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Elevation dependency of climate change signals has been found over major mountain ranges such as the European Alps and the Rockies, as well as over the Tibetan Plateau. In this study we examined the temporal trends in monthly mean minimum temperatures from 116 weather stations in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity during 1961–2006. We also analyzed projected climate changes in the entire Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings from two sets of modeling experiments under future global warming conditions. These analyses included the output of the NCAR Community Climate System Model (CCSM3) with approximately 150 km horizontal resolution for the scenario of annual 1% increase in atmospheric CO2 for future 100 years and physically-based downscaling results from the NCAR CAM3/CLM3 model at 10' × 10' resolution during three 20-year mean periods (1980–1999, 2030–2049 and 2080–2099) for the IPCC mid-range emission (A1B) scenario. We divided the 116 weather stations and the regional model grids into elevation zones of 500 m interval to examine the relationship of climatic warming and elevation. With these corroborating datasets, we were able to confirm the elevation dependency in monthly mean minimum temperature in and around the Tibetan Plateau. The warming is more prominent at higher elevations than at lower elevations, especially during winter and spring seasons, and such a tendency may continue in future climate change scenarios. The elevation dependency is most likely caused by the combined effects of cloud-radiation and snow-albedo feedbacks among various influencing factors.  相似文献   

Analysis and modelling of temperature anomalies from 25 selected deep wells in Alberta show that the differences between GST (ground surface temperature) warming for the northern Boreal Forest ecozone and the combined Prairie Grassland ecozone and Aspen Parkland transition region to the south occur during the latter half of this century. This corresponds with recent changes in surface albedo resulting from permanent land development in the northern areas and also to increases in natural forest fires in the past 20 years. Differences between GST and SAT (surface air temperature) warming are much higher in the Boreal Forest ecozone than in the Prairie Grassland ecozone and Aspen Parkland transition region. Various hypotheses which could account for the existing differences between the GST and SAT warming in the different ecozones of Alberta, and western Canada in general, are tested. Analysis of existing data on soil temperature, hydrological piezometric surfaces, snowfall and moisture patterns, and land clearing and forest fires, indicate that large areas of Alberta, characterised by anomalous GST warming, have experienced widespread changes to the surface landscape in this century. It is postulated that this has resulted in a lower surface albedo with a subsequent increase in the absorption of solar energy. Heat flow modelling shows that, after climatic SAT warming, permanent clearing of the land is the most effective and likely cause of the observed changes in the GST warming. The greater GST warming in the Boreal Forest ecozone in the latter half of this century is related to landscape change due to land development and increasing forest fire activity. It appears to account for a portion of the observed SAT warming in this region through a positive feedback loop with the overlying air. The anthropogenic effect on regional climatic warming through 20th century land clearing and landscape alteration requires further study. In future, more accurate quantification of these various forcings will be necessary in order to distinguish between, and to detect, the variety of natural and anthropogenic influences and on climate.  相似文献   

Functional space inversions (FSI) of precise temperature logs from wells located in low conductivity clastic sediments of the western Canadian Sedimentary Basin show evidence of extensive, recent ground surface temperature (GST) warming. Simultaneous inversion of the data, as well as averaging of the individual site reconstructions, indicate that this high magnitude of GST warming exceeds over two times that of globally averaged GST's [Science 282 (1998) 279] and is significantly higher than that of surface temperature histories based on instrumental records and tree ring reconstruction in northern and western Canada [Holocene 7 (1997) 375; Science 278 (1997) 1251; Clim. Res. 12 (1999) 39].  相似文献   

New temperature logs in wells located in the grassland ecozone in the Southern Canadian Prairies in Saskatchewan, where surface disturbance is considered minor, show a large curvature in the upper 100 m. The character of this curvature is consistent with ground surface temperature (GST) warming in the 20th century. Repetition of precise temperature logs in southern Saskatchewan (years 1986 and 1997) shows the conductive nature of warming of the subsurface sediments. The magnitude of surface temperature change during that time (11 years) is high (0.3–0.4°C). To assess the conductive nature of temperature variations at the grassland surface interface, several precise air and soil temperature time series in the southern Canadian Prairies (1965–1995) were analyzed. The combined anomalies correlated at 0.85. Application of the functional space inversion (FSI) technique with the borehole temperature logs and site-specific lithology indicates a warming to date of approximately 2.5°C since a minimum in the late 18th century to mid 19th century. This warming represents an approximate increase from 4°C around 1850 to 6.5°C today. The significance of this record is that it suggests almost half of the warming occurred prior to 1900, before dramatic build up of atmospheric green house gases. This result correlates well with the proxy record of climatic change further to the north, beyond the Arctic Circle [Overpeck, J., Hughen, K., Hardy, D., Bradley, R., Case, R., Douglas, M., Finney, B., Gajewski, K., Jacoby, G., Jennings, A., Lamourex, S., Lasca, A., MacDonald, G., Moore, J., Retelle, M., Smith, S., Wolfe, A., Zielinski, G., 1997. Arctic environmental change of the last four centuries, Science 278, 1251–1256.].  相似文献   

Most areas of arid and semiarid China are covered by aeolian sand dunes, sand sheets, and desert steppes, and the existence of the nearly 80 million people who live in this region could be seriously jeopardized if climate change increases desertification. However, the expected trends in desertification during the 21st century are poorly understood. In the present study, we selected the ECHAM4 and HadCM3 global climate models (after comparing them with the results of the GFDL-R30, CGCM2, and CSIRO-Mk2b models) and used simulations of a dune mobility index under IPCC SRES climate scenarios A1FI, A2a, A2b, A2c, B1a, B2a, and B2b to estimate future trends in dune activity and desertification in China. Although uncertainties in climate predictions mean that there is still far to go before we can develop a comprehensive dune activity estimation system, HadCM3 simulations with most greenhouse forcing scenarios showed decreased desertification in most western region of arid and semiarid China by 2039, but increased desertification thereafter, whereas ECHAM4 simulation results showed that desertification will increase during this period. Inhabitants of thecentral region will benefit from reversed desertification from 2010 to 2099, whereas inhabitants of the eastern region will suffer from increased desertification from 2010 to 2099. From 2010 to 2039, most regions will not be significantly affected by desertification, but from 2040 to 2099, the environments of the western and eastern regions will deteriorate due to the significant effects of global warming (particularly the interaction between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration), leading to decreased livestock and grain yields and possibly threatening China's food security.  相似文献   

Because the Khumbu Himal of the Nepal Himalayas lacks long-term climate records from weather stations, mountain permafrost degradation serves as an important indicator of climate warming. In 1973, the permafrost lower limit was estimated to be 5200–5300 m above sea level (ASL) on southern-aspect slopes in this region. Using ground-temperature measurements, we examined the mountain permafrost lower limit on slopes with the same aspect in 2004. The results indicate that the permafrost lower limit was 5400–5500 m ASL in 2004. The permafrost lower limit was estimated to be 5400 to 5500 m on slopes with a southern aspect in the Khumbu Himal in 1991 using seismic reflection soundings. Thus, it is possible that the permafrost lower limit has risen 100–300 m between 1973 and 1991, followed by a stable limit of 5400 to 5500 m over the last decade. An increase in mean annual air temperature of approximately 0.2 to 0.4 °C from the 1970s to the 1990s has indicated a rise in the permafrost lower limit of 40 to 80 m at the Tibetan Plateau. The rise in the mountain permafrost lower limit in the Khumbu Himal exceeds that of the Tibetan Plateau, suggesting the possibility of greater climate warming in the Khumbu Himal.  相似文献   

Recent studies have pointed out that persistence of the atmospheric circulation over Europe, as measured by residence times of circulation types, has increased since the mid-1980s in all seasons and for most groups of the types. The greater persistence may affect surface climatic anomalies, particularly the frequency and severity of heat and cold waves associated with severe impacts on society and environment. In this paper, relationships between the persistence of circulation types over Europe and extreme surface air temperature anomalies are studied over the 20th century using the Hess–Brezowsky catalogue of large-scale circulation patterns and long-term temperature series at stations covering most of the European continent. Types significantly conducive to heat and cold waves are identified, and temperature anomalies are linked to their persistence. It is shown that more persistent circulation enhances the severity of temperature extremes over the whole area, which is slightly more important for warm than cold temperature anomalies. The changes in both frequencies and residence times of circulation patterns have been supporting sharply rising trends in warm temperature extremes observed over Europe in recent decades, and the circulation changes may also contributed to the fact that trends in cold temperature extremes have been less pronounced or absent in the same period. The findings also emphasize the need for taking into account the persistence of circulation types together with their frequencies when evaluating links between the atmospheric circulation and the surface climate. In global warming context, the effects of the future climate change on the occurrence and severity of temperature extremes may be exacerbated by a more persistent circulation related to a decreased cyclone activity over mid-latitudes and a northward shift of storm tracks.  相似文献   

Five common placolith-bearing coccolithophorid algae—Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Coccolithus pelagicus, Calcidiscus leptoporus, Umbilicosphaera sibogae (var. sibogae and var. foliosa), and Emiliania huxleyi—were cultured to investigate controls on Sr partitioning in coccolith calcite. For identical temperature and media composition, Sr partitioning varies by more than 30% in exponential phase cultures of the five species and is linearly related to rates of calcite production/cell (ρ=0.91). Exponential phase culture experiments with three strains of C. leptoporus and six strains of G. oceanica at varying temperatures show variations in Sr partitioning of 20% and 30%, respectively. With C. leptoporus, Sr partitioning is equally correlated with temperature and calcification rate (ρ=0.8), which themselves are highly correlated; the slope of the relationship between DSr and calcification rate is comparable to that observed in all species at constant temperature. However, in G. oceanica, increased temperature appears to enhance Sr incorporation by up to 2% to 1.6% °C−1 in the range of 15 to 30 °C. The strong influence of calcification rate on Sr partitioning may be useful for inferring past variations in coccolithophorid productivity from Sr partitioning in coccolith sediments if the influence of temperature on Sr partitioning can be resolved. Because the relationship between calcite production and Sr partitioning is linear, a proportional change in calcification should be expressed much more strongly in the Sr/Ca ratio of large species with rapid calcite production than in smaller species, which produce calcite more slowly. Consequently, it may be possible to separate temperature and calcification influences on coccolith Sr/Ca by separately analyzing Sr/Ca in species that produce calcite rapidly and those that produce calcite slowly, if both undergo comparable relative changes in calcification rates.  相似文献   

The time variations of spectral properties of dark martian surface features are investigated using the OMEGA near-IR dataset. The analyzed period covers two Mars years, spanning from early 2004 to early 2008 (includes the 2007 global dust event). Radiative transfer modeling indicates that the apparent albedo variations of low to mid-latitude dark regions are consistent with those produced by the varying optical depth of atmospheric dust as measured simultaneously from the ground by the Mars Exploration Rovers. We observe only a few significant albedo changes that can be attributed to surface phenomena. They are small-scaled and located at the boundaries between bright and dark regions. We then investigate the variations of the mean particle size of aerosols using the evolution of the observed dark region spectra between 1 and 2.5 μm. Overall, we find that the observed changes in the spectral slope are consistent with a mean particle size of aerosols varying with time between 1 and 2 μm. Observations with different solar zenith angles make it possible to characterize the aerosol layer at different altitudes, revealing a decrease of the particle size of aerosols as altitude increases.  相似文献   

1引言金牛T型星(TTaur1)是一类低质量(<3*O)光谱晚型(晚F、G、K和M主序前类太阳恒星.依据其H。发射线的强弱可分为两类:经典TTauri星(CTTS)和弱发射线TTauri星(WTTS.一般认为,CTTS的地发射线等值宽度在15A以上,具有强的红外和紫外色余,并有CallH、K发射线,而且其空间分布主要集中在分子云密集区.CTTS具有尘埃包层或吸积盘,有些还伴有分子外向流、HZO脉泽等质能外流,在红外源的分类中山属11型红外源.由于CTTS有着很强的H。发射线,绝大多数***s是利用民巡天观测发现的K‘」.而***s则没有***…  相似文献   

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