal Hellenides, the detachment zone could root deeply into the lower crust.
Some strong local electrical anomalies are observed, reaching the conductive layer in the middle crust, such as that under the Mamousia fault and under the front of the overthrust of the Transition zone on the Pindos zone. Other anomalies affect only the shallower zones such as that beneath the Helike fault and in the Psaromita peninsula. These shallower anomalies provide complementary information to the study of spatial and temporal variations of the seismic anisotropy in relation to the short- and long-term tectonic activity of the Gulf ( Bouin et al . 1996 ; Gamar et al . 1999 ).  相似文献   

Allochthonous salt structures and associated primary and secondary minibasins are exposed in Neoproterozoic strata of the eastern Willouran Ranges, South Australia. Detailed geologic mapping using high‐quality airborne hyperspectral remote‐sensing data and satellite imagery, combined with a qualitative structural restoration, are used to elucidate the evolution of this complex, long‐lived (>250 Myr) salt system. Field observations and interpretations at a resolution unobtainable from seismic or well data provide a means to test published models of allochthonous salt emplacement and associated salt‐sediment interaction derived from subsurface data in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Salt diapirs and sheets are represented by megabreccias of nonevaporite lithologies that were originally interbedded with evaporites that have been dissolved and/or altered. Passive diapirism began shortly after deposition of the Callanna Group layered evaporite sequence. A primary basin containing an expulsion‐rollover structure and megaflap is flanked by two vertical diapirs. Salt flowed laterally from the diapirs to form a complex, multi‐level canopy, now partly welded, containing an encapsulated minibasin and capped by suprasalt basins. Salt and minibasin geometries were modified during the Late Cambrian–Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny (ca. 500 Ma). Small‐scale structures such as subsalt shear zones, fractured or mixed ‘rubble zones’ and thrust imbricates are absent beneath allochthonous salt and welds in the eastern Willouran Ranges. Instead, either undeformed strata or halokinetic drape folds that include preserved diapir roof strata are found directly below the transition from steep diapirs to salt sheets. Allochthonous salt first broke through the diapir roofs and then flowed laterally, resulting in variable preservation of the subsalt drape folds. Lateral salt emplacement was presumably on roof‐edge thrusts or, because of the shallow depositional environment, via open‐toed advance or extrusive advance, but without associated subsalt deformation.  相似文献   

Like Australia as a whole, South Australia experienced rapid industrialisation from the 1930s, but employment growth rates in the state were generally well above national levels. Conversely, restructuring of Australian manufacturing since the mid 1970s has had especially severe consequences in the state. This paper documents and seeks to explain the distinctive pattern of industrial change in South Australia. Drawing on the contemporary literature on geographically uneven development, it argues that the state's experience must be explored in the wider context of the dynamics of capitalist development. International, national and local forces have combined in a complex fashion to produce the specific pattern of manufacturing growth and restructuring evident in South Australia. Analysis focuses on the activities of capital, labour and the institutions of the state, key agents of economic change.  相似文献   

Summary. Evidence of a conductivity anomaly in the Rhine-Graben was first given about 15 years ago and consequently led to the definition of various models of induction in the region for periods ranging from a few minutes to a few hours. These models reflect two antagonistic ways of explaining the observed anomalous variations of the magnetic field: direct induction in a two-dimensional (2-D) structure or static distortion of telluric currents by the resistive crystalline Vosges (France) and Schwarzwalde (Germany) massifs. We discuss the two approaches using a simple formalism. In particular, we show that the self-induction related to the anomalous currents flowing in the Rhine-Graben is negligible for periods larger than 1000 s, and that, even though the static distortion of telluric currents does account for the observed anomaly, 2-D models can explain some of its features. We also show how the channelled currents are induced in the large sedimentary basins surrounding the area under study.
An experimental verification of this result is given.  相似文献   

The structure and tectonic evolution of an evaporite basin are investigated in this case study, which combines the interpretation of magnetic data with the more commonly applied seismic reflection and gravity methods. The Maritimes Basin contains up to 18 km of Upper Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks resting on the basement of the Acadian orogeny. Carboniferous rocks are intensely deformed to the southeast of the Magdalen Islands as a result of deformation of evaporites of the Viséan Windsor Group. Short‐wavelength (<5 km) magnetic lineations define NNE‐ and ENE‐trending linear belts, coincident with the mapped pattern of salt structures. Magnetic models show that these lineations can be explained by the infill of subsidence troughs by high‐susceptibility sediment and/or the presence of basaltic rocks, similar to those uplifted and exposed on the Magdalen Islands. Additional shallow, magnetic sources are interpreted to result from alteration mineralization in salt‐impregnated, iron‐rich sedimentary rocks, brecciated during salt mobilization. Magnetic susceptibility measurements of samples from the Pugwash mine confirm the presence of higher susceptibility carnallite‐rich veins within salt units. Salt tectonism and basin development were influenced by the structure of the base group, the deepest regionally continuous seismic reflections (ca. 5–11 km), associated with an unconformity at the base of the Windsor Group, sampled at the Cap Rouge well. Salt structural evolution, formation of the magnetic lineations and geometry of the base group are associated with regional dextral transpression during basin development (late Carboniferous) and/or Alleghanian Orogeny (late Carboniferous to Permian). In this and similar studies, the effective use of magnetics is dependent upon the presence of rocks of high magnetic susceptibility in contrast to the low‐susceptibility salt bodies. In the absence of high‐susceptibility rocks, magnetic lows over the salt structures may be modelled, similar to commonly applied gravity techniques, to derive the internal structure and geometry.  相似文献   

In order to relate macroinvertebrate fauna to electrical conductivity (EC), a survey of selected orders of macroinvertebrates was conducted in the Glenelg, Hopkins, Merri and Barwon River Catchments in south-west Victoria, Australia. The survey consisted of sampling 21 paired sites at confluences of streams. There was little difference between the in-stream habitat but there was a range of differences in EC between each of the paired sites. The dissimilarity of macroinvertebrate fauna between the paired sites was compared to the proportional difference in EC and other water quality variables (dissolved oxygen, water temperature, pH, NO2−N, NO3−N, PO4 and turbidity). This allowed the elimination of EC being confounded with geographical scale parameters and took into account other water quality parameters that may be confounded with EC. A positive relationship was found between the dissimilarity of the fauna at each of the two paired sites and the proportional difference in EC. No such relationship was found for any other measured water quality variable. The results of this survey show that macroinvertebrate community structure is associated with EC of the river systems investigated after eliminating large scale geographical patterns, in-stream habitat and the measured water quality parameters.  相似文献   

The application of sequence stratigraphy concepts to continental deposits lacking the referece provided sea level has been a challenge, mainly because the temporal relationships between stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts depend on the tectonic and climatic evolution of the area. Using the concept of accommodation space (A) and sediment supply (S), we identify specific stacking patterns of aeolian, lacustrine, fluvial and alluvial systems that correspond to the particular tectonic and climatic evolution of the southeastern portion of South America. With the end of the Early Cretaceous volcanism (133 Ma), the southeastern portion of South America underwent tectonic restructuring, which generated basins that encompassed continental sedimentary sequences. The tectonic events responsible for the accumulation of these sequences occurred during two primary phases. The first phase is related to Early Cretaceous thermal subsidence, which was more pronounced in the regions where the thickest Serra Geral Formation basaltic successions are found, resulting in the formation of Bauru Basin. The second phase was related to the Late Cretaceous uplift in southeastern Brazil as a result of magmatic/volcanic activity associated with the Trindade Mantle Plume. Stratigraphic analysis based on well‐logs and outcrops and aided by petrographic studies identified three sequences that are bounded by regional unconformities that record important changes in the Bauru Basin's tectonic and paleoenvironmental conditions. The unconformity K‐0 is related to the origin of the Bauru Basin in the Early Cretaceous. The Early Cretaceous Sequence 1 (Caiuá Group) is interpreted as a second‐ order sequence, formed by aeolian and fluvial deposits and constituting a Fluvial‐Aeolian Systems Tract. Unconformity K‐1 that was generated in the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian – Campanian?) is related to the tectonic evolution of the basin and source area. Overlying Unconformity K‐1, lacustrine, fluvial and alluvial deposits display progradational characteristics of the two‐third‐ order sequences: Sequences 2A and 2B, constituted by the Fluvial‐Lacustrine and Alluvial Systems Tracts, respectively, and separated by the Unconformity K‐1A. Sedimentological characteristics, paleosols and stratigraphic architecture, suggest that A/S ratio was neutral in the late stage of the Sequence 1, whereas in the Sequence 2 there was an increase (Sequence 2A) followed by a decrease in the A/S ratio (Sequence 2B). Aeolian facies and paleosol P1 (Sequence 1), fluvial‐lacustrine facies and hydromorphic soils (Sequence 2A), and alluvial facies and Paleosol P2 (Sequence 2B), indicate climatic changes in the South American during the Cretaceous. The stratigraphic framework, subaerial unconformities and paleosols provide key elements for subdividing of the Brazilian continental sequence into third‐order sequences and systems tracts, for identification of allocyclic and autocyclic patterns in time and space.  相似文献   

"This paper examines national immigration processes and demographic change in South Australia and Tasmania over the last four decades. Particular attention is paid to the inter-censal period 1986-1991.... The paper investigates the impact of the historic make-up of immigrant flows on settlement patterns, and examines the impact on policies intended to increase immigrant settlement in these states. It argues that the policies being pursued by state and federal governments are unlikely to add to the numbers settling in these states, because they pay too little attention to migration processes, and especially the attraction of others from the source country."  相似文献   

Abstract Rifted margin architecture along part of the southern Gabonese margin is interpreted from four deep-penetration, multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiles. A series of synthetically faulted crustal blocks are identified, separated by dominantly seaward-dipping fault zones formed during Cretaceous rifting between Africa and South America. Extensional strain ratios are ≅ 1.5. These faults appear either to transect the entire crustal section or are interrupted by discontinuous zones of midcrustal reflections which may represent detachments.
Outer acoustic basement highs are situated just seaward of the continental slope. On the combined basis of seismic geometry, an associated positive magnetic anomaly and an increase in free-air gravity, these outer highs are interpreted to mark faulted transitions from rifted continental crust to 'proto-oceanic crust', presumably composed of mafic volcanic rocks and possibly slivers of attenuated continental crustal blocks. The outer edge of Aptian salt lies °165 km south-west of the edge of the continental shelf. The salt forms an° 1.5-km-thick horizon overlying the outer highs, and it may be autochthonous there, suggesting salt was deposited contemporaneously with emplacement of proto-oceanic crust.
Differential subsidence and tilting between continental rift-blocks during post-rift margin subsidence has resulted in a sympathetic terrace-ramp geometry in overlying Aptian salt. Salt terraces form above tops of crustal blocks, where salt tends to rise vertically, creating pillows and diapirs. Ramps connecting terraces tend to form above seaward-facing fault zones; salt flowage there has been both lateral and vertical, creating triangular diapirs along the footwalls of growth faults. Most of these growth-faults sole within the salt base, but a few continue into the interpreted synrift succession.  相似文献   

Wetlands in the Upper South East (USE) of South Australia yield a range of values to their owners and to the wider community. One such value is that generated by duck hunting in the region. Wetland owners receive private benefits from hunting fees, while hunters gain a non-monetary consumers' surplus. These non-monetary benefits received by duck hunters through their enjoyment of hunting in wetlands are the primary focus of this paper. In order to estimate these values, a 'travel cost' survey of duck hunters participating in an organised shoot held by Wetlands and Wildlife in February 2000 was undertaken. The extent of the private recreation benefits so estimated is assessed in terms of their potential to stimulate the provision of wetlands for both private and social benefits.  相似文献   

Abstract The Amadeus Basin, a broad intracratonic depression (800 times 300 km) in central Australia, contains a complex Late Proterozoic to mid-Palaeozoic depositional succession which locally reaches 14 km in thickness. The application of sequence stratigraphy to this succession has provided an effective framework in which to evaluate its evolution. Analysis of major depositional sequences shows that the Amadeus Basin evolved in three stages. Stage 1 began at about 900 Myr with extensional thinning of the crust and formation of half-grabens. Thermal recovery following extension was well advanced when a second less intense crustal extension (stage 2) occurred towards the end of the Late Proterozoic. Stage 2 thermal recovery was followed by a major compressional event (stage 3) in which major southward-directed thrust sheets caused progressive downward flexing of the northern margin of the basin, and sediment was shed from the thrust sheets into the downwarps forming a foreland basin. This event shortened the basin by 50–100 km and effectively concluded sedimentation. The two stages of crustal extension and thermal recovery produced large-scale apparent sea-level effects upon which eustatic sea-level cycles are superimposed. Since the style of sedimentation and major sequence boundaries were controlled to a large degree by basin dynamics, depositional patterns within the Amadeus and associated basin are, to a large degree, predictable. This suggests that an understanding of major variables associated with basin dynamics and their relationship to depositional sequences may allow the development of generalized depositional models on a basinal scale. The Amadeus Basin is only one of a number of broad, shallow, intracratonic depressions that appeared on the Australian craton during the Late Proterozoic. The development of these basins almost certainly relates to the breakup of a Proterozoic supercontinent and in large part, basin dynamics appears to be tied to this global tectonic event. Onlap and apparent sea-level curves derived from the sequence analysis appear to be composite curves resulting from both basin dynamics and eustatic sea-level effects. It thus appears likely that sequence stratigraphy could be used as a basis for inter-regional correlation; a possibility that has considerable significance in Archaean and Proterozoic basins.  相似文献   

Origin of the sedimentary deposits of the Naracoorte Caves, South Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M.S. Forbes  E.A. Bestland   《Geomorphology》2007,86(3-4):369-392
The origin of the sediments located in the Naracoorte Caves (South Australia) was investigated via the analysis of strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr), elemental geochemistry, and mineralogy. Sedimentary deposits located in Robertson, Wet, Blanche and several other chambers in Victoria Cave are all variable mixes of fine sand and coarse silts, which display similar and consistent strontium isotope ratios (0.717–0.725). This suggests that over the 400 ka time frame that these deposits span there has been minimal variation in the source of the clastic sediments. Increased strontium concentrations for these cave sediments correspond with increasing silt content, yet there is no correlation between 87Sr/86Sr ratios and silt content. This implies that the silt-sized component of the sediments is the main contributor of strontium to the cave sediments. Comparisons of 87Sr/86Sr with regional surficial deposits show a significant correlation between the cave sediments (avg: 0.7228; n = 27), the fine silt lunettes of the Bool Lagoon area (avg: 0.7224; n = 4), the sandy A horizons of the Coonawarra Red Brown Earths (RBEs; avg: 0.726; n = 5), and Holocene age podsolic sand deposits (0.723). These data suggest that there has been substantial flux from this group of deposits to the caves, as would be expected considering prevailing winds. This relationship is further supported by a strong correlation between many trace elements, including Ti, Zr, Ce, and Y; however, variations in clay mineralogy suggest that the fine silt-dominated lunettes and Padthaway RBEs were not significant contributors to the cave deposits. Hence, the detritus entering the caves was more than likely from areas proximal to the cave entrance and was dominated by medium grain-sized materials. Major regional deposits, including the coarser-grained, calcite-rich Bridgewater Formation sands, basalts from the lower SE, Padthaway Horst granites, Gambier limestone, and metamorphics from the Adelaide geosyncline show minimal correlation in 87Sr/86Sr ratios, elemental geochemistry, and mineralogy with the cave sediments, and are discounted as significant sources. In comparison, 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the Coorong silty sands (0.717–0.724), Lower Murray sands (0.727–0.730), and the medium size silt component of the Murray–Darling River system (0.71–0.72), compare favourably with the cave sediments. This relationship is further supported by similarities in elemental chemistry and mineralogy. Thus, much of the strontium-rich silt that is now located in the Naracoorte Cave sediments likely originated from the Murray–Darling basin. Over time, this material has been transported to the SE of South Australia, where it mixed with the medium sand component of the regressive dune ridge sequence, locally derived organic matter, limestone fragments, and fossil material to produce the unique deposits that we see evident in many of the chambers of the Naracoorte Cave system today.  相似文献   

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