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本文系根据中国科学院海洋研究所历年来在我国沿海潮间带采集的大量标本加以鉴定研究写成。共报告肠鳃类 Enteropneusta 6种,即黄岛长吻虫 Saccoglossua hwangtauensis (Tchang et Koo),短殖舌行虫 Glossobalanus mortenseni Horst,多鳃孔舌形虫 Glossobalanus polybranchioporus Tchang et Liang,肉质柱头虫Balanoglossus carnosus (Willey),三崎柱头虫Balanoglossus misakiensis Kuwano 和黄殖翼柱头虫Ptychodera flava Eschscholtz。分隶于两科四属。 短殖舌形虫,肉质柱头虫和黄殖翼柱头虫在我国是首次记录,我们均根据其外部形态和内部解剖作了详细描述,并讨论了与前人描述相异之处。到目前为止,多鳃孔舌形除了在我国沿海分布之外,国外尚未见有报道;张玺等在1965年对此种已有详细描述,本文仅对其特征作了记述。黄岛长吻虫是张玺等在国内发表过的,本文进一步对它作了补充描述和修正。三崎柱头虫,过去张玺等没有对它的内部解剖进行过描述,本文根据在我国沿海采到的标本,对它的内部形态特征进行了补充,并与前人描述的某些特征进行了比较和讨论。  相似文献   

胶州湾肠鳃类种类与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2000~2004年共19个季度月对胶州湾进行系统的5个全年度检测,对胶州湾肠鳃类动物的分布范围、出现率和栖息密度进行了分析和总结.结果表明,胶州湾的肠鳃类共分布有3科4属4种,即黄岛长吻虫(Saccoglossus hwangtauensis)、三崎柱头虫(Balanoglossus misakensis)、多鳃孔舌形虫(Glossobalanus polybranchioporus)和青岛粗吻虫(Glandiceps qingdaoensis);前3种主要分布在潮间带,黄岛长吻虫在潮下带也有发现;青岛粗吻虫分布于湾内中西部潮下带,以湾顶部出现率高,栖息密度大.肠鳃类的分布与底质有密切关系.  相似文献   

本文为中国海缨鳃虫科(多毛纲、缨鳃虫目)的麦缨虫属 Megalomma 物种的报道。除模式种麦缨虫 M.vesiculosum (Montagu, 1815)外, 异眼麦缨虫 M.heterops Rerkins,1984和双眼麦缨虫 M.bioculatum (Ehlers, 1887)为我国首次记录。  相似文献   

中国沿海片鳃科(后鳃类)的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
片鳃科(Arminidae=Pleurophyllidiadae) 是一群营底栖生活的后鳃类软体动物,种类较多,世界各暖海都有分布,常见于潮间带滩涂至潮下带,直至水深260米之间。作者过去在潮间带生态调查和采集中,仅见到少数几种;在整理、鉴定全国海洋综合调查标本时,发现这科动物在底牺生物拖网样品中比较常见,种类也较多,而且其中大部分种类在我国尚未报道过。作者根据中国科学院海洋研究所历年来在我国沿海潮间带采集的标本以及全国海洋综合调查所获得的标本写成本文。 迄今已知,片鳃科共有4属,我国已报道的仅有2属5种,本文共报告20种,隶属于3属、4亚属,其中有8种是新种,7种在我国为首次记录。在这些种类中有3种广泛分布于印度一西太平洋区,新种的模式标本均保存在中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   

关于浙江近海的裸鳃类,过去仅有张玺、齐钟彦(1961)、林光宇(1965,1975,1981,1985)洪君超、尤仲杰(1965,1983)等先后零星报道12种,但尚未进行较系统的分类研究。我们整理了中国科学院海洋硏究所历年来在浙江近海进行调查所采集的标本和浙江水产学院1961-1985年在浙江沿海潮间带采集的标本,共鉴定出90种后鰓类。本文报道其中的裸鳃类共32种,分别隶属于14科,17属,其中有1新种,6种在我国为首次记录。 在这些种中,1种是环赤道分布种:海神鳃 Gulaucus (Gulaucus) marinus ;2种分布于大西洋、地中海;太平洋:雪白心海牛 Noumea nivalis,围鳃海牛 Joriana tomentosa;有9种是印度-西太平洋的热带种:双色裸海牛 Gymnodoris bicolor,多枝鬈发海牛Caloplocamus ramosus,草莓叉棘海牛 Rostanga arbutus,网纹舌尾海牛 Glossodoris tinctoria,黑枝鳃海牛 Dendrodoris nigra,溅斑舌尾海牛 Glossodoris aspersa,芽枝鳃海牛Dendrodoris denisoni,红枝鳃海牛 Dendrodoris rubra,白斑马蹄鳃 Sakuraeolis enosimensis;其余是西、南太平洋的热带、亚热带种和少数温带种。浙江沿海和日本南部沿海的共有种有20种之多,可见两地区系之相似。这些种能向北越过长江分布至黄海、渤海的有9种,向南分布到南海的有13种,其区系性质应为热带、亚热带。  相似文献   

中国首次南大洋考察队于1984年12月至翌年2月,在南极半岛西北部海域,南设得兰群岛附近进行了底栖生物采泥及拖网调查,获得许多无脊椎动物标本。其中软体动物前鳃类经作者整理鉴定,共计有10个科, 17个属,20种,其中2种仅鉴定到属,11种是该地区首次记录。此外,其中有3种1)非拖网所获而是采于潮间带。  相似文献   

中国科学院海洋研究所和南海海洋研究所曾对我国南海诸岛丰富的动植物区系进行过多次调查,本文作者对采到的后鳃类软体动物曾发表了几篇论文,共报道104种、2亚种,分隶于22科,50属。近年来这两个研究所在海南岛、西沙群岛又陆续进行了调查采集,获得了一些新资料。经作者研究又发现了29种、2亚种,分隶于17科,24属,其中有16种、2亚种首次发现于我国沿海。 在本文报道的种类中,1种是环热带分布:尾棘无壳恻鳃;9种是印度一西太平洋区的热带种:亲缘蛹螺、线红纹螺、宽条饰纹螺、耳口露齿螺、短丽罗螺、大叶海天牛、海洋凹缘侧鳃、网窝枝鳃海牛、整齐盘海牛;其余21种是西太平洋的热带种,其中有11种为中国-日本特有种:细孔捻螺、波纹月华螺、瓷丽罗螺、小囊螺、碗梨螺、长枝鳃海牛、褐斑扁海牛、相模舌尾海牛、琉球裸海牛、日本巨幕、白斑宽足海牛。 迄今,南海诸岛后鳃类总计有133种、4亚种。有14种向北可分布到东海台湾沿岸,而进入黄海到达青岛沿岸的只有5种;50种是印度-西太平洋的热带种,67种是西太平洋的热带种。在我国和日本南部沿海共有的65种中,有34种是中国-日本特有种。可见我国海南岛和西沙群岛的后鳃类软体动物区系的组成是以热带种为主,它和日本南部沿海的区系相近似,其分布北界大都在台湾东南沿岸。  相似文献   

西沙群岛潮间带的后鳃类软体动物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国西沙群岛的后鳃类软体动物,过去仅有零星报道,计有:张玺、齐钟彦和张玺与本文作者记载的19种。为进一步了解西沙群岛潮间带栖息的后鳃类,给我国沿海软体动物区系和潮间带生物生态的研究提供资料,本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所1956-1958年三次在西沙群岛潮间带调查所获得的标本进行了整理、鉴定,共42种,分隶于14科,25属。其中有2新种,19种在我国为首次记录。 在42种中,属环热带种的2种:黑指纹海兔,斧壳海兔;属西太平洋热带种的10种:凹穴踊螺、枣螺、东方枣螺、卵圆月华螺、美丽全缘侧鳃、条凸卷足海牛、素色舌尾海牛、天青叶海牛、无饰燕尾海牛、多肉翼簔海牛;属印度-太平洋热带种的20种:四带枣螺、柱形阿里螺、阿地螺、隐肺螺、截尾海兔、燕尾海牛、眼斑多叶鳃、缘六鳃、波叶海牛、斑刺海牛、被球片海牛、革质扁海牛、粟斑扁海牛、薄片扁海牛、革皮星背海牛、黑枝鳃海牛、叶海牛、丘凸叶海牛、华贵叶海牛、鸡冠卷足海牛;属我国沿海地方种的4种:西沙凹缘侧鳃、红斑舌尾海牛、西沙舌尾海牛、西沙瘤背海牛。在这些种类中,31种是中国和日本南部沿海的共有种。可见,我国西沙群岛的后鳃类为热带、亚热带区系,与日本南部沿海的关系极为密切。在这些种类中分布到海南岛的有19种,向北分布到台湾沿岸的仅有4种。可见西沙群岛和海南岛的后鳃类软体动物区系极相似。  相似文献   

中国近海多毛纲缨鳃虫目(Sabellida)龙介虫科(Serpulidae)和螺旋虫科(Spirorbidae)是污损生物的主要类群之一。根据中国科学院海洋研究所历年调查、全国海洋综合调查和作者近年来补充采集的标本,进行系统整理,已陆续报道龙介虫科近51种。本文是第三篇报道,共鉴定龙介虫科8属12种、螺旋虫科7属12种。其中有10种为我国首次记录(有*者系我国首次记录)。  相似文献   

海参纲动物的吐脏再生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着现代生命科学的迅猛发展,海参表现出的极强生命现象--再生,引起了生物学家的广泛兴趣、并被作为器官再生的模型来研究.当前,在我国迅速发展的刺参养殖业中,吐脏现象给养殖者造成了很大困惑.为了搞清刺参吐脏的原因、过程及影响因子,结合对中国北方养殖刺参的吐脏再生过程研究结果、参考国内外有关文献,综述了海参再生器官的细胞起源、迁移与增殖机理,以为刺参养殖提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Photographs of the deep-sea floor not infrequently show conspicuous spiral fecal trails, sometimes with an enteropneust hemichordate at the leading end. Here, we report on the dynamics of enteropneust trail production and disappearance at an abyssal station. A time-lapse camera deployed in the abyssal NE Pacific (Station M, 4100 m depth) photographed the same field of view at hourly intervals for 4 months in 2001–2002. Fortuitously, the final 10 days of the time-lapse sequence showed an enteropneust (of an undescribed species) abruptly appear in the field of view and spend 39 h foraging and producing a clockwise, four-whorl spiral fecal trail before ascending off the sea floor. The selection of the foraging site was not obviously influenced by previous biological or sedimentation processes observed in the time-lapse photographs over the 3-month period prior to the enteropneust arrival. After departure of the enteropneust, the fecal trail degraded rapidly over the remaining 8.5 days of the deployment. In an ancillary analysis of 52 camera sled transects over a 15-year period (1989–2004) at Station M, the photographs revealed that the same enteropneust species was present in small numbers through the 1990s but increased four-fold in abundance between 2002 and 2004. Similarly, the number and length of fecal trials increased over the same period. We were unsuccessful in collecting any of these enteropneusts in a semi-balloon trawl routinely towed behind the camera sled, presumably because of their fragility.  相似文献   

The concentration level of cadmium (Cd) and the regeneration related to phosphate (PO4) were examined at two stations (CM10, CM12) in the eastern Japan Basin in July 1998. The observed Cd concentrations were around 0.2–0.3 nM and 0.5–0.6 nM in the surface and deep layers (Japan Sea Proper Water; JSPW), respectively; the concentration of Cd in the JSPW was much lower than that in the Pacific deep water, which is attributed to its specific formation system (which driven by the winter convection of the surface layer within the Japan Sea, thereafter descending to the deep layer) connected with the relatively active vertical mixing in the Japan Sea. A plot of Cd against PO4 showed good linearity with positive y-intercept values, suggesting that the excess Cd was apparently not available in the biogeochemical cycle. The molecular ratios of consumed O2 to regenerated Cd and PO4 in the JSPW were 688,000, 140 and 881,000, 146 for CM10 and CM12, respectively, and a lower preformed Cd concentration (around 0.37 nM) was also estimated in the JSPW, different from that of the North Pacific deep water (613,000 for Cd, 170 for PO4, and 0.64 nM of preformed Cd).  相似文献   

对海盘车腕再生过程的研究,对于早日揭示棘皮动物等后口动物的再生机理具有重要意义。为了查清棘皮动物的再生方式及其机理,文中利用断腕创伤手术、组织化学和细胞化学技术对罗氏海盘车腕的再生过程进行了研究。连续跟踪研究结果表明,创伤8d后,在罗氏海盘车创伤腕的外表皮层和体腔上皮中均出现了干细胞原基样结构(blastema-like structure)。创伤腕的伤口愈合过程是1个多事件同期发生的综合过程,首先是真皮层中脱分化的肌肉样细胞向创伤处迁移和聚集,经再分化和组织重排逐渐形成成熟的真皮层组织,然后是外表皮层和体腔上皮中的脱分化细胞向创伤处迁移分别形成明显加厚的前表皮层和前体腔上皮,最后再分别分化为成熟的表皮层和体腔上皮。而海盘车腕的再生过程则包括新生腕芽的延长和残腕的延长2个事件同期发生的过程。新生腕芽的生长与延长是在创伤愈合的基础上,依靠表皮层、体腔上皮和真皮层来源的脱分化细胞的迁移和再分化先形成新生腕芽,随后在新生腕芽上又出现了新的干细胞原基样结构,使腕芽逐渐生长和延长。而创伤刺激下残腕的延长,则是在形成干细胞原基样结构的基础上,在残腔体壁的许多部位形成多个横跨体壁的“楔状”干细胞原基样结构,这些结构的多点插入及其再分化形成新的体壁组织使残腕得以延长。本文的研究结果还显示,罗氏海盘车腕的再生同时采用了表变态再生和变形再生2种方式。  相似文献   

例举了离子交换水处理工艺,讨论了逆流再生离子交换器的结构设计特点,并给出主要具体设备参数。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper is the follow-up study to a quantitative inventory of stony corals on a Maldivian reef after the bleaching event of 1998 [Loch, K., W. Loch, H. Schuhmacher & W. R. See, 2002; P.S.Z.N.: Marine Ecology, 23 (3): 219–236] covering the years 2001 and 2002, thereby extending the observation period from 1999 to 2002. Data collection was performed as previously in transects on the reef flat, Acropora tables at the reef rim, Porites lobata blocks and one Diploastrea heliopora colony. While between 2000 and 2001 the transects showed a noticeable increase of living scleractinian colonies of 6.1 per m2 of reef surface per year, this had slowed to 0.7 per m2 per year by 2002. Likewise, the colonisation of dead Acropora tables had changed from a yearly increase of 14.4 colonies per m2 of table surface between 2000 and 2001 to a decrease of 9.4 between 2001 and 2002. The main constituent of the regeneration in transects as well as on Acropora tables was Pavona (Agariciidae), whereas Pocilloporidae and Acroporidae were almost completely missing. A new immigrant was Tubastraea micranthus . Continuous growth of regenerates on Porites presented a columnar form, and the growth rate of D. heliopora was reduced between 2001 and 2002. The influence on reef ecology in terms of coral substrate, species differentiation, growth rate changes, interaction with other organisms and the overall prospect of the reef development on a longer timescale is outlined.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study of the enteropneust, Balanoglossus aurantiacus , in Bogue Sound, NC, provides information on the general structure and variability in geometry of its burrow, B. aurantiacus employs a funnel at the anterior end of its burrow to cave in surface sediments. It ingests, processes, then deposits these sediments back on the surface as fecal castings. Measurements made on resin casts of burrows and on photographs of surface features (burrow openings and funnels) revealed a new and consistent pattern of burrow construction. This pattern distinguishes B. aurantiacus burrows from those reported for other funnel feeders and enteropneusts (except, perhaps, for B. clavigerus). Laboratory and field observations revealed that, within its burrow, B. aurantiacus is elongated, can double-back on itself, and can use anterior burrow openings for subsequent fecal castings. Tests for significant changes in location of surface features gave estimates of how frequently individuals in aquaria and field populations abandon old burrow locations and construct new burrows. Field observations showed that B. aurantiacus will reopen a blocked burrow opening.  相似文献   

厦门港小型浮游生物对可溶性活性磷的吸收和再生通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用^32PO4^3-同位素稀释技术比较研究了厦门港3个站位4个季节表层浮游生物对可溶性活性磷吸收和再生通量。结果表明,SRP吸收和再生通量夏季最大,冬季最小;近河口的Ⅱ站SPR一最大且季节波动性大,位于港口外缘的1站SRP通量最小且季节波上;各站SRP通量变化的差异与其不同的理化环境有关。文中还研究探讨了浮游生物在不同季节、不同站位对SRP吸收和再生通量的变化特性及生态适应机制。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes the quantitative inventory of stony corals on a Maldivian reef after the bleaching event of 1998. The detailed data, collected in March 1999 and March 2000, comprise survival, new recruitment and regenerates. They were obtained in 6 transects laid out randomly on the reef flat, on 22 Acropora tables on 6 sites at the reef edge and on 39 Porites lobata blocks and 1 Diploastrea heliopora colony. The present cover of living zooxanthellate corals is reduced to ca. 2 – 5 % of its previous state. Acroporidae and Pocilloporidae were practically wiped out, while Poritidae survived partly and Agariciidae (esp. Pavona) are now the dominant group. New settlements on dead Acropora tables were mainly Agariciidae, followed by Acroporidae and Pocilloporidae. Regenerates on Porites were pronounced and the apparent yearly increase in mass was about threefold that of Diploastrea, which is 3 – 4 mm per year. The influence on reef ecology in terms of coral substrate and species, possible sources of larvae, change of guilds in reef builders, other species and the prospect for further development of the reef, with respect to growth versus erosion, is discussed.  相似文献   

Regeneration of silicate in the Japan Sea, an example of semi-closed sea, was studied. In the Japan Sea Proper Water the apparent regenerative ratio of the nutrients was determined to be:O C N P Si=–289 (116)14.3181.It was assumed that the dissolved silicate present in sea water is grouped into three fractions; 1)preformed silicate of conservative nature, 2)oxidative silicate which dissolves in oxidation process of organisms with consumption of oxygen, and 3)non-oxidative silicate which dissolves without oxygen consumption. The dissolution rate ofnon-oxidative silicate in the Japan Sea Proper Water was estimated to be 0.07g-at. Si/l/yr from the data ofAOU values and assumed rates of oxygen consumption. This dissolution rate ofnon-oxidative silicate agreed with that obtained in the deep Pacific by the vertical advection diffusion model byKido andNishimura (1972).  相似文献   

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