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In this paper, on the basis of intensity data from 85 earthquakes occurred in China, the method of resolving overdetermined equations by using the damped least squares method is applied to inversing for the mean value of 1 s. S wave quality factor, the spreading factor and the S-wave acceleration at the foci of earthquakes in 7 regions of China. The relation between S-wave acceleration at the foci of earthquakes and magnitude is discussed. As an example, 2-DQ S distribution in Taiwan Province is obtained by inversion. It is found that there exists some corresponding relation between this distribution and Bouguer gravitational anomaly and seismicity. Preliminary analysis and discussion on results of the inversion, and estimation of error inQ S are made.  相似文献   

Events from the December 1982 Huairou County, Beijing, and the July 1982 Jianchuan, Yunnan earthquake series were recorded at one station in Beijing City and at four stations in Eryuan area, Yunnan, respectively. Dividing the spectra (for P and S waves) from the smaller events in the series by spectra (for corresponding P and S waves) from the larger events in cach region, we have determined the high frequency source spectral decay rate to be ω−1in both cases. Through trial and error method, we are able to determine the appropriate constantQ P andQ S that corrects the individual spectra to the proper high frequency decay rate. It is found that aQ P of 800 and aQ S of 550 can adequately compensate for the attenuation of the waves in Beijing area. For Jianchuan, Yunnan area the corresponding values are 900 and 400. This subject is supported by Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

利用2008年5月12日发生的汶川8·0级以及2008年8月30日凉山州会理县—攀枝花市间6·1级地震中获取的四川省境内的地震加速度记录数据,分析了有效峰值加速度(EPA)与加速度峰值(PGA)对比结果及加速度数据有效值与地震烈度的相关性。得出了有效峰值加速度(EPA)与烈度的相关性较之地震峰值加速度(PGA)与烈度的...  相似文献   

以地震圆盘形破裂位错模式为基础,并以新的思路,把震源应力降参数引入预测公式,得出了新的地震动加速度预测方程:lg(rap^qr)= Ca+1/6lgMo+5/6lg△σ,与传统的衰减关系不同,表明地震动加速度不仅与震源强度Mo有关,还与震源应力背景有关。在此基础上,利用水库诱发地震震中烈度Io。资料,详细分析研究了诱发地震动加速度、烈度与震级关系,并且从理论上讨论了水库诱发地震烈度与构造地震烈度的差异性以及力学原因,给出了水库诱发地震与震源参数间的几个统计关系:M=1.05Io-2.45;lgαo=-2.1+1/4M+5/6lg△σ;M=-3.6+1.2Io-3.33lg△σ;lgα=0.3Io-3.0;震源破裂长度-震级关系:lgL=1/2M-1.87。这些关系式对了解水库诱发地震的破裂过程及灾害预测有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   

Moment tensor inversion was carried out to invert the source mechanism and source time function of the MS=7.6 November 6, 1988, Lancang-Gengma, Yunnan Province, China, earthquake. Waveforms of long-period body-waves recorded by China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) were used in the inversion. The inverted result shows one nodal plane of right-lateralstrike-slip faulting and another of left-lateral strike-slip faulting and a simple source time function of a duration of about 15 s and scalar seismic moment of 6.4(1020 N(m. From the geological dataand tectonic settings and also from field observations and epicentral distribution of aftershocks, the nodal plane striking in the azimuth of 313( is preferred as the fault plane. The pressure axis lies almosthorizontally in north-south direction.  相似文献   

The popularly used viscoelastic models have some shortcomings in describing relationship between quality factor (Q) and frequency, which is not consistent with the observation data. Based on the theory of viscoelasticity, a new approach to construct constant-Q viscoelastic model in given frequency band with three parameters is developed. The designed model describes the frequency-independence feature of quality factor very well, and the effect of viscoelasticity on seismic wave field can be studied relatively accurate in theory with this model. Furthermore, the number of required parameters in this model has been reduced fewer than that of other constant-Q models, this can simplify the solution of the viscoelastic problems to some extent. At last, the accuracy and application range have been analyzed through numerical tests. The effect of viscoelasticity on wave propagation has been briefly illustrated through the change of frequency spectra and waveform in several different viscoelastic models.  相似文献   

Based on the single scattering model of coda power spectrum analysis, digital waveform data of 50 events recorded by the real-time processing system of the Chengdu telemetry network are analyzed to estimate the Q c values of earth medium beneath the Chengdu telemetry network for several specified frequencies. It is found that the Q c shows the frequency dependency in the form of Q c = Q 0 f n in the range of 1.0 to 20.0Hz. Estimated Q 0 ranges from 60.83 to 178.05, and n is found to be 0.713 to 1.159. The average value of Q 0 and n are 117 and 0.978 respectively. This result indicates the strong frequency dependency of the attenuation of coda waves beneath the Chengdu telemetry network. Comparing with the results obtained in other regions of the world, it is found that Q 0 −1 value and its change with frequency are similar to those in regions with strong tectonic activity. This subject is supported by the Ministry of Personnel, China for partly sponsoring.  相似文献   

For short-period near-earthquake records in eastern China, from the empirical attenuation formula of coda ground motion amplitudeA with timeτ: lgA=G−2. 235 lgτ, using the single scattering theory modified with epicentral distance, we obtain the curve family of corrected coda amplitudeA c(r,t), andω/2Q c values for each time interval of coda. From this,Q c(f,h) values, which correspond to each observational average frequency and sampling depth, are calculated. The results substantially agree with those observationalQ c values in Yunnan, Beijing and central Asia.  相似文献   

本文提出了一套叠前地震数据稀疏表达(特征波场合成)、深度偏移成像和层析成像的处理流程.不同于传统的变换域中的数据稀疏表达理论, 本文利用局部平面波的传播方向(慢度矢量), 在中心炮检点处同时进行波束合成, 从而将地震数据投影到局部平面波域(高维空间)中.由于波束合成后的地震数据描述了局部平面波的方向特征, 因此称之为特征波场.然而波束合成算法需要估计局部平面波的慢度矢量.当地震数据受噪声干扰时, 难以在常规τ-p谱中自动估计局部平面波的射线参数(慢度矢量).本文提出了基于反演理论的特征波场合成方法, 可以同时反演局部平面波及其传播方向, 从而提高特征波合成的自动化程度并保持方法的稳健性.通过特征波场合成, 可以将地震数据分解为单独的震相(波形).这样的数据可以直接用来成像及反演.在局部平面波域中, 由于局部平面波的入射与出射射线参数已知, 传统的Kirchhoff叠前深度偏移(PSDM)和高斯束/控制束PSDM可以实现从"沿等时面的画弧"到"向反射点(段)的直接投影"的转变, 叠前偏移的效率以及成像质量可以同时提高.此外, 特征波场与地下反射点(段)的一对一映射关系使得叠前深度偏移与层析成像融为一体, 可以极大地提高速度反演的效率.数值试验证明了特征波场合成、叠前深度成像以及层析反演的有效性.  相似文献   

基于地震资料的三种岩性流体预测方法对比分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震资料识别储层流体是储层预测的一项重要内容,对储层流体的识别是通过流体识别因子来实现的.首先引入三种流体识别因子并介绍其预测流体的方法原理,在此基础上以湿砂岩和含气砂岩为例,对比分析了不同流体识别因子对流体的敏感度,然后通过一个具体实例进一步验证了不同方法的特点.分析结果表明,第三种方法对流体的敏感度最高,能更准确地表征岩石孔隙中流体的性质.  相似文献   

采用现代仪器地震记录和烈度资料,我们建立了用于定量估算历史地震震级和震中位置的烈度衰减模型和分析方法,并对我国西南川滇地区的历史和近代地震的震中和震级进行了重新分析.利用20世纪以来该地区十四个有仪器记录的地震(5.9≤Ms≤8.0)及相应的烈度数据,对其烈度-震级-震中距衰减关系进行标定,并建立了用于震中和震级估算的烈度衰减模型.结果表明,当震级一定时,川滇地区烈度随震中距增大而衰减的速率明显小于美国加州地区(~60%).在衰减模型基础之上,发展了确定震中区域和震级的网格搜索试算方法(GSTSL),并给出了确定震中位置和震级的等值线置信值.采用所建立的分析方法,对1786年康定地震,1850年西昌地震,1913年峨山地震和1970年通海地震进行了分析,给出了更为精确合理的结果.  相似文献   

利用甘肃省区域地震台网提供的地震波形,计算得到甘肃东南地区2010年1月至2014年6月183个ML≥2.5地震纵、横波的拐角频率和零频极限等震源谱参数,分析2013年7月22日岷县—漳县MS6.6地震前后纵、横波拐角频率比值和零频极限比值的变化特征,间接反映震源处波速比的变化。结果如下:(1)拐角频率比值的平均值约为1.32,而由零频极限比值计算得到的波速比平均值约为1.55,后者高于前者;(2)二者得到波速比的时间变化趋势基本一致:两个波速比在岷县地震前后呈现出"明显升高-下降-震前急剧下降-震后缓慢恢复"的变化过程;(3)二者得到的波速比空间分布基本一致:岷县地震震中附近及合作、舟曲等地区在震前出现低值异常,震中附近地区的波速比在震后有所回升。  相似文献   

选取2009—2018年江苏省射阳地震台200 km范围内M_L≥2.0地震波形资料,基于Sato单次散射模型,计算该区域S波尾波Q_c值,并探求其时间变化特征。采用相同方法计算盐城、灌云地震台地震波形资料尾波Q_c值,并将3个地震台的计算结果进行对比。结果表明:射阳地区是江苏省尾波Q_0低值区域,Q_c值随频率的变化关系为Q_c(f)=33.7±3.4f ~(1.16±0.04);在2016年10月20日射阳M_(L )4.8地震前,射阳地区尾波Q_c值有增大现象,Q_c值变化特征表现为上升—下降—上升—发震;盐城、射阳、灌云地震台所记录地震的尾波Q_c值在震前均出现明显的高值异常变化。  相似文献   

Introduction Lulong is located about 70 km to the northeast of Tangshan city, Hebei Province. On October 19, 1982, a MS=6.1 earthquake took place about 4 km to the northeast of Lulong county with the epicenter of 39°57′N, 119°04′E and the original time of 20h45min (Beijing time). Lulong is lo-cated at the connection part of Yanshan block and North China plain block according to the divi-sion of active blocks in Chinese mainland (ZHANG et al, 2003). There is a WNW-trending tec-toni…  相似文献   

杨锴  艾迪飞  耿建华 《地球物理学报》2012,55(08):2695-2704
利用能够整合测井信息与井间地震信息的地质统计学随机模拟方法,结合传统的地质统计学反演思路,得到了一种能够同时整合测井、井间地震与地面地震三种先验信息的地质统计学反演与储层建模方法.由于井间射线信息、测井信息与地面地震数据在随机反演与建模过程当中都得到了尊重,因此与传统地质统计学反演仅利用了测井与地面地震数据相比,本文的地质统计学反演与建模方法更充分地利用了先验信息,有效提高了反演的精度,降低了随机建模中的多解性.基于理论数据的测试证实了上述观点.  相似文献   

利用能够整合测井信息与井间地震信息的地质统计学随机模拟方法,结合传统的地质统计学反演思路,得到了一种能够同时整合测井、井间地震与地面地震三种先验信息的地质统计学反演与储层建模方法.由于井间射线信息、测井信息与地面地震数据在随机反演与建模过程当中都得到了尊重,因此与传统地质统计学反演仅利用了测井与地面地震数据相比,本文的地质统计学反演与建模方法更充分地利用了先验信息,有效提高了反演的精度,降低了随机建模中的多解性.基于理论数据的测试证实了上述观点.  相似文献   

On Nov. 9, 1996 at 21h56min (Beijing Time), an earthquake of MS=6.1 occurred in offshore outside the Yangtze River Mouth (31o43¢N, 123o04¢E). The shock affected Shanghai City and both Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces in China mainly. The shock was felt more strongly in the Yangtze River Mouth and Hangzhou Bay area than in the rest of them, particularly in high buildings of Shanghai City. In addition, the earthquake was felt in South Korea and also stronger in apartments or high buildings. LIU, JIN (1998) and LIU, et al (1999) described effect of the shock on the eastern China. The paper describes the effect of the earthquake on South Korea and the whole intensity distribution in South Korea and eastern China.  相似文献   


2017年8月8日,在我国四川省九寨沟县发生一次MS7.0级地震.在快速响应的基础上,重新筛选远场地震波形资料并收集覆盖震中区的InSAR资料对主震的震源破裂过程重新进行了反演分析,收集震后约13 h的余震震相数据对余震进行了双差定位,并基于此对发震断层的复杂性进行了讨论,提出了有待进一步研究的问题.最后,利用反演得到的有限动态破裂模型对地震烈度进行了估计.


We try to give a quantitative and global discrimination function by studying m b/M S data using Fisher method that is a kind of pattern recognition methods. The reliability of the function is also analyzed. The results show that this criterion works well and has a global feature, which can be used as first-level filtering criterions in event identification. The quantitative and linear discrimination function makes it possible to identify events automatically and achieve the goal to react the events quickly and effectively. Contribution No.05FE3018, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administrtion.  相似文献   

2013年四川芦山7.0级地震烈度遥感评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0级地震发生后,在灾区应急获取了多种高分辨率航空和无人机遥感影像,并快速解译提取了灾区建筑物震害信息.采用地震烈度遥感定量评估方法,利用2008年汶川8.0级地震等震后震害遥感解译和现场调查研究确定的经验震害遥感定量评估模型,获得了芦山地震灾区126个主要居民点的地震烈度遥感评估结果,并据此圈画了地震烈度分布遥感评估图.结果显示,本次地震Ⅸ度区面积约150km2,Ⅷ度区面积约900km2.该结果在第一时间(4月21日晚)提供给了中国地震局地震现场应急指挥部.对比分析显示,地震烈度遥感快速评估结果与中国地震局4月25日公布的地震烈度图,以及与笔者在现场实地进行的建筑物震害详细调查结果基础上评定的地震烈度具有较高的一致性.表明强烈地震发生后,借助于快速获取的灾区高分辨率遥感影像,可以快速估计地震烈度分布,对地震灾区灾情估计和抗震救灾工作具有十分重要的参考意义.  相似文献   

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