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The possibility of determining the field of critical frequencies of the ionospheric F2 layer (foF2) using the maps of the total electron content, constructed based on the registration of signals from satellite radio navigation system of the GPS and GLONASS types, is considered. The calculation of foF2 is based on the SPIM (Standard Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model) model specifying the ionospheric index of solar activity, which is determined at grid points of the map of the total electron content. The proposed method has been verified using the data of the hourly maps of the total electron content in the North American region during September 1–7, 2005. The variations in the critical frequencies for Boulder and Dyess sites, selected from the reconstructed foF2 maps, were compared with the data of the vertical sounding. The average error is ~10% during the entire period of measurements. The conclusion has been drawn that the proposed method can be used as an ionospheric support of HF radiocommunication in the cases when errors of tenths of MHz in foF2 values are permissible.  相似文献   

The accuracy of single-frequency ocean altimeters benefits from calibration of the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere below the satellite. Data from a global network of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers provides timely, continuous, and globally well-distributed measurements of ionospheric electron content. For several months we have been running a daily automatic Global Ionospheric Map process which inputs global GPS data and climatological ionosphere data into a Kalman filter, and produces global ionospheric TEC maps and ocean altimeter calibration data within 24 h of the end-of-day. Other groups have successfully applied this output to altimeter data from the GFO satellite and in orbit determination for the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite. Daily comparison of the global TEC maps with independent TEC data from the TOPEX altimeter is performed as a check on the calibration whenever the TOPEX data are available. Comparisons of the global TEC maps against TOPEX data will be discussed. Accuracy is best at mid-to-high absolute latitudes (∣latitude∣>30°) due to the better geographic distribution of GPS receivers and the relative simplicity of the ionosphere. Our highly data-driven technique is relatively less accurate at low latitudes and especially during ionospheric storm periods, due to the relative scarcity of GPS receivers and the structure and volatility of the ionosphere. However, it is still significantly more accurate than climatological models.  相似文献   

It is necessary to model and analyze the ionospheric effects due to a direct relationship between Global Positioning System (GPS) applications and changes in the ionosphere. In order to monitor these changes, the ionosphere can be represented by the vertical total electron content (VTEC) which can be used to analyze ionospheric conditions from a variety of stations. In this study, 21 stations were used to carry out analysis and estimation of VTEC. Three days during a geomagnetic storm, namely, 7, 8, and 9 January 2005, are chosen for investigation. In addition, the de-correlation time of the VTEC was estimated to define ionospheric variations in time using autocorrelation analysis. The de-correlation time of the ionosphere is based on correlation times estimated by using autocorrelation functions. From the high-latitude stations, the mean of the correlation times decreased from 8 to 6 epochs during a storm. In this time period, it was found from the station results that the ionosphere was more affected at the high-latitude than at the mid-latitude region.  相似文献   

Vegetation is an important component of the eco-system, and to estimate accurately the biochemical component content is very helpful to understanding the ecosystem functions at different scales. While the method to retrieve biochemical component content using leaf scale spectral measurements is applicable, to retrieve biochemical component content from can-opy spectra is still a challenging problem. Because canopy spectra are the combined results of leaf bio-chemical component content, soil ba…  相似文献   

Global positioning system (GPS) networks have provided an opportunity to study the dynamics and continuous changes in the ionosphere by supplementing ionospheric studies carried out using various techniques including ionosondes, incoherent scatter radars and satellites. Total electron content (TEC) is one of the physical quantities that can be derived from GPS data, and provides an indication of ionospheric variability. This paper presents a feasibility study for the development of a Neural Network (NN) based model for the prediction of South African GPS derived TEC. Three South African locations were identified and used in the development of an input space and NN architecture for the model. The input space included the day number (seasonal variation), hour (diurnal variation), Sunspot Number (measure of the solar activity), and magnetic index (measure of the magnetic activity). An analysis was done by comparing predicted NN TEC with TEC values from the IRI-2001 version of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), validating GPS TEC with ionosonde TEC (ITEC) and assessing the performance of the NN model during equinoxes and solstices. For this feasibility model, GPS TEC was derived for a limited number of years using an algorithm still in the early phases of validation. However, results show that NNs predict GPS TEC more accurately than the IRI at South African GPS locations, but that more good quality GPS data is required before a truly representative empirical GPS TEC model can be released.  相似文献   

张强  赵齐乐 《地球物理学报》2019,62(12):4493-4505

2016年2月,武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心(Wuhan University,WHU)正式成为新的国际GNSS服务组织(International GNSS Services,IGS)电离层联合分析中心(Ionosphere Associate Analysis Center,IAAC).本文首次系统地评估和分析了武汉大学IGS电离层分析中心自2016年日常化运行以来(2016年1月到2018年9月,太阳活动低年)的全球电离层产品的精度,并与其他六家IAACs(CODE、JPL、ESA、UPC、EMR和CAS)进行了比较分析.结果表明:WHU的全球电离层产品能够长期稳定且有效地监测全球电离层总电子含量(Total Electron Content,TEC)的时空变化;和IGS综合全球电离层产品比较,WHU的模型均方根误差和CODE、JPL相差不大,均值约为1.4 TECU,产品一致性优于其他IAACs;和GPS实测电离层TEC比较,WHU的模型内符合精度和CODE基本相当,均值约为1.4 TECU,且与电离层活动水平和地理纬度存在显著的相关性;和Jason-2测高卫星VTEC比较,WHU的全球电离层产品的系统性偏差均值约为-0.7 TECU,在不同纬度约为-3.0到1.0 TECU,且与地理纬度存在近似抛物线函数的关系;WHU的模型外符合精度和CODE、JPL以及CAS基本一致,均值约为2.9 TECU,且在中高纬度地区优于低纬度地区,北半球优于南半球.



接收函数主成分分析方法可以有效地提取单台接收函数中蕴含的台站下方地壳结构和速度各向异性信息, 本文在原有理论基础上将该方法应用于加入了多次波的长时窗接收函数.通过位于郯庐断裂带张八岭构造带的滁州台和嘉山台的数据进行分析验证, 并估计了该地区地下结构和速度各向异性信息.测试结果表明: 相较于仅对Ps转换波的接收函数主成分分析研究, 扩大时窗范围、加入多次波后, 利用第二主成分重构的径向接收函数中信息更加丰富, 且更有利于对构造特征和速度各向异性进行约束.研究同时发现, 重构的接收函数在多次波的时窗内的稳定性更强.实际数据结果显示: 张八岭构造带东缘滁州台下方地壳底部具有倾向指北、向下倾斜不超过20°的构造特征, 壳内具有快轴方向近似平行于郯庐断裂带走向且不大于7%的速度各向异性.而嘉山台下的地壳横向结构变化幅度不大, 具有较弱的速度各向异性特征, 但沉积层底界面表现为近北东走向, 向东南下倾的构造特征.这种差异的地壳结构特征也指示出该构造带在演化过程中具有较高的非均一性.


本文提出了将主成分分析方法和地磁日变分析方法相结合以从较强干扰背景中提取相对较弱地震地磁信息的一种新思路.具体以1998年日本岩手县北部6.1级地震为例,选用三个地磁观测台资料进行研究.利用调和分析方法得到了各台基于多次谐波拟合的地磁日变曲线,在此基础上对各台的地磁日变形态进行了研究,发现距震中最近地磁台的日变形态在地震前大约两周出现了明显的异常,而其他两个距离震中相对较远的观测台日变形态基本正常.最后,将主成分分析方法应用于上述拟合地磁日变结果,得到了各主成分及其所占能量比的时间变化,结果表明在地震前两周左右第二主成分所占能量比显著增加,而且距离震中最近的台站的上述变化明显高于另两个较远的台站.上述结果表明地震前两周左右检测到的地磁日变异常可能与震中附近地下电阻率的变化或孕震过程中产生的电磁信号存在一定关系,相关研究结果有助于加深对地震电磁现象的认识和理解.  相似文献   

The distribution of mineral phases according to the provenance of carbonate and terrigenous facies of carbonate sediments from a large area of the continental shelf of northeast Brazil was investigated using a major element multivariate analysis approach. Heavy minerals such as ilmenite are restricted to the litoraneous facies of the continental shelf of the states of Paraíba and Pernambuco, and clay minerals are found in distal facies of the continental shelf of the State of Ceará. In the carbonate fraction, composed essentially by Mg-calcite and aragonite, there is co-variation between CaO/MgO and bathimetry in part of the studied continental shelf from depths between 15 and 20 m, apparently due to influence of the seawater temperature, degree of oxygenation and luminosity. The terrigenous facies are mainly composed of quartz, clay minerals, K-feldspars and micro-micaceous minerals, having Fe and Ti oxide and hydroxide minerals as major accessory phases. Major element behavior attests to the presence of arenaceous quartz-rich relict sediments in the 35, 60 and 80 m isobaths of the continental shelf of the state of Ceará which is here interpreted as a proxy of ancient coast lines during the Flandrian transgression.  相似文献   

通过对聊古一井气体总量30多年观测资料的处理,发现在11次地震中(△≤400 km,ML≥5.0)共有5次在震前出现了异常,映震率为45%.探讨了5次气体总量异常机理,解释了可比性地震有时出现异常、有时不出现异常的原因.  相似文献   

总悬浮物浓度(CTSM)是水质评价的重要参数.为了提高内陆Ⅱ类水体总悬浮物浓度估算的精度,利用主成分分析方法对2009年4月太湖水体实测高光谱数据进行降维处理,进而以不同数量的主成分作为变量,分别构建总悬浮颗粒物浓度的多元线性回归估算模型并比较这些模型的效果,从而确定最优的主分量个数;结合近年运行的高光谱传感器,对模型的适用性进行评价.结果表明:①前三个主成分(PC1PC2PC3)从不同侧面涵盖了悬浮物浓度信息,它们与ln(CTSM)的相关系数分别为0.728、0.401和0.403;②当主成分个数为6时,模型达到最优;模型的精度高于4个传统经验模型;③在400~850 nm之间,波段数大于45的高光谱传感器数据都能利用主成分分析的方法构建精度较高的总悬浮物浓度估算模型;此外,MERIS、HJ1-HSI、Hyperion和CHRIS这些常用的高光谱传感器的波段设置,都适合于主成分建模.  相似文献   

The morphology of averaged diurnal variations of total electron content (TEC) under quiet helio-geomagnetic conditions for all latitudinal bands and various longitudes has been studied using Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs) datasets. The diurnal TEC variation maximum is generally registered at 14–15 LT. The maximum is 38±5, 14±2, 10±2 TECU (TECU is generally accepted TEC unit) at the equatorial, middle and high latitudes. The nighttime TEC minimum is within 5–7 TECU regardless of a season, latitude and longitude. At the equatorial latitudes TEC exhibits the most significant daily/season variations and the asymmetry of its behavior in the hemispheres near the equinox. Abnormal diurnal TEC variations (evening maximum, near-noon minimum) are observed at middle and high latitudes in summer due to atmospheric wind effects. The comparison of the averaged diurnal TEC variations with the behavior of the ionospheric F2-layer critical frequency indicated that GIMs describe daily/annual TEC variations reasonably well.  相似文献   

The numerical global self-consistent model of the Earth’s thermosphere, ionosphere and protonosphere (GSM TIP), which makes it possible to calculate all the main parameters of the near-Earth plasma, is used to calculate the total electron content (TEC). Calculations have been performed along the radiosignal propagation trajectory between a surface receiving point and a GPS satellite. The TEC value calculated from the satellite data have been compared with such a “true model” TEC value for magnetically quiet conditions of the spring equinox and moderate solar activity. The relative errors in determining the satellite data-based TEC for two European (Troms have been calculated. It has been indicated that an increase in the number of satellites not always results in an increase in accuracy of the TEC value measured on satellites.  相似文献   

Biological invasions in marine environment are the lesser known aspect of global change. However, recent events which occurred in the Mediterranean Sea demonstrate that they represent a serious ecological and economical menace leading to biodiversity loss, ecosystem unbalancing, fishery and tourism impairment. In this paper we review marine bioinvasions using examples taken from the Mediterranean/Black Sea region. Particular attention is given to the environmental status of the receiving area as a fundamental pre-requisite for the colonisation success of alien species. The spread of the tropical algae belonging to the genus Caulerpa in the northwestern basin of the Mediterranean Sea has been facilitated by pre-existing conditions of instability of the Posidonia oceanica endemic ecosystem in relation to stress of both natural and anthropogenic origin. Human interventions caused long-term modification in the Black Sea environment, preparing a fertile ground for mass bioinvasion of aquatic nuisance species which, in some cases, altered the original equilibrium of the entire basin. Finally, the Venice lagoon is presented as the third example of an environment subjected to high propagule pressure and anthropogenic forcing and bearing the higher "diversity" of non-indigenous species compared to the other Mediterranean lagoons. Stressed environments are easily colonised by alien species; understanding the links between human and natural disturbance and massive development of non-indigenous species will help prevent marine bioinvasions, that are already favoured by global oceanic trade.  相似文献   

In radioastronomy the interferometric measurement between radiotelescopes located relatively close to each other helps removing ionospheric effects. Unfortunately, in case of networks such as LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), due to long baselines (currently up to 1500 km), interferometric methods fail to provide sufficiently accurate ionosphere delay corrections. Practically it means that systems such as LOFAR need external ionosphere information, coming from Global or Regional Ionospheric Maps (GIMs or RIMs, respectively). Thanks to the technology based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the scientific community is provided with ionosphere sounding virtually worldwide. In this paper we compare several interpolation methods for RIMs computation based on scattered Vertical Total Electron Content measurements located on one thin ionospheric layer (Ionospheric Pierce Points—IPPs). The results of this work show that methods that take into account the topology of the data distribution (e.g., natural neighbour interpolation) perform better than those based on geometric computation only (e.g., distance-weighted methods).  相似文献   

This study analyzes the TEC data during 1998–2007, observed by the AREQ (16.5°S, 71.5°W) GPS station to investigate the equatorial ionospheric variations under geomagnetic quiet-conditions. The diurnal TEC values generally have a maximum value between 1330 and 1500 LT and a minimum around 0500 LT. For the seasonal variation, the semi-annual variation apparently exists in the daytime TEC with two peaks in equinoctial months. In contrast, this semi-annual variation is not found in the nighttime. Furthermore, the results of the annual variation show that the correlation between the daytime TEC value and the solar activity factor is highly positive.  相似文献   

The occurrence frequency of extremely large and extremely small values of the total ozone content (TOC) for Irkutsk, Berlin, and Saskatoon midlatitude stations (located near 52°N but in different climatic zones) are calculated based on the daily satellite measurements in the 1978–2005 period. The data for various seasons are presented. The interannual variability and regional differences are demonstrated. The results indicate that the TOC variability is mainly caused by natural atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

Total ozone observations in the international network have been used as a basis for the analysis of the mean monthly ozone distribution over the globe for the period 1957–75. It has been found that during the period 1961–70 the total ozone amount increased in the Northern Hemisphere by about 12 percent and that this increase seems to be significant at all latitudes. Although the data were sparse for the Southern Hemisphere, there did not appear to be any significant ozone changes during the 10 year period. Relatively large geographic variations were found in the ozone trends and it is suggested that these variations are related to large scale changes in the atmospheric circular pattern.  相似文献   

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