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在随机海浪条件下,基于修正的四阶非线性薛定谔方程(m NLS)能够有效地模拟畸形波的非线性演化,文中利用小波变换对演化过程进行分析,并对时频谱特征参数(能量集中区域在时域和频域的分布范围)以及能量集中度进行了定量描述,结果表明,当畸形波出现时,能量可以由低频向高频扩散且能量集中度相对较大。  相似文献   

Hilbert Transform Applied to Separation of Waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUN  Hequan 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(2):239-248
The analytical method (AM) for separation of composite waves is presented based on the Hilbert transform. It is ap-plicable to both regular and irregular trains of waves. The wave data series measured with two wave gauges in the experi-ments are separated into two series of incident and reflected waves. Then, the reflection coefficient can be easily ob-tained. The arrival of reflected waves can also be detected for improvement of the accuracy of the reflection coefficient.The reflection performance of the physical model can be estimated exactly without calculation of wave height and phasedifference. Numerical samples developed to test the method are proved to be accurate. Physical experiments are conduct-ed and compared with Goda‘s method and satisfactory results are obtained.  相似文献   

利用多进制小波包变换进行遥感影像融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从二维小波变换理论出发,对其在图像处理方面的应用进行了一些分析,提出了一种基于多进制小波包变换的融合方法,并通过实验数据表明该方法的正确性,而且比传统的二进制小波、多进制小波以及二进制小波包等小波融合方法具有更强的自适应能力。  相似文献   

本文概述了应用子波变换对悬浮物测量中的声散射信号进行处理的方法,利用子波变换对信号进行多尺度分解,降低噪声影响,提高信噪比,并对声散射信号降低噪声影响和提高悬浮物测量精度的研究进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Fourier transform (FT) is a commonly used method in spectral analysis of ocean wave and offshore structure responses,but it is not suitable for records of short length.In this paper another method,wavelet transform (WT),is applied to analyze the data of short length.The Morlet wavelet is employed to calculate the spectral density functions for wave records and simulated Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels' responses.Computed wave data include simulated wave data based on JONSWAP spectr...  相似文献   

基于边缘检测的小波阈值图像去噪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小波图像去噪是小波应用较成功的一个方面,其中小波阈值法图像去噪算法简单、计算量小,得到了广泛的应用。在小波阈值去噪的基础上,提出了基于边缘检测的小波阈值图像去噪算法,把高频中的边缘细节与噪声更好地分离开,在主观和客观上去噪效果都比单纯的阈值去噪有所改进。  相似文献   

利用海岸带遥感图像提取岸线的小波变换方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小波变换作为一门新兴的数学分支已被广泛应用于图像处理领域。本文将小波变换应用于黄河三角洲遥感图像的边缘提取 ,检测出图像的边缘 ,从而得到了三角洲岸线信息。实验结果表明基于小波变换的图像边缘提取要优于经典边缘算子的提取。此方法对于把握河口三角洲的冲淤演变规律和海岸带开发具有重要意义  相似文献   

海底影像存在着对比度低、噪声污染严重、图像质量差等问题,采用传统算子的海底管线边缘图像中含有大量的无用和断裂边缘信息。文中将多尺度边缘检测和匹配跟踪相结合,提出利用平稳小波变换的海底管线边缘检测方法;在提取边缘的同时利用匹配跟踪手段对噪声干扰进行抑制,提高图像目标边缘检测质量。通过对海底管线和测试图像边缘检测实验表明,文中所提出的方法在抑制图像噪声的干扰、提高水下目标边缘完整性方面明显优于传统的边缘提取算子,证明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionInthe whole service period of the platforms ,some damage is unavoidable due to the corrosion,impact ,fatigue and so on.The damage whould cause the structures’ultimate capacity and safety de-crease .Presently,it is generally acceptedthat the detection of damage involes considerable statisticaluncertainties,thus lot of efforts is made for the damage probalility model ,for example Song and Lu(1996) usedthefuzzy-settheoryto estimatethe humanerrorsthroughthe definitionof inspection…  相似文献   

基于小波变换的声纳图像边缘特征检测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
声纳图像的边缘特征检测是其目标识别技术的重要技术基础。声纳图像背景复杂、噪声污染严重,而传统的边缘检测方法对图像噪声非常敏感,所以针对这一特点,利用小波变换易于消除噪声、运算方便的数学特征,提出了一种基于小波变换的声纳图像边缘特征检测算法。由计算机仿真结果可以得到,与传统的边缘检测算法相比,此算法在有效地抑制噪声的同时,还可以得到较高的边缘定位精度,能够很好地检测到原始声纳图像的边缘。  相似文献   

当结构物产生损伤时,结构的动力特性会发生变化,从而引起结构振动响应产生相应的变化。小波变换是奇异性信号的良好检测工具,可以用于识别结构损伤的发生。建立了某海洋平台有限元模型,得到了随机海浪作用下不同损伤工况的结构振动响应。基于小波变换损伤检测,针对不同类型杆件损伤、不同位置杆件损伤、不同程度的噪声污染以及不同方向振动响应信号情况下,分别研究了海洋平台结构的损伤检测问题,得到了一些有用的结论。  相似文献   

小波变换突破了传统Fourier变换等信号处理方法均限制,具有表征信号局部特征的能力,信号的局部奇异性包含了信号的许多重要信息,论文研究了信号的奇异性检测问题。给出小波变换和信号奇异性的关系,实现小波分析对信号各类奇异间断点的有效检测,最后进行实例分析,说明此理论与方法适用于对边缘信号与突变信号的处理和提取,为海底底质识别提供理论依据。  相似文献   

小波变换在分析非平稳信号方面较傅立叶变换更有效,为了检测出海洋平台结构中裂缝或因刚度降低引起的损伤,对海洋平台的响应信号进行离散小波变换,通过分析变换后的信号是否有突变现象判断结构是否出现损伤,并结合模态应变能法实现了对结构损伤的定位,探讨了传感器位置对识别效果的影响。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于双树复数小波变换的特征点数字水印算法。对图像做三级双树复数小波变换,用F rstner算子提取图像低频子带中的特征点,根据复数小波变换的系数特点,通过修改相应的高频系数来实现水印信息的调制嵌入,提取水印信息的同时能够近无损恢复原始载体图像。算法兼顾了水印的鲁棒性和不可见性,能够有效抵抗剪切、平移、旋转等几何攻击,对线性拉伸、低通滤波等攻击也具有一定的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

海浪组成波之间的三阶非线性相互作用产生的高次谐波,不仅改变了波面的外观形状,而且使得高频域不再满足通常的线性频散关系,当f>1.7fp时,频散关系应修改为ω2=2gk。用最大似然法(MLM)分析方向分布的结果表明:在二倍峰频附近,方向分布再次变窄,且能量在方向上的集中程度与海浪的成长状态有关,得到的高频方向分布跟Caudal和Hauser(1996)的微波遥感结果定性一致。  相似文献   

基于现有地磁日变理论和改正方法,对国际公开地磁静日变数据进行傅里叶变换和一维连续小波变换综合分析,判断大于0.2 Hz频段为磁扰变化场在频域的体现,并利用一维离散小波变换将数据分离,完善了已有的地磁静日变改正方法。根据日变数据特征和一维离散小波分解特性,选定sym8小波作为基本小波对数据进行7尺度分解,将日变数据中长期变化和短期变化与磁扰部分在保证保真度条件下有效分离,并与傅里叶级数分解和低通滤波处理效果作对比验证,结果显示一维离散小波变换处理效果更佳。日变数据中短、长期变化与磁扰两部分数据的有效分离并分别改正可提高海洋地磁测量日变改正质量,降低海洋地磁数据处理过程中误差累积程度,提高了现行日变改正方法的科学性、准确性。  相似文献   

Long Waves Associated with Bichromatic Waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A numerical model of low frequency waves is presented. The model is based on that of Roelvink (1993), but the nu-merical techniques used in the solution are based on the so-called Weighted-Average Flux (WAF) method with Time-Operator-Splitting (TOS) used for the treatment of the source terms. This method allows a small number of computational points to be used, and is particularly efficient in modeling wave setup. The short wave (or primary wave) energy equation is solved with a traditional Lax-Wendroff technique. A nonlinear wave theory is introduced. The model described in this paper is found to be satisfactory in modeling low frequency waves associated with incident bichromalic waves.  相似文献   

针对侧扫声纳呯信号中的斑点噪声问题,采用一维离散小波变换对信号在各尺度分解,采用非极大值抑制技术平滑信号,并对各层小波系数模极大值进行阈值化处理抑制噪声,讨论了不同阈值对去噪效果的影响。结果表明,尺度因子和阈值的选择对原数据能量保持影响不大,但对噪声抑制效果影响大。文中算例均能较好地保持边缘,边缘保持指数均在0.5以上。  相似文献   

It is well known that energy spectrum bandwidth should be able to reflect the degree of energyconcentration.However.the commonly used bandwidth factors defined by Longuet-Higgins could not fitthe concept satisfactorily.A new kind of spectrum bandwidth scale factor with a clear physical meaning isgiven in the present paper and a constant is obtained which reveals the intrinsic characteristics of seawaves.Thereby a universal relationship between significant wave height of sea waves and spectrumbandwidth is established.  相似文献   

The analytical method (AM) for separation of composite waves is presented based on the Hilbert transform. It is ap-plicable to both regular and irregular trains of waves. The wave data series measured with two wave gauges in the experi-ments are separated into two series of incident and reflected waves. Then, the reflection coefficient can be easily ob-tained. The arrival of reflected waves can also be detected for improveraent of the accuracy of the reflection coefficient. The reflection performance of the physical model can be estimated exactly without calculation of wave height and phase difference. Numerical samples developed to test the method are proved to be accurate. Physical experiments are conduct-ed and compared with Goda s method and satisfactory results are obtained.  相似文献   

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