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Attempts to predict which geographic areas should be associated with a high percentage of homes with unusually high indoor radon levels in Virginia and Maryland have been based on estimates of soil radon and soil permeability for geological units. This method is found to be less successful and probably less cost-effective than the use of total-gamma aeroradioactivity maps.  相似文献   

Geothermally active sites compared to a relatively passive site (no geothermal activity) contain much higher radon in the soil. As expected, the maximum soil radon content is at or near the major fracture zone where hot water emanates to the surface. Thus, buildings in geothermal sites nearby or at top of cracks that facilitate hot-water transfer to the surface may be extremely dangerous in terms of high radon concentrations and this situation may pose a big threat for the inhabitants. Controlled aeration of such high-risk buildings must be carefully and continuously conducted.  相似文献   

Radon in the Earth’s crust or soil matrix is free to move only if its atoms find their way into pores or capillaries of the matrix. 222Rn atoms from solid mineral grains get into air, filling pores through emanation process. Then 222Rn enters into the atmosphere from air-filled pores by exhalation process. The estimation of radon flux from soil surface is an important parameter for determining the source term for radon concentration modeling. In the present investigation, radon fluxes and soil-gas radon concentration have been measured along and around the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in Uttarkashi district of Garhwal Himalaya, India, by using Scintillation Radon Monitor (SRM) and RAD7 devices, respectively. The soil radon gas concentration measured by RAD7 with soil probe at the constant depth was found to vary from 12 ± 3 to 2330 ± 48 Bq·m?3 with geometrical mean value of 302 ± 84 Bq·m?3. Th significance of this work is its usefulness from radiation protection point of view.  相似文献   

Summary Records of total solar radiation on a horizontal surface has been obtained at the Agro-meteorological Station at Giza continuously since December 1, 1955 by means of a Robitzsch actinograph. The difficulties in obtaining precise measurements were described. The results of the first three years of record were discussed and summarized in tabular and graphical form. To such few years of observations, a 15 days moving average was applied. The new data were plotted so as to obtain the solar radiation pattern, which has been compared with the radiation received at the outer limits of the atmosphere and with the maximum probable radiation expected at the Station.  相似文献   

聊古一井数字化氡与模拟水氡观测资料的对比评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
耿杰  冯志军  吴春华 《地震》2002,22(4):81-88
数字化氡在聊古一井投入观测已近4年, 与模拟水氡观测相比, 具有采样率高, 数字传输、保存和资料处理快捷方便, 人为观测误差少的优点, 从而使氡的信息量大大增加, 为捕捉地震短临异常信息提供了有利条件。对数字化氡与模拟水氡同期观测资料的对比分析结果表明, 二者的变化趋势、方差及均值变化均不一致, 数字化氡与模拟水氡观测的物理含义不同,是一种新的测项, 尚不能完全替代原有的模拟水氡观测; 数字化氡在反映地震短临异常方面优于模拟水氡; 气水分离装置(脱气装置)是实现氡数字化观测的重要基础环节, 对于获取真实可靠的观测结果具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The concentrations of airborne fission products were observed to be air mass dependent during a cruise of the USNSHayes from Norfolk, Va to Athens, Greece in May–June 1977. Minimum concentrations of fission products, radon, and CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) were measured in maritime air which had previously transited northern North America. Higher fission products, radon, and CCN concentrations were measured in recent, continental air traceable to mid North America or central Europe. These data are consistent with either entrainment by strong winds of previously precipitated fission products (the continental effect) or greater transfer of fission products from the stratosphere to low levels by tropospheric folding.  相似文献   


实现低剂量计算机断层成像(CT)的一个有效办法是减少投影角度,但投影角度较少会产生严重的条状伪影,降低图像的临床使用价值。针对该问题,提出一种耦合卷积神经网络(CNN)和多种注意力机制的U型网络(TE-unet)。首先采用U型架构提取多尺度特征信息;其次提出一个包含CNN和多种注意力的模块提取图像特征;最后在跳跃连接处加入Transformer块过滤信息,抑制不相关特征,突出重要特征。所提网络结合CNN的局部特征提取能力和Transformer的全局信息捕获能力,辅以多种注意力机制,实现了良好的去条状伪影能力。在60个投影角度下,与经典的Uformer网络相比,峰值信噪比(PSNR)高出0.3178 dB,结构相似度(SSIM)高出0.002,均方根误差(RMSE)降低0.0005。实验结果表明,所提TE-unet重建的图像精度更高,图像细节保留的更好,可以更好地压制条状伪影。


水氡与气氡动态的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
首先介绍了模拟和数字化方法观测地下水氡浓度所使用的仪器及其工作原理,然后对昌黎井、怀来4号井和矾山井的模拟(水氡)和数字(气氡)资料动态特征进行了对比分析。分析认为仪器工作原理和观测步骤基本相同,但采样(集气)环节有所不同。模拟方法是取一定量的水样,人工采集水样中的气体,然后观测;数字化方法是自流井(泉)的水流经脱气装置自动采集气体,气体样品自动进入观测装置。取样方法的不同,对观测资料的短周期变化特征有影响,但两者的趋势变化特征基本一致。  相似文献   

A probabilistic approach to exposure risk assessment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The introduction of hazardous substances into the environment has long been recognized as being a cause of several diseases in humans, wildlife, and plants. The damaging character of suspected contaminants is usually assessed via a “reject/retain” design with no explicit link between levels of exposure and intensities of the potential adverse health effects even though this connection may be important for the development of public health regulations that limit exposure to hazardous substances. Here, we propose a probabilistic approach to exposure risk assessment as a way around this typical flaw. We develop a Bayesian model using proximity to the source of an alleged contaminant as a surrogate for exposure. Subsequently, we carry out an experimental study based on simulated data to illustrate the model implementation with real world data. We also discuss a possible way of extending the model to accommodate potential heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of the focal disease.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震前水氡浓度的临界慢化现象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,临界慢化(Critical slowing down)现象在揭示复杂动力系统是否趋于临界性灾变方面展示了重要潜力.本文基于临界慢化的概念,将其用于水氡浓度观测资料的处理.以2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂带破裂段及附近地区水氡浓度观测点资料为例,分别计算了表征临界慢化现象的自相关系数和方差.结果表明,汶川8.0级地震前,不同台站的水氡浓度震前都存在明显的临界慢化现象,这表明临界慢化现象可能是强地震发生前的一个早期信号.将临界慢化理论引入地震前兆资料的研究,对深入认识地震前兆机理、判定前兆异常所处阶段以及提高地震预测水平都具有重要的现实意义和科学价值.  相似文献   

Surface latent heat flux (SLHF) is proportional to the heat released by phase changes during solidification, evaporation or melting. Effects of SLHF on the earth’s surface could be measured by satellite techniques capable of measuring thermal infrared radiation (TIR). Recent studies have found a possible correlation between SLHF and earthquakes, hence satellite techniques are widely used in research into the possible link between SLHF and earthquakes. Possible fluctuations in SLHF values during seismic periods have been attributed to different causes, such as the expulsion from the ground of greenhouse gases or because of radon. In particular, ionization processes due to radon decay could lead to changes in air temperature. Laboratory experiments have been carried out to highlight the possible role of radon in the thermal environmental conditions of a laboratory-controlled atmospheric volume.  相似文献   

The application of the weighted and unweighted least-squares method to the analysis of the individual concentrations of short-lived radon daughters in the open atmosphere, where, unlike in the mines the levels are low, is discussed. The method can be optimized to give minimum counting errors by proper choice of collection times and counting periods. By analysing a large number of samples it is shown that the least squares method gives better accuracy than the simultaneous equations method generally in use. The calculation can be simplified by using the unweighted least-squares analysis without significant loss in accuracy. The levels of RaA, RaB and RaC in surface air at Bombay during the period January-June 1975, calculated using the least-square method, are presented. The activity ratios of RaC/RaB are shown to have an average value around 0.6–0.9 even at 18 m height. The RaB/RaA activity ratios however show a much larger scatter than the RaC/RaB values. The possible reasons for these differences are discussed. The application of the least-squares method to the analysis of Th-B and Th-C is also described.  相似文献   

Measurements of both broadband and spectral UV radiation have been carried out at Lhasa (29°40′N, 91°08′E, 3648 m above sea level) on the Tibetan Plateau, using a moderate bandwidth filter instrument (NILUV) and a Fixed Imaging Compact Spectrometer (FICS). In this paper, the erythemal UV dose rates deduced from broadband measurements during the period from 1 July 1996 to 10 December 1997 are presented. The observed highest erythemal UV dose rate is 500 (or 458) mW/m2 in July 1996 (or 1997), and the corresponding daily erythemal UV dose can reach up to 7.60 (or 7.00) kJ/m2 and 9.18 (or 8.96) kJ/m2, respectively, for the monthly mean and the monthly maximum. Comparisons with the UV levels at other locations at similar latitudes show that both the monthly mean and monthly maximum erythemal UV doses at Lhasa can be higher by a factor of 1.3–1.5 than those at San Diego (32°05′N, 117°1′W) in summer (from May to August), and exceed the corresponding values at Perth (32°0′S, 115°8′E) in the southern hemisphere summer (from November to February) by a factor of 1.2–1.4. Comparisons of both the broadband measurements and spectral measurements with the outputs of a discrete ordinate method (DOM) radiative transfer model have also been conducted. The results from the comparisons of broadband measurements with model outputs show that a 15, 11 and 10% agreement may be achieved around solar noon (with solar zenith angle smaller than 60°), respectively, for global irradiances in the 305, 320 and 340 mm channels, whilst the corresponding agreements are about 8 and 4% for the erythemal UV dose rate and the 340–305 nm ratio, respectively. The comparisons of the measured spectral irradiance with model calculations indicate that large discrepancies may appear at wavelengths shorter than 310 nm and longer than 380 nm. However, a 10% agreement may be generally achieved in UVA for solar zenith angle lower than 55°C. The corresponding agreement is about 20 and 5%, respectively, for UVB and the erythemal UV dose rate.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms leading to different radon background levels in volcanic settings, we have performed two long-term deformation experiments of 16 days using a real-time setup that enables us to monitor any variation of radon activity concentration during rock compression. Our measurements demonstrate that, in the case of highly porous volcanic rocks, the emanating power of the substrate changes as a function of the volcanic stress conditions. Constant magmatic pressures, such as those observed during dike intrusions and hydrothermal fluid injections, can result in pervasive pore collapse that is mirrored by a significant radon decrease until a constant emanation is achieved. Conversely, repeated cycles of stress due to, for example, volcano inflation/deflation cycles, cause a progressive radon increase a few days (but even weeks and months) before rupture. After rock failure, however, the formation of new emanation surfaces leads to a substantial increase of the radon signal. Our results suggest that surface deformation in tectonic and volcanic settings, such as inflation/deflation or constant magmatic pressures, have important repercussions on the emanating power of volcanic substrates.  相似文献   

The vibrational distribution of nitric oxide in the polar ionosphere computed according to the one-dimensional non-steady model of chemical and vibrational kinetics of the upper atmosphere has been compared with experimental data from rocket measurement. Some input parameters of the model have been varied to obtain the least-averaged deviation of the calculated population from experimental one. It is shown that the least deviation of our calculations from experimental measurements depends sufficiently on both the surprisal parameter of the production reaction of metastable atomic nitrogen with molecular oxygen and the profile of atomic oxygen concentration. The best agreement with the MSIS-83 profile was obtained for the value of surprisal parameter corresponding to recent laboratory estimations. The measured depression of level v = 2 is obtained in the calculation that uses sufficiently increased concentrations of atomic oxygen. It is pointed out that similar measurements of infrared radiation intensities could be used to estimate the atomic oxygen concentrations during auroral disturbances of the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

数字化测逸出氡替代模拟测水氡的理论与实践   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
武建华  邢玉安  朱自强  叶威  林文峰 《地震》2002,22(4):100-105
模拟测水氡方法已有40年历史, 氡浓度异常变化预测地震取得了较好的效果, 在地震短临预报中发挥了重要作用。80年代中期, 人们逐渐认识到自流井中逸出气氡的信息量和异常量远远大于溶解氡, 随即开始对逸出气氡的微动态进行研究, 并在“九五”期间研制出目前国内功能、技术性能指标最佳的数字化测氡仪。然而数字化观测逸出氡能否代替模拟观测水氡存在不同意见, 通过理论上的分析和观测气氡实际震例的研究, 阐明模拟测水氡和测逸出氡的差异和一致性, 认为有逸出氡的井、泉测逸出氡完全可以代替模拟测水氡, 其效果更佳。  相似文献   

Biological monitoring has gradually developed into a powerful tool in the identification and quantification of exposures to occupational and/or environmental hazards in environmental and occupational health studies. Aggregate individual exposure to pollutants and evidence for exploring dose-response relationship in the human bodies can be assessed through biomarker measurements. The existence of inter-individual differences among a study population, however, often hampers the relationship assessment between exposure and the biomarker. In this paper, a statistical random effects model identified from a simplified one-compartment pharmacokinetic model is applied to establish the dynamic relationship between a biomarker and its corresponding external exposure. This model avoids the complex parameter estimation problem encountered using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model, and incorporates inter-individual variations often ignored in the usual regression approach. In addition, the relevant parameters for the generic kinetic process can be estimated directly. As a guideline for preliminary sampling strategy, tables of required sample sizes and the number of repeated measurements to achieve the desired statistical power and test efficiency are given. The currently established biological exposure indices (BEIs) for benzene and methyl chloroform are employed to illustrate the impact of inter- individual variations on the percentages of protection for workers exposed to the threshold limit value (TLV) of the corresponding chemical.This research was partially supported by the Environmental Protection Agency of Taiwan (Contract No. EPA-88-E102–03–003).  相似文献   

CD-L1型流气式固体氡源替换RN-150型氡源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对CD-L1型流气式固体氡源氡产生率稳定性、同一闪烁室用不同氡源标定K值的对比实验研究,表明用CD-L1型流气式固体氡源与用RN-150型氡源标定的K值之间相差远小于5%,完全能够替代目前地震台使用的RN-150型氡源,同时具有操作简便、体积小、易携带等优点。  相似文献   

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