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Using time evolutions of the relevant linearized equations, we study non-axisymmetric oscillations of rapidly rotating and superfluid neutron stars. We consider perturbations of Newtonian axisymmetric background configurations and account for the presence of superfluid components via the standard two-fluid model. Within the Cowling approximation, we are able to carry out evolutions for uniformly rotating stars up to the mass-shedding limit. This leads to the first detailed analysis of superfluid neutron star oscillations in the fast rotation regime, where the star is significantly deformed by the centrifugal force. For simplicity, we focus on background models where the two fluids (superfluid neutrons and protons) corotate, are in β-equilibrium and co-exist throughout the volume of the star. We construct sequences of rotating stars for two analytical model equations of state. These models represent relatively simple generalizations of single fluid, polytropic stars. We study the effects of entrainment, rotation and symmetry energy on non-radial oscillations of these models. Our results show that entrainment and symmetry energy can have a significant effect on the rotational splitting of non-axisymmetric modes. In particular, the symmetry energy modifies the inertial mode frequencies considerably in the regime of fast rotation.  相似文献   

We present numerical hydrodynamical evolutions of rapidly rotating relativistic stars, using an axisymmetric, non-linear relativistic hydrodynamics code. We use four different high-resolution shock-capturing (HRSC) finite-difference schemes (based on approximate Riemann solvers) and compare their accuracy in preserving uniformly rotating stationary initial configurations in long-term evolutions. Among these four schemes, we find that the third-order piecewise parabolic method scheme is superior in maintaining the initial rotation law in long-term evolutions, especially near the surface of the star. It is further shown that HRSC schemes are suitable for the evolution of perturbed neutron stars and for the accurate identification (via Fourier transforms) of normal modes of oscillation. This is demonstrated for radial and quadrupolar pulsations in the non-rotating limit, where we find good agreement with frequencies obtained with a linear perturbation code. The code can be used for studying small-amplitude or non-linear pulsations of differentially rotating neutron stars, while our present results serve as testbed computations for three-dimensional general-relativistic evolution codes.  相似文献   

A highly accurate, multidomain spectral code is used in order to construct sequences of general relativistic, differentially rotating neutron stars in axisymmetry and stationarity. For bodies with a spheroidal topology and a homogeneous or an   N = 1  polytropic equation of state, we investigate the solution space corresponding to broad ranges of degree of differential rotation and stellar densities. In particular, starting from static and spherical configurations, we analyse the changes of the corresponding surface shapes as the rate of rotation is increased. For a sufficiently weak degree of differential rotation, the sequences terminate at a mass-shedding limit, while for moderate and strong rates of differential rotation they exhibit a continuous parametric transition to a regime of toroidal fluid bodies. In this article, we concentrate on the appearance of this transition, analyse in detail its occurrence and show its relevance for the calculation of astrophysical sequences. Moreover, we find that the solution space contains various types of spheroidal configurations, which were not considered in previous work, mainly due to numerical limitations.  相似文献   

By using the Cowling approximation, quasi-radial modes of rotating general relativistic stars are computed along equilibrium sequences from non-rotating to maximally rotating models. The eigenfrequencies of these modes are decreasing functions of the rotational frequency. The eigenfrequency curve of each mode as a function of the rotational frequency has discontinuities, which arise from the avoided crossing with other curves of axisymmetric modes.  相似文献   

We calculate the disc and boundary layer luminosities for accreting rapidly rotating neutron stars with low magnetic fields in a fully general relativistic manner. Rotation increases the disc luminosity and decreases the boundary layer luminosity. A rapid rotation of the neutron star substantially modifies these quantities as compared with the static limit. For a neutron star rotating close to the centrifugal mass shed limit, the total luminosity has contribution only from the extended disc. For such maximal rotation rates, we find that well before the maximum stable gravitational mass configuration is reached, there exists a limiting central density, for which particles in the innermost stable orbit will be more tightly bound than those at the surface of the neutron star. We also calculate the angular velocity profiles of particles in Keplerian orbits around the rapidly rotating neutron star. The results are illustrated for a representative set of equation of state models of neutron star matter.  相似文献   

The first results of numerical analysis of classical r-modes of rapidly rotating compressible stellar models are reported. The full set of linear perturbation equations of rotating stars in Newtonian gravity is solved numerically without the slow rotation approximation. A critical curve of gravitational wave emission induced instability, which restricts the rotational frequencies of hot young neutron stars, is obtained. Taking the standard cooling mechanisms of neutron stars into account, we also show the 'evolutionary curves' along which neutron stars are supposed to evolve as cooling and spinning down proceed. Rotational frequencies of 1.4-M stars suffering from this instability decrease to around 100 Hz when the standard cooling mechanism of neutron stars is employed. This result confirms the results of other authors, who adopted the slow rotation approximation.  相似文献   

Strong magnetic fields in relativistic stars can be a cause of crust fracturing, resulting in the excitation of global torsional oscillations. Such oscillations could become observable in gravitational waves or in high-energy radiation, thus becoming a tool for probing the equation of state of relativistic stars. As the eigenfrequency of torsional oscillation modes is affected by the presence of a strong magnetic field, we study torsional modes in magnetized relativistic stars. We derive the linearized perturbation equations that govern torsional oscillations coupled to the oscillations of a magnetic field, when variations in the metric are neglected (Cowling approximation). The oscillations are described by a single two-dimensional wave equation, which can be solved as a boundary-value problem to obtain eigenfrequencies. We find that, in the non-magnetized case, typical oscillation periods of the fundamental     torsional modes can be nearly a factor of 2 larger for relativistic stars than previously computed in the Newtonian limit. For magnetized stars, we show that the influence of the magnetic field is highly dependent on the assumed magnetic field configuration, and simple estimates obtained previously in the literature cannot be used for identifying normal modes observationally.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of the r-mode instability on hypercritically accreting neutron stars in close binary systems during their common envelope phases, based on the scenario proposed by Brown et al. On the one hand, neutron stars are heated by the accreted matter at the stellar surface, but on the other hand they are also cooled down by the neutrino radiation. At the same time, the accreted matter transports its angular momentum and mass to the star. We have studied the evolution of the stellar mass, temperature and rotational frequency.
The gravitational-wave-driven instability of the r-mode oscillation strongly suppresses spinning up of the star, the final rotational frequency of which is well below the mass-shedding limit, in fact typically as low as 10 per cent of that of the mass-shedding state. On a very short time-scale the rotational frequency tends to approach a certain constant value and saturates there, as long as the amount of accreted mass does not exceed a certain limit to collapse to a black hole. This implies that a similar mechanism of gravitational radiation to that in the so-called 'Wagoner star' may work in this process. The star is spun up by accretion until the angular momentum loss by gravitational radiation balances the accretion torque. The time-integrated dimensionless strain of the radiated gravitational wave may be large enough to be detectable by gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO II.  相似文献   

Equilibrium models of differentially rotating nascent neutron stars are constructed, which represent the result of the accretion-induced collapse of rapidly rotating white dwarfs. The models are built in a two-step procedure: (1) a rapidly rotating pre-collapse white dwarf model is constructed; (2) a stationary axisymmetric neutron star having the same total mass and angular momentum distribution as the white dwarf is constructed. The resulting collapsed objects consist of a high-density central core of size roughly 20 km, surrounded by a massive accretion torus extending over 1000 km from the rotation axis. The ratio of the rotational kinetic energy to the gravitational potential energy of these neutron stars ranges from 0.13 to 0.26, suggesting that some of these objects may have a non-axisymmetric dynamical instability that could emit a significant amount of gravitational radiation.  相似文献   

We present computed spectra, as seen by a distant observer, from the accretion disc around a rapidly rotating neutron star. Our calculations are carried out in a fully general relativistic framework, with an exact treatment of rotation. We take into account the Doppler shift, gravitational redshift and light-bending effects in order to compute the observed spectrum. We find that light bending significantly modifies the high-energy part of the spectrum. Computed spectra for slowly rotating neutron stars are also presented. These results would be important for modelling the observed X-ray spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries containing fast-spinning neutron stars.  相似文献   

We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.  相似文献   

Quasi-toroidal oscillations in slowly rotating stars are examined within the framework of general relativity. Unlike the Newtonian case, the oscillation frequency to first order of the rotation rate is not a single value, even for uniform rotation. All the oscillation frequencies of the r -modes are purely neutral and form a continuous spectrum limited to a certain range. The allowed frequencies are determined by the resonance condition between the perturbation and the background mean flow. The resonant frequency varies with the radius according to the general relativistic dragging effect.  相似文献   

We use time evolutions of the linear perturbation equations to study the oscillations of rapidly rotating neutrons stars. Our models account for the buoyancy due to composition gradients and we study, for the first time, the nature of the resultant g modes in a fast spinning star. We provide detailed comparisons of non-stratified and stratified models. This leads to an improved understanding of the relationship between the inertial modes of a non-stratified star and the g modes of a stratified system. In particular, we demonstrate that each g mode becomes rotation dominated, i.e. approaches a particular inertial mode, as the rotation rate of the star is increased. We also discuss issues relating to the gravitational wave driven instability of the various classes of oscillation modes.  相似文献   

We consider both mode calculations and time-evolutions of axial r modes for relativistic uniformly rotating non-barotropic neutron stars, using the slow-rotation formalism, in which rotational corrections are considered up to linear order in the angular velocity Ω. We study various stellar models, such as uniform density models, polytropic models with different polytropic indices n , and some models based on realistic equations of state. For weakly relativistic uniform density models and polytropes with small values of n , we can recover the growth times predicted from Newtonian theory when standard multipole formulae for the gravitational radiation are used. However, for more compact models, we find that relativistic linear perturbation theory predicts a weakening of the instability compared to the Newtonian results. When turning to polytropic equations of state, we find that for certain ranges of the polytropic index n , the r mode disappears, and instead of a growth, the time-evolutions show a rapid decay of the amplitude. This is clearly at variance with the Newtonian predictions. It is, however, fully consistent with our previous results obtained in the low-frequency approximation.  相似文献   

We present the results of a numerical study of the fluid f, p and the gravitational w modes for increasingly relativistic non-rotating polytropes. The results for f and w modes are in good agreement with previous data for uniform density stars, which supports an understanding of the nature of the gravitational wave modes based on the uniform density data. We show that the p modes can become extremely long-lived for some relativistic stars. This effect is attributed to the change in the perturbed density distribution as the star becomes more compact.  相似文献   

We obtain equilibrium solutions for rotating compact stars, including special relativistic effects. The gravity is assumed to be Newtonian, but we use the active mass density, which takes into account all energies such as the motion of the fluid, internal energy and pressure energy in addition to the rest-mass energy, in computing the gravitational potential using Poisson's equation. Such a treatment could be applicable to neutron stars with relativistic motions or a relativistic equation of state. We applied Hachisu's self-consistent field (SCF) method to find spheroidal as well as toroidal sequences of equilibrium solutions. Our solutions show better agreement with general relativistic solutions than the Newtonian relativistic hydrodynamic approach, which does not take into account the active mass. Physical quantities such as the peak density and equatorial radii in our solutions agree with the general relativistic ones to within 5 per cent. Therefore our approach can be used as a simple alternative to the fully relativistic one when a large number of model calculations is necessary, as it requires much fewer computational resources.  相似文献   

Only a fraction of the theoretically predicted non-radial pulsation modes have so far been observed in δ Scuti stars. Nevertheless, the large number of frequencies detected in recent photometric studies of selected δ Scuti stars allow us to look for regularities in the frequency spacing of modes. Mode identifications are used to interpret these results.
Statistical analyses of several δ Scuti stars (FG Vir, 44 Tau, BL Cam and others) show that the photometrically observed frequencies are not distributed at random, but that the excited non-radial modes cluster around the frequencies of the radial modes over many radial orders.
The observed regularities can be partly explained by modes trapped in the stellar envelope. This mode selection mechanism was proposed by Dziembowski & Królikowska and shown to be efficient for  ℓ= 1  modes. New pulsation model calculations confirm the observed regularities.
We present the s – f diagram, which compares the average separation of the radial frequencies ( s ) with the frequency of the lowest frequency unstable radial mode ( f ). This provides an estimate for the  log  g   value of the observed star, if we assume that the centres of the observed frequency clusters correspond to the radial mode frequencies. This assumption is confirmed by examples of well-studied δ Scuti variables in which radial modes were definitely identified.  相似文献   

Differential rotation can be detected in single line profiles of stars rotating more rapidly than about v sin i = 10km s-1 with the Fourier transform technique. This allows to search for differential rotation in large samples to look for correlations between differential rotation and other stellar parameters. I analyze the fraction of differentially rotating stars as a function of color, rotation, and activity in a large sample of F-type stars. Color and rotation exhibit a correlation with differential rotation in the sense that more stars are rotating differentially in the cooler, less rapidly rotating stars. Effects of rotation and color, however, cannot be disentangled in the underlying sample. No trend with activity is found. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We use the traditional approximation to describe oscillations with frequencies comparable to the angular rotation rate. Validity of this approximation in application to main-sequence B stars is discussed. Numerical results regarding mode stability and visibility are presented for a model of the Be star HD 163868. For this object, Walker et al. detected a record number of mode frequencies using data from the small space telescope MOST . Our interpretation of these data differs from that of Walker et al. In particular, we interpret peaks in the lowest frequency range as retrograde g modes. We find instability in a large number of modes that remain undetectable because of unfavourable aspect and/or effect of cancellation. There is no clear preference to excitation of prograde modes.  相似文献   

The loss of angular momentum through gravitational radiation, driven by the excitation of r-modes, is considered for neutron stars that have rotation frequencies lower than the associated critical frequency. We find that for reasonable values of the initial amplitudes of such pulsation modes of the star, being excited at the event of a glitch in a pulsar, the total post-glitch losses correspond to a negligible fraction of the initial rise of the spin frequency in the case of Vela and older pulsars. However, for the Crab pulsar the same effect would result, within a few months, in a decrease in its spin frequency by an amount larger than its glitch-induced frequency increase. This could provide an explanation for the peculiar behaviour observed in the post-glitch relaxations of the Crab pulsar.  相似文献   

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