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The recently discovered Salgadinho copper deposit, 7 km NNE of S. Luis, Portugal is located in the southernmost linear belt of outcropping low metamorphic grade deformed Palaeozoic rocks (Famennian) in the SW part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The stratabound replacement pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralisation is present in variably altered felsic pyroclastic rocks which are overlain by pyritic graphitic shales and tuffs which have undergone alteration in the lowermost 5m. The altered pyroclastic rocks are characterised by pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite and, in the most intense zone of alteration, quartz, ankerite, and ore minerals are present (pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, bournonite). No exhalative Cu-Zn or Zn-Pb ore has been discovered associated with the submarine volcanic stratabound Cu-rich alteration zone. Alteration of feldspars and groundmass has involved a net loss from the system and gains in Fe2+, F, H2O, Mg, Fe3+, Ca, Mn, P, Ti, S, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, Ag and Au at the expense of Si, K, Al and Na. The great enrichment of F in the altered rocks, the association of zonal alteration facies with coarse grained pyroclastic masses and the intimate association of pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite with mineralisation at Salgadinho and most other deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt represents a powerful exploration guide for submarine exhalative ores.Text of paper presented at the 26th I.G.C., Paris, July 1980  相似文献   

Gold deposits hosted in Ordovician to Devonian turbidites in central Victoria, Australia, consist of steeply dipping quartz vein systems hosted mainly by reverse faults. Wall rock alteration of the host metasandstones, metasiltstones and shales (or slates) extends at least 20 m from the veins in the Bendigo-Ballarat zone (BBZ) and 10 m in the Melbourne zone (MZ) deposits. Alteration minerals include carbonates (ankerite, siderite and dolomite) chlorite, seriate, arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, with less common barite, albite and biotite in the BBZ and carbonates (siderite, ankerite, dolomite and ferromagnesite), sericite, chlorite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, and stibnite with less common chalcostibite in the MZ. SiO2, Na2O, MgO and Sr with P2O5 commonly decreasing during alteration while CO2, S, As, Sb, Au, V, Al2O3, Ga, K2O and Rb with Ni and Cr commonly increase. TiO2, FeO, Fe2O3, MnO, Th, U, Nb, La, Ce, and Sc showed little change. Concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, and Ca are variable.The relatively large decrease of SiO2 could account for most, if not all, quartz present in the ore veins. The Na2O and MgO could have crystallized in the veins in the very minor albite and chlorite present. The addition of V in all and Ni and Cr in most deposits probably reflects a source enriched in these elements such as underlying greenstones. The source of both the volatile (S, As, Sb) and lithophile (K2O and Rb) elements as well as Au is unknown, but they could have been derived from a magmatic source or from the metamorphism of Cambrian greenstones. CO2, present as carbonate, was derived mainly by the reaction of graphite, originally present in the sediments, with the ore solutions. Al2O3, the only other major element after SiO2, probably increased mainly due to the decrease of the latter.  相似文献   

Metamorphic assemblages and mineral compositions in basic to intermediate volcanic rocks of two Precambrian units (the sub-Jotnian and Jotnian) in the Dala region, central Sweden, reveal a history comprising two metamorphic episodes. The sub-Jotnian rocks were metamorphosed during a first episode: the metamorphic grade ranges from prehnite-pumpellyite facies (in a displaced block with sub-Jotnian (?) lava occurring in the border zone of a major impact structure), to pumpellyite-actinolite facies, and to greenschist facies in the lower part of the unit. The unconformably overlying Jotnian rocks were metamorphosed to prehnite-pumpellyite facies during a subsequent episode, which also left its imprint in the sub-Jotnian basement. Two other Jotnian sequences in central Sweden are in the same facies. There are systematic chemical differences in some of the secondary minerals. Sphenes contain more Al, and epidotes and pumpellyites are more Fe-rich in Jotnian (prehnite-pumpellyite facies) rocks compared with sub-Jotnian rocks of pumpellyite-actinolite facies. Most epidotes in Jotnian lavas are remarkably rich in Fe, with a replacement of Al by Fe3+ up to 1.5 atoms per formula unit (Ps50). Compositions of epidote and pumpellyite in pervasively altered rocks vary sympathetically. Pumpellyite composition is partly controlled by the extent of alteration in its host rock. There is a trend for the compositional field of pumpellyite to shrink and shift away from the Al corner of the Al-Fe*-Mg triangle with increasing extent of host rock alteration. This trend is most evident in Jotnian rocks. Since the fields in the Al-Fe*-Mg triangle given in the literature as representative of pumpellyites from different metamorphic fades are partly based on analyses of samples containing relicts, these fields should be adjusted if future investigations show that the trend is of general validity.  相似文献   

张勇  潘家永  马东升 《地质学报》2020,94(11):3321-3342
赣西北大湖塘钨矿具有低品位、大储量、热液蚀变强等特征。在热液蚀变类型和空间分带特征的厘定,以及富锂-云母矿物学特征的认识基础上,通过云母类矿物原位主微量元素组成特征的分析,揭示大湖塘钨矿锂等稀有金属元素的富集,可能是大量热液成因黑鳞云母、铁锂云母和锂-多硅白云母的先后沉淀叠加聚集的结果。其中铁锂云母的锂元素含量最高(Li2O=4.15%~4.86%),黑鳞云母(Li2O=0.81%~1.72%)次之,然后是锂-多硅白云母(Li2O=0.24%~0.45%)。大湖塘钨矿富锂-云母在蚀变岩中比例非常高,分布又均匀,而蚀变岩的规模更是巨大,因而具有巨大锂等稀有金属成矿的潜力。典型蚀变岩的全岩主微量元素分析显示,在晋宁期花岗闪长岩黑鳞云母+铁锂云母蚀变带的锂、铷和钾等元素含量最高。即富钾热液蚀变岩,其K2O=5.94%~8.06%,Li2O=0.34%~1.548%和Rb2O=0.175%~0.784%,而黑鳞云母+铁锂云母+石英蚀变则次之。在燕山期花岗岩中,则以...  相似文献   

刘丛强  凌其聪 《岩石学报》2002,18(1):100-108
对江西银山地区双桥山群绢云母千枚岩及其原岩的稀土及微量元素的研究表明,热液蚀变过程中它们的地球化学行为十分复杂:热兴蚀变作用并不使REE淋滤降低,反而导致∑REE较其原岩普遍升高,但岩体接触带附近蚀为围岩的∑REE则低于原岩。蚀变岩出现Eu亏损,∑LREE/∑HREE值降低。定量计算显示,∑REE总升幅中有29%-45%是由围岩质量迁移引起的表观浓缩效应,而另外的55%-71%则是流体带入了REE;在绢云母千格岩中娟云母可能是REE的主要寄主矿物相,REE主要以吸附作用的形式固有在矿物的表面或含有可交换电价的晶体结构层(四面体层和八面体层)的层面上;参与蚀为变作用的热液∑LREE/∑HREE值低、Eu强正异常。流体REE的带入可能是造成蚀为围岩较原岩轻重稀土比值降低的主要因素。热液蚀变作用使岩石的Eu被还原成更易活动的Eu^2 而活化迁出,导致蚀变岩的Eu负异常更显著;围岩蚀变作用凌其聪等:低级变质岩在热液蚀为过程中的微量元素地球化学行为--以赣 东银山地区双桥山群为例。  相似文献   

Hydrothermally altered andesites in the upper member of the Amulet formation at Buttercup Hill, Noranda, Quebec represent part of the aquifer and cap of a self-sealing geothermal system that focussed the discharge of hydrothermal fluids during the formation of massive Cu-Zn sulfide deposits. Five alteration facies are recognized

1. 1) pervasive greenschist faciés regional metamorphism (least-altered andesite)

2. 2) epidotization-silicification

3. 3) albitization-silicification

4. 4) chloritization

5. 5) sericitization-silicification. Alteration is localized on permeable zones such as amygdules, fractures, flow tops, discordant breccia dikes, and conformable breccia horizons.

Epidotized-silicified andesite is enriched in Ca-Sr-Eu and depleted in Mg and first transition series metals (FTSM) relative to least-altered andesite. Albitized-silicified andesite is significantly enriched in Na and depleted in most FTSM relative to least-altered andesite. The abundances and inter-element ratios of the rare-earth elements (REE) and most high field-strength elements (HFS: Y, Zr, Th, U, Hf, Ta) are similar in least-altered, epidotized-silicified and albitized-silicified andesites. The most silicified andesites are strongly enriched in Na-Si, strongly depleted in Mg and divalent FTSM and slightly but systematically depleted in REE and most HFS elements. Serialized andesites were previously silicified; they are very strongly enriched in K-Rb-Cs-Ba, very strongly depleted in Na-Ca-Sr-Eu and slightly depleted in light REE relative to silicified andesite. Chloritized andesitic rocks exhibit heavy REE and HFS element ratios similar to those of leastaltered andesite, but are relatively strongly enriched in Mg and divalent FTSM, strongly depleted in Si and large ion lithophile (LIL) elements and slightly depleted in light REE.

The coupled behavior of the heavy REE and most HFS elements during epidotization, albitization, silicification, chloritization and serialization suggests that they were inert during hydrothermal modification of the andesite. Mass balance calculations suggest that volume was conserved during epidotization-silicification and albitization-silicification, but that intense silicification was accompanied by volume increases up to 30 percent.  相似文献   

Mineralium Deposita - The massive sulfide deposits of the Kristineberg area, Sweden, occur within a 2- to 3-km-thick succession of felsic volcaniclastic rocks belonging to the Skellefte Group. The...  相似文献   

Stratabound mineralization in the Mammoth area of NW Queensland occurs in steeply dipping, faulted Proterozoic arenites and dolomitic rocks overlying basic volcanics. Both syngenetic/diagenetic and epigenetic sulphides are present, with the latter divided into Mammoth- and South Mammoth II-styles. Syngenetic/diagenetic pyrite is distinguished from epigenetic pyrite by higher Co and Ni, and lower As, Mo, Sb and Tl contents. Chalcopyrite is the major copper sulphide associated with syngenetic/diagenetic pyrite and is characterized by low Ag, Bi, Mo, Ni and Tl contents relative to epigenetic chalcopyrite. No substantial wall rock alteration is associated with such sulphides. Disseminated syngenetic/diagenetic sulphides in the mine sequence may have induced deposition of epigenetic Cu mineralization, but alone, even when remobilized, do not reach economic grades.The four epigenetic Mammoth orebodies are all richer in chalcocite and bornite than syngenetic/diagenetic mineralization and have wall rock alteration characterized by alkali depletion and Fe enrichment in the zone between the ore and the fault considered the conduit for the hydrothermal ore-forming fluids. Pyrite associated with Mammoth-style mineralization has high As, Mo, Sb and Tl contents and was formed subsequent to the copper sulphides.Thick, essentially barren, pyritic sequences occur at South Mammoth II where the moderate As, high Mo, Sb and Tl contents reflect their hydrothermal origin but distinguish them from Mammoth-style pyrite. Their low As/Sb ratio and lack of wall rock alteration imply a lower temperature of formation than the Mammoth-style pyrite and possibly such mineralization represents the pre-ore stage of the Mammoth mineralizing hydrothermal system.An essential feature of economic Cu mineralization in NW Queensland is the operation of a hydrothermal system. As all such systems may not necessarily give rise to extensive wall rock alteration, use of the high As, Mo, Sb and Tl contents of hydrothermal pyrite can aid evaluation of mineralization intersected during drilling.  相似文献   

The Qreiya Beds that record the ‘mid-Paleocene event’ at Gabal Nezzazat occur within the Igorina albeari (P3b) Zone and constitute part of a 14-m thick shale succession that ranges in age from Early to Late Paleocene. They are composed of four alternating dark grey and brown shale beds, which are thinly laminated, phosphatic, organic-rich and extremely sulphidic. They are characterized by distinct enrichment and high peak anomalies in chalcophiles (Zn, Co, Ni, Cu and Pb) and organic association elements (V and Cr), especially within the brown organic-rich beds. It is concluded that these elements are incorporated into the phosphatic debris, sulphides and organic matter. In contrast, the grey beds are enriched in clay minerals and quartz. Clay mineral assemblages indicate alternating periods of warm/humid climate (high kaolinite) and dry climate (low kaolinite) during the formation of the grey and brown beds, respectively. The sediments of the Qreiya Beds yield lithological, biotic, geochemical and mineralogical data indicative of suboxic/anoxic marine environments as a result of high productivity and/or upwelling. The top metre of the succession below the Qreiya Beds is characterized by a progressive change from faunas dominated by praemurcurids to faunas dominated by Morozovilids, and by a progressive upward decrease in δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values. The foraminiferal faunal change may reflect shallowing and warming preceding deposition of the Qreiya Beds. The change in isotopic values is inferred to be the result of surface weathering, fluvial input and diagenesis with no evidence of any primary change that could support presence of a hyperthermal event.  相似文献   

我国华南石炭系含硅质岩、硅质条带和结核的白云岩地层之中产有一种独特的碳酸盐岩型滑石矿床。该类滑石成矿作用与岩浆活动及变质作用无明显的成因联系;矿体均受向斜构造的控制;矿石质量较好,矿物组成除了滑石以外,仅有少量的方解石。其中,桂中镇圩滑石矿床的经济价值最为重要,其储量达2167万吨。为了查明其成因,笔者对该矿床中与滑石共生的方解石进行了锶同位素地球化学研究。研究结果表明,方解石的Rb含量极低,平均值低于0.10×10–6;Sr含量较高,平均为135.74×10–6,Rb/Sr值小于0.0013,因而,其锶同位素组成可以代表矿化时成矿流体的锶同位素组成。其次,方解石的锶同位素组成较为均一,其87Sr/86Sr值介于0.708220~0.708911之间,平均值为0.708511。对比研究发现,该矿床中方解石的锶同位素组成明显低于盆地卤水和同期岩浆岩,略高于含矿碳酸盐岩、同期海水和海底热液的锶同位素组成,与以碳酸盐岩为主的喀斯特地区的河水、岩溶水和石笋的锶同位素组成较为相似。结合矿床地质特征,笔者认为镇圩滑石矿床的成矿流体很可能为大气降水,属于古岩溶交代成因,这与华南中-晚三叠世逐步隆升为海陆交互相和陆相的地质事实也相吻合。因此,华南早在中-晚三叠世就已经开始喀斯特作用的发育。  相似文献   

The planned high-level nuclear waste repository at Forsmark, Sweden, will accommodate 6,824 containers with a total of 13,920 tonnes of uranium in burnt fuel at approximately 400 m depth in a fractured-granite aquifer. The transport of radionuclides, which may be released from the disposed waste, is simulated with the TOUGHREACT code for a three-dimensional model with 305,571 elements. The model performs coupled flow-transport simulations. It aims to achieve more realistic simulations of contaminant transport than the commonly used decoupled procedure consisting of three-dimensional flow and one-dimensional transport simulations. The model has a relatively small problem size because it is designed as a double-porosity model (one matrix continuum) that is the parameterised equivalent of a much larger multiple-interacting continua (MINC) model, i.e. a model with a finely discretised matrix (several matrix continua). The parameterisation is performed with two-dimensional models. Only one or two variables among three variables (diffusive transport distance between fracture and matrix, retardation factor and effective diffusivity) have to be parameterised. The results obtained with the parameterised three-dimensional model are very close to those that can be obtained with a much larger MINC model but may be quite different from those that can be obtained with the conventional decoupled procedure.  相似文献   

青海玉树地区的东莫扎抓铅锌矿床是"三江"沉积岩容矿贱金属成矿带中的重要矿床之一.矿区过去研究鉴定出多种蚀变类型和矿物种类,但不同蚀变在矿区的空间分布特征、不同矿物中元素含量特点、矿物相互之间的时间和空间关系均不清楚,从而导致所指示的找矿意义也不明确.为此,作者进行了系统岩矿石光薄片的显微镜下鉴定、矿区主要硫化物--黄铁...  相似文献   


胶东是我国最大的金矿集中区, 累计探明金资源量5000余吨, 焦家式蚀变岩型金矿床提供了80%以上的金资源量, 钾长石化和黄铁绢英岩化蚀变是该类矿床的重要找矿标志, 但对其成因与形成时限缺乏有效约束。为探究两类蚀变的成因并限定其形成年龄, 本文对典型蚀变岩型金矿床中钾长石化花岗岩与黄铁绢英岩化碎裂岩进行锆石和磷灰石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb地质年代学、磷灰石微区原位微量元素地球化学测试。结果表明, 钾长石化玲珑花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为155.0±1.1Ma~155.8±1.3Ma, 代表了其岩浆侵位年龄; 钾长石化玲珑花岗岩蚀变弱的A1型磷灰石没能得到有效年龄, 而蚀变较强的A2型磷灰石U-Pb年龄为146±7Ma~147±6Ma, 代表了钾长石化蚀变作用发生的时间; 黄铁绢英岩化碎裂岩蚀变较弱的B1型磷灰石数量较少未形成协和年龄, 强蚀变B2型磷灰石U-Pb年龄为125±6Ma, 代表了黄铁绢英岩化蚀变作用发生的时间。A1型磷灰石的稀土配分曲线与未蚀变玲珑花岗岩较为一致, A2型磷灰石显示更高的轻稀土含量和更明显的Eu负异常, 随着钾长石化蚀变程度增强, La/Yb比值逐渐增大, Sr含量和Sr/Y比值同步降低, 暗示蚀变流体相对富轻稀土, 蚀变过程磷灰石的Sr被活化迁移; B1型磷灰石的稀土配分曲线与未蚀变玲珑花岗岩相似, B2型磷灰石和未蚀变郭家岭花岗岩较为一致, 轻重稀土分异明显, 且Eu异常不明显, 在黄铁绢英岩化蚀变过程中Sr含量、Sr/Y比值和La/Yb比值显著增高。本文认为与焦家式蚀变岩型金矿成矿相关的蚀变作用与区域岩浆作用有关, 晚侏罗世玲珑花岗岩的自交代作用形成了钾长石化蚀变, 早白垩世郭家岭花岗岩分异的热液沿区域性断裂迁移, 导致断裂带内发生黄铁绢英岩化。


Garnet and spinel peridotite xenoliths associated with the Phanerozoic Lambert-Amery Rift in eastern Antarctica contain evidence for several stages in the development of the mantle beneath the rift. Despite the fact that equilibria were only partly attained, a combination of petrography, whole-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and thermobarometry can be used to decipher four stages prior to entrainment of the xenoliths in the host magma during the initial stages of the breakup of Antarctica, India and Madagascar. The first chronological stage is represented by harzburgitic protoliths represented by rare occurrences of low-Ca olivines and orthopyroxenes in spinel lherzolites: these yield the lowest temperatures of 830-850 °C, and are also characterized by distinct trace element contents; lower Ti, Cr, V and Zn in olivine and orthopyroxene, and additionally lower Cu, Ni, Ga and Li in orthopyroxene. Some garnets are subcalcic, indicating that the spinel-garnet lherzolites also formed from harzburgitic protoliths. The second stage is the formation of garnet due to a pressure increase probably related to collision at 1.1 Ga. The third stage is marked by the growth of clinopyroxene, demonstrably in cpx-poor spinel lherzolites but probably in all xenolith groups: equilibrium of clinopyroxene with olivine and orthopyroxene was not attained in all samples, so that the non-judicious use of thermobarometers can produce bewildering results. The fourth stage is an enrichment episode that affected all spinel-garnet peridotites and about half of the spinel peridotites. During this stage, reaction rims were produced on the clinopyroxenes that formed during stage 3, the modal content of olivine and Mg/(Mg + Fe) in the rocks was reduced, CaO, Al2O3 and trace elements were enriched, and garnets were almost completely transformed to kelyphites. A later stage is documented by interstitial glasses and films around spinels related to infiltration of melt from the host magma. These post-date, and are more enriched in alkalies than, partially melted rims on clinopyroxenes, demonstrating that all the three earlier episodes were pre-entrainment events. Pressures indicated by the spinel + garnet lherzolites are restricted to 20-24 kbar at 1040-1180 °C. Early harzburgitic assemblages are interpreted to represent an earlier, cooler geotherm, whereas the kelyphite assemblages indicate temperatures 180-200 °C hotter than the main xenolith geotherm. This event also caused recrystallization of the clinopyroxene rims and is attributed to heating during rifting, but not due to the host magma itself. The preservation of evidence for three progressively hotter geotherms can be related to the upward movement of isotherms during the development of the sub-rift mantle.  相似文献   

The fossil H chondrite Brunflo, found in a slab of Ordovician limestone from central Sweden, is pervasively altered to an assemblage dominated by calcite and barite. The meteorite is surrounded by a 15–20 cm wide zone of lighter colors than the unaffected limestone due to dissolution of hematite. Here we present detailed geochemical analyses of two meteorite samples, 14 limestone samples at distances from 0 to 29 cm along two profiles from the meteorite, and a reference sample of Brunflo limestone. Element concentrations in Brunflo and surrounding bleached limestone have been strongly disturbed during two stages of alteration (early oxygenated and deep burial). In the meteorite, the Ni/Co ratio has changed from an initial value of 20 to 0.8 and redox sensitive elements like V, As, Mo, Re and U are strongly enriched. The sulfur isotope composition of barite from Brunflo (δ34S=+35‰) indicates initial loss of meteoritic sulfide, followed by later accumulation of sea water sulfate as barite. During deep burial under more reducing conditions, reduction processes supported by an externally derived reductant possibly derived from alum shale underlying the limestone, were largely responsible for the observed redox phenomena. In spite of massive redistribution of many elements, concentrations of Pt, Ir and Au remain at chondritic levels. The geochemistry and mineralogy of alteration determined for Brunflo are similar to those in “reduction spots” in red beds, where accumulation of a similar suite of elements (except Mo, Re) occurred as a result of isolated reduction activity.  相似文献   

安徽黄山花岗岩岩石学、矿物学及地球化学研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
安徽黄山复式岩体位于扬子板块东南缘,江南陆内造山带内。黄山复式岩体由太平花岗闪长岩岩体和黄山花岗岩岩体组成。根据岩体的接触关系和各期次岩石的矿物学及岩石学特征,可以将黄山花岗岩岩体分为4个期次:第一期为中粒二长花岗岩;第二期为粗粒似斑状花岗岩;第三期为中细粒斑状花岗岩;第四期为粗粒含斑花岗岩。从矿物的组成上来看,各期次的岩石均为广义的花岗岩类,主要矿物以石英和长石为主,太平岩体和黄山岩体中的斜长石均表现出钠长石的特点,同时黄山岩体特征的出现条纹长石。各期次岩体均含有少量的铁白云母,显示出过铝质的特点。各期次岩石总体具有高硅(SiO2含量大于75%)、高碱(ALK含量大于7.9%)、低钙(CaO含量小于1%)及高FeOT/MgO比值(13~37)的特点。同时岩石强烈富集稀土元素(除Eu出现明显的负异常)、Zr、Hf、Nb等高场强元素,贫Ba、Sr、Ni,高10000×Ga/Al(比值大于2.6),这些特征均指示黄山复式岩体具有A型花岗岩的特点。通过Eby的判别图解将其进一步划分为A2型花岗岩,代表其形成于拉张的构造背景之下。结合Sm-Nd同位素特征(εNd(t)= -4. 2 ~ -5.6),确定黄山复式岩体的源区物质可能为一套元古宙的火山岩。同时稀土模拟结果表明,黄山岩体的原始岩浆是这种源区大约20%部分熔融的产物。岩体形成于斜向俯冲引发的陆内剪张环境内。  相似文献   

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