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The central Valles Marineris is the widest part of the equatorial trough system of Mars. Melas Chasma and parts of Coprates and Candor Chasmata provide some of the clearest clues on the relationships between erosional landforms, deposits and various volcanic and tectonic features. A detailed geomorphic study of the troughs allows the identification of faults and other structures in most parts of this area, in spite of local obliteration by erosional and depositional processes. Tectonic control on erosional landforms appears mainly in the northern walls of Melas Chasma and in the edge of the inner plateau above the trough floor. Longitudinal major faults are identified only along the northern wall. However the trough may not be a simple half graben: another fault line is inferred inside Melas Chasma southern walls along the edge of a wide bench of layered deposits. A deep and relatively narrow graben linking those of Ius and Coprates Chasmata appears to be downfaulted inside a wider basin with eroded sides. Transverse or oblique faults control some outlines of these erosional landforms, whereas a few monoclines or faults restricted to the basin beds reveal compressional stresses or differential vertical movements related to the basin development.  相似文献   

Geomorphic change in high mountains: a western Himalayan perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globally significant interactions between climate, surface processes, and tectonics have recently been proposed to explain climate change and mountain building. Assessing climate-driven erosion processes and geomorphic change in high-mountain environments, however, is notoriously difficult. In the western Himalaya, the coupling of climate, surface processes, and tectonics results in complex topography that frequently records the polygenetic nature of topographic evolution over the last 100 ka. Depending upon the erosional history of a particular landscape, temporal overprinting of geomorphic events can produce unique topographic properties which define the spatial complexity of the topography. Field work coupled with analysis of the topography using digital elevation models (DEMs) enable low- and high-frequency spatial patterns and scale-dependent properties of the topography to be detected and associated with geomorphic events caused by climate and tectonic forcing. We conducted spatial analysis of the topography at Nanga Parbat in northern Pakistan to demonstrate the utility of geomorphometry and to characterize dramatic geomorphic change over the past 100 ka. Results indicate rapid river incision, extensive glaciation, and variable denudation rates by mass movement, glaciation, and catastrophic flood flushing. Furthermore, topographic and chronologic evidence indicate that glaciation is strongly controlled by the southwestern monsoon, and that modern fluvial systems are still responding to tectonic forcing and deglaciation. Scale-dependent analysis of the topography revealed that different erosion processes uniquely alter the spatial complexity of the topography, such that the greatest mesoscale relief appears to be caused by glaciation. Collectively, our results indicate that topographic development in the western Himalaya is inherently polygenetic in nature, with glaciation, fluvial and slope processes all playing important roles at different times, and that they can do so sequentially on the same portion of the landscape. Given the rapidity of major changes in climate and glaciation over the last 100 ka, the landscape cannot be in steady-state.  相似文献   

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), a Cenozoic intra-plate rift situated in the Alpine foreland, is presently characterised by relative slow tectonic deformation and low to medium seismicity. Concurrently, it is a region with a significant amount of ongoing subsidence in two recent depocentres (0.1 to 0.2 mm/a geological, 1 mm/a geodetical rate). In this paper, the recent kinematic behaviour of the URG is simulated using a 3D finite element model, containing three lithospheric layers (upper mantle, lower crust and upper crust) with different rheological properties. First order fault structures (e.g. border faults) are implemented as frictional contact surfaces within the upper crustal layer. The stresses generated by applying lateral displacements over a time period of 10 ka are insufficient to obtain a match between predicted and observed stress magnitudes. Therefore, a technique of “combined pre-stressing” has been developed to avoid unrealistic deformation and unrealistic stress magnitudes within the model. The stress magnitudes and stress directions predicted are calibrated against in-situ stress measurements and stress indicator data. For benchmarking of the modelling results, the vertical surface displacements predicted are compared to surface uplift derived from geological and geomorphological data. Furthermore, predicted fault slip rates are compared to available geological and geodetical data. Parameters derived from the calculated stress tensor, such as fracture potential and the regime stress ratio are also analysed in order to describe the possible kinematic behaviour of the URG. The modelling results suggest that the URG is currently being reactivated as a sinistral strike–slip system with the central segment of the URG forming a restraining bend and the two recent depocentres situated in releasing bend settings. The modelling results suggest that both sinistral shearing and mantle uplift are active mechanisms driving the recent kinematics of the URG and that the recent subsidence within the two depocentres is re-enforced by ongoing mantle uplift additionally.  相似文献   

On the basis of the geophysical (seismic profiles and electric tomography), geomorphic and geological data, we re-evaluate the post-Pliocene structural interpretation of the southern Upper Rhine graben (Basel–Mulhouse area): we demonstrate a Plio–Pleistocene northward propagation of the Jura thrust and fold belt up to Mulhouse proceeding from a succession of four 10 km apart ramps (from north to south Ferrette, Muespach, Magstatt and Rixheim) rooted within the late Triassic evaporitic marls acting as a decollement. This domain was previously considered as having undergone an on-going continuous extension (horst of Mulhouse bounded by the Quaternary Sirentz and Dannemarie grabens).The Quaternary activity of this thin-skinned tectonics induces the growth of a sedimentary wedge whose regional slope, which comprised between 1.4° and 1° to the north, also attests to a low friction basal detachment. More into details, these ramps correspond to 40–50-m high jumps within the forward topographic slope. Pleistocene activity is suggested just above the Muespach ramp by the presence of a 5–10-m north-facing scarp corresponding in depth to a 3-m vertical offset of early Pleistocene alluvial deposits. Farther to the north, a stronger incision of the Rhine Würm terrace can be interpreted as the result of the growth of the Mulhouse–Rixheim frontal ramp.This northward propagation of the Jura thrust and fold belt is strongly controlled by the Oligocene structural inheritage. The development of the frontal ramp in Mulhouse has to be related to the Oligocene significant vertical offset of the Triassic evaporite along the Mulhouse Railway Station fault preventing a propagation of the decollement farther to the north. In the same way, the fold propagation is laterally segmented by the N20°E trending Oligocene fabrics (from East to West, Rhine Valley flexure fault, Allschwil–Istein fault system and Illfurth fault) which acts above the decollement as lateral ramps. To the west, the development of a shallow anticline along the Illfurth fault suggests that the thin-skinned propagation is oblique with respect to the Oligocene fabrics. It results in spacial contrast between a left-lateral-reverse and a right-lateral–normal shallow kinematics along the western and eastern lateral ramps, respectively. In depth to the east, it also induces a vertical contrast between shallow (right-lateral–normal) and deep (left-lateral given by fault plane solutions) kinematics along the Istein–Allschwill–Rhine Valley fault system.Few arguments supporting a nucleation of the Basel-1356 earthquake, the strongest event in NW Europe in the last thousand years, onto the Rhine Valley fault system beneath the decollement have been given. However, we emphasize that the above mentioned coeval thin (aseismic)- and thick (seismic)-skinned tectonics along the Istein–Allschwill–Rhine Valley fault system would make difficult both the identification and the interpretation of the surface rupture of the Basel-1356 earthquake.  相似文献   

A new semi-automatic technique is presented to map and characterize tectonic features on Mars. Automatic strain estimation associated with normal faults is achieved for synthetic and real fault scarps on Mars.The application of this new technique to a small rift located in Thaumasia Planum allowed the segmentation of the rift. The defined segmentation corresponds to changes in the strikes of faults that delimitate rift areas with different architecture.The rift is formed by several pull-apart basins developed due to the reactivation of previously formed tectonic structures. The strain spatial distribution and the overall geometry are consistent with a roughly East–West left-lateral shear transfer zone between two different lithospheric blocks.  相似文献   

Large impact structures on Ganymede and Callisto are characterized by one or more concentric rings or scarps. Their formation is probably due to the collapse of the transient crater when the excavation depth is comparable to the thickness of the planetary lithosphere. The number, spacing, and morphology of the rings is a function of this thickness, the strength of the lithosphere, and crater diameter. When the lithosphere is thin and weak, the collapse is regulated by flow induced in the asthenosphere. The lithosphere fragments in a multiply concentric pattern (e.g., Valhalla, Asgard, Galileo Regio, and a newly discovered ring system on Callisto). The thickness and viscosity of a planetary lithosphere increases with time as the mantle cools. A thicker lithosphere leads to the formation of one (or very few) irregular normal faults concentric to the crater (e.g., Gilgamesh). A gravity wave or tsunami induced by impact into a liquid mantle would result in both concentric and radial extension features. Since these are not observed, this process cannot be responsible for the generation of the rings around the basins and basin palimpsests on Ganymede and Callisto. Subtle differences in thin lithosphere ring morphology between Ganymede and Callisto reflect (at least) the varying ice/silicate ratios, subsequent tectonic histories, and erosional mechanisms of the two bodies. The appearance of Galileo Regio and portions of Valhalla is best explained by ring graben, and though the Valhalla system is older, the lithosphere was 1.5 to 2.0 times as thick at the time of formation. Subsequent tectonic activity destroyed most of the basin-ring structure on Ganymede. The present lithosphere thickness is too great to permit development of any rings.  相似文献   

In the western sector of Nepenthes Mensae, Mars, there are some geomorphological features that could be related to a standing water sheet in the area, such as fluvial terraces, deltas and shorelines. A detailed analysis of these features reveals two variations in water level, probably related to tectonic processes, as suggested by the existence of a fissural volcano at this site.  相似文献   

We present a novel numerical approach to construct quantitative tectonic models from crustal velocity distributions derived from local earthquake tomography. Independent constraints on the location and orientation of structures are obtained from earthquake hypocenters and seismic reflection profiles. An application of this method is given for the southern end of the Upper Rhine Graben (northwestern Europe). Kinematic boundary conditions are imposed on the structural model to investigate the large scale intraplate deformation in the region. A 3-D finite element code is used to calculate the displacements, the distribution of stresses, and the potential for brittle failure in the Graben. The modeling takes into account the intersection and curvature of crustal faults. The results demonstrate the dependence of fault interaction in the system on kinematic conditions, as well as the influence of minor faults on the kinematics of major basin bounding master faults. We show that although most of the deformation in the region is taken up by the eastern boundary faults of the Rhine Graben, all faults in the system have the potential to be (re)activated. In particular, a fault system underlying the front of the Jura fold and thrust belt appears to accommodate a large part of the intraplate deformation.  相似文献   

Large channels on the Martian surface have been variously attributed to erosional, volcanic, and tectonic processes. Morphometric information shows that large braided Martian channels and islands between those channels are similar in their dimensions to channels and islands of large braided fluvial features on Earth. The information also suggests that braided fractures in solid materials are fundamentally different in morphometry from braided channels of Earth and Mars. Braided tension fractures have characteristically low braiding indices and are much narrower than their irregularly shaped “midchannel” islands. Terrestrial and Martian channels, in contrast, have high braiding indices, and they are wider than their streamlined midchannel islands. Braided volcanic features are known from the earth and the moon, but the absence of volcanic constructs near the large braided channels on Mars indicates that volcanic origin is unlikely. The morphometric information suggests that braided Martian channels are probably of fluvial origin.  相似文献   

The Mercury Laser Altimeter on the NASA MESSENGER mission has ranged to several ridges and lobate scarps during two equatorial flybys of the planet Mercury. The tectonic features sampled, like others documented by spacecraft imaging and Earth-based radar, are spatially isolated and have vertical relief in excess of 1 km. The profiles also indicate that the faulting associated with their formation penetrated to tens of kilometers depth into the lithosphere and accommodated substantial shortening. To gain insight into the mechanism(s) of strain accommodation across these structures, we perform analytical and numerical modeling of representative dynamic localization mechanisms. We find that ductile localization due to shear heating is not favored, given our current understanding of thermal gradients and shallow thermal structure of Mercury at the time of ridge and scarp formation, and is likely to be of secondary importance at best. Brittle localization, associated with loss of resistance during fault development or with velocity weakening during sliding on mature faults, is weakly localizing but permits slip to accumulate over geological time scales. The range of shallow thermal gradients that produce isolated faults rather than distributed fault sets under the assumption of modest fault weakening is consistent with previous models for Mercury’s early global thermal history. To be consistent with strain rates predicted from thermal history models and the amount of shortening required to account for the underlying large-offset faults, ridges and scarps on Mercury likely developed over geologically substantial time spans.  相似文献   

Scott C. Mest  David A. Crown 《Icarus》2005,175(2):335-359
The geology and stratigraphy of Millochau crater (21.4° S, 275° W), located in the highlands of Tyrrhena Terra, Mars, are documented through geomorphic analyses and geologic mapping. Crater size-frequency distributions and superposition relationships are used to constrain relative ages of geologic units and determine the timing and duration of the geologic processes that modified Millochau rim materials and emplaced deposits on Millochau's floor. Crater size-frequency distributions show a Middle Noachian age for rim materials and Middle Noachian to Early Hesperian ages for most of the interior deposits. Valley networks and gullies incised within Millochau's rim materials and interior wall, respectively, indicate fluvial activity was an important erosional process. Millochau contains an interior plateau, offset northeast of Millochau's center, which rises up to 400 m above the surrounding crater floor and slopes downward to the south and west. Layers exposed along the northern and eastern scarp boundaries of the plateau are tens to hundreds of meters thick and laterally continuous in MOC images. These layers suggest most materials within Millochau were emplaced by sedimentary processes (e.g., fluvial or eolian), with the potential for lacustrine deposition in shallow transient bodies of water and contributions of volcanic airfall. Mass wasting may have also contributed significant quantities of material to Millochau's interior, especially to the deposits surrounding the plateau. Superposition relationships combined with impact crater statistics indicate that most deposition and erosion of Millochau's interior deposits is ancient, which implies that fluvial activity in this part of Tyrrhena Terra is much older than in the eastern Hellas region. Eolian processes mobilized sediment to form complicated patterns of long- and short-wavelength dunes, whose emplacement is controlled by local topography. These deposits are some of the youngest within Millochau (Amazonian) and eolian modification may be ongoing.  相似文献   

Thermoelastic stress calculations show that if only the outer few hundred kilometers of the Moon was initially molten and if it had a cool interior, i.e., the magma ocean model of the Moon, the highlands should not have any young, compressional tectonic features. In contrast, if the Moon was initially totally molten, the highlands should have 10-km- scale, ?0.5- to 1 × 109-year-old thrust faults. Observations using the Apollo panoramic imagery show that young thrust faults do exist in the highlands. Extrapolation of the data suggests that some 2000 thrust-fault scarps, whose average length is 9 km, are in the highlands. The fault scarps generally occur in series or complexes of four or five scarps. The average length of these complexes is 50 km; the largest observed complex is 120 km long. Extrapolation of the data suggests that there are about 400 such complexes. The ages of the scarps range from 60±30 to 680±250 my, with a possible bias of up to plus a factor of 2 or minus a factor of 4. These scarps are by far the youngest endogenic features on the Moon. The selenographical, size, age, morphological, and azimuth frequency distributions of the scarps can be explained by the effects of the kilobar-level thermoelastic stresses, the 100-bar-level tidal and rotational stresses, and influence by preexisting structures. These results show that the Moon has recently entered an epoch of late stage, global tectonism and favor the concept that the Moon was initially totally molten.  相似文献   

The Alba Patera main graben zone is radial to the Tharsis bulge, indicating the importance of the Tharsis bulge-related peripheral rift tectonics. The concentric grabens around the Alba Patera area are also partly caused by crustal bending due to the central load of the Alba Patera volcano. These two graben sets partly coincide forming composite structures. Both tectonic systems were still active after the last major volcanic lava extrusions took place. After this, the crater chain grabens, radial to the northernmost part of the Tharsis bulge were formed. These collapse craters were evidently caused by the late-tectonic forces due to the northern Tharsis and adjoining lava loads, resulting in flexural tension and activating previous faults.  相似文献   

Mare ridges were caused by compressional tectonics and indicate the shortening of the planum surface foiled by lavas. At least two separate tectonic phases within Syrtis Major Planum can be found. The two central calderas are located on the southwestern continuation of the Nili Fossae graben zone at the junction of the N-S and NW-SE mare ridge sets. These central calderas were formed by surface collapses into relatively shallow magma chambers. Radial and concentric mare ridges around the two calderas represent a shortened surface environment within the large compressional megacaldera. Shortening was caused by sinking of the crust due to the lava load, plumbing of the magma chambers and cooling of the interiors. The main NW-SE ridge trend parallels highland faults of the major structural zone extending from Hesperia Planum to Vastitas Borealis. These NW-SE ridges indicate the large scale areal tectonic trend along the Scopulus Oenotria - Phison Rupes fault zone and support the idea of a main SW-NE compression. The N-S directed mare ridges of the northern planum area favour a change in compressional stress direction from SW-NE in the south to E-W in the northern planum, obviously due to the buried local topography. These linear mare ridges can also be interpreted as forming a large Isidis Planitia-concentric ridge circle connecting Nili Fossae to Libya Montes. Formation of the mare ridges was the youngest of the main tectonic phases involved within the area studied.  相似文献   

Lobate scarps, thought to be the surface expression of large thrust faults, are the most spectacular contractional tectonic features visible on Mercury. Most lobate scarps follow a general and relatively simple pattern, with a roughly arcuate or linear form in plan view, and an asymmetric cross section characterized by a steeply rising scarp face and a gently declining back scarp. In this work, we study two peculiar and complex scarps in the Rembrandt region of Mercury through MESSENGER imagery. On the one hand, the formation of these scarps resulted in the deformation of features such as impact craters, fractures, extensional faults, and volcanic plains, while on the other hand, the deformed features partly influenced the formation of the scarps. Evidence for structural control on the formation of the scarps includes their orientation, segmentation, bifurcation, change in structural trend and dip orientation, and transition into high-relief ridges or wrinkle ridge morphologies in some cases. Thus, these two lobate scarps provide examples of complex geological relations among other features, expanding the recognized richness of mercurian geology. Also, the southern scarp records a complex history of contraction, suggesting that the development of some mercurian lobate scarps may be more complex than usually thought.  相似文献   

The Czech Republic comprises two geologically diverse provinces. The western part is an ancient, long-stabilized crystalline (slowly uplifting) massif, the Bohemian Massif, whereas the eastern part is the younger and tectonically more mobile Carpathian Foredeep and the West Carpathian mountain ranges. The Late Cenozoic fluvial record, controlled in essence by cyclic climate-driven changes of the environment shows discernible differences in both provinces and, therefore, the paper deals with these separately. In the Bohemian Massif a regular development of terrace staircases is noted, making internally consistent correlation possible. Problems that remain open to debate include dating the start of fluvial terrace staircase development, and correlating the fluvial terraces with the succession of Scandinavian glaciations that have affected the northernmost Czech Republic. On the other hand, the fluvial records in the southeastern Czech Republic show significant lateral variations; thus, northern, central and southern Moravia are reviewed separately in this paper. The terrace system in northern Moravia formed in direct contact with the ice sheet during two Scandinavian glaciations, whereas only periglacial or extraglacial conditions developed further south. Nevertheless, the existence of the Main Terrace as an important stratigraphical index horizon allows the reliable correlation of the terrace systems of all the larger Moravian rivers, despite their fragmentary development.  相似文献   

Mark A. Bishop 《Icarus》2008,197(1):73-83
Cone fields of ambivalent origin exist in the Elysium, Amazonis, Cerberus, Isidis, Acidalia and Cydonia regions of Mars. Considerable interest exists in regard to their location and origin as their occurrence in many instances, is most likely associated with near surface ground ice; the presence of which has consequences for past and present climate, astrobiological activity, and future exploration. This research has outlined an understanding of both spatial and geomorphic processes of cone development for a region within the Tartarus Colles, Mars, as well as the manner in which spatial statistical indices can be affected by modification to the areal unit of study. This study found that cone groups for the region of the Tartarus Colles, are completely spatially random (CSR) across all distances extending to their sixth-order neighbor. However, significant statistical indices of aggregation were found for groups where post-emplacement erosional modification may have occurred by solifluction-like mechanisms or magmatic incursion into or over frozen ground. Such circumstances imply that R-indices reflect both the underlying spatial and geologic processes of cone formation, and also, an overprint of erosional modification of the cone-field within a glacial or periglacial setting, in this instance. The comparison of spatial indices can therefore offer a viewpoint from which geomorphic change can be recognized and quantitatively evaluated for cone fields.  相似文献   

The tectonics of the Grimaldi area are described and analyzed in detail from high-resolution Lunar Orbiter photographs.Rille grabens are long and narrow fault zone structures of lunar terra. The polygonal rille graben pattern indicates the importance of lunar internal activity with an adjoining thin lithosphere in the areal tectonics at the time of rille grabening. The graben subsidence developed during tensional bending of this thin terra lithosphere. The en échelon graben offsets indicate the existence of strikeslip movements along the main fault under tensional lithosphere conditions.In some places mare ridge ranges continue in the direction of the rille graben indicating the connection of these structures to each other as part of the lunar tectonic evolution. The very thin mare lithosphere was affected more easily and over a longer period of time by lunar internal forces. The effect of older structural units is thus less conspicuous within mare areas. Proposed Riedel-shear-like structures indicate a slight shortening and compression of the mare basin lithosphere during movements along lava-covered zones of weakness.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 pictures indicate that the surface of Mars has been shaped by impact, volcanic, tectonic, erosional and depositional activity. The moonlike cratered terrain, identified as the dominant surface unit from the Mariner 6 and 7 flyby data, has proven to be less typical of Mars than previously believed, although extensive in the mid- and high-latitude regions of the southern hemisphere. Martian craters are highly modified but their size-frequency distribution and morphology suggest that most were formed by impact. Circular basins encompassed by rugged terrain and filled with smooth plains material are recognized. These structures, like the craters, are more modified than corresponding features on the Moon and they exercise a less dominant influence on the regional geology. Smooth plains with few visible craters fill the large basins and the floors of larger craters; they also occupy large parts of the northern hemisphere where the plains lap against higher landforms. The middle northern latitudes of Mars from 90 to 150† longitude contain at least four large shield volcanoes each of which is about twice as massive as the largest on Earth. Steep-sided domes with summit craters and large, fresh-appearing volcanic craters with smooth rims are also present in this region. Multiple flow structures, ridges with lobate flanks, chain craters, and sinuous rilles occur in all regions, suggesting widespread volcanism. Evidence for tectonic activity postdating formation of the cratered terrain and some of the plains units is abundant in the equatorial area from 0 to 120° longitude.Some regions exhibit a complex semiradial array of graben that suggest doming and stretching of the surface. Others contain intensity faulted terrain with broader, deeper graben separated by a complex mosaic of flat-topped blocks. An east-west-trending canyon system about 100–200 km wide and about 2500 km long extends through the Coprates-Eos region. The canyons have gullied walls indicative of extensive headward erosion since their initial formation. Regionally depressed areas called chaotic terrain consist of intricately broken and jumbled blocks and appear to result from breaking up and slumping of older geologic units. Compressional features have not been identified in any of the pictures analyzed to data. Plumose light and dark surface markings can be explained by eolian transport. Mariner 9 has thus revealed that Mars is a complex planet with its own distinctive geologic history and that it is less primitive than the Moon.  相似文献   

The Imbrium sculpture texture, a distinctive ridged and furrowed pattern radial to the Imbrium basin and seen in other basins, has long been debated as to its origin (internal, formed by basin-related fractures; external, related to ejecta patterns). To test for the presence of deep radial fractures on the moon, the azimuth and length of linear rim segments of twenty-four post-Imbrium-basin craters were measured. Linear segments of crater rims parallel preexisting fracture patterns in terrestrial craters floored in an indurated substrate. Craters forming in a terrain containing pervasive fractures radial to Imbrium should show evidence of this tectonic influence by forming rim crest segments (terrace scarps) preferentially along these directions. No systematic relation of these segments with Imbrium radial structure was found. This suggests that the surface radial grooves may not extend to depth. The relatively young Orientale basin shows two types of radial structures: (1) pervasive subparallel ridges and furrows formed by a spectrum of sizes of secondary crater chains emanating from the main crater, and from flowage of material during secondary cratering; (2) parallel, generally radial ridges which appear to have formed on top of outward flows of debris. These types of radial textures (both depositional and erosional) appear unrelated to major faults or fractures. Therefore, these two lines of evidence suggest that much of the Imbrium-type sculpture surrounding major lunar basins is sedimentary, rather than tectonic, in origin.  相似文献   

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