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利用ITSG-Grace2018天解重力场模型反演重庆市2003-01-01~2016-08-31的陆地水储量变化,并与水文资料(WGHM、GLDAS)和降雨数据(CPC)进行比较分析,重点研究重庆市2007-07-16~18、2012-07-02~05和2012-07-08~13的洪涝事件。结果表明,ITSG-Grace2018天解模型反演的陆地水储量变化与WGHM、GLDAS结果具有较好的一致性;ITSG-Grace2018天解反演的陆地水储量变化与降雨异常相关系数达0.50,说明降雨是导致重庆市陆地水储量变化的重要因素;对于短于1个月的洪涝灾害,ITSG-Grace2018月解模型无法给出洪涝前后的时空演变过程,而ITSG-Grace2018天解模型能反映出更多高频细节信息,但与降雨数据相比存在时间延迟。  相似文献   

基于GRACE及GRACE-FO重力卫星数据,通过滑动T检验确定海河流域陆地水储量突变的特征时间点,分析其时空演变特征;结合多变量趋势分析和贡献率量化法探究陆地水储量变化成因,讨论南水北调工程的贡献。结果表明,在南水北调前(2004-01~2015-01)后(2015-01~2020-10),海河流域陆地水储量的衰减趋势分别为-17.19 mm/a和-13.49 mm/a,缓解约24%,缓解趋势由南到北逐渐增大;人类活动与气候变化对流域陆地水储量变化的贡献率比为7∶3,人为耗水是海河流域陆地水储量常年处于亏损状态的主要原因;调水量的贡献率和趋势呈现年际增大和升高态势,预示南水北调工程在改善区域陆地水储量方面具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

探讨采用不同激励函数的BP和RBF神经网络方法填补GRACE与GRACE-FO卫星空缺数据的精度及可行性,并基于最优方案对缺失数据进行填充;利用ITSG-Grace2018和ITSG-Grace_operational时变重力场模型反演2002~2020年长江流域陆地水储量变化,并结合GLDAS模型、降水、气温及长江流域水资源公报等数据对该区域的陆地水储量变化进行综合分析。结果表明:1)隐含层激励函数为线性整流函数(ReLU)的BP神经网络算法具有较好的拟合效果,可用于填充GRACE与GRACE-FO卫星任务间的数据空缺;2)长江流域的陆地水储量变化具有一定的区域差异性,主要表现为上游东部与中游大部分地区陆地水储量以5 mm/a左右的速率上升,上游中西部区域下降,下游基本保持不变;长时间序列的GRACE/GRACE-FO时变模型能够反映长江流域2019年的干旱与2017年、2019年的洪涝等灾害。  相似文献   

利用新版GRACE时变模型反演珠江流域陆地水储量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以CSR05、GFZ05、JPL05、ITSG-Grace2016、CSR06、GFZ06、JPL06及ITSG-Grace2018等8种GRACE时变重力场模型作为研究对象,通过300 km高斯滤波和Swenson方法等数据处理策略去除时变模型的噪声,反演2005-01~2012-12珠江流域的陆地水储量变化,并利用ITSG-Grace2018模型、GLDAS水文模型、降水数据、实测地下水数据等资料对珠江流域的陆地水储量变化进行综合分析。结果表明:1)3大官方机构发布的2006版GRACE时变模型的解算精度较2005版有显著改善,ITSG-Grace2018模型的精度也较ITSG-Grace2016有一定的改善,且新版在不同时变模型间的差异更小;2)ITSG-Grace2018模型反演的珠江流域陆地水储量整体呈上升趋势,其季节性变化特征与GLDAS水文模型、降水数据及地下水测井监测数据具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

利用GRACE监测中国区域干旱及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003-01~2012-12的GRACE时变地球重力场模型计算我国长江中下游平原、西南地区和华北平原陆地水储量变化的时间序列。结果表明,长江中下游平原和华北平原的陆地水储量变化量最低值在2011-05,西南地区最低值在2010-03。根据陆地水储量变化的水平衡原理计算3个区域地下水储量变化情况。结果表明,长江中下游平原和西南地区地下水储量呈缓慢增长的趋势,增长速率分别为0.54 mm/月和0.34 mm/月;华北地区呈缓慢减小的趋势,减小速率为0.33 mm/月。3个区域干旱时期地下水储量的亏损情况分别为:长江中下游平原-21.31 mm/月,华北平原-19.88 mm/月,西南地区-15.72 mm/月。最后,用NOAA发布的月降雨和气温数据对3个区域干旱期间的降雨量和蒸发量进行量化,分析3次干旱产生的原因。结果表明,西南地区2010年春季干旱的主要原因是气温异常,长江中下游平原和华北平原2011年干旱的主要原因是降雨量偏少。  相似文献   

GRACE与GRACE-FO任务间的数据空缺导致无法连续监测陆地水储量变化。基于此,本文采用多元线性回归模型,以GRACE/GRACE-FO陆地水储量变化数据为参考值,以降水、气温和模型模拟的陆地水储量数据为预测参数,采用3种不同策略重构中国九大流域2002-04~2021-12连续的陆地水储量变化。结果表明,基于去趋势项和去季节项信号重构策略的重构结果略优于去趋势项信号重构策略,且两者结果均优于整体信号重构策略,在人类活动或冰川融化频繁的流域(如海滦河、长江、西南诸河和内陆河流域)这种优势更为明显。此外,重构结果的性能也受GRACE/GRACE-FO数据信噪比和预测参数与GRACE/GRCAE-FO数据的相关性影响。  相似文献   

利用德克萨斯大学空间研究中心(CSR)发布的GRACE时变重力场模型,基于最大信噪比准则确定RL06球谐系数模型(spherical harmonics,SH)的最优高斯滤波半径,在此基础上反演2002-04~2020-05刚果河流域陆地水储量变化,结合水文与降雨、蒸散资料分析其驱动因素。研究结果表明,GRACE模型估计的刚果河流域水储量变化和水文模型估计的地表水储量变化的周年振幅一致,表明刚果河流域的陆地水储量周年变化驱动因素为地表水。对于年际变化,2002-04~2020-05陆地水储量变化呈轻微增加趋势,2002-04~2006-12明显减少,RL06 SH模型估计结果为-2.30±0.24 cm/a;2007-01~2010-12呈现增加趋势,为0.38±0.24 cm/a;2011-01~2020-05水储量增速变大,为0.92±0.12 cm/a,该结果与CSR Mascon估计结果一致。  相似文献   

利用CSR最新发布的GRACE RL06数据反演2006~2015年三江源地区陆地水储量的时空变化,并结合GLDAS水文模型、TRMM降水数据及地表冻融数据进行对比分析。结果表明,三江源地区的陆地水和地表水在2006~2015年的变化趋势分别为5.2±1.2 mm/a和-3.8±0.9 mm/a;降水与陆地水的变化密切相关,也是造成陆地水储量呈季节性变化的主要原因;冻土作为特殊的蓄水层,影响着三江源地区地表水与地下水之间的水力联系,冻土活动可能造成GRACE与GLDAS水储量之间的差异;根据GRACE与GLDAS水储量在空间趋势上的差异推测,三江源地区高原多年冻土退化,活动层增厚。  相似文献   

利用广义三角帽法评估5个最新版本GRACE/GRACE-FO时变重力场模型反演全球流域陆地水储量变化的不确定性,并探讨地理位置、气候类型和流域面积对不确定性的影响。结果表明:1) COST-G、CSR、JPL、ITSG和GFZ时变重力场模型反演全球流域陆地水储量变化的平均不确定性分别是0.41 cm、0.63 cm、0.66 cm、0.81 cm和0.97 cm;2)流域陆地水储量变化的不确定性与流域面积和地理位置存在较强的相关性,与气候类型的相关性较小;3)当观测数据质量较差时,不同模型反演的流域陆地水储量变化存在较大差异。  相似文献   

利用2002-08~2016-12 GRACE数据扣除泄漏影响得到的长江流域陆地水储量(TWS)变化,分析其时空变化特征和趋势。结果表明,在此期间长江流域TWS增速为0.13±0.12 cm/a;TWS变化大的区域,如泄漏改正后三峡库区TWS变化由约10 mm/a变为15~20 mm/a,并呈现更大的空间异质性。利用多种气象数据,从气候变化和人类活动角度深入研究长江流域水循环变化。结果表明,降水量与TWS变化在时间和空间上都具有较高的相关性,TWS变化延迟1~2个月;上游源头处温度是影响TWS变化的主导因素,温度升高加速了上游高山冰川融化,使TWS具有增长趋势;三峡工程的蓄水也导致TWS变化;ENSO是长江流域TWS变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

以青藏高原地区为研究背景,以评估水文模型在该区的影响因素、改善条件及其整体适应性为研究目标,利用GRACE重力卫星对比水文模型模拟的陆地水变化,以及地面气象实测数据对比降雨与温度两项重要指标,采用相关与误差分析法评价水文模型输入参数,将其作为模型预测数据与实际观测数据进行对比分析。结果表明,GLDAS/Noah各项指标与GRACE更为相近,降雨与气温数据除夏冬两季存在幅值差异外,整体上周年幅值与相位都存在较高NSE系数,表明GLDAS模型的降雨及气温输入参数与地面观测数据有较高的一致性。  相似文献   

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The objective of this study is to develop a unique modeling approach for fast assessment of massive soil erosion by water at a regional scale in the Loess Plateau, China. This approach relies on an understanding of both regional patterns of soil loss and its impact factors in the plateau area. Based on the regional characteristics of pre- cipitation, vegetation and land form, and with the use of Landsat TM and ground investigation data, the entire Loess Plateau was first divided into 3 380 Fundamental Asses...  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation phenology are key indicators of the response of ecosystems to climate change. Therefore, knowledge of growing seasons is essential to predict ecosystem changes, especially for regions with a fragile ecosystem such as the Loess Plateau. In this study, based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data, we estimated and analyzed the vegetation phenology in the Loess Plateau from 2000 to 2010 for the beginning, length, and end of the growing season, measuring changes in trends and their relationship to climatic factors. The results show that for 54.84% of the vegetation, the trend was an advancement of the beginning of the growing season (BGS), while for 67.64% the trend was a delay in the end of the growing season (EGS). The length of the growing season (LGS) was extended for 66.28% of the vegetation in the plateau. While the temperature is important for the vegetation to begin the growing season in this region, warmer climate may lead to drought and can become a limiting factor for vegetation growth. We found that increased precipitation benefits the advancement of the BGS in this area. Areas with a delayed EGS indicated that the appropriate temperature and rainfall in autumn or winter enhanced photosynthesis and extended the growth process. A positive correlation with precipitation was found for 76.53% of the areas with an extended LGS, indicating that precipitation is one of the key factors in changes in the vegetation phenology in this water-limited region. Precipitation plays an important role in determining the phenological activities of the vegetation in arid and semiarid areas, such as the Loess Plateau. The extended growing season will significantly influence both the vegetation productivity and the carbon fixation capacity in this region.  相似文献   

The influence of human activities on environment and climate change is the most conspicuous problem of the Loess Plateau, and it may be divided into two aspects: firstly, the excessive utilization of land by the human race causes the destruction of vegetation, and consequently large expanse of land is under desertification and the characteristics of the ground surface and the water and heat exchange on the ground surface have changed; secondly, the use of coal by industries produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide and trace elements, which enter into the atmosphere to cause air pollution.Data of 1951-1990 are collected from 69 meteorological stations on the Loess Plateau. After analysis, the decadal variations of temperature and rainfall in the last 40 years are obtained as follows: (1) In the arid zone of the north- west of the Loess Plateau, the increase in temperature is the largest. For the past 40 years, the annual mean temperature has increased 0.7-1.0 ℃ . In the semiarid zone of the middle part  相似文献   

The individual or combined ef fect of water temperature and silicate on seasonal shift of dominant diatom species in a drinking water reservoir in China was studied in this paper. These ef fects were analyzed based on the field investigation of temporal dynamics in species composition and abundance of phytoplankton and environmental factors from September 2015 to August 2016. We firstly found that six dominant diatom species( Fragilaria nanana, Achnanthidium catenatum, Aulacoseira ambigua, Ulnaria ulna, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Asterionella formosa(Class Bacillariophyceae)), which accounted for98.7% of the total abundance of diatoms and 46.8% of the total abundance of phytoplankton, showed an obvious seasonal succession. Then significant driving factors for seasonal shift of the dominant diatom species were selected by Redundancy Analysis. The result showed that water temperature and silicate were the main environmental factors af fecting the growth of diatoms on temporal scales. Next, the regressions of water temperature and silicate and dominant diatom abundance were fitted in Generalized Additive Model separately, and the smoothers of water temperature and diatom species suggested that the dominant diatom species adapted to dif ferent optimum temperature ranges, which corresponded with the growth of seasonal changes. A positive linear correlation between silicate and diatom abundance was generated by Generalized Additive Model. Finally, the ordinal controls of water temperature and silicate on the growth of diatoms were analyzed on temporal scales specifically. We suggested that water temperature and silicate controlling the growth of diatoms in order. Diatoms grow well only when the two controlling factors simultaneously satisfy the growth conditions; as limiting factors, the two factors played their respective limiting roles in turn on temporal scales.  相似文献   

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