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流体包裹体的喇曼光谱分析进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
激光显微喇曼光谱已经成为流体包裹体非破坏性分析的重要手段。它可以快速方便地对单个包裹体进行定性、半定量乃至定量分析,且样品制备简单。通过对入射光进行聚焦,可以分析样品中微米级的包裹体。激光显微喇曼光谱对纯气相包裹体、盐水溶液包裹体、含挥发分的水溶液包裹体,以及有机包裹体的分析已经显示出了很大的潜力。此外,对流体包裹体中同位素比值的分析和作为高温高压下流体的分子之间作用的研究也具有很大应用前景。  相似文献   

Dating and forward modelling of the fission-track data of apatite samples from the Dereli– ebinkarahisar region, south of Giresun in the Eastern Turkish Pontides, provides quantitative data on the regional tectonics resulting from the closure of neo-Thetys and the collision of Eurasia and Gondwana. The age vs. elevation profiles identified Senonian (80.7±3.2 to 62.4±2.5 Ma) slow uplift and denudation, interpreted as the result of the diapiric ascent of subduction-related plutons above the neo-Tethyan subduction zone beneath the Eurasian continent. This was followed by rapid differential uplift during the Palaeocene–Early Eocene (57.4±2.4 to 47.8±2.4 Ma), which juxtaposed granitoid units of different ages, compositions, and emplacement levels in the crust, and is thought to be related to the collision between the Pontide (Eurasian) and Anatolide (Gondwana) basements. The modelling results must be interpreted with caution, but appear to indicate a period of Mio-Pliocene (ca. 5 Ma) reheating related to volcanism associated with the westward escape of the Anatolian plate and uplift from the Pliocene (ca. 3.5 Ma) up to the present.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analysis was applied to Triassic and Cretaceous sediments from the South-Iberian Continental Margin to unravel its thermal history. Apatite fission-track age populations from Triassic samples indicate partial annealing and point to a maximum temperature of around 100–110 °C during their post-depositional evolution. In certain apatites from Cretaceous samples, two different fission-track age populations of 93–99 and around 180 Ma can be distinguished. Track lengths associated with these two populations enabled thermal modelling based on experimental annealing and mathematical algorithms. These thermal models indicate that the post-depositional thermal evolution attained temperatures ≤ 70 °C, which is consistent with available vitrinite-reflectance data. Thermal modelling for the Cretaceous samples makes it possible to decipher a succession of cooling and heating periods, consisting of (a) a late Carboniferous–Permian cooling followed by (b) a progressive heating episode that ended approximately 120 Ma at a maximum T of around 110 °C. The first cooling episode resulted from a combination of factors such as: the relaxation of the thermal anomaly related to the termination of the Hercynian cycle; the progressive exhumation of the Hercynian basement and the thermal subsidence related to the rifting of the Bay of Biscay, reactivated during the Late Permian. Jurassic thermal evolution deduced from the inherited thermal signal in the Cretaceous sediments is characterized by progressive heating that ended around 120 Ma. This heating episode is related to thermal subsidence during Jurassic rifting, in agreement with the presence of abundant mantle-derived tholeiitic magmas interbedded in the Jurassic rocks. The end of the Jurassic rifting is well marked by a cooling episode apparently starting during Neocomiam times and ending at surface conditions by Albian times.  相似文献   

To study the relative and absolute timing of post-Variscan cooling and denudation processes in the Erzgebirge of the Mid-European Variscides, eight samples for apatite fission-track (AFT) analysis were collected from a ~1,300 m drill-core. The fission-track data reveal two stages of accelerated cooling through the apatite partial annealing zone (APAZ; i.e., 110±10–60 °C) in the Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous and in the late Cenozoic, respectively. Late Jurassic-Late Cretaceous cooling corresponding to denudation of 1.5–5.9 km has been related to wrench tectonics along the Elbe Zone during Triassic-Jurassic Pangea breakup. Late Cenozoic exhumation of 2.1–5.6 km, and the increase of the geothermal gradient from 17±5 °C km–1 (Oligocene/Miocene) to 25–27 °C km–1 (recent) is likely connected to the formation of the Eger Graben starting from the Oligocene, as a result of the late Alpine orogenic phases.  相似文献   

This work is based on apatite fission-track analysis of samples (mostly granites) from the basement of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Phosphate and Ganntour Plateaus, exposed in the Jebilet and Rehamna massifs (Western Meseta, Morocco). This basement belongs to the Carboniferous-Early Permian Variscan Belt, and the earlier marine onlap is Late Triassic in age. However, the AFT ages are post-Triassic and different in the Jebilet (186-203 Ma) and Rehamna (148-153 Ma). Track length modelling support the occurrence of moderate heating events during the Jurassic and the Eocene, respectively, with cooling during the Permian and Cretaceous intervals. These results are partly accounted for by considering a moderate subsidence during the Late Triassic-Liassic, which is a noticeable change in the regional paleogeographic concept of “West Moroccan Arch”. However, the discrepancies between the AFT results from the studied massifs make necessary to explore further explanation. We interpret the observed discrepancies by the difference in age and depth of crystallization of the sampled granites in the Variscan Orogen, i.e. 330 Ma, 5-6 km in the Jebilet versus ~ 300 Ma, 8-10 km in the Rehamna. The importance of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous uplift and erosion of the entire Meseta and that of its Late Eocene burial are emphasized.  相似文献   

In the Montes de Toledo area, located in the axial part of the Central Hercynian zone, a long-term thermo-tectonic evolution can be deduced from apatite fission-track (AFT) data in conjunction with tight geological constraints derived from the knowledge of regional geology and other independent chronometers. The area is composed of two different blocks separated by the Toledo Shear Zone (TSZ). The northern block is a granulite facies anatectic terrane. The southern block is composed of greenschist facies Paleozoic sediments intruded by a late Hercynian granitic pluton. A total of 13 samples have been recovered for AFT analysis. AFT ages in both blocks cluster around 189–221 Ma, with mean confined track lengths between 11.4 m and 12.4 m. Modeling of the AFT data indicates that the thermal history is broadly similar in both blocks, which constrains the main movement of the TSZ, as essentially before the Upper Permian. AFT ages in the TSZ cluster around 124–164 Ma, and the track lengths vary between 11.4 m and 12.4 m. These data reveal that the fault must have been affected by a later thermal overprint as AFT ages are significantly younger than those of the footwall and hangingwall blocks. This differential thermal resetting is likely related to the advection of localized hydrothermal fluids that are responsible for the widespread Pb–Zn mineralization along the TSZ. These results give an example of resetting AFT data by hydrothermal events. The long-term evolution suggests a lack of important Alpine tectonism in the Montes de Toledo block, in clear contrast to other nearby Hercynian areas such as the Sierra de Guadarrama, where the important effect of Alpine tectonism has almost totally erased the previous thermal signal in the AFT system.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analyses were carried out on outcrop and core samples from the Rhenish massif and the Carboniferous Ruhr Basin/Germany in order to study the late- and post-Variscan thermal and exhumation history. Apatite fission-track ages range from 291±15 Ma (lower Permian) to 136±7 Ma (lower Cretaceous) and mean track lengths vary between 11.6 m and 13.9 m, mostly displaying unimodal distributions with narrow standard deviations. All apatite fission-track ages are younger than the corresponding sample stratigraphic age, indicating substantial post-depositional annealing of the apatite fission-tracks. This agrees with results from maturity modelling, which indicates 3500–7000 m eroded Devonian and Carboniferous sedimentary cover. Numerical modelling of apatite fission-track data predicts onset of exhumation and cooling not earlier than 320 Ma in the Rhenish massif and 300 Ma in the Ruhr Basin, generally followed by late Carboniferous–Triassic cooling to below 50–60°C. Rapid late Variscan cooling was followed by moderate Mesozoic cooling rates of 0.1–0.2°C/Ma, converting into denudation rates of <1 mm/a (assuming a stable geothermal gradient of 30°C/km). Modelling results also give evidence for some late Triassic and early Jurassic heating and/or burial, which is supported by sedimentary rocks of the same age preserved at the rim of the lower Rhine Basin and in the subsurface of the Central and Northern Ruhr Basin. Cenozoic exhumation and cooling of the Rhenish massif is interpreted as an isostatic response to former erosion and major base-level fall caused by the subsidence in the lower Rhine Basin.  相似文献   

Yao Ying  Sun Qiang 《地球科学进展》2016,31(10):1032-1040
Carbon dioxide is a common and important component in fluid inclusions. Because carbon isotopic ratio of CO2 in fluid inclusion can provide geochemical characteristics of source rocks, many works have been conducted to measure the carbon isotopic ratio (13C/12C) of CO2. In general, carbon isotopic composition (13C/12C) of CO2 fluid inclusions are measured by mass spectroscopy. However, mass spectroscopy is a destructive analytical technique, and can not be applied to measure single inclusion. Raman spectroscopy is an efficient non-contact and non-destructive method, and has been widely employed in many research fields. In fact, due to the difference of carbon atom mass, the Femi resonance of 13CO2 is lower than that of 12CO2, so they can be identified in Raman spectrum. In principle, the carbon isotopic composition (13CO2/12CO2) in CO2 is closely related to the Raman intensity ratio between 13CO2 and 12CO2 (I+13/I+12). Therefore, Raman spectroscopy can theoretically be utilized to measure the carbon isotopic composition (13CO2/12CO2) of CO2. However, this method is seriously hampered by the poor measurement accuracy and precision. In this study, based on the theoretical analysis, and in combination with previous Raman studies on carbon isotopic composition in CO2, a preliminary research on Raman quantitative measurement for carbon isotopic composition in CO2 was carried out.  相似文献   

We present in situ trace element and Nd isotopic data of apatites from metamorphosed and metasomatized (i.e., altered) and unaltered granitoids in the Songnen and Jiamusi massifs in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, with the aim of fingerprinting granitoid petrogenesis, including both the magmatic and post-magmatic evolution processes. Apatites from altered granitoids (AG) and unaltered granitoids (UG) are characterized by distinct textures and geochemical compositions. Apatites from AG have irregular rim overgrowths and complex internal textures, along with low contents of rare earth elements (REEs), suggesting the re-precipitation of apatite during epidote crystallization and/or leaching of REEs from apatite by metasomatic fluids. εNd(t) values of the these apatites are decoupled from zircon εHf(t) values for most samples, which can be attributed to the higher mobility of Nd as compared to Sm in certain fluids. Apatites from UG are of igneous origin based on their homogeneous or concentric zoned textures and coupled Nd-Hf isotopic compositions. Trace element variations in igneous apatite are controlled primarily by the geochemical composition of the parental melt, fractional crystallization of other REE-bearing minerals, and changes in partition coefficients. Sr contents and Eu/Eu* values of apatites from UG correlate with whole-rock Sr and SiO2 contents, highlighting the effects of plagioclase fractionation during magma evolution. Apatites from UG can be subdivided into four groups based on REE contents. Group 1 apatites have REE patterns similar to the host granitoids, but are slightly enriched in middle REEs, reflecting the influence of the parental melt composition and REE partitioning. Group 2 apatites exhibit strong light REE depletions, whereas Group 3 apatites are depleted in middle and heavy REEs, indicative of the crystallization of epidote-group minerals and hornblende before and/or during apatite crystallization, respectively. Group 4 apatites are depleted in heavy REEs, but enriched in Sr, which are features of adakites. Some unusual geochemical features of the apatites, including the REE patterns, Sr contents, Eu anomalies, and Nd isotopic compositions, indicate that inherited apatites are likely to retain the geochemical features of their parental magmas, and thus provide a record of small-scale crustal assimilation during magma evolution that is not evident from the whole-rock geochemistry.  相似文献   

The northern Tibetan Plateau has evolved a unique basin-range structure characterized by alternating elongated mountain ranges and basins over a history of multiple tectonic and fault activities. The Subei basin recorded evolution of this basin-range structure. In this study, detailed detrital apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronological studies in conjunction with previously documented data reveal provenance of the Subei basin, important information about the Indo-Eurasia collision, and two Miocene uplift and exhumation events of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Detrital AFT analyses combined with sedimentary evidences demonstrate that the Danghenanshan Mountains is the major provenance of the Subei basin. In addition, very old age peaks indicate that part sediments in the Subei basin are recycling sediments. Age peak populations of 70–44 Ma and 61–45 Ma from the lower and upper Baiyanghe formations record the tectono-thermal response to the Indo-Eurasia collision. Combined detrital AFT thermochronology, magnetostratigraphy and petrography results demonstrate the middle Miocene uplift and exhumation event initiated 14–12 Ma in the Subei basin, which may resulted from the Miocene east-west extension of the Tibetan Plateau. Another stronger uplift and exhumation event occurred in the late Miocene resulted from strengthened tectonic movement and climate. A much younger AFT grain age, breccia of diluvial facies and boulders of root fan subfacies record the late Miocene unroofing in the Danghenanshan Mountains.  相似文献   

钨和铜由于地球化学行为存在明显差异,导致二者通常很难同时发生大规模的成矿作用.然而,江南钨矿带却出现了以石门寺和朱溪为代表的钨(铜)矿床.本文对朱溪钨(铜)矿床中最为重要的铜矿化作用开展了研究,即对形成于新元古代浅变质岩与古生代碳酸盐岩不整合界面附近的似层状钨(铜)矿体进行了精细的矿物学微区原位测试分析.厘定了朱溪矿床...  相似文献   

The polarized single-crystal Raman spectrum of synthetic fayalite, Fe2SiO4, was recorded between 5 and 773 K in order to investigate its lattice dynamic behavior. A broad absorption envelope is observed at wavenumbers between 800 and 960 cm–1 and it contains two intense bands at 816 and 840 cm–1 at 293 K in the (cc) spectrum. The integral area of the envelope decreases upon cooling from 293 K and reaches a minimum around 55 K. It then increases again with a further decrease in temperature down to 5 K. It is proposed that the envelope in the (cc) spectra consists of seven different modes, some of which are symmetry-forbidden, that arise from combination scattering of nonsymmetric internal SiO4-stretching modes of Big symmetry (i = 1, 2, 3) and low-energy excitations. The individual modes can be observed under different polarizations and agree in number and wavenumber with those obtained by fitting the broad envelope with Lorentzians. An analysis of the Raman spectrum as a function of temperature, using the known magnetic properties of fayalite, allows the assignment of the low-energy excitations to short-range magnetic interactions. Modulation of the Fe2+(1)–Fe2+(2) exchange energy leads to phonon-magnetic excitation coupling and the main role in the Fe2+(1)–Fe2+(2) magnetic interaction occurs via superexchange through the oxygens. The magnetic excitations are not magnons in the usual sense, that is as quasiparticles having a long wavelength in an ordered system. The degree of observed broadening of the SiO4-stretching modes is consonant with a Fe2+(1)–Fe2+(2) exchange energy of 4.7 cm–1 presented by Schmidt et al. (1992). At temperatures above 300 K the line width of the mode at 840 cm–1 decreases slightly, whereas those of low energy lattice modes increase. This suggests that a decrease in mode broadening due to weakened magnetic interactions compensates any thermally related broadening. Complete Fe2+ spin disorder may not be reached until at least 530 K. Results from this study show that estimates of third-law entropies for silicates using simple crystal-chemical considerations that do not account for magnetic properties cannot give accurate values for many transition-metal-containing phases.  相似文献   

矿物或流体包体可以有效保存寄主矿物生长过程中的化学环境、温度、压力等信息。在高压变质过程中,石榴子石中石英包体的分子振动与环境压力之间具有良好的相关性。根据这一特性,前人提出了石英包体拉曼偏移压力计,其原理是利用显微激光拉曼光谱仪分析石英包体在室温常压下保留的残余压力,再结合石英与寄主矿物的弹性物理特性,恢复石英包体被捕获时的压力,属于矿物物理光谱学压力计,本文介绍了利用石英包体的拉曼位移计算变质压力的基本原理和方法,并对不同方法的适用条件和使用局限做了简要分析。石英包体拉曼偏移压力计是恢复变质岩石形成温度和压力条件的有效方法,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

A Raman spectroscopic study of Fe-rich sphalerite (Zn1 − x Fe x S) has been carried out for six samples with 0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.24. Both the intensities and frequencies of the TO and LO modes of sphalerite are approximately independent of Fe concentration. However, the substitution of Zn by Fe results in five additional bands with frequencies between the TO (271 cm−1) and LO (350 cm−1) modes. Three of these bands are attributed to resonance modes (i.e. Y 1, Y 2 and Y 3 modes). The fourth band (B mode) is assigned to a breathing mode of the nearest-neighbor sulfur atoms around the Fe atoms. The band at 337 cm−1 is attributed to the presence of Fe3+. The excellent correlations between the normalized intensities of these five different modes and x Fe show that these modes depend on Fe-content. Another extra mode at 287 cm−1 is assigned to the presence of Cd in sphalerite.  相似文献   

本文将报道中国北方主要矽卡岩型矿床矿物熔融包裹体和流体-熔融包裹体的激光拉曼分析结果。研究目的是确认这些矿化矽卡岩矿物是否含熔融包裹体和流体-熔融包裹体,获取有关它们相态特征和相组成以及它们的分布状况(是局部的、偶然性的,还是广泛的)的信息。文章对邯邢铁矿、蒙库铁矿和杨家杖子钼矿等9个矿床12块标本中石榴石、辉石和方解石或白云石中23个包裹体进行了共聚焦激光拉曼光谱仪分析。拉曼分析结果表明,所研究的矽卡岩矿物均含熔融包裹体和/或流体-熔融包裹体,它们是岩浆矽卡岩的直接证据。结合本文激光拉曼分析结果、地质背景和其他地区岩浆矽卡岩矿物包裹体测温学研究,对所研究矽卡岩的形成机制和岩浆矽卡岩对中国北方某些矽卡岩型矿床的制约进行了讨论。认为含有熔融包裹体和/或流体-熔融包裹体的矿化矽卡岩系岩浆成因,其分布范围广泛,规模不小。中国北方某些矽卡岩型矿床的时空分布和规模受控于该地区分布的岩浆矽卡岩。希望本文有助于拓宽矽卡岩型矿床成矿规律研究和深部找矿勘探的思路。  相似文献   

拉萨地块南缘记录了新特提斯洋俯冲到印度-欧亚大陆碰撞及碰撞后的岩浆作用,其中晚白垩世的岩浆作用对研究印度-欧亚大陆碰撞前成岩成矿作用具有重要的意义。本文以拉萨地块南缘100Ma的角闪辉长岩和68Ma花岗斑岩的锆石、磷灰石、榍石为研究对象,利用背散射、阴极发光(CL)、电子探针(EPMA)和LA-ICP-MS原位微区分析等方法,查明锆石、磷灰石、榍石的主、微量元素特征,进一步反演岩石源区性质、结晶历史及结晶条件,并对岩体含矿性进行评价,有助于探讨冈底斯成矿带晚白垩世岩浆成因机制和成矿潜力。研究结果表明,角闪辉长岩锆石初始饱和温度为598~626℃,锆石Ti结晶温度为645~758℃,磷灰石饱和温度为690~819℃,榍石Zr温度为602~778℃;磷灰石具有中等-弱的负铕异常(δEu=0. 67)、富集LREE,早期高温阶段锆石的结晶主要受到磷灰石结晶影响,随着温度降低,受到少量榍石结晶的影响;角闪辉长岩中的锆石在低的Hf、温度较高时却具有较高的Th、U含量显示岩浆源区受到更多俯冲板片出溶流体的影响,磷灰石具有较高的(La/Sm)N值以及Sr含量低于主岩,显示岩浆源区均一、熔体富Cl特征。花岗斑岩的锆石初始饱和温度为704~736℃,锆石Ti温度为630~799℃,磷灰石饱和温度为846~891℃,结合锆石的Ce/Sm、Yb/Gd以及磷灰石较大的负铕异常(δEu=0. 29),显示花岗斑岩中的锆石从高温到低温阶段都受到磷灰石和榍石的共同结晶影响,磷灰石的结晶受到斜长石影响;花岗斑岩中大部分锆石Ti结晶温度高于其初始饱和温度,磷灰石Sr-Ap/Sr-WR为0. 78~1. 45,具有较高的F/Cl(32. 87~67. 60)、低的(La/Sm)N,指示花岗斑岩岩浆源区不均一,受到多期岩浆熔体的脉冲式灌入并加入了更多镁铁质的岩浆熔体,其熔体具有低的Cl。此外,花岗斑岩锆石具有较高的Ce~(4+)/Ce~(3+)、磷灰石具有较高的SO_3、熔体中更富S,指示花岗斑岩具有高的氧逸度和成矿潜力。本文研究结果表明结合锆石、磷灰石和榍石微量元素特征可有效指示岩浆岩的源区组成、结晶历史、结晶条件以及成矿潜力,为岩石学的研究提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

利用激发488 nm激光的氩离子激光器作为RENISHAW inVia型激光拉曼光谱仪的光源,建立了多种显微组分荧光变化(FAMM)分析方法,并对镜质体反射率明显抑制的东营凹陷有效烃源岩进行了测定。结果表明,东营凹陷有效烃源岩的有机质类型越好,镜质体反射率抑制程度越高,有效烃源岩的真实成熟度应主要处于0.64%~1.30%,而不是实测镜质体反射率所反映的0.37%~1.10%。  相似文献   

Raman spectral analyses of carbonaceous material (CM) extracted from pelitic samples along two sections traversing the metamorphic belt of Taiwan were carried out in the present study. The results show similar spectral variations of CM with metamorphic grade as those documented in the literature. However, continuous sampling from zeolite facies through prehnite–pumpellyite facies to greenschist facies metamorphic rocks in the present study does reveal some interesting features on the Raman spectra of CM that were not noted before. Both the Raman D (disordered-)/O (ordered-) peak area (i.e. integrated intensity) ratio and the D/O peak width (i.e. full width at half maximum, FWHM) ratio of the CM decrease with progressive metamorphism, but the most prominent change in the D/O peak area ratio occurs in samples of lower greenschist facies metamorphic grade, while the most significant decrease in the D/O peak width ratio occurs in samples near the boundary of prehnite–pumpellyite facies and greenschist facies. This phenomenon is interpreted as a result of the decoupling of the changing rates of in-plane crystallite size and degree of defects of CM with progressive metamorphism. It is postulated that the Raman spectrum of CM can serve as a metamorphic grade indicator to distinguish samples of prehnite–pumpellyite facies metamorphic grade from those of greenschist facies metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

国内外在流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱研究方面取得了大量的成果。本文回顾了流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱分析技术的发展历史,介绍了流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱技术定性和定量分析的原理和方法,指出了该技术存在的问题及未来研究方向。流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱分析主要受到样品、荧光、同位素、光化学反应、水溶性物质信号弱、气相水及水合物、子矿物等因素的影响。由于用来进行定量分析的拉曼散射截面参数明显受到压力影响,加上峰面积计算不规范化使得目前的流体包裹体激光拉曼光谱分析结果可靠性有待于重新审视。未来流体包裹体拉曼光谱分析技术应当在完善不同标准体系和标准物质光谱数据的基础上,针对不同类型包裹体采用采取不同条件,分析结果将在准确定性的基础上从相对定量向绝对定量发展。  相似文献   

磷灰石广泛分布于火成岩、沉积岩和变质岩中,是一种常见的、包含丰富微量元素的副矿物。磷灰石晶格可容纳丰富的微量元素,且因其形成的物理化学条件不同会表现出差异明显的微量元素特征。利用磷灰石微量元素特征可以追踪物质来源和演化。现在常用的方法是利用磷灰石的微量元素绘制二元判别图解,经典判别图解包括Sr-Y、Sr-Mn、Y-(Eu/Eu^(*))和(Ce/Yb)_(N)-REE图解。随着微区测试技术发展,磷灰石微量元素数据日渐丰富,同时由于磷灰石化学成分的复杂性,传统图解已逐渐无法有效利用这些数据所携带的信息,进而无法准确判别其生成环境。建立能准确判别磷灰石物源的新型判别图解故而迫切。近年来,磷灰石微量元素数据的大量积累,为运用以大数据为依托,准确判别磷灰石物源奠定了数据基础。本研究将大数据技术与地球化学数据相结合,共收集整理了1925个代表性磷灰石测试点的微量元素数据,对富碱性火成岩、超镁铁质岩石、镁铁质火成岩、长英质花岗岩、中-低级变质岩、高级变质岩六种类型中磷灰石微量元素数据进行穷举端元处理,共获得7140个磷灰石物源判别图解端元组合,在轮廓系数限定下,进一步有效筛选并提取出能判别磷灰石物源类型的最优图解端元。本文构建了Eu/Y-Ce磷灰石判别新图解,相较于之前的磷灰石判别图解,其涵盖了更全面的物源类型,可以更准确地判别源区类型。  相似文献   

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