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Current data from three moored Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea at sites A (1-24.17°E, 34.82°N), B (122.82°E, 35.65°N) in summer 2001 and site C (120.85°E, 34.99°N) in summer 2003 were analyzed in this paper. Features of the tidal and residual currents were studied with rotary spectral and cross-spectral methods. Main achievements were as follows: 1) Tides dominated the currents. At sites A and B, the semidiurnal tidal current was basically homogeneous in the whole depth, taking a clockwise rotation at site A, and near-rectilinear counterclockwise rotation at site B; while the diurnal tidal current was strong and clockwise near the surface, but decreased and turned counterclockwise with depth; at site C, semidiurnal tidal current dominated and diurnal current took the second, both of which were counterclockwise and vertically homogeneous. Inertial motion contributed to the clockwise component of diurnal fluctuations; 2) The 3-5d fluctuation of residual current w  相似文献   

Tidal residual is very important to the transport of water particles, nutrients, plank-ton, etc. in the coastal sea. Eulerian scheme and Lagrangian scheme are two different ways to get the time averaged residual. Solution of the Bohai Sea‘s hydrodynamic system using a semi-implicit layer aver-aged numerical model yielded different direction Eulerian and Lagrangian tidal residuals. The latter were stronger than the former in most sea areas. Their different directions produced different ciretdation pattern in some areas. Compared with the Eulerian residual, the Lagranglan residual seemed to be more in accord with the observation.  相似文献   

Numerical Study on Density Residual Currents of the Bohai Sea in Summer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M2 tide and density residual currents in the Bohai Sea were examined using the Blumberg and Mellor 3D nonlinear numerical coastal circulation model incorporating,Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 turbulent closure model.The tidal results showed good agreement with previous work.The model results indicated that the density residual currents are robust in summer;and that at the transition zone between well-mixed and stratified water,the horizontal velocity is high and the vertical velocity is positive.  相似文献   

Long term current observations in the southern Yellow Sea are very scarce because of the intense fishing and trawling activities. Most of the previous studies on tides and circulation were not rigorously validated with direct current measurements. In this study, tidal and sub-tidal currents were examined using current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in the summers of 2001 and 2003. The measured current time series were dominated by tidal currents. The maximum velocities were between 40-80 cm s^-1 at the mooring stations. The M2 current was the dominant primary tidal constituent, while the MS4 and M4 components produced the most significant shallow water tidal currents with much weaker amplitudes. The measured mean sub-tidal velocities were less than 5 cmsl. The mean flows in the lower layer implied that an anti-cyclonic circulation pattern might exist in the deeper central Yellow Sea. However, the previously expected cyclonic circulation pattern in the upper layer was not clearly shown by the observations.  相似文献   

The action of the wind field and the influence of topography can cause divergence or convergence of surface current. The existence of the divergence-convergence effect is proved and the dynamical significance of the divergent or convergent state and its link with many marine phenomena are pointed out. Divergence fields of surface current in the Bohai Sea in winter and summer are obtained by numerical modelling describing the divergence-convergence character of seasonally wind-driven current. The relation between the effect and seasonal marine phenomena is discussed. Study on the divergence-convergence effect of surface current (DCESC)can be an indirect method for testing the calculated results.  相似文献   

The propagation and fission process of internal solitary waves (ISWs) with amplitudes of about 170 m are simulated in the northeast of the South China Sea (NSCS) by using the generalized Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation under continuous stratification. More attention is paid to the effects of the ebb and flood background currents on the fission process of ISWs. This kind of background current is provided by the composed results simulated in terms of monthly mean baroclinic circulation and barotropic tidal current. It is found that the obtained relation of the number of fission solitons to the water depth and stratification is roughly in accordance with the fission law derived by Djordjevic and Redekopp in 1978; however, there exists obvious difference between the effects of the ebb and flood background currents on the wave-lengths of fission solitons (defined as the distance between two neighboring peaks of ISWs). The difference in nonlinearity coefficient α between the ebb and flood background currents is a main cause for the different wave-lengths of fission solitons.  相似文献   

The available data on tidal currents spanning periods greater than six months for the continental shelf of the East China Sea (26°30.052′N, 122°35.998′E) were analyzed using several methods. Tidal Current Harmonic Analysis results demonstrated that semi-diurnal tides dominated the current movement. The tidal currents of the principal diurnal and semidiurnal rotated clockwise with depth, with the deflection of the major semi-axes to the right in the upper layer and to the left in the lower layer. The vertical structures of two principal semi-diurnal constituents-M2 and S2-were similar, which indicates that the tidal currents are mainly barotropic in this area. The main features of the variation of the four principal tidal constituents with depth demonstrate that the currents in this region are influenced by the upper and lower boundary layers. Therefore, the tidal constituents of the shallow water are similar. Different vertical modes were calculated based on the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the Eastern and Northern components of the tidal currents, with a variance contribution for the zero-order model of at least 90%. The variance contribution of the baroclinic model is minimal, which further reveals a strong barotropic character for the tidal currents of this region.  相似文献   

利用黄河泥沙围出“渤海湖”的初步设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是一个关于将渤海变成淡水湖的水利工程的构想。让黄河的大量泥沙通过人工导流的方式沿莱州湾南岸与渤海海峡沉积延伸,产生的陆地将渤海封闭并逐渐形成淡水湖。这一工程将陆地连接山东半岛与辽东半岛,并为华北提供巨大淡水库,具有显著的经济、生态效益。具体实施上,可通过两道渔网式围栏促使黄河泥沙定点沉积并阻挡浪潮侵蚀,通过加强汛期水量增加黄河口泥沙。  相似文献   

低碳经济是世界经济发展的总趋势。当前,环渤海地区海洋低碳经济面临着制度建设缺位、产业结构失衡、科技研发困难等三大突出问题。为此,该地区海洋低碳经济的发展必须从完善制度法规、统筹产业规划、提升技术实力等三个方面夯实发展基础,从而为我国发展低碳海洋经济提供不同的发展路径。  相似文献   

Species and distribution of inorganic selenium in the Bohai Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Selenium is a ubiquitous trace element that ex- ists in multiple chemical forms in seawater in dif- ferent oxidation states and organic metalloid com- pounds. Selenium is essential for the growth of various photosynthetic species in natural…  相似文献   

Distribution, variation and impact factors of biomass of bacterioplankton from April to May 1999 in Bohai Sea were studied in DAPI method with epifluorescence microscopy. The biomass in surface waters showed a small day-night variation, varying from 0.13 to 2.51μg/dm^3 with an average of 0.84μg/dm^3. The biomass in bottom waters showed, however, a large variation, changing from 0.15 to 4.18μg/dm^3 with an average of 1.36μg/dm^3. The peak values occurred at 5 and 11 a.m. The bottom water biomass showed a significant correlation with particulate organic carbon (r=0.639, P〈0.05). Heterotrophic bacterioplankton biomass was high in nearshore waters and low in offshore areas with a high biomass zone around Huanghe (Yellow) River mouth, showing the same distribution of nutrients. In vertical distribution, heterotrophic bacteria biomass in bottom waters was higher than that in surface water.  相似文献   

Three- dimension (3-D) wind-driven currents in the Bohai Sea in both winter and summer are calculated by using a 3- D barotropic steady model, and the results are consistent with observed flow char -acteristics. Based on the results, 3- D characteristics of flow, currents at different depths, compensated flow in the lower layer , long and narrow alongshore current, the area of upwelling and downwelling, main circulation in vertical profile, and the current in Bohai Strait are discussed.  相似文献   

The ciliate community in the Bohai Sea (China) was studied from 23 September to 7 October 1998. A hurricane struck the study area between the two grid station investigations, which were six days apart. Six tintinnid species ( Favella panamensis, Leptotintinnus nordqvisti, Tintinnopsis but-schlii, T. karajacensis , T. Radix and Wangiella dicollaria ) were identified. Total cililate abundance in the surface layer ranged from 20 to 770 ind/l. In the first grid investigation, Tintinnopsis karajacensis dominated in the warm, low salinity waters at the Huanghe River mouth. Aloricate ciliate sp. 1 dominated in the cold, high salinity waters in the northwest of the study area and the Bohai Strait. In the second grid investigation, T. Karajacensis almost disappeared. The abundance of aloricate ciliate sp. 1 decreased drastically. The aloricate ciliate sp. 2 dominated at the Bohai Strait. The change of ciliate abundance may be due to the disturbance of hurricane.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in 120 stations in the Bohai Sea of China to analyze the distribution of dissolved nutrients and assess the degree of eutrophication in August 2002. The result shows that the average concentration of DIN increased and the PO4-P concentration sharply decreased compared to the previous data of corresponding period. The high concentrations of DIN and PO4-P occurred in coastal waters, especially in the bays and some river estuaries, while the high concentrations of SiO3-Si in the surface and middle depth occurred in the central area of the Bohai Sea. The average ratio of DIN/ PO4-P was much higher than the Redfield Ratio (16:1). Apparently, PO4-P was one of the limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growing in the sea. The average concentrations of DON and DOP were higher than their inorganic forms. The results of eutrophication assessment show that 22.1% of all stations were classified as violating the concentration levels of the National Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3097-1997) for DIN and only 3.9% for PO4-P. The average eutrophication index in the overall area was 0.21±0.22 and the high values occurred in Bohai Bay, Liaodong Bay and near the Yellow River estuary. This means that the state of eutrophication was generally mesotrophic in the Bohai Sea, but relatively worse in the bays, especially some river estuaries.  相似文献   

Seasonal cycle is the most significant signals of topography and circulation in the Bohai Sea (BS)and Yellow Sea (YS) forced by prevailing monsoon and is still poorly understood due to lack of data in their interiors. In the present study, seasonal cycles of topography in the BS and YS and its relationship with atmospheric forcing and oceanic adjustment were examined and discussed using TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-I/2 Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) data. Analyses revealed complicated seasonal cycles of topography composed mainly of 2 REOF modes, the winter-summer mode (WlM) and spring-autumn mode (SAM). The WlM with action center in the BS displayed peak and southward pressure gradient in July, and valley and northward pressure gradient in January, which is obviously the direct response to monsoon with about l-month response time. The SAM with action center in the western south YS displayed peak and northward pressure gradient in October and valley and southward pressure gradient in April. After the mature period of monsoon, the action center in the BS becam eweakened while that in the western south YS became strengthened because of regional convergence or divergence induced by seasonal variations of the Taiwan Warm Current and Yellow Sea Coastal Current. The direct response of topography to monsoon resulted in the WIM, while oceanic adjustment of topography played an important role in the forming of the SAM.  相似文献   

The Huanghe (Yellow) River, with annual sediment discharge about 11 ×108tons, contributes about 17% of the fluvial sediment discharge of world's 21 major rivers to the ocean because its middle reaches flow across the great Loess Plateau of China. Sediment discharge of the Huanghe River has a widespread and profound effect on sedimentation of the sea. The remarkable shift of its outlet in 1128-1855 A.D. to the South Yellow Sea formed a large subaqueous delta and provided the substrate for an extensive submarine ridge field.The shift of its outlet in the modern delta every 10 years is the main reason why with an extremely heavy sediment input and a micro- tidal environment, the Huanghe River has not succeeded in building a birdfoot delta like the Mississippi. The Huanghe River has consistently brought heavy sediment input to sea at least since 0.7 myr.B.P. Paleochannels, paleosols, cheniers and fossils on the sea bottom indicate that the Yellow Sea was exposed during the late Quaternary glacial low-sea l  相似文献   

Flat thin ice (<30 cm thick) is a common ice type in the Bohai Sea, China. Ice thickness detection is important to offshore exploration and marine transport in winter. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can be used to acquire sea ice data in all weather conditions, and it is a useful tool for monitoring sea ice conditions. In this paper, we combine a multi-layered sea ice electromagnetic (EM) scattering model with a sea ice thermodynamic model to assess the determination of the thickness of flat thin ice in the Bohai Sea using SAR at different frequencies, polarization, and incidence angles. Our modeling studies suggest that co-polarization backscattering coefficients and the co-polarized ratio can be used to retrieve the thickness of flat thin ice from C- and X-band SAR, while the co-polarized correlation coefficient can be used to retrieve flat thin ice thickness from L-, C-, and X-band SAR. Importantly, small or moderate incidence angles should be chosen to avoid the effect of speckle noise.  相似文献   

Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.  相似文献   

The whole metazoan community inhabiting Laizhou Bay and adjacent Bohai Sea waters were sampled in late autumn,2006.Secondary production estimates for macrofauna and meiofauna were made separately.Total benthic secondary production was as high as 8.38 ± 4.08 g ash-free dry weight(AFDW) m-2 a-1,which represented the autumn production level.In general,macrofaunal secondary production in Laizhou Bay was much lower than that in adjacent Bohai Sea areas.In contrast,meiofaunal secondary production in Laizhou Bay was higher than that in adjacent Bohai Sea areas.Macrofauna contributed 61% to benthic secondary production(5.09 ± 3.26 g AFDW m-2 a-1),lower than the value in previous studies in Bohai Sea.Sediment granulometric characteristics and bottom-water salinity could explain the substantial variability in the macrofauna biomass and production.Meiofaunal production was an important component of benthic production and exceeded macrofauna production under exceptional conditions,e.g.in Laizhou Bay,where macrofauna was restricted.Chlorophyll pigments(Chl-a) concentrations in sediment explained the general meiofaunal biomass and production distribution here.  相似文献   

Benthic nutrient recycling in shallow coastal waters of the Bohai Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sediment-water fluxes of N and P species in the Bohai Sea were investigated in September-October 1998 and April-May 1999. The benthic fluxes of nutrient species were determined by incubating sediment core samples with bottom seawater bubbled with air or nitrogen. NO^-2,NH4, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and phosphorus (TDP), and PO4^3- showed a net exchange flux from seawater to sediment, while NO^-3, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and SiO3^2- were released from sediment to seawater in the Bohai Sea. Sediment-water nutrient exchange increases DIN and reduces the phosphorus load in the Bohai Sea. The release of silicate from sediment to overlying seawater reduces potential silicate limitation of primary production resulted from decrease of riverine discharge.The exchange flux of nutrients showed no obvious seasonal variation. The present study showed that the concentrations and composition of nutrients in the water column were affected by suspended sediment, and that not all the exchangeable phosphate in sediment could be released via sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

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