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The effect of small perturbations and in the coriolis and the centrifugal forces respectively on the stability of the triangular points in the restricted problem of three bodies with variable mass has been studied. It is found that the range of stability of triangular points increases or decreases depending upon whether the perturbation point (, ) lies in one or the other of the two parts in which the (, ) plane is divided by the line J8–J9=0 where J8 and J9 depend upon , the constant due to the variation in mass governed by Jeans' law.  相似文献   

The location and the stability of the libration points in the restricted problem have been studied when small perturbation and are given to the Coriolis and the centrifugal forces respectively. It is seen that the pointsL 4 andL 5 form nearly equilateral triangles with the primaries and the pointsL 1,L 2,L 3 remain collinear. It is further observed that for the pointsL 4 andL 5, the range of stability increases or decreases depending upon whether the point (, ) lies in one or the other of the two parts in which the (, ) plane is divided by the line 36-19=0 and the stability of the collinear points is not influenced by the perturbations and they remain unstable.  相似文献   

The clear sky emissivity 0 and the ground emissivity g in Bahrain is studied. The study reveals that the annual value of 0 is 0.88 ± 0.039 relating to the maximum and the minimum values in August and February, respectively. Meanwhile, the annual value of g is 0.338 ± 0.228, where the maximum and the minimum values are in July and January, respectively. These two parameters are related to the transmittance factor .  相似文献   

The equilibrium point O of an autonomous Hamiltonian system of two degrees of freedom is considered for small-oscillation frequencies related as 2=21+. If under the precise resonance (=0) the equilibrium is unstable, the inner diameter () of the domain of stability containing the point O is estimated. It is shown that for the normalized variables ()/b where b is the corresponding resonance coefficient. The estimates () for other main resonances are reported.  相似文献   

In the theory of supergravity (N=1), the supersymmetric version of general relativity, and for the Kasner cosmological model (Bianchi type I) we find a non-trivial solution (for the metric and spinor-vector) under the most simple assumption =11 + 22; 12+21=0 and for a special choosed gaugeN=1,N j=0, 0=0. This method could be also applied to other cosmological metrics and extended to enlarged Grassmann basis.O. Obregón was partially supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.  相似文献   

A model of a first generation intermediate star of 5M , with Z=0 has been considered. The model is at an advanced stage of its evolution and has a double shell burning. It burns helium in the inner shell, and hydrogen, via CNO cycle, in the outer shell. =(log/log) T and T =(log/logT) were computed allowing for the oscillations of the relative mass abundance of the reagents in nuclear reactions. Including =(log/log) T and =(log/logT) of mean molecular weight and the effect of the oscillations of abundances due to nuclear reactions, stability was studied. Contrary to the results of the static calculations, we found that instability due to the excitation mechanism provided by the high temperature sensitivity of energy generation rate propagates up to the surface. Thus the model in question was found to be unstable against radial adiabatic pulsations, in its fundamental mode.  相似文献   

A family of symplectic integrators adapted for the integration of perturbed Hamiltonian systems of the form H=A+B was given in (McLachlan, 1995). We give here a constructive proof that for all integer p, such integrator exists, with only positive steps, and with a remainder of order O(p + 22), where is the stepsize of the integrator. Moreover, we compute the analytical expressions of the leading terms of the remainders at all orders. We show also that for a large class of systems, a corrector step can be performed such that the remainder becomes O(p +42). The performances of these integrators are compared for the simple pendulum and the planetary three-body problem of Sun–Jupiter–Saturn.  相似文献   

The tidal field caused by the second order zonal harmonic of the gravitational field of a planet is discussed according to the fernwirkungsgesetz (principle of local action) of Weyl (1921) introducing an accurate and simple form of the gravitational potential of the planet in elliptic coordinates. It is seen that the tidal field can be described at each point as a small rotation of the local canonical frame which causes a libration and a precession of the axis of rotation of the satellites of the planet. It is also shown that at each point P, is one third of the angle between the line of force through P and the line from P to the center of mass of the planet. All the formulae obtained, to compute and , are in closed form.  相似文献   

The catalog of positions of 1007 stars (792 FK4 and FK4S stars, 57 OB stars, 49 NPZT stars, and 109 SAO stars) is presented. They were observed during the period from December 1984 to September 1985 with the Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (Tokyo PMC). The positions in the catalog are referred to the equinox and equator of J2000, and are based on the FK4 system. The internal errors of a single observation were estimated to be ( cos, )=(0.16, 0.19), whereas the mean internal errors of the catalog positions were (0.08, 0.08) for FK4 stars and (0.09, 0.11) for FK4S stars. A comparison of the positions of the FK4 stars in the present catalog with those of the FK4 catalog shows significant differences cos and in some declination zones. Some of those differences are commonly found in other recent catalogs. Thus they may be considered to be real systematic errors in the FK4 system. Neither significant magnitude nor color equations exist in the Tokyo PMC 85 catalog.  相似文献   

Since there are reasons for expecting supersymmetry in an underlying quantum theory of gravity, one is led to study quantum and classical cosmology with supergravity. In particular, classical solutions corresponding to these models could also be used to generate the quantization of supersymmetric minisuperspaces. In generating these solutions, the solution to the Rarita-Schwinger field in the cosmological background is also obtained. In this paper the supercosmological equations of Einstein-Rarita-Schwinger are solved for the micro-superspace sector of the Taub model, under the assumption =11*22 and . The solution for the parameters of the metric and are proportional to each other in each order, the zeroth-order and also the second-order terms. The zeroth-order terms correspond to the solution in general relativity and are logarithmic in time, the 12 terms have an hyperbolic time-dependence. The Rarita-Schwinger field has the form cos((2/D 3)ln |t–t 0|) and oscillates an infinite number of times astt 0. This oscillating behaviour of the solution for is not only present when spinor fields are treated in a curved background, but also some cosmological wave functions behave in this manner. This solution is at the same time the supercosmological solution for the microsuperspace sector of the Taub model and also the Rarita-Schwinger field in this background.This work was supported in part by CONACYT grant P228CCOX891723, and DGICSA SEP grant C90-03-0347.  相似文献   

In this Letter we propose to consider the four-energy-space whose coordinates are composed as follows: (i) the coordinate 0 refers to the internal energy of the body (it is involved as an unknown function of the rest-energy and the kinetic energy of the body), and (ii) the coordinates 1, 2, 3 relate to the presence of gravitational, electromagnetic, and thermal energy at the location of the body respectively. We involve yet the proper energy interval d2 by analogy to the four-interval ds 2 in general relativity. From such metric field we calculate the Ricci tensor in the simplest case. In addition, we require its form to be the same one as that considered by Schwarzschild. Comparing both solutions we obtain Einstein's relationE=mc 2.  相似文献   

We study the structure of chaos in a simple Hamiltonian system that does no have an escape energy. This system has 5 main periodic orbits that are represented on the surface of section by the points (1)O(0,0), (2)C 1,C 2y c, 0), (3)B 1,B 2(O,±1) and (4) the boundary . The periodic orbits (1) and (4) have infinite transitions from stability (S) to instability (U) and vice-versa; the transition values of are given by simple approximate formulae. At every transitionS U a set of 4 asymptotic curves is formed atO. For larger the size and the oscillations of these curves grow until they destroy the closed invariant curves that surroundO, and they intersect the asymptotic curves of the orbitsC 1,C 2 at infinite heteroclinic points. At every transitionU S these asymptotic curves are duplicated and they start at two unstable invariant points bifurcating fromO. At the transition itself the asymptotic curves fromO are tangent to each other. The areas of the lobes fromO increase with ; these lobes increase even afterO becomes stable again. The asymptotic curves of the unstable periodic orbits follow certain rules. Whenever there are heteroclinic points the asymptotic curves of one unstable orbit approach the asymptotic curves of another unstable orbit in a definite way. Finally we study the tangencies and the spirals formed by the asymptotic curves of the orbitsB 1,B 2. We find indications that the number of spiral rotations tends to infinity as . Therefore new tangencies between the asymptotic curves appear for arbitrarily large . As a consequence there are infinite new families of stable periodic orbits that appear for arbitrarily large .  相似文献   

Two hyades giant stars, and Tau, have been studied from an analysis of strong line profiles. We get for Tau,T e =4750K and logg=2.7, and for Tau,T e =4700K and logg=2.8. Hydrogen-to-metal ratio for the two stars is nearly the same as that of solar value.  相似文献   

L. Mollwo 《Solar physics》1973,30(2):497-511
The generation of space charge waves by micro instabilities of the Harris type and their conversion into electromagnetic waves is discussed in the framework of the dispersion curves of the extraordinary wave mode in the warm plasma. Acceleration of electrons as also nonlinear interactions of waves are taken into account. A survey of the parameter regions of the Harris instabilities is given. Distinct values p / c and p / c result, enabling the instability as well as the conversion. The moving type IVmA bursts, and on the other side the impulsive cm-bursts and the first phase of type IV bursts are correlated to different values p / c and corresponding heights in the corona. The space charge waves can produce hydromagnetic waves by parametric excitation, too (type II bursts). The proposed mechanism is discussed with respect to the energy balance and to the magnetic configurations derived from observations with the Culgoora radioheliograph.  相似文献   

It is shown that X-ray radiation of neutron stars with magnetic fieldsB=1011–1013 G near cyclotron resonances=s B (s=1,2,...) is deeply affected by such quantum effects as electron-positron vacuum polarization (significant at V=3×1028 n e –1 (B/B C 4)1, whereB C =4.4×1013G), the quantizing character of the magnetic field (significant atV=3 x 1028 n e –1 (B/B c)41 whereB c =4.4 x 1013G), the non-harmonic character of the Landau levels, and the quantum recoil of electrons. The latter two factors shift the resonances by the frequency –s 2 B (B/2B c )sin2, being the angle between the direction of radiation propagation and the magnetic field. IfVV 0 (for 1,V 0–1=(mc 2/2T)1/2), the normal mode (NM) polarizations, as well as the absorption coefficientk 1 of the extraordinary NM in the Doppler core of the first resonance (|–| B cos ), is only slightly affected by varyingb and/orV, whereas for the ordinary NM (at 1)k 2k 1 2[b + (3 + tan2–2V)2]k 1. For sufficiently largeb and/orV the quantum effects amplify resonant absorption of the ordinary NM at B , with spin-flip transitions playing a major role atb1+V 2. IfVV 0, the coefficientsk 1 andk 2 in the Doppler core of the resonance are of the same order and acquire some peculiar features (shifts, intersections, etc.), with the NM polarizations depending sharply on and being strongly non-orthogonal. AtVV 0,k 2=k 1(cos2 +B/2B C ) and the polarizations are almost linear. Near high resonances (s2), as a rule,k 1,2(1 + b) s–1 2s–3 i.e., absorption increases withb due to replacement of the thermal energy of the transverse motion of electron,T, by the magnetic energy B . The above effects should be taken into account for an interpretation of observational data on X-ray pulsars (e.g., Her X-1) and other X-ray sources associated with neutron stars.  相似文献   

A quantum mechanical treatment of an electron plasma in a constant and homogeneous magnetic field is considered, with the aim of (a) defining the range of validity of the magnetoionic theory (b) studying the deviations from this theory, in applications involving high densities, and intense magnetic field. While treating the magnetic field exactly, a perturbation approach in the photon field is used to derive general expressions for the dielectric tensor . The properties of are explored in the various limits. Numerical estimates on the range of applicability of the magnetoionic theory are given for the case of the one-dimensional electron gas, where only the lowest Landau level is occupied.  相似文献   

A small particle moves in the vicinity of two masses, forming a close binary, in orbit about a distant mass. Unique, uniformly valid solutions of this four-body problem are found for motion near both equilateral triangle points of the binary system in terms of a small parameter , where the primaries move in accordance with a uniformly-valid three-body solution. Accuracy is maintained within a constant errorO(8), and the solutions are uniformly valid as tends to zero for time intervalsO(–3). Orbital position errors nearL 4 andL 5 of the Earth-Moon system are found to be less than 5% when numerically-generated periodic solutions are used as a standard of comparison.  相似文献   

We study the bifurcations of families of double and quadruple period orbits in a simple Hamiltonian system of three degrees of freedom. The bifurcations are either simple or double, depending on whether a stability curve crosses or is tangent to the axis b=–2. We have also generation of a new family whenever a given family has a maximum or minimum or .The double period families bifurcate from simple families of periodic orbits. We construct existence diagrams to show where any given family exists in the control space (, ) and where it is stable (S), simply unstable (U), doubly unstable (DU), or complex unstable (), We construct also stability diagrams that give the stability parameters b1 and b2 as functions of (for constant ), or of (for constant ).The quadruple period orbits are generated either from double period orbits, or directly from simple period orbits (at double bifurcations). We derive several rules about the various types of bifurcations. The most important phenomenon is the collision of bifurcations. At any such collision of bifurcations the interconnections between the various families change and the general character of the dynamical system changes.  相似文献   

Within the bounds of the general relativity and in gravidynamics, spherically-symmetric configurations are considered with the limit equation of state (P = ( - 4B)/3) and with the density increasing to the center. It is shown that unlike GR, where the existence of strange stars only is permissible (u-, d-, s-quarks), in the consistent dynamic theory of gravitation the existence ofstable configuration withr –2 (quark star) is possible with a bag out of quark-gluon plasma which includes all possible quark flavors (u, d, s, c, b, t, .. .). The total mass of such a compact object with the bag of the radius of 10 km (whose surface consists of the strange self-bound matter) must be 6 - 7M .  相似文献   

The results of the experimental study of the interaction of polyethylene impactors with a massive flat organic-glass target are presented. The impactor speed ranged from 3.2 to 5.84 km/s. A statistical analysis of the mass and size distributions of fragments of the impact and chop craters of the target is done. As a result, some scaling relations are established for the geometric size of the craters, the cumulative ejected mass, the mass of the largest fragment ejected from the impact crater, and for the dust mass. The mass distribution of the impact-crater fragments is shown to obey a power law and agrees well with other authors" data for some materials. The critical impact energy k , resulting in the catastrophic disruption of the target into individual fragments, is estimated. For organic glass, the value of k is found to be 4 × 104J/kg. The mass of the largest (central) fragment accounts for 27 to 33% of the overall mass ejected from the impact crater. The use of the parameter 3= p / p v 2 0gives the best fit to the observational data for the masses released from the impact and chop craters.  相似文献   

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