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华北地区距雄安新区300 km范围内包括唐山、邢台和张北三个典型强震区,近50年来,先后发生1966年邢台7.2级、1976年唐山7.8级和1998年张北6.2级强震活动,未来仍具发生破坏性地震的风险。在现今构造应力环境下,3个典型强震区内断裂活动危险性如何、再次发生中强地震对雄安新区地面稳定性有怎样的影响,这些都是要回答的问题。对此,本文首先基于唐山、邢台和张北强震区关键构造部位深孔水压致裂地应力测量数据,依据Byerlee断层滑动失稳摩擦准则,计算各强震区内潜在发震断层的临界失稳状态,探讨断裂活动危险性;之后依据中华人民共和国第五代《中国地震动参数区划图》之《中国大陆及邻区潜在震源区划分图》,厘定雄安新区外围300 km范围内主要潜在震源区和震级上限;最后选取适宜的地震烈度衰减模型,定量计算主要潜在震源区未来发生震级上限地震时对雄安新区地震烈度的影响,进而为雄安新区及重大工程抗震设防提供科学参考。结果表明:(1)唐山、邢台和张北强震区内主要潜在震源区未来发生震级上限地震产生的地震烈度衰减至雄安新区时均位于Ⅳ~Ⅶ度;(2)北京通州及邻区发生8.0级地震、涞水—高碑店沿线发生6.5级地震会在雄安新区产生Ⅶ度地震烈度,震害较轻;(3)其他潜在震源区在雄安新区产生的地震烈度均小于V度,并不会产生显著震害效应。鉴于此,雄安新区抗震设防烈度建议由原Ⅶ度调至Ⅷ度为宜。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) attenuation structures were determined for Taiwan region by inversion of earthquake intensity data set. The seismic intensity which is assumed to be a measure of the maximum acceleration of the S-wave at the seismic station is used to estimate the attenuation structure. The intensity data set consists of about 5500 intensity readings for 1410 earthquakes reported by the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan from 1987 to 2010. The 3-D attenuation maps consisting of five layers were constructed to a depth of 74 km.The obtained model reveals the following features: first, a high absorption zone exists in the westernmost Okinawa trough. These high-attenuation anomalies seem to extend from upper crust to mantle beneath the Yilan Plain and Kueishantao Island. We interpret the high absorption zone as the presence of the relatively hot lower crust and uppermost mantle in response to the local opening of the Okinawa trough. Second, strong lateral variation of seismic attenuation is observed from the source region of the Chi–Chi earthquake in the central Taiwan. Most aftershocks were occurred beneath the Western Foothills which is characterized by a transition from high attenuation to low attenuation between the Chelungpu fault and Chuchih fault. However, the region east to the Chuchih fault is relatively quiescent. This study suggests that the high Vp/Vs and lateral variation of attenuation features existing beneath the Western Foothills could be associated with porous materials containing fluid which might affect the generation of the Chi–Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

A semi-probabilistic approach to the seismic hazard assessment of Greece is presented. For this reason, a recent seismotectonic model for shallow and intermediate depth earthquake sources, based on historical as well as on instrumental data, was used. Different attenuation formulae were proposed for the macroseismic intensity and the strong ground motion parameters for the shallow and the intermediate focal depth shocks. The data were elaborated in terms of McGuire's computer program, which is based on the Cornell's method.A grid of equally spaced points at 20 km distance was made and the seismic hazard recurrence curves for various parameters of the seismic intensity was estimated for each point. Finally, seismic hazard maps for the area of Greece were compiled utilizing the entire range of recurrence curves. These maps depict areas of equal seismic hazard and for every area the analytical relations of the typeSI =f(Tm), whereSI is a seismic intensity parameter andTm is the mean return period, were determined.  相似文献   

The object of this study is to consider directly the influence of regional geological conditions on the assessment of seismic hazard. It is assumed that macroseismic data at individual locations contain, in an average way, the influence of geological conditions.A Data Base referring to 199 historical (5) and instrumental (194, in the 1947–1993 period) events with macroseismic information in 1195 locations of Portugal was built. For any given seismic event, whenever macroseismic information was available at a location (town, village, etc.), an EMS-92 intensity value was estimated. To each one of those locations a geological unit, representing the most common type of soil, was assigned, based on the Geological Portuguese Map at a scale 1:500 000; the geological units were grouped into three categories: soft, intermediate and hard soils.The Data Base was used to determine the attenuation laws in terms of macroseismic intensity for the three different geological site conditions, using multiple linear regression analysis. The reasonability of the laws was tested by (i) checking residual distributions and (ii) comparing the map of isoseismals of important earthquakes with the isoseismals generated by the attenuation curves derived for each one of the three different soil classes, taking into consideration the soil class of each site. The main results of attenuation modeling are: high dispersion on macroseismic intensity data; all the models predict intensity values, for short hypocentral distances, lower than the ones observed; and for some important analyzed earthquakes and for the observed range of distances, the models confirm the expectancy that macroseismic intensity increases from hard to soft soil.The approach to obtain the hazard assessment at each location consisted in the use of the attenuation law specifically derived for the class of soil of that particular location. This method, which considers the influence of the regional geology, was illustrated with the mapping of hazard for the country for several return periods. Comparison with previous maps not taking into consideration the regional geological conditions emphasizes the importance of this new parameter. It can be concluded that (i) soil segmentation is clearly the cause for hazard increase in the region to the north of Lisbon, especially at sites with soft and intermediate soils as the ones in lower Tagus valley; the maximum increase on hazard is, in any case, less than one degree; (ii) when geological conditions are disregarded in the attenuation regression analysis, hazard pattern is similar to the one obtained for the case of hard soil everywhere.  相似文献   

Th. De Crook 《Natural Hazards》1989,2(3-4):349-362
From the earthquake catalogue of the region of interest 2–8°E, 49–52°N, only events with intensity > 3 are considered. The fore/aftershocks and the induced seismicity are removed. The completeness and other properties of the remaining data set are investigated. The seismic data, as well as the geological, tectonic, and other geophysical data of the area are used for the determination of the seismotectonic zones. For each zone, the cumulative intensity-frequency relation (taking into account the completeness of the catalogue), the attenuation depending on the direction, the upper bound of intensity and the average depth are calculated. When the seismic activity is changing within a zone, this zone is divided into subzones with an almost constant activity and a b value equal to the value of the whole zone. When necessary for each subzone, a different attenuation coefficient can be used, to take into account more regional effects. Then the seismic hazard is assessed with the modified McGuire program. Annual probability versus intensity for several sites and hazard intensity and probability maps are calculated. Finally, an error discussion of the whole procedure for one test site is given.  相似文献   

Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Bouhadad  Youcef  Laouami  Nasser 《Natural Hazards》2002,26(3):227-243
This paper deals with the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis carried out in the Oran region, situated in the Northwest of Algeria. This part of Algeriawas historically struck by strong earthquakes. It was particularly affected during theOctober 9, 1790 Oran earthquake of intensity X. The main purpose of this work is to assessseismic hazard on rocks in order to provide engineers and planners with a basic tool for seismicrisk mitigation. The probabilistic approach is used in order to take into account uncertaintiesin seismic hazard assessment. Seismic sources are defined in the light of the most recentresults obtained from seismotectonics analyses carried out in North Algeria.Source parameters such as b-values, slip rate and maximum magnitude are assessed for eachseismic source. The attenuation of ground shaking motion with distance is estimated byusing attenuation relationships developed elsewhere throughout the world (Sadigh et al., 1993; Ambraseys and Bommer, 1991). The two relationships agree well with the local data. Differentchoices of source parameter values and attenuation relationships are assigned weights in alogic tree model. Results are presented as relationships between values of peak groundacceleration (PGA) and annual frequency of exceedance, and maps of hazard for returnperiods of 200 years and 500 years. A maximum peak ground acceleration of 0.42 g is obtainedfor the Oran site for a return period of 500 years.  相似文献   


The seismicity of South Australia over the period 1980–92 is presented as a follow‐up to earlier studies. The South Australian seismic network has undergone a significant expansion in the last decade, and with it an increase in the number and precision of located earthquakes. The distribution of recent seismic activity is similar to the historical pattern of earthquakes and the previous instrumental seismicity maps, all of which show the three main areas as being the Flinders‐Mt Lofty Ranges, Eyre Peninsula, and the southeast. The one notable exception in the recent study is the presence of earthquake activity in the Musgrave Block, a previously aseismic region. Intensity characteristics are reported for earthquakes that were sufficiently widely felt. Fault plane solutions for three Flinders Ranges earthquakes (previously unpublished) are also presented; the focal mechanisms are consistent with predominant northeast‐southwest compression. The seismic moment method was used to estimate the seismic risk for the major population centres in terms of probability of exceedance of seismic intensity within a given period. These estimates are based on the recurrence parameters and intensity attenuation function for the region. The results place Adelaide close to the AS2121 ‐ 1979 Earthquake Code Zone I/Zone 2 boundary.  相似文献   

华南沿海地区地震烈度衰减关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立适合本地区的地震烈度衰减关系,是研究地震背景的重要一环。随着资料积累的增加和人们认识的提高,我们在分析历史资料完整性、可靠性基础上,筛选21次有详细宏观调查报告、有仪器测定震级,震级、烈度分布均衡的54组数据。采用最小二乘法,变换常数R,反复统计、搜索方差小,结果符合客观规律的统计结果,并与原东部和华南地区的衰减关系进行全面的比较。建立更符合客观规律,适合本地区的地震烈度衰减关系。  相似文献   

Seismic data denoising, random noise attenuation (RNA) and spike-like noise suppression, is a main consideration for improving the quality of records. RNA could increase signal to noise ratio (S/N) to avoid misinterpretation of seismic data. In this research, a novel method is created by using the combination of frequency-offset deconvolution (FXD) and decision-based median (DBM) filter for RNA from seismic data. The method is applied in two main phases; FXD is focused to remove the Gaussian noise and DBM filter is focused to attenuate the impulsive noise and spikes. To implement and verify the method, three types of data are used: two synthetic models (a model with linear events and a model with hyperbolic events) and an observed seismic section. The ability of the proposed method (FXD-DBM) in comparison of applying each in seismic RNA application is proven. The noise level is reduced obviously, and hence, the S/N of all examined seismic records is increased considerably after denoising by the combination of FX deconvolution and DBM filter. About the real seismic section, suppressing random noise and spikes show up improving the seismic reflector continuity and hence enhancing the interpretability of data. Moreover, some masked events by random noise are clarified in different parts of data after denoising using the planned method.  相似文献   

Multiple approaches are used to study the potential seismic hazard in the North China Craton (NCC, or North China Plain), where approximately 15 % of the Chinese population resides and under which active faults are located. In this study, we develop a new modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) attenuation relationship for the NCC using intensity data from 10 instrumentally recorded events. We then utilize this relationship to infer the magnitude and epicentral location of historic events based on the method proposed by Bakun and Wentworth (Bull Seismol Soc Am 87(6):1502–1521, 1997). In addition, a modified stochastic finite fault model is employed to simulate the strong ground motions caused by these historic events. The simulated peak ground accelerations and velocities are then converted into regional MMI distributions through empirical relationships, and these synthetic MMI maps are compared to field observations. The resultant MMI attenuation versus distance models of the 1976 M w 7.6 Tangshan event and the 1679 M 8.0 Sanhe-Pinggu event are consistent with the empirical attenuation relationships, and the location and size of the meizoseismal area (>VIII) are consistent with observations. The successful modeling of these historic events indicates that a stochastic finite fault model constrained by the regional MMI attenuation relationship can be used to evaluate a wide range of scenarios based on modern computational simulations. These findings may also provide useful information for the estimation and mitigation of potential seismic hazards in this region.  相似文献   

地震信号在地下传播时会受到地层吸收衰减的影响,从而降低了地震资料的分辨率。因此地震波吸收衰减补偿是地震资料处理中的一项重要环节。本文研究的地层吸收衰减补偿方法主要基于局部时频变换(LTFT),该方法能够调节选取谱分解的频率范围和频率采样间隔,解决了短时傅里叶变换固定时窗和小波系数无法提供波形频率的精确估计值问题,适用于非平稳地震信号的时频分析。在求取地层Q值的方法中,频谱比值法具有高效简单的特点,有着广泛的应用范围。本文假设地下介质为层状变Q模型,使用局部时频变换将信号转换为时频域,通过频谱比值法求出各层的Q值,最后根据Kolsky衰减模型来补偿地震信号。理论模型测试和实际资料处理的结果表明,本文提出的方法能够有效恢复衰减信号,提高地震资料的分辨率。  相似文献   

根据工作区潜在震源区划分、潜在震源区地震活动性参数和地震动衰减关系, 进行场地地震危险性分析, 得到不同概率水平下场区相应地震烈度和基岩水平加速度峰值及其反应谱。根据场地工程地震条件划分不同地质单元及相应的场地类别, 进行不同概率水平的地震反应分析计算, 确定地震动设计参数。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for mainland Spain that takes into account recent new results in seismicity, seismic zoning, and strong ground attenuation not considered in the latest PSHA of the Spanish Building Code. Those new input data have been obtained as a three-step project carried out in order to improve the existing hazard map for mainland Spain. We have produced a new earthquake catalogue for the area, in which the earthquakes are given in moment magnitude through specific deduced relationships for our territory based on intensity data (Mezcua et al. in Seismol Res Lett 75:75–81, 2004). In addition, we included a new seismogenetic zoning based on the recent partial zoning studies performed by different authors. Finally, as we have developed a new strong ground motion model for the area García Blanco (2009), it was considered in the hazard calculation together with other attenuations gathered from different authors using data compatible with our region. With this new data, a logic tree process is defined to quantify the epistemic uncertainty related to those parts of the process. A sensitivity test has been included in order to analyze the different models of ground motion and seismotectonic zonation used in this work. Finally, after applying a weighting scheme, a mean hazard map for PGA, based on rock type condition for 10% exceedance probability in 50 years, is presented, including 15th and 85th percentile hazard maps. The main differences with the present official building code hazard map are analyzed.  相似文献   

研究了地震波在层状地质模型内透射衰减对地震反射信号振幅的影响,给出了含透射衰减的褶积模型,为基于模型的波阻抗反演提供了一种新的正演方法。采用含透射衰减的褶积模型做正演运算,能够校正地层透射对波阻抗反演结果的影响,尤其能够消除地层的屏蔽现象。实际的资料处理表明含透射衰减的褶积模型有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

多次波干扰是地震勘探中最重要的问题之一,其衰减技术也是地震数据处理的难题之一。本文主要介绍了多次波的形成、分类及其特征,并在ProMax系统上对合成地震记录的多次波进行了压制:首先采用合适的速度对时-空域的地震记录进行NMO校正;然后,分别用F-K变换和Radon变换方法将其变换到F-K域和Radon域,对多次波所占据的主要区域进行充零衰减;最后,通过对应的反变换将其变换到时-空域,从而达到多次波衰减的目的。通过在ProMax系统中的应用表明:不同方法对多次波的衰减效果各有优劣,组合滤波方法能达到更好的效果。  相似文献   

While techniques for retrieval of seismic velocities from wavelet arrival times in ambient noise correlations are now well established, interpretation of wavelet amplitudes remains unsatisfactory. It is clear that such amplitudes contain information on seismic attenuation, but they are also affected by ambient noise intensity, site amplification, and any nonlinear preprocessing that may have been applied to the noise signals. Disentangling these many factors in order to reliably recover seismic attenuation is challenging. It is argued here that noise intensity, while rarely isotropic or homogeneous, may nevertheless be modeled by a radiative transfer equation. It is then shown that this recognition sufficiently constrains the noise intensity that we may hope to fit measured correlation amplitudes to models for spatially varying attenuation and site amplification factors. One-bit preprocessing, it is shown, is not compatible with such fits except in the special case of spatially constant noise intensity. An alternative procedure for accelerating convergence is suggested. Numerical simulations for a case of homogeneous attenuation and homogeneous seismic velocity are presented in support of the assertions. Attenuation, site factors, and noise intensity are successfully retrieved from correlations of numerically simulated imperfectly diffuse waves measured on a linear array of sensors.  相似文献   

影响薄互层地震反射波特征因素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对楔状模型,两层,多层介质等厚或不等厚模型和实际井中反射系数序列的频谱分析,和对用不同主频不同类型,不同衰减系数子波的合成记录剖面的波形分析以及合成记录的频谱分析,初步认为,薄互层的单层时间厚度,子结构厚度是决定反射波特征,频谱特征的基础,薄互层的互层数,入射子波是重要的影响因素;在目前的常规地震勘探中,薄互层地震反射波多以时间不可分辨的面貌出现,因此为了得到特定薄互层结构的可分辨的最佳图像,  相似文献   

Many studies have been designed to assess seismic hazard and to improve post-earthquake damage evaluation models. Compared with previous studies, the research attempted to solve the problems of the effectiveness differences of seismic intensity on density of Earthquake-damaged trace (D e) and established the appropriate models for D e in different scale of seismic intensity. D e as a relative value reduced the influence of area on earthquake-damaged trace. The research will provide the necessary scientific support to fast post-earthquake damage assessment and modeling. By utilizing GIS, RS and field investigation data, the spatial distribution characteristic of earthquake-damaged traces was analyzed. Effective factors including seismic intensity, distance to rivers and slope were identified through PCA. Specifically, seismic intensity was identified as the key factor. The inherent relations between D e and seismic intensity, D e and distance to rivers in seismic intensity, and D e and slope in seismic intensity were modeled by regression analysis. The results demonstrated that both earthquake energy and D e have attenuation characteristics. There is a significant positive correlation between D e and seismic intensity (the pearson correlation is 0.917). That is, the higher the seismic intensity, the greater the D e was. The erosion of river leads to steep slope, which is in favor of the formation of mountain hazards. D e showed the decreasing tendency with the increasing distance to river. With the increase of slope, the D e gradually became stronger. For distance to river, the largest changing rate of D e appeared on seismic intensity XI, but for slope, the largest changing rate of D e appeared on seismic intensity X.  相似文献   

Teramo  A.  Termini  D.  Stillitani  E.  Bottari  A. 《Natural Hazards》1998,17(1):17-29
The anisotropic attenuation of macroseismic intensity for a seismogenetic zone is dealt with using a new modelling of intensity distribution. The analysis, carried out starting from the intensity maps of the earthquakes of different seismogenetic zones of Central and Southern Italy, allows the determination of the attenuation coefficients for each seismogenetic zone by an anisotropic attenuation law. The obtained results show the reliability of the proposed modelling within seismic hazard evaluation studies.  相似文献   

In this paper a method is proposed to evaluate the seismicity level of an area in a given historical period, based on records of seismic events, source characteristics and intensity attenuation with distance. Also considered is the seismic activity recorded in southern Italy during the 10th and 11th centuries, seismic records being obtained from all available sources. To determine the level of seismicity, a key role is played by source characteristics, i.e. recording modalities and activity periods of recording centers. In addition, models of intensity attenuation with distance allow the assessment of the size of the area under investigation. This paper identifies the areas, in the 10th and 11th centuries, where major earthquakes (M 6.5) did not occur during periods of silence of sources, as well as those where such events cannot be excluded. For each area, different levels of probability were determined by applying the Cox linear logistic model to historical seismic data. The completeness analysis, in terms of area and time-span coverage, is a valuable tool to assess seismicity in seismogenetic areas. The reproducibility of the model for lower magnitude earthquakes (M < 6.5) is reliable.  相似文献   

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