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研究区位于华北盆地西北、近东西向的燕山台褶带、北东向的山西断隆接合部.该区域及其周围构造复杂并且地震活动频繁.  相似文献   

利用从IRIS上下载的青藏高原东北缘238个台站以及中国地震科学探测台阵喜马拉雅一期350个台站记录到的远震波形数据,通过采用剪切波分裂方法,获取各个台站下方各向异性分裂参数——快波偏振方向(φ)和分裂时差(δt),从而得到青藏高原东北缘、东南缘上地幔的各向异性特征。研究结果表明,祁连块体、阿拉善块体和鄂尔多斯块体北部,快波方向为NNW-SSE,明显不同于GPS测量得到的近NE-SW的地表位移场方向,延迟时间平均~0.85 s;羌塘块体以及松潘-甘孜褶皱带的西部,快波方向呈现沿顺时针方向旋转的趋势,并且与GPS测量得到的地表位移场方向一致,延迟时间平均为~1.24 s;松潘-甘孜褶皱带东部、秦岭造山带与鄂尔多斯块体南部的交界处,快波方向呈现无序分布,与GPS方向表现出不一致的分布,延迟时间平均~1.08 s;川滇块体北部,快波方向近似N-S方向,与GPS测量得到的地表位移场方向相同,平均延迟时间为~0.925 s;位于北纬26°以南的川滇块体南部,快波方向近E-W方向分布,明显不同于GPS地表位移场方向,平均延迟时间~1.065 s。综合分析推测,羌塘块体、松潘-甘孜褶皱带的西部以及川滇块体北部,地表形变和深部之间的变形是相互耦合的;祁连块体、阿拉善块体和鄂尔多斯块体北部,松潘-甘孜褶皱带东部、秦岭造山带与鄂尔多斯块体南部的交界处以及川滇块体南部,壳幔之间可能存在解耦现象。  相似文献   

The study of deep-seated structure in the Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake area and its surroundings indicates that in comparison with the Shanxi rift system, the North China rifted basin, the Yanshanian fold belt on both sides, and the Zhangjiakou-Penglai tectonic belt have lower resistivity, and a distinctly different velocity interface in the crust and depth distribution of Moho discontinuity. The Yanqing- Huai'lai basin bisects the Zhangjiakou-Penglai tectonic belt into two segments, the northwestern and the southeastern segments. The latest magnetotelluric sounding and investigation indicate that the electrical structure within the Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake area is different to a certain degree from that in its surroundings. There exists a nearly NNW-trending structure in the crust. The main shock and most aftershocks occurred above the low-resistivity zone in the crust.  相似文献   

中国东北西太平洋俯冲带位于欧亚板块与西太平洋板块的交界部位,西太平洋板块的俯冲运动从日本海沟开始一直延伸到了中国东北地区.层析成像(Gudmundsson & Sambridge,1998;Huang & zhao,2006)结果表明,西太平洋板块和该区域'660'的相互作用,导致了该区域上地幔结构的复杂性.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths brought up by Cenozoic volcanic rocks onto the earth‘s surface may provide direct information about the upper mantle beneath the volcanic region. This paper presents the study on mantle xenoliths collected from Haoti village, Dangchang County, Gansu Province, western China. The main purpose of the study is to gain an insight into the thermal structure and rbeology of the upper mantle beneath the region. The results show that the upper mantle of the region is composed mainly of spinel lherzolite at shallower depth (52-75km), and garnet iberzolite at greater depth (greater than 75km), instead of harzburgite and dunite as proposed by some previous studies. The upper mantle geotherm derived from the equilibrium temperatures and pressures of xenoliths from the region is lower than that of North China, and is somewhat closer to the Oceanic geotherm. The crust-mantle boundary is determined from the geotherm to be at about 52km, and the Moho seems to be the transition zone of lower crust material with spinel iberzolite. If we take 1280℃ as the temperature of the top of asthenosphere, then the fithospbere-asthenosphere boundary should be at about 120km depth. The differential stress of the upper mantle is determined by using recrystallized grain size piezometry, while the strain rate and equivalent viscosity are determined by using the high temperature flow law of peridotite. The differential stress, strain rate and viscosity profiles constructed on the basis of the obtained values indicate that asthenospberic diapir occurred in this region during the Cenozoic time, resulting in the corresponding thinning of the lithosphere. However, the scale and intensity of the diapir was significantly less than that occurring in the North China region. Moreover, numerous small-scale shear zones with localized deformation might occur in the iithospberic mantle, as evidenced by the extensive occurrence of xenoliths with tabular equigranular texture.  相似文献   

介绍了宁夏及邻区1970年以来多种地球物理探测研究成果,揭示了该地区不同活动构造单元的深部地壳构造背景。分析表明, 活动块体相互作用、地壳深部断裂、地壳低速体、速度结构的差异和岩性的不同、上地幔顶部隆起、莫霍界面较大的起伏以及复杂的壳幔过渡带等构造特征与该区域强震的形成和发生有较为密切的关系。最后讨论了该区域强震发生的机理。  相似文献   

青藏高原因其复杂的结构和演化历史,一直都是研究大陆碰撞、构造运动及其动力学的热点区域。本文采用三重震相波形拟合技术,基于中国地震观测台网和大型流动台阵记录到的某地震P波垂向记录,获得了包括拉萨、南羌塘和松潘甘孜地块在内的青藏高原上地幔P波速度结构。结果表明:①拉萨和南羌塘地块下方地幔过渡带存在高速异常,推测是俯冲的印度板片滞留体,过渡带底部的板片残余温度较低,使得660-km相变滞后约3~8km。而松潘甘孜地块下方过渡带同样存在高速异常,可能是欧亚岩石圈发生拆沉进入地幔过渡带所致。这说明印度板块俯冲作用的影响已经到达地幔过渡带,其俯冲前缘位于班公怒江缝合带附近。②从拉萨、南羌塘到松潘甘孜地块,200km之上的地幔岩石圈高速盖层速度由南向北逐渐减小,松潘甘孜地块则出现盖层缺失。推测受小规模地幔对流或者热不稳定性的影响,在南羌塘和松潘甘孜地块,增厚的欧亚岩石圈发生拆沉作用,岩石圈被减薄和弱化,造成羌塘地块上地幔低速和松潘甘孜地块上地幔高速盖层缺失。拆沉的冷的欧亚岩石圈可能部分停留在410-km上方,使得410-km抬升约10km,部分沉入地幔过渡带,表现为松潘甘孜地块地幔过渡带中存在高速异常。低温造成660-km下沉约8km,导致地幔过渡带增厚。  相似文献   

滨海断裂带为华南亚板块与南海亚板块的分界断裂,是南海北部陆缘的重要控震构造和发震构造。为了探明南海北部海陆过渡带特别是滨海断裂带两侧的深部地壳结构变化特征,在南海北部进行了一系列的海陆地震联测的实验,根据海陆联合深地震探测的结果,南海北部以滨海断裂带为界,断裂带西北部为华南亚板块的典型陆壳,地壳厚30km,上地壳下部存在一层速度为5.5~5.9km.s-1、厚度为3.0~4.0km的低速层,埋深约10~18km;断裂带东南部为南海亚板块减薄型陆壳,厚25~28km,上地壳下部的低速层逐渐减薄并最后尖灭。滨海断裂带为一个上下连续倾向SE的低速破碎带,宽度6~10km。滨海断裂带与上地壳下部的低速层的交接构造部位形成南海北部的重要应力集中带和应变能积聚带,是地震孕育、发生的深部动力学条件。滨海断裂带的发震构造属NEE向与NW向相交切的断裂构造型式,以NEE向的滨海断裂带为主,NW向断裂带为辅。  相似文献   

青藏高原重力场与壳幔结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张健  陈石 《地震》2013,33(4):11-18
本文基于重力资料, 分析了青藏高原壳幔结构模型、 高原陆内形变动力学条件、 高原深部物质运动特征及动力学机制。 研究表明, 重力布格异常和自由空间异常除了分别反映大地水准面之下的“剩余”密度信息和大地水准面之上的“附加”密度信息之外, 还可以组合在一起反映壳幔结构的流变学信息。 在整体处于Airy 重力均衡状态下, 如果局部布格异常与空间异常同向减小, 则是弱地壳强地幔的反映; 如果布格异常减小空间异常增大, 则是强地壳弱地幔的反映。 笔者认为, 青藏高原南部多为强地壳弱地幔地段, 东部既有强地壳弱地幔地段, 也有下地壳柔性-上地幔脆性地段, 北部多为弱地壳强地幔地段。 高原南北两侧板块边界的挤压力对高原做功, 重力位能使高原物质向低位势转移, 产生流变变形, 导致南区和北区主要为挤压变形区, 东区主要为构造伸展-侧向挤出区。 由于壳幔结构的差异, 不同地区驱动变形所需位能大小不同。 相同位能条件下, 南部更易于隆升, 东部更易于流变伸展。  相似文献   

为获得四川盆地及其邻区地壳和上地幔精细结构,并据此对该区域整体构造运动初步进行动力学解释,本研究采用接收函数、线性反演与H-kappa扫描相结合的方法,获得以下结论:研究区域地壳厚度东西向差异巨大,其厚度差高达29 km。四川盆地地表具有较厚沉积层,属于刚性块体。龙门山南段与四川盆地交接地区存在某些区域的波速比较高,推测这些地区可能存在地幔物质上涌导致地壳中铁镁质成分增加。松潘-甘孜地块的地壳厚度存在58~65 km的横向变化,中下地壳存在梯形低速层,可能由于青藏高原向东俯冲过程中遭遇四川盆地刚性块体的阻挡而引起该地块的挤压变形,该区域具有较高的波速比,综合分析推测其可能存在区域性的部分熔融。  相似文献   

北京地区主要活动断裂深部速度结构特征及强震构造分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据分别由人工地震测深速度结构剖面数字化和天然地震层析成像建立的北京地区三维地壳速度结构模型,本文绘制了剖面图。同时将剖面两侧5km的地震震中投影到剖面上,分析了北京地区主要活动断裂的深部速度结构特征,证实两种方法得到的地壳速度结构模型具有很大的相似性。同时,顺义凹陷、马池口凹陷下方存在近垂直的深断裂,此深断裂可能为未来的发震断裂,地壳浅部与此对应的活动断裂是顺义-前门-良乡断裂北段、黄庄-高丽营断裂北段以及清河断裂,地壳内部的深断裂与地壳浅部控制盆地发育的活动断裂之间可能处于"汇而未交"的状态,具有地震孕育的深部构造背景。  相似文献   

Seismic data recorded in the upper mantle triplication distance range between 10° and 30° are generated by wave propagation through complex upper mantle structure. They can be used to place constraints on seismic velocity structures in the upper mantle, key seismic features near the major discontinuities, and anisotropic structure varying with depth. In this paper, we review wave propagation of the upper mantle triplicated phases, how different key seismic features can be studied using upper mantle triplicated data, and the importance of those seismic features to the understanding of mantle temperature and composition. We present two examples of using array triplicated phases to constrain upper mantle velocity structures and detailed features of a certain discontinuity, with one for a shallow event and the other for deep events. For the shallow event, we present examples of how the array triplication data can be used to constrain several key properties of the upper mantle: existence of a lithospheric lid, existence of a low velocity zone beneath the lithospheric lid, and P/S velocity ratio as a function of depth. For deep events, we show examples of how array triplication data can be used to constrain the detailed structures of a certain discontinuity: velocity gradients above and below the discontinuity, velocity jumps across the discontinuity and depth extents of different velocity gradients. We discuss challenges of the upper mantle triplication study, its connection to other approaches, and its potential for further studying some other important features of the mantle: the existence of double 660-km discontinuities, existence of low-velocity channels near major discontinuities and anisotropy varying with depth.  相似文献   

Velocity structure beneath active faults in the Beijing area has been discussed,based on the digital crustal model of velocity from deep seismic sounding profiles and tomography imaging of P waves. We found that there exists nearly vertical deep faults beneath the Shunyi Depression and the Machiko Depression,which are very likely to be seismogenic faults in the future. In the superficial crust,the north segment of the Shunyi-QianmenLiangxiang fault,the north segment of the Huangzhuang-Gaoliying fault and th...  相似文献   

A systematic study combining U-Pb zircon dating,lithogeochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic analyses was carried out upon the Xinping granodiorite porphyry in the Dayaoshan metallogenic belt to understand its petrogenesis and tectonic significance.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating yielded a 442.7 ± 5.8 Ma age,indicating that the granodiorite porphyry was emplaced during the Llandovery Silurian of the Early Paleozoic.The granodiorite porphyry shares the same geochemical characteristics such as Eu negative anomaly as other syn-tectonic granite plutons in the region,including the granodiorite porphyry in Dawangding and granite porphyries in the Dali Cu-Mo deposit and Longtoushang old deposit,indicating a similar magma evolution process.The Xinping granodiorite porphyry has high contents of SiO_2(67.871.8%) and K_2O(1.78-3.42%) and is metaluminous-peraluminous with A/CNK ratios ranging from 0.97 to 1.06,indicative of high-potassium calc-alkaline to calc-alkaline affinity.It is a I-type granite enriched in large ion lithophile elements Rb,Sr,while depleted in Ba and high field-strength element Nb.Tectonically,a collision between the Yunkai Block from the south and the Guangxi Yunnan-North Vietnam Block from the north during the Early Paleozoic was followed by uplifting of the Dayaoshan terrane.The Xinping granodiorite porphyry was likely emplaced during the collision.Sr-Nd isotopic analyses show that the granodiorite porphyry has initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(I_(sr)) of 0.7080-0.7104,ε_(Nd)(t) range from -0.08 to -4.09,and t_(2DM) between 1.19 and 1.51 Ga,well within the north-east low-value zone of the Cathaysia block,indicating a Paleoproterozoic Cathaysia basement source and an involvement of under plating mantle magma.Field observations,geochronological data,and 3D spatial distribution all lead to the conclusion that the Early Paleozoic Xinping granodiorite porphyry does not have any metallogenic and temporal relationships with the Xinping gold deposit(which has a Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age based on previous studies) but a close metallogenic relation to W-Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

We processed more than 3000 inter-station great circle paths to determine the phase velocity for the fundamental mode of Rayleigh wave, and finally arrived at 110 paths of high quality dispersion data, which show good spatial coverage in western China and neighboring regions. Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion model WChina1D was obtained and compared with previous global and regional models. Phase velocity maps from 15 to 120 s were inverted and the maps of 20, 40, 80, and 120 s are presented in this paper. Checkerboard tests show the average lateral resolution in our area of interest is about 7°. Our tomographic results corroborate a prominent low-velocity anomaly lying mainly in the lower crust and uppermost mantle in the Chang Thang terrane. The apparent low-velocity anomaly also appears in the wide area of northeastern Tibet in the crust and upper mantle. The low-velocity area around southeastern Tibet may be created by the southeastern migration of the low-velocity mass of the Tibetan plateau. The eastern Tarim shows structure with higher velocities relative to that of central Tarim. A large-scale low-velocity anomaly is clearly seen in central and western Mongolia. Our high quality measurements were also used to evaluate the CUB global shear velocity model [Shapiro, N., Ritzwoller, M., 2002. Monte-Carlo inversion for a global shear-velocity model of the crust and upper mantle. Geophys. J. Int. 151, 88-105] of the crust and upper mantle. The 40 s Rayleigh phase velocity map predicted from CUB model shows an apparent discrepancy with our measurements in western China and western Mongolia, which implies a higher estimated (about +1-2%) phase velocity model in these regions, probably due to the Gaussian smoothing condition in their tomography inversion.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for the water flow and solute transport equations in the unsaturated zone are presented. We use the Broadbridge and White nonlinear model to solve the Richards’ equation for vertical flow under a constant infiltration rate. Then we extend the water flow solution and develop an exact parametric solution for the advection-dispersion equation. The method of characteristics is adopted to determine the location of a solute front in the unsaturated zone. The dispersion component is incorporated into the final solution using a singular perturbation method. The formulation of the analytical solutions is simple, and a complete solution is generated without resorting to computationally demanding numerical schemes. Indeed, the simple analytical solutions can be used as tools to verify the accuracy of numerical models of water flow and solute transport. Comparison with a finite-element numerical solution indicates that a good match for the predicted water content is achieved when the mesh grid is one-fourth the capillary length scale of the porous medium. However, when numerically solving the solute transport equation at this level of discretization, numerical dispersion and spatial oscillations were significant.  相似文献   

利用架设在沧州地区的20台流动地震台站于2006年12月至2010年7月间记录的271个远震事件,读取的2308个P波到时数据,采用地震层析成像方法反演得到沧州及其邻区(38.0°N~39.0°N,116.5°E~117.5°E)的地壳上地幔P波三维速度结构。层析成像结果表明,沧东断裂两侧的地壳介质的速度分布表现出明显的横向差异,浅层速度分布同地表地质结构分布相一致。沧东断裂西北侧沧县隆起的地壳速度较高,表明其基底抬升;断裂带东南边的黄骅拗陷速度较低,说明基底埋藏较深。本文的远震层析成像研究结果和前人使用重力、电磁和人工地震的探测结果都表明,沧东断裂带两侧的地质构造和地球物理性质有明显的变化,这种构造差异在整个地壳中都有体现。  相似文献   

汶川地震对华北地区水平形变场影响及有关含义的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过2008年华北地区的GPS监测资料处理,初步分析表明:①华北地区(山西断陷带以东地区)水平形变在汶川地震(Ms8.0)临震前数个月及同震时段(震后数个月)内整体有序且与地震相关的差异变化不明显,基本上继承了上一时段(2004-2007年)的运动方式;②从震后偏离上一时段运动方式的偏离结果来看,汶川地震的影响主要体现在山西断陷带的南端,此外也发现华北地区似乎有微弱的动态变化,其东北地区存在某种程度的偏离背景变化,东南与西北地区略有加速的迹象.从信息显著性的角度来看,由于其信息的信噪比不高,所以有关讨论则更侧重于可能性或形变迹象.  相似文献   

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